division one - Victorian Amateur Football Association

division one - Victorian Amateur Football Association division one - Victorian Amateur Football Association


DIVISION 3Nick WynneREAL ESTATEWhat you want is just outside your reach, you keepon searchin’. You’re walking down that Pensacolabeach, you keep repeatin’. While you’re waiting forthat sound, apparatus to the ground, you’re stealing,from the lost and found, but what you find, ain’twhat you had in mind. Until you find your Rolex inthe sand, you won’t be stopping, until that solid goldis in your hand, you won’t be happy.While my opening prose may be more about abeach comer than a footballer, I can relate. It’s coldand dark outside, and while the wind continuesto slide, so does the search for that elusivepremiership, that Rolex in the sand.Yarra Valley took another step forward in theirpremiership aspirations, when they easilyaccounted for a disappointing Ivanhoe. It’s fairto say if you ventured to this fixture in the hopeof seeing a quality encounter and getting thatfeeling of satisfaction from a quality output, youwould have been underwhelmed by the gamethat transpired. Much like the feeling you getwhen you finish skimming over one of Smokey’scolumns, hoping for something of note. Actuallyit’s not really like that at all, because you becomeaccustomed to not expecting much from thosepages. I guess one thing’s for certain; he definitelyis the ‘Real Deal’. Anyway, Ant Russell and CherryPollard were terrific in their 150th and 50 th gamerespectively, while Batman and Robin (SteveDonald and Chris Hodgens), all innuendos aside,were having a good old time up forward. Ivanhoewere never really in it. Disappointing, because Iexpected more from this game, alas it’s not as ifI choose, to be saddled by these fake blues andYarra Valley are looking so very scrumptious at themoment.Power House were again battling well above theirweight, when they took on UHS-VU at home.Power House managed to go toe to toe withthe visitors for most of the day, but fell at thefinal hurdle. The House will be rueing their finalquarter fade out, as Uni High managed to stagea three goal to one final term to come away withthe Budweiser, sprites, and I can assure you, theywere feeling alright. The House may have takena leaf out of Yarra Valley’s style of play, all outattack, unfortunately it’s not working. Apparentlyimitation is the highest form of flattery, but whenthe imitation is worse than a “Rolllex” watch froma Bali street stall, there’s nothing flattering aboutit. The great Hum could learn a lot from theaforementioned sentence.Hey Green River what can I do? If it’s alright I’ll walknext to you. Sit in the shade of your shady trees, don’tyou know these days, I’m not hard to please. GreenRiver of course being Old Westbourne, have notwon a game in some time. Considering I pickedthem to be one of the contenders this year, it isdevastating to see them struggling. While I amnot embarrassed to sit with them just yet, onecan only suffer the ribbing for so long. This weekit was Aquinas who inflicted the pain. The Bloodswere marvellous from the opening bounce; nextminute they were up by 44 points at the change ofends. It was smooth sailing from there.It was a fascinating game of two contrastinghalves between St Francis and Richmond. In thefirst quarter Richmond held their own into theslight breeze and then kicked five to two in thesecond, and had the run of the play. I can’t be surewhat was said in the Xmen rooms at half time,but I can be sure whatever it was, it will be usedagain, because after the half time break it was allSt Francis. They