3820 UG.book - Finn-ID

3820 UG.book - Finn-ID

3820 UG.book - Finn-ID


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Scanner ReportScan the bar code below to generate a report for the connected scanners. Thereport indicates the port, work group, scanner name, and address. To assign aname to your scanner, refer to "Menu Command Syntax" on page 10-1.Scanner AddressScanner ReportScan the bar code below to determine the address of the scanner you are using.Base AddressScanner AddressScan the bar code below to determine the address of the base you are using.Base AddressResetting the Standard Product Default Settings:Current Application Work GroupIf you aren’t sure what programming options are in your scanner, or you’vechanged some options and want the standard product default settings restored,scan the Standard Product Default Settings: Current Application Group barcode below.The Menu Commands starting on page 10-6 list the factory default settings foreach of the commands (indicated by an asterisk (*) on the programming pages).8 - 2 2020/<strong>3820</strong> User’s Guide

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