Ahead of its time JUPITER - tehnoplus medical

Ahead of its time JUPITER - tehnoplus medical

Ahead of its time JUPITER - tehnoplus medical

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<strong>JUPITER</strong> <strong>JUPITER</strong> SystemThe <strong>JUPITER</strong> exchangeable table top systemenables the schedule in the operatingtheatre to be organised flexibly thus saving<strong>time</strong>.The operating theatre is not blockedduring the induction and recovery <strong>of</strong> thepatients. It is not necessary to repositionthe patient, which significantly increaseshis safety and comfort. The operating tabletop together with the transporter acts as apatient trolley, thus saving additionalinvestment.Moreover, eliminating repositioningreduces workload, enabling expensiveoperating theatre <strong>time</strong> to be used moreeffectively.The flow <strong>of</strong> work is rounded <strong>of</strong>f andperfected by the supplementary use <strong>of</strong> theORBITER patient transfer system and <strong>its</strong>interaction with the exchangeable tabletop system moreover, ORBITER forms theinterface with future transport systemsinside the hospital.Additional features <strong>of</strong> the <strong>JUPITER</strong>exchangeable table top system:– The take over may be performedoptionally with either the foot controlor the remote control;– Automatic reset <strong>of</strong> the table top at thestart <strong>of</strong> <strong>its</strong> transfer;– User-friendly table top control unit formotorised adjustment <strong>of</strong> the table top,even during induction and recovery onthe transporter;– No waiting <strong>time</strong>s in the operating theatre;– Greater patient safety;– Simplified work for the personnel;– More efficient use <strong>of</strong> all resources.9

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