used the wind to their advantagein the third, and were classy enough to finish thegame in the last, with some great team goals.Their reward is a spot in the top five, outstanding.The Grizzly Bears have had a great two weeks,and on Saturday were able to knock off the everTODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDRichmond Central v AquinasUHS-VU v IvanhoeYarra Valley v Old WestbourneHawthorn v St Francis XavierElsternwick v Power HouseAlbert Park v Kew8 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012SPORTS INJURY CASUALTY - 316 Malvern Road, Prahran

competitive Elsternwick, with ease. The Wickswere put under the knife early in the game andnever recovered. Wristy Brazzale bagged anotherfour and The Chad was BOG. Earlier in the yearKew seemed to be waiting for others to step up,but lately they have really been grinding out somevintage team performances. All looks well forSeptember, doesn’t it?After one of the worst weeks a football club couldpossibly have, the Hawks managed to hold off a fastfinishing Falcons outfit by five points. After a tightopening half the Hawks managed to skip awayto a 26 point lead at three quarter time, thanksto the likes of Ricky Barkla and David Tremewen.Albert Park staged a colossal comeback in thelast, but could not elevate enough to defeat theHawks. The win does not guarantee safety, with a16 July VAFA Board decision pending on whetherHawthorn will be relegated regardless where theyfinish this year.This week: Ivanhoe will rock the zoo and UHS-VU,Yarra Valley to give Old Westbourne a drumming,Elsternwick should have enough suburban dogin them to beat Power House, Aquinas will lapRichmond, The Grizzlies will maul the Falcons andthe Hawks won’t be good enough to go with theXers.DIVISION THREE LAST ROUND DIVISION THREE RESERVEAquinas 7.2, 9.6, 12.8, 17.10 (112)Old Westbourne 0.0, 1.3, 1.8, 7.9 (51)GOALS, Aquinas: S. Williams 8, P. Jurkovsky 3, M. Cull 1, N. Morrison-Storey 1, C. Cormack1, N. Gemes 1, J. Perrett 1, L. Toomey 1Old Westbourne: H. Tunnicliffe 1, F. Pavez 1, J. Nikola 1, P. Morris 1, J. Stephens 1, S. Kidd1, H. Iannacone 1BEST, Aquinas: S. Williams, B. Burke, L. Barnes, R. Foster, P. Jurkovsky, A. Guthrie OldWestbourne: F. Pavez, S. Ryan, S. Kidd, B. Merryweather, S. Morrissey, P. MorrisUHS-VU 4.3, 5.4, 11.7, 14.8 (92)Power House 2.1, 8.3, 9.4, 10.6 (66)GOALS, UHS-VU: R. Kirk 5, T. O’Halloran 2, R. Watts 1, C. Kelly 1, N. Rowland 1, E. Pearson1, G. Guest 1, T. Stephens 1, D. Barlow 1 Power House: L. Johnston 4, L. Stubbs 3, L.Nevett 1, A. Ghaddab 1, A. Collett 1BEST, UHS-VU: C. Kelly, D. Barlow, T. Stephens, E. Clarke, G. Smallman, M. Assouad PowerHouse: L. Stubbs, A. Collett, J. Brennan, L. Johnston, R. Hobson, D. BakerYarra Valley 3.3, 5.9, 10.11, 14.15 (99)Ivanhoe 1.4, 3.7, 5.9, 6.11 (47)GOALS, Yarra Valley: R. Yeo 4, C. Hodgens 3, S. Yeo 2, S. Savage 2, S. Donald 1, R. Little 1,R. Pollard 1 Ivanhoe: A. Close 3, Z. Mowat 2, P. Walter 1BEST, Yarra Valley: D. Ricketts, S. Collie, S. Donald, C. Beal, D. Pagan, D. LetsonIvanhoe: J. Delbridge, M. Pilla, A. Close, Z. Mowat, G. Francis, R. FortHawthorn 4.3, 5.4, 11.10, 11.13 (79)Albert Park 3.6, 5.12, 6.14, 9.20 (74)GOALS, Hawthorn: D. Quamil 2, T. Maher 2, L. Barkla 2, R. Barkla 2, K. Davies 1, D.Lauletta 1, P. Tyers 1 Albert Park: J. Murchie 3, B. Murnane 2, T. Tiller 1, R. Maher 1, J.Brick 1, S. Maunder 1BEST, Hawthorn: R. Barkla, N. Raiti, G. Edmond, P. Avery, L. Nunn, D. TremewenAlbert Park: S. Maunder, J. Brick, A. Snowden, M. Boyd, Z. Roberts, T. TillerKew 4.4, 6.8, 7.9, 13.12 (90)Elsternwick 0.1, 2.3, 5.5, 6.8 (44)GOALS, Kew: A. Brazzale 4, M. Matheson 