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Tools and Techniques of Evaluation7. Document AnalysisRecord or document analysis is extensively used in research. Thesignificance of this technique is with regard to assessment of students onthe basis of documents, e.g. assignments, projects, journals in science,geography, etc. In a way, this technique is also used to evaluate answersto essay type questions. The assessor, here, searches and identifies themain points, arguments, illustrations and examples, derivations andnumerals to justify the concept and its explanation, etc.8. PortfolioIt is the collection of evidences of students’ work over a period of time.It could be day-to-day work or selection of the learner’s best piece ofwork. Painters and commercial artists often use Portfolios to demonstratetheir skills and quality work before the selection committees.Advantages of PortfolioContinuous and Comprehensive Evaluation• Provides a cumulative record of growth and development of a skillor competence in an area over a period of time.• Enables a student to demonstrate to others, his/her learning andprogress.• Student becomes an active participant in the learning andassessment process.Concern regarding Portfolio• Selected work to be put into the Portfolio, should have a specificreason.• Not all papers/items of work are to be included. This will becomeunmanageable.Suggestions for implementation of Portfolio• Student should be encouraged to participate in selection of Portfoliocontents as well as in developing the criteria for selection of thecontents.88

Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationManual for Teachers• Continuous updating of the Portfolio as the child grows.• Careful structuring of Portfolio material accompanied by a reflectiveaccount.• Clear labelling and numbering of content for easy reference.Portfolio can include• Photographs: Provides an insight into the child’s emotional,social and psychological aspects of development• Paintings and other examples of artistic endeavour: Providesevidence of a learner’s abilities, thoughts and attitudes• Audio-Video Recordings: Specific situation or over a time spanto cover important processes and aspects that can be recordedand analyzed later• Self Assessment Sheets: Portfolio to provide evidence of thelearner’s self evaluation• Peer Assessment Sheets: Excellent for assessing in team andgroup based activities, social projects and peer related behaviour.Can be incorporated into the learner’s Portfolio to provideevidence of the learner’s social Life skills• Parent Assessment Sheets: Can be incorporated into the learner’sPortfolio to provide evidence of evaluation done by the parent9. Quizzes, CompetitionsQuizzes and competitions are quite commonplace activities today inelectronic media, TV in particular. This kind of assessment usually turnsout to be joyful. Besides testing the knowledge of the participants, ithelps in building collaboration and team work in group events.89

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation<strong>Manual</strong> for Teachers• Continuous updating of the Portfolio as the child grows.• Careful structuring of Portfolio material accompanied by a reflectiveaccount.• Clear labelling and numbering of content for easy reference.Portfolio can include• Photographs: Provides an insight into the child’s emotional,social and psychological aspects of development• Paintings and other examples of artistic endeavour: Providesevidence of a learner’s abilities, thoughts and attitudes• Audio-Video Recordings: Specific situation or over a time spanto cover important processes and aspects that can be recordedand analyzed later• Self Assessment Sheets: Portfolio to provide evidence of thelearner’s self evaluation• Peer Assessment Sheets: Excellent for assessing in team andgroup based activities, social projects and peer related behaviour.Can be incorporated into the learner’s Portfolio to provideevidence of the learner’s social Life skills• Parent Assessment Sheets: Can be incorporated into the learner’sPortfolio to provide evidence of evaluation done by the parent9. Quizzes, CompetitionsQuizzes and competitions are quite commonplace activities today inelectronic media, TV in particular. This kind of assessment usually turnsout to be joyful. Besides testing the knowledge of the participants, ithelps in building collaboration and team work in group events.89

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