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Annexure 1Types ofAssessmenttools/techniquesAdvantagesCaution for teachersSuggestions forimplementation• The child becomesan activeparticipant in thelearning andassessmentprocess.• Careful structuringof portfoliomaterialaccompanied by areflective account.• Clear labelling andnumbering ofcontent for easyreference.Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation5. ProjectsThese areundertaken over aperiod of time andgenerally involvecollection andanalysis of data.Projects are usefulin theme-basedlearning.• Provideopportunities toexplore, work withone’s hands,observe, collectdata, analyze,organize andinterpret data anddrawgeneralizations.• Provides anopportunity towork in groups andin real lifesituations.• Helps develop apositive attitudetowards groupwork, sharing andlearning from eachother.• The nature anddifficulty level ofthe projects shouldbe such thatstudents can do itby themselves.• Materials to beused for the projectshould be availablein the school,neighbourhood orhome setting.These should notput a financialburden on theparents.• Each school couldgo in for aResource Centre,which would havelocally availablematerials.• Project topicsshould be decided/chosen, plannedand conducted bystudents largelywith the teacheracting as a guide.• Encouragementshould be given togroup projects.These will enablestudents to worktogether, shareexperiences andlearn from eachother.• Projects keepgiving students anopportunity toexplore, investigateand work ingroups.• Children can beencouraged forjudicious use ofmaterials and keepthem back afteruse.104

Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationManual for TeachersAnnexure 1Types ofAssessmenttools/techniquesAdvantagesCaution for teachersSuggestions forimplementation6. Rating ScalesThese can be usedto record the qualityof a student’s workand then judge thequality againstspecified criteria.Holistic ratingscales require asingle, overallassessment of apiece of work.• Various aspects ofdevelopment canbe assessed.• Can be used toassess individualsas well as groups.• Assessments canbe made duringvarying timeperiods and indifferentenvironmentsettings.• Evidence of thechild’sperformance/knowledge isbased on ‘on-thespot’record.• Over time, detailedobservations ofbehaviour as wellas interests,challenges,patterns/trendsemerge whichallow teachers tohave acomprehensivepicture/view of thechild.• Avoid inferences/interpretations ofgiving judgements.Concentrate ontaking down whatis seen.• The skill of theobserver maydetermine what isobserved.• Be sensitive andunobtrusive in theway theobservation isdone. This does notnecessarily meanbeing at a distance.• Make theobservations over aperiod of time, andacross differentactivities andsettings.• Record details thatnot only describethe actions butreveal how a child‘feels’ about whatshe/he is doing.• Also suggestcorrectivemeasures.• Comments can benoted in‘parentheses’based on whichprocesses can beinferred at a laterpoint of time.105

Annexure 1Types ofAssessmenttools/techniquesAdvantagesCaution for teachersSuggestions forimplementation• The child becomesan activeparticipant in thelearning andassessmentprocess.• Careful structuringof portfoliomaterialaccompanied by areflective account.• Clear labelling andnumbering ofcontent for easyreference.Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation5. ProjectsThese areundertaken over aperiod of time andgenerally involvecollection andanalysis of data.Projects are usefulin theme-basedlearning.• Provideopportunities toexplore, work withone’s hands,observe, collectdata, analyze,organize andinterpret data anddrawgeneralizations.• Provides anopportunity towork in groups andin real lifesituations.• Helps develop apositive attitudetowards groupwork, sharing andlearning from eachother.• The nature anddifficulty level ofthe projects shouldbe such thatstudents can do itby themselves.• Materials to beused for the projectshould be availablein the school,neighbourhood orhome setting.These should notput a financialburden on theparents.• Each school couldgo in for aResource Centre,which would havelocally availablematerials.• Project topicsshould be decided/chosen, plannedand conducted bystudents largelywith the teacheracting as a guide.• Encouragementshould be given togroup projects.These will enablestudents to worktogether, shareexperiences andlearn from eachother.• Projects keepgiving students anopportunity toexplore, investigateand work ingroups.• Children can beencouraged forjudicious use ofmaterials and keepthem back afteruse.104

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