2, D. Spencer 2, A. Davey 2, P. Brough 1, J.Fidanza 1, J. Dammenhayn 1 Elsternwick: J. Hunter 3, A. Thornton 1, A. Quinn 1, S.Grace 1BEST, Kew: C. Watts, T. Leeds, E. Roberts, M. Henderson, A. Davey, K. GannonElsternwick: L. Bedingfield, C. Mahony, S. Grace, B. Prior, K. Hogan, A. PateySt Francis Xavier 3.4, 5.5, 10.10, 17.14 (116)Richmond Central 2.2, 7.4, 9.4, 12.5 (77)GOALS, St Francis Xavier: T. Pearson 4, D. Scott 3, B. Spencer 2, J. Leworthy 2, T. Farrell 2,D. Dimakopoulos 1, J. Van Dam 1, S. Harvey 1, A. Klaric 1Richmond Central: S. Angus 6, D. Pike 1, R. Schwedes 1, T. Woodberry 1, S. Lowry 1, B.Zelencich 1, C. Macrow 1BEST, St Francis Xavier: S. Burns, S. Harvey, S. Van Dam, J. Lenders, M. Scanlon, D. ScottRichmond Central: L. Walsh, R. Schwedes, R. Costanzo, N. Ramsey, S. Lowry, B. RyanAquinas 4.3, 6.5, 12.7, 15.17 (107)Old Westbourne 1.1, 1.4, 2.5, 2.6 (18)GOALS, Aquinas: not provided Old Westbourne: S. Casley 2BEST, Aquinas: not provided Old Westbourne: J. Diblasi, B. Knee, A. Board, S. Casley, M.Chodowski, S. OrrUHS-VU 3.0, 5.4, 7.7, 13.10 (88)Power House 1.2, 3.2, 4.4, 4.5 (29)GOALS, UHS-VU: M. Sweeney 7, J. Sheldon 2, C. Mawdsley 1, J. McDonald 1, M. Nguyen1, R. Skeen 1 Power House: P. Arnold 2, D. Buckley 1, S. Sayers 1BEST, UHS-VU: A. Pincott, S. Thomas, R. Skeen, C. Marchio, M. Sweeney, N. LinehanPower House: S. Sayers, N. Todd, N. Moresi, B. Lonsdale, J. Dwyer, W. SummonsIvanhoe 2.2, 4.5, 6.5, 9.6 (60)Yarra Valley 2.3, 2.5, 4.7, 5.7 (37)GOALS, Ivanhoe: M. Brazzale 2, D. Diakoumakos 2, B. Fleming 1, P. Carydis 1, B. Walthers1, J. Scoble 1, J. Brownell 1 Yarra Valley: B. Seeger 4, J. Dawson 1BEST, Ivanhoe: D. Diakoumakos, A. Oliver, B. Fleming, J. Trescowthick, J. Scoble, M.Gleeson Yarra Valley: W. Harding, D. Mills, S. Creed, J. Cordwell, M. Fraser, L. McClearyAlbert Park 3.4, 5.6, 13.7, 18.10 (118)Hawthorn 2.2, 5.4, 6.5, 7.10 (52)GOALS, Albert Park: J. Seven 6, D. Muscat 4, J. Gillot 3, B. Little 2, J. Sutton 2, D. McGrath1 Hawthorn: C. Pinner 2, S. Gunn 2, S. Moussi 2, X. Loader 1BEST, Albert Park: D. Lyne, T. Wilson, J. Seven, D. McGrath, J. Sutton, J. CuthbertHawthorn: S. Gunn, D. Mitchell, M. Tyson, P. Clancey, W. Duffy, J. MooreKew 5.2, 10.7, 18.7, 21.12 (138)Elsternwick 1.1, 1.3, 2.7, 4.11 (35)GOALS, Kew: A. Smith 5, N. Zaher 4, B. Woodhouse 4, B. Thomson 2, H. Sands 2, T.Bagnall 1, N. Rohrt 1, W. Delbridge 1, S. Healey 1 Elsternwick: not providedBEST, Kew: N. Rohrt, N. Zaher, C. Backman, J. O’Halloran, A. Smith, W. DelbridgeElsternwick: not providedSt Francis Xavier 1.2, 3.7, 11.7, 17.10 (112)Richmond Central 1.4, 2.5, 3.8, 4.9 (33)GOALS, St Francis Xavier: A. Slater 4, A. Patterson 2, G. Bramich 2, D. Kinder 2, B.Rainbow 2, A. Bolitho 1, S. Van Dam 1, P. Bourke 1, D. Johnstone 1, C. Hughes 1Richmond Central: J. Miragaya 2, T. Davey 1, C. Cope 1BEST, St Francis Xavier: A. Pryor, C. Hughes, R. Legge, D. Thomson, G. Bramich, A. SlaterRichmond Central: R. Stone, D. Panaho, C. Cain, S. Collins, T. Davey, M. VeitchTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20129

DIVISION 3Nick WynneREAL ESTATEWhat you want is just outside your reach, you keepon searchin’. You’re walking down that Pensacolabeach, you keep repeatin’. While you’re waiting forthat sound, apparatus to the ground, you’re stealing,from the lost and found, but what you find, ain’twhat you had in mind. Until you find your Rolex inthe sand, you won’t be stopping, until that solid goldis in your hand, you won’t be happy.While my opening prose may be more about abeach comer than a footballer, I can relate. It’s coldand dark outside, and while the wind continuesto