CYMBALS 2004 - Share

CYMBALS 2004 - Share CYMBALS 2004 - Share
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Introduction2 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · INTRODUCTION

ideologyDrummers continually tell us how they become inspired by playing MEINLcymbals. They are inspired by the new sounds that they hear and feel, whichat the same time hones and shapes their personal drum style. This is thebiggest compliment for us, as well as the driving force behind all ouractivities! It encourages us to develop new sounds and to push ourcreativity farther forward.teammaterialknow howFrom drummers for drummers! Experienced and motivatedindividuals, who are all drummers themselves, form our executiveand creative team. This team plans all of our activities, managesour promotional campaigns and creates inspiring cymbal sounds.Some of our top artists take part in this process also. We areproud to say that we are drummers first!Only MEINL uses 5 different alloys for crafting cymbals, whichis more than any other cymbal maker is using today. Because ofthat, we are able to offer the widest selection of basic cymbal soundcharacteristics available. Striving for the realization of any possiblesound idea makes it necessary to have this diversity, the backgroundin and knowledge of all those different materials.Constantly trained and highly qualified employees master allchallenges within our production team. Most of them are drummersthemselves! And if someone is not and starts working for us, we pay forthe drum lessons. They know why they are doing what they do, and don’tconsider it just another 9 to 5 job. It’s that dedication which makes thedifference you can hear!MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> INSPIRE – LET THEM INSPIRE YOU TOO!MEINL cymbalsAm Bahnhof 291468 GutenstettenGermanyMEINL USA L.C.3354 Ambrose AvenueNashville, TN · 3

B12AlloyB8Alloy12%TinCymbals made from B12 bronze are the perfectbridge between the sounds of B20 and B8 bronzecymbals.B12 bronze cymbals have a warm and dark overalltone that is standard of B20 bronze, yet they alsohave the bright, lively, and powerful soundingcharacteristics that B8 bronze cymbals are famousfor. The B12 bronze cymbals combine the best fromboth worlds. They are very versatile soundingcymbals and their tone blends in well with most ofthe common music styles today.88% 92% 8%CopperCopperTinB8 bronze has the highest content of copper whichresults in a more red-like finish. They are very firmand easily resist hard playing.The sound of cymbals made from B8 bronze is verybright, powerful and has a lot of attack. It easilycuts through loud volumes. The overall soundspectrum shows a dominant share of higherfrequencies. Extremely lively cymbal sounds!FX9AlloyMS63Alloy69%Copper15%ZincThe FX9 cymbal alloy is the most exceptional materialused in crafting cymbals, because it combinesfour components in one alloy with extraordinarytonal characteristics.Cymbals made from FX9 alloy offer new, fresh andlively sounds with a unique and distinctive timbre.MS63 is a classic brass alloy which due to its positivesound characteristics is used in making mainlystudent range cymbals.Instead of tin, zinc is merged with copper whichthen produces a warm and harmonic cymbal sound.It offers the best possible sound qualities at anaffordable price.15%Manganese1%Aluminum63%Copper37%Zinc„One of A Kind“Cymbalswereintroduced1997Introduction of „Amun“ ProSeries1999MEINL USA, L.C. first opens itsdoors inMiami,Florida2000MEINL´s B20 cymbalproduction wasbuilt in Turkey2000Introduction of Turkish-made„Byzance“Pro Series„Generation X“Cymbal Linewasintroduced2001○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○Start of Engineering prototypesfrom a new B12 Alloy2002M.I.P.A. awardfor MEINL„Generation X“cymbals2003„Generation X Days“ Tour takesEurope by storm with JohnnyRabb, Marco Minnemann andThomas Lang2003Grand Opening of new MEINLcymbal production inGutenstetten, Germany2003Founder, Mr.Roland Meinlcelebrates his75th birthday<strong>2004</strong> · 7○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○2001„Soundcaster“ Pro Seriesintroduced with the new B12Alloy<strong>2004</strong>MEINL adds laser-etched logosand serial-numbers on allcymbals2001

PROFor the drummerwith individuality!Most tradition& individualityB20AlloyMEINL Byzance cymbals are completely hand hammered into shape and satisfythe highest demands. Every Byzance cymbal is a piece of art and has its ownunique sound characteristics which can never be duplicated.80%Copper20%TinHand hammered into shapeMost musicalityExtensive rangeByzance cymbals aretraditionally made using thesingle-cast procedure. Thismeans that every cymbal iscrafted from an individualcast blank.Every MEINL Byzance cymbalis hand hammered intoshape. This extensivemanufacturing process is thefoundation of theiroutstanding soundcharacteristics.8 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · BYZANCE SERIES

HIHATSWhat’s special aboutByzance hihats?CRASHESMedium:Wide dynamic spectrumwith a soft, warmsound. Unobtrusivebut a voluminous openhihat sound and acrisp chick.13“ B13MH14“ B14MHMedium SoundwaveSizzling, loud openhihat sound with adefined cutting chickand a warm, brightsound.13“ B13MSW14“ B14MSWMedium Brilliant:Contains a brilliant,bright sound, based onthe high-polished andshiny finish in a widedynamic spectrum.14“ B14MH-BDark:Untreated finish.Esoteric, dark soundwith a dirty, earthyopen hihat and a shortsustain and chick.13“ B13DAH14“ B14DAHHeavy:Heavier weightincreases a focused,powerful sound with abrash open hihat in awide range.14“ B14HHHeavy Soundwave:Powerful, sizzling andloud open hihat soundwith a defined, fatcutting chick in anenergetic feeling.14“ B14HSWHeavy Brilliant:Increased focus, thruheavier weight with avery clear and brilliantsound and a bright,powerful open hihat.14“ B14HH-BDry:Raw finish, fairly drywith an extremelyshort sustain. Earthy,raw open hihat sound.14“ B14DRHThe MEINL Byzanceseries offers a wideselection of differenthihat models.Available are 13” and14” models in mediumor heavy weight.Soundwaved bottomcymbals for a morecutting and sharpsound are available aswell. Four differentfinishes withdistinctive sounds areoffered: Regular,brilliant, dark, and dry.All of these differentsound- and finishoptions make it easy tofind the perfect pair ofhihats for everyone’sindividual playingstyle.Thin:Lightweight, soundsfairly washy and darkin a narrow frequencyrange. Voluminousattack and a shortsustain.14“ B14TC15“ B15TC16“ B16TC17“ B17TC18“ B18TCThin Brilliant:High-polished finishcontains brightovertones with a silky,washy, dark sound.Short sustain.14“ B14TC-B15“ B15TC-BDark:Dark in a lowfrequency range, andesoteric charactercaused by theuntreated finish.Earthy with a strongattack and a shortsustain.16“ B16DAC18“ B18DACMedium Thin:Significant, washy andfairly dark sound witha full frequencyspectrum. Voluminousattack with moderatesustain.16“ B16MTC17“ B17MTC18“ B18MTC19“ B19MTCMedium Thin Brilliant:Bright and brilliantovertones withmoderate sustain in asilky, clear sensation.16“ B16MTC-B17“ B17MTC-B18“ B18MTC-B19“ B19MTC-BThe MEINL Byzanceseries crashes areavailable in threedifferent weights thin,medium thin, andmedium.Thin crashes have afairly dark sound. Theyrespond very quicklyand have a shortsustain. They are idealfor lighter and softerplaying styles like Jazzand Fusion.Medium:Traditional, warmsound in an extremewide dynamicspectrum. Energetic,exploding attack and alouder response.16“ B16MC18“ B18MC20“ B20MCMedium Brilliant:Medium weight, highpolishedfinish with aclear, warm sound.Lots of bright, brilliantovertones with amedium sustain.16“ B16MC-B18“ B18MC-B20“ B20MC-BWhich crash cymbal weight correspondswhich music style?Medium thin crashesshow more richnessand volume in theirsound. They are idealfor Jazz, Fusion, andPop while offering amore cutting sound.Mediumcrashesunfold a very full, rich,and voluminous soundwith the ability to cutthrough a louder mix.They can be used inJazz, Pop, and RockMusic because of theirwide · 9

PRORIDESThin:Dark and simmering inthe traditional style.Clear bell definitionand a mellow,voluminous stickresponse with a washyping.20“ B20TRMedium:Balanced, controllablestick response with adefined ping and ablend of brightovertones. Warm basicsound with mediumsustain and bell.20“ B20MR21“ B21MRHeavy:Powerful and focusedsound with a defined,bright bell. Solid, fullbodiedstick responsewith a clear ping.20“ B20HR22“ B22HRMost tradition& individualityB20Alloy80%Copper20%TinSPLASHESRegular:A crispy spreadingwith a punchy, washyattack in a warm andtraditional feeling.6“ B6S7“ B7S8“ B8S10“ B10S12“ B12SHand hammered into shapeMost musicalityExtensive rangeBrilliant:High-polished finish,brilliant and brightsound with fastresponse.8“ B8S-B10“ B10S-BDark:Dark, earthy soundwith a strong, punchyattack. Short sustain ina low frequency rangewith esoteric character.10“ B10DASPing:Heavy. Excellent stickdefinition with abright, clear ping.Glassy, high-pitchedsound with shortsustain for extremebusy patterns.20“ B20PRFlat:Defined stick responsewith a fairly dark anddry sound. Sizzlingping with ashimmering, longsustain.20“ B20FRMedium Brilliant:High-polished finisheffects a clear, warmsound with brightovertones. Definedping with mediumsustain.20“ B20MR-BDark:Low frequency rangewith esoteric characterdue to the untreatedfinish. Dark, earthy,with a short sustainand a defined ping andbell.20“ B20DAR21“ B21DARWhat are the characteristics of a flat- and a ping ride?Contrary to regularrides, flat rides don’thave a cymbal bell.This results in a dark,warm, and smoothsound with a greatstick response, longsustain and an overallsweet tone. They aremainly used forplaying fast ridepatterns in Swing- andJazz bands.Ping rides are heavycymbals with a clearlydefined and cuttingHeavy Brilliant:High frequency rangecaused by the highpolishedfinish.Penetrating, defined,bright bell and aglassy, clear ping.20“ B20HR-BDry:The raw, silky finishcreates a dry, earthy,warm sound with ashort sustain. Fairlydark ping and definedbell.20“ B20DRRping sound. They havea shorter sustain withlittle wash and aretherefore perfect forplaying complex anddominant ride patternsin a louder bandsetting.10 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · BYZANCE SERIES

CHINASWhat are the sound differences between the four Byzance cymbal finishes?Regular:Aggressive, brashattack with a complexfrequency. Trashysound and anexplosive responsewith long sustain.16“ B16CH18“ B18CH20“ B20CHBrilliant:Brilliant, bright overtoneswith a sizzling,trashy, brash sound.18“ B18CH-BRegular finishcymbals result in awarm, smooth, yet richsound. A harmonicfrequency spectrumwith slightly dominantmids. Specially lathedmatte surface.Brilliant finishcymbals have a highpolishedsurface. Theysound very bright andrich, yet have darkcharacteristics.Dark finishcymbalshave an untreatedsurface, an earthy anddark sound with ashort sustain.Dominant lows withan esoteric character.Dry finishcymbalshave a matte,sandblasted surface.Their sound isextremely dry andearthy with a veryshort sustain, yet greatstick definition. Lowerfrequency spectrum.Hihat, MediumHihat, Medium SoundwaveHihat, Medium BrilliantHihat, HeavyHihat, Heavy SoundwaveHihat, Heavy BrilliantHihat, DarkHihat, DryCrash, ThinCrash, Thin BrilliantCrash, Medium ThinCrash, Medium Thin BrilliantCrash, MediumCrash, Medium BrilliantCrash, DarkRide, ThinRide, MediumRide, Medium BrilliantRide, HeavyRide, Heavy BrilliantRide, PingRide, FlatRide, DarkRide, DrySplash, RegularSplash, BrilliantSplash, DarkChina, RegularChina, Brilliant6“ 7“ 8“ 10“ 12“ 13 “ 14“ 15“ 16“ 17“ 18“ 19“ 20“ 21“ 22“ · 11

PROFor the expressivedrummer!Versatility in expression& dynamicsB12AlloyThe range of MEINL Soundcaster cymbals is the result of extensive r&d efforts infinding new and exciting sounds. Cymbals made from B12 bronze alloy, which have ahigher content of tin (12%), for a smooth, rich sound with great dynamics andexpression. Ideal for the creative and expressive drummer.88%Copper12%TinHigh-tech computerizedhammeringOutstanding sound potentialsPrecise responseSoundcaster cymbals areuniformly hammered whichresults in a controlled, evendecay with a harmonicovertone spectrum.Soundcaster cymbals are verydelicately lathed, whichinvolves a thinning of thecymbal surface towards theedge. A precise stickdefinition and a wide rangeof dynamics are the result ofthis crucial process.12 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · SOUNDCASTER SERIES

HIHATSMedium:Smooth andvoluminous open hihatsound with a definedchick. Wide dynamicspectrum with anoutstanding warmcharacter.14“ S14MHMedium Soundwave:Waved bottomincreases response,crispness and volume.Strong cutting chickand lively feel.14“ S14MSWPowerful:Very energetic,powerful with a fullbodiedopen hihatsound. Strong chickcaused by heavierweight.14“ S14PHPowerful Soundwave:Combination ofheavier weight andwaved bottomproduces distinctiveenergetic andpenetrating sounds.14“ S14PSWWhy use differentweight top- andbottom cymbals?The top cymbal of ahihat is mainlyresponsible for theresponse and thesound development ofthe instrument. Bestresults are achievedwith medium weightcymbals.The bottom cymbal isresponsible for thedefinition when thehihat is played by footpedal and also by thestick. The heavier thebottom, the faster itsstick response and themore defined its chicksound.In order to achievebest possible results, acombination ofmedium weight topand heavy to extraheavy bottom cymbalsare used.CRASHESMedium:Full frequency spreadwith medium sustain.Combination of anoutstanding warmcharacter with a cleartransparent sound.14“ S14MC15“ S15MC16“ S16MC17“ S17MC18“ S18MCPowerful:Heavy with a strong,penetrating attack andcutting power.Energetic definedspread with mediumsustain.16“ S16PC17“ S17PC18“ S18PC19“ S19PC20“ S20PCSoundcaster crashcymbal varietyThe MEINLSoundcaster crashesare available invarious sizes andweights. 16”, 17”, and18” size crashes aremainly considered asthe “standard” sizes.MEINL offers thesecrashes in twoweights, medium andpowerful. Besides that,Soundcaster crashesare available in 14”and 15” medium forfast, splash like crashaccents. Additionally,19” and 20” powerfulcrash models are alsooffered in theSoundcaster range forrich, bright and cuttingcrash sounds.Why soundwaves?The waved edge of thebottom hihat preventsa congestion of airbetween the twocymbals. Whenstepping on the pedal,the air can escapeimmediately resultingin a fat cutting “chick”sound. When playedwith a stick,soundwaved hihatsrespond very directly,sounding sharp · 13

PRORIDESWhat is special aboutSoundcaster rides?Medium:Medium weightincreases volume forsolid attack.Voluminous, warm andparticularly lively,fresh response.20“ S20MRPowerful:Energetic, powerfulsound with a warmcharacter and a solidstick response. Clear,penetrating ping andbell.20“ S20PR22“ S22PRAll Soundcastercymbals are madefrom a B12 bronzealloy. This means itscontent of tin is higherthan in B8 bronze,giving them a warmerand slightly darkertone. The Soundcasterride cymbals benefitfrom that fact and offerexcellent dynamicsalong with a strongstick definition.Versatility in expression& dynamicsB12Alloy88%Copper12%TinHigh-tech computerizedhammeringOutstanding sound potentialsPrecise response14 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · SOUNDCASTER SERIES

SPLASHESSplash guideCHINASWhat is unique about Soundcaster chinas?Extra thin with open,glassy sound.Extremely fast, attackand a sharply, focused,penetrating cut.6“ S6S8“ S8S10“ S10S12“ S12SFor a larger selectionof effect sounds,Soundcaster splashcymbals are offered insizes 6”, 8”, 10”, and12”. Splashes are verythin and fastresponding cymbalswhich are used in allcommon music stylesin order to add tastefulrhythmic accents to themusic. For harderhitting players andlouder music, 10” or12” splashes arerecommended becausethey hold up betterand cut through moreeasily. For lighterplaying, 6”, 8” and 10”splashes are preferreddue to their quickerresponse and attack.Extremely loud andwarm spread with atrashy attack andexplosive response.Effective for rideplaying, crashing andeffects.16“ S16CH18“ S18CH20“ S20CHThe MEINLSoundcaster chinacymbals areextensively hammeredand have a widespreadround edge whichmakes them feel verysmooth when hit,unfolding a rich andexplosive tone. Theysound refreshinglydifferent and can beused in various musicstyles for dominantaccents. Ideal for rideplaying as well.Hihat, MediumHihat, Medium SoundwaveHihat, PowerfulHihat, Powerful SoundwaveCrash, MediumCrash, PowerfulRide, MediumRide, PowerfulSplashChina6“ 8“ 10“ 12“ 14“ 15“ 16“ 17“ 18“ 19“ 20“ 22“ · 15

PROFor the workingdrummer!Upmost in energy& clarityB8AlloyAmun series cymbals reflect MEINL’s competence and know-how in manufacturingB8 cymbal bronze. They offer premium sounds for working drummers and ambitiousprofessionals, who demand the maximum of energy and projection from their cymbals.92%Copper8%TinHigh-tech computerizedhammeringWide range of dynamicsOutstanding projectionThrough extensive hammeringapplying differenthammer heads, an optimalcompression of the materialand a distinguished soundpotential is achieved.Precise fine-tuning:Amun cymbals are lathed at aslower pace with a speciallydesigned cutter. In doing so,an exact calculated amount ofbronze is removed from thecymbal.18 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · AMUN SERIES

HIHATSWhat is thedifference betweenmedium andpowerful hihats?CRASHESMedium:Extremely widedynamic spectrumwith a clear, warmsound. Brilliant openhihat with a crispchick.13“ A13MH14“ A14MHMedium Soundwave:Sizzling, loud openhihat sound. Strong,fat cutting chick with apenetrating, bright andclear sound.13“ A13MSW14“ A14MSWPowerful:Heavier weightincreases energetic,powerful highs.Penetrating open hihatsound and a definedchick.14“ A14PHPowerful Soundwave:Combination ofheavier weight andwaved bottom soundsaggressive, powerfuland loud.14“ A14PSWThe most popular of allhihat models is the 14”medium – a perfect alla-roundinstrument.14” powerful hihatshowever are widelyused in louder andmore aggressive musicbecause of theirdominant higherfrequencies and theirability to cut throughthe mix more easily.Both medium andpowerful versionsfeature a wide soundspectrum and areperfect for extensivelive use.Thin:Shimmering, fairlydark tones. Strong,voluminous attackwith a fast response.Full frequency range.16“ A16TC18“ A18TCMedium:Versatile andextremely widefrequency range. Lotsof bright overtones,fast attack. Mediumsustain.14“ A14MC15“ A15MC16“ A16MC17“ A17MC18“ A18MCWide variety of sounds especially for live playing!MEINL Amun seriescymbals offer a largevariety of differentsounds which havebeen developedespecially for liveapplications.For example, Amuncrashes all have apowerful and cuttingsound which isessential for live useon big stages. They areavailable in 14” to 20”Powerful:High-definitionresponse with anaggressive, energeticsound. Fast attack withpowerful feel.14“ A14PC16“ A16PC17“ A17PC18“ A18PC19“ A19PC20“ A20PCsizes and come in thin,medium, and powerfulweights.Dry:The raw, silky finishoffers dark frequenciesand dry, earthy soundswith controlled sustainand chick.14“ · 19

PRORIDESThin:Fairly dark, warmsound with a definedbell. Mellow stickresponse for lowervolume settings.20“ A20TRMedium:The ultimate balancebetween crystalline,bright and smooth.Warm basic sound inan extremely widefrequency spectrum.Medium sustain.20“ A20MR21“ A21MRPowerful:Very powerful andenergetic.Outstanding warmcharacter and a clearping with bright bell.20“ A20PR22“ A22PRWhich ride is used forwhich playing style?Upmost in energy& clarityB8AlloyDry:The raw, silky finishoffers a dry, earthysound with shortsustain. Fairly darkping with a balancedbell-sound in a narrowrange.20“ A20DRRBig Bell Medium:The large bellproduces a glassy,penetrating response.Lots of cut during highvolume settings.20“ A20BBMRThin rides have awarm and dark soundwhich are excellent fora light and soft playingapproach. They buildup more easily andcreate the classicalwashy sound.Medium rides areknown for theirversatility and are theperfect all-a-roundride. They have adistinct stick responseand ping sound.Powerful rides aremainly used forstronger and moreenergetic playing.They produce morevolume and project abright, clear, andcutting ping sound.92%Copper8%TinHigh-tech computerizedhammeringWide range of dynamicsOutstanding projection20 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · AMUN SERIES

What is the difference between a regular belland a big bell ride?SPLASHESCHINASRegular bellBig bellThe regular bell with atraditional mediumheight has a gentlyinclining transitionbetween the cymbalsurface and the bell.This constructionoffers a warm, definedand quieter bell soundwhich harmonicallyblends in with the restof the music.Big bell rides featureslightly higher andwider dimensions. Thetransition between thecymbal surface and thebell is pronounced,giving a loud andcutting bell soundsuitable for Funk,Rock, or Heavy Metal.Clear, brilliant splashwith character. Fastattack and shortsustain.8“ A8S10“ A10S12“ A12SAggressive,penetrating attackwith a clearly, trashysound and cuttingbright overtones.Applicable for rideplaying,crashing andeffects.16“ A16CH18“ A18CH20“ A20CHHihat, MediumHihat, Medium SoundwaveHihat, PowerfulHihat, Powerful SoundwaveHihat, DryCrash, ThinCrash, MediumCrash, PowerfulRide, ThinRide, MediumRide, Big Bell MediumRide, PowerfulRide, DrySplashChina8“ 10“ 12“ 13 “ 14“ 15“ 16“ 17“ 18“ 19“ 20“ 21“ 22“ · 21

PROFor the rockingdrummer!Extreme power& projectionB8AlloyMEINL Raker series cymbals feature cutting, voluminous and explosive sounds. They’rethe perfect cymbals for drummers who dominantly express themselves in loud andpowerful music. They unfold at high energy levels with enormous power, projectionand bright, sharp sounds.92%Copper8%TinHigh-tech computerizedhammeringForged ride cymbal bellsCutting volumeRaker cymbals are uniformlyhammered which results in awell balanced vibrationbehavior. Penetrating soundsfor high energy playing.All Raker cymbals have a heattreated bell. Moreover, allRaker ride cymbals feature aforged bell and are famousfor their clear and cuttingping sound.22 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · RAKER SERIES

HIHATSMedium:Wide dynamicspectrum withpowerful feel. Strongopen hihat sound witha defined crisp chick.14“ R14MHHeavy:Heavier weightincreases volume.Penetrating open hihatsound with a crispchick.14“ R14HH15“ R15HHWhy 15“ hihats?15” hihats have moremass than smallerhihat models andtherefore need morepower in order tounfold their soundpotential. Because ofthat, they have morecut and volume andare therefore used inlouder band settingswhere energetic andpowerful drumming isrequired.RIDESMedium:A classic rock ridesound with a mediumsustain. Outstandingbalanced feel with asizzling ping.20“ R20MR21“ R21MRRaker ride exclusive – heat treated andhammered bell!A true MEINL specialtyis the forging of theheat treated bell byextensive hammeringwhich leads toexceptional soundcharacteristics.These specially treatedRaker ride bellsproduce a clear,penetrating pingsound which isespecially appreciatedby drummers whohave to compete inenergetic and loudband settings. Thisspecial feature hasmade Raker ridesespecially popularover the last decade.Medium Soundwave:Sizzling, penetrating,loud open hihat soundwith a fat, brash,defined cutting chick.Powered by wavedbottom.14“ R14MSWHeavy Soundwave:Waved bottomproduce energetic,sizzling, loud openhihat sound with astrong, cutting chick.14“ R14HSW15“ R15HSWHeavy:Strong sound with apenetrating bell andsolid, full-bodied stickresponse. Clear,defined ping.20“ R20HR22“ R22HRXL RIDEXL Medium:Half inch bigger sizeoffers larger soundspectrum with morevolume and power.20½“ R20XLMRWhat does XL mean?The Raker XL mediumride has a ½” biggerdiameter than a 20”model and thereforemore mass – at noadditional cost. Itssound is powerful andbright and fills the gapbetween a 20” and a21” · 23

PROCRASHESMedium:Combination of clear,warm sound with fastattack. Medium sustainmakes this cymbal thestandard rock crash.14“ R14MC15“ R15MC16“ R16MC17“ R17MC18“ R18MCHeavy:Aggressive, energeticsound with silveryhighs and heavyresponsive feel.Powerful attack withmedium sustain.16“ R16HC17“ R17HC18“ R18HC19“ R19HC20“ R20HCXL CRASHESWhat does XL mean?Extreme power& projectionB8Alloy92%Copper8%TinLIGHTNINGCRASHESLightning crashes:Waved edge producesextremely fast attack.Medium weight with ashort sustain and aflashy, high-pitchedsound.14“ R14LC15“ R15LC16“ R16LC18“ R18LCWhat’s special aboutLightning crashes?All Lightning crasheshave a special wavededge which causes anextremely short decayand a fast attack. Thesecymbals produce asharp and high-cuttingcrash sound which isessential on bigstages.XL Medium:Half inch bigger sizeoffers more soundspectrum, morevolume and power.14½“ R14XLMC15½“ R15XLMC16½“ R16XLMC17½“ R17XLMCRegular crash:Raker XL crashes havea ½” bigger diameterand therefore moremass than thestandard sized models– at no additional cost.More mass meansextra sound andvolume compared tothe standard sizedversion.Lightning crash:High-tech computerizedhammeringForged ride cymbal bellsCutting volumeFrequency characteristicof a regular crash showsusual long decayFrequency characteristicof a Lightning crash showsextremely short decay24 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · RAKER SERIES

SPLASHESLIGHTNINGSPLASHESWhat’s special aboutLightning splashes?CHINASClear, full-bodiedsound with character.Fast, explosive attackand bright highs.8“ R8S10“ R10S12“ R12SExtremely shortsustain andaccelerated attack withbright overtones.Increases cuttingpower with a glassy,penetrating sound.10“ R10LS12“ R12LSAll Lightning splasheshave a special wavededge which causes anextremely short decayand a fast attack whichis essential for splashcymbals in general. Aquick and lively soundfor fast splash accents,ideal in today’s studioworld.Flashy, explosiveattack and a powerful,trashy sound withcutting brightovertones. Thestandard rock china.16“ R16CH18“ R18CH20“ R20CHHihat, MediumHihat, Medium SoundwaveHihat, HeavyHihat, Heavy SoundwaveCrash, MediumCrash, HeavyCrash, XL MediumCrash, LightningRide, MediumRide, HeavyRide, XL MediumSplashSplash, LightningChina8“ 10“ 12“ 14“ 14½“ 15“ 15½“ 16“ 16½“ 17“ 17½“ 18“ 19“ 20“ 20½“ 21“ 22“ · 25

MEINL Cymbal ArtistsNickNick D’Virgilio NDVMUSIC.COM(Spock’s Beard)There aren’t many drummers out there that are asbusy as Nick D’Virgilio. With his ability to adapt toany situation, Nick is constantly in demand. <strong>2004</strong>has already seen the release of a DVD/CD combowith Nick’s project, NDV, which was an acoustic touraccompanied by guitarist Rick Musallam, recordedin 2003. Soon to be released is the latest offeringfrom the Mike Keneally band, “Dog,” with Nick ondrums, due out in spring of <strong>2004</strong>. Nick is alsogearing up for an upcoming tour with Tears forFears. 2003 found Nick playing drums on Spock’sBeard‘s release of “Feel Euphoria (Inside Out) andalso, “A Fair Forgery”, a Pink Floyd Tribute album.Nick can also be heard on sessions that he hasdone for Genesis, Tears for Fears, Sheryl Crow andManhattan Transfer. Nick has also done sessionsfor movies and television such as, “Clueless,” “USMarshals,” and “Mad About You.” Touring-wise,Nick has worked with Fate’s Warning, Tears forFears, Spock’s Beard and Eric Bourdon amongothers. When it comes to drumming, Nicknever stops working!PIETRORamagliaGermany(Sarah Connor)