slide, so does the search for that elusivepremiership, that Rolex in the sand.Yarra Valley took another step forward in theirpremiership aspirations, when they easilyaccounted for a disappointing Ivanhoe. It’s fairto say if you ventured to this fixture in the hopeof seeing a quality encounter and getting thatfeeling of satisfaction from a quality output, youwould have been underwhelmed by the gamethat transpired. Much like the feeling you getwhen you finish skimming over <strong>one</strong> of Smokey’scolumns, hoping for something of note. Actuallyit’s not really like that at all, because you becomeaccustomed to not expecting much from thosepages. I guess <strong>one</strong> thing’s for certain; he definitelyis the ‘Real Deal’. Anyway, Ant Russell and CherryPollard were terrific in their 150th and 50 th gamerespectively, while Batman and Robin (SteveDonald and Chris Hodgens), all innuendos aside,were having a good old time up forward. Ivanhoewere never really in it. Disappointing, because Iexpected more from this game, alas it’s not as ifI choose, to be saddled by these fake blues andYarra Valley are looking so very scrumptious at themoment.Power House were again battling well above theirweight, when they took on UHS-VU at home.Power House managed to go toe to toe withthe visitors for most of the day, but fell at thefinal hurdle. The House will be rueing their finalquarter fade out, as Uni High managed to stagea three goal to <strong>one</strong> final term to come away withthe Budweiser, sprites, and I can assure you, theywere feeling alright. The House may have takena leaf out of Yarra Valley’s style of play, all outattack, unfortunately it’s not working. Apparentlyimitation is the highest form of flattery, but whenthe imitation is worse than a “Rolllex” watch froma Bali street stall, there’s nothing flattering aboutit. The great Hum could learn a lot from theaforementi<strong>one</strong>d sentence.Hey Green River what can I do? If it’s alright I’ll walknext to you. Sit in the shade of your shady trees, don’tyou know these days, I’m not hard to please. GreenRiver of course being Old Westbourne, have notwon a game in some time. Considering I pickedthem to be <strong>one</strong> of the contenders this year, it isdevastating to see them struggling. While I amnot embarrassed to sit with them just yet, <strong>one</strong>can only suffer the ribbing for so long. This weekit was Aquinas who inflicted the pain. The Bloodswere marvellous from the opening bounce; nextminute they were up by 44 points at the change ofends. It was smooth sailing from there.It was a fascinating game of two contrastinghalves between St Francis and Richmond. In thefirst quarter Richmond held their own into theslight breeze and then kicked five to two in thesecond, and had the run of the play. I can’t be surewhat was said in the Xmen rooms at half time,but I can be sure whatever it was, it will be usedagain, because after the half time break it was allSt Francis. They used the wind to their advantagein the third, and were classy enough to finish thegame in the last, with some great team goals.Their reward is a spot in the top five, outstanding.The Grizzly Bears have had a great two weeks,and on Saturday were able to knock off the everTODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDRichmond Central v AquinasUHS-VU v IvanhoeYarra Valley v Old WestbourneHawthorn v St Francis XavierElsternwick v Power HouseAlbert Park v Kew8 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012SPORTS INJURY CASUALTY - 316 Malvern Road, Prahran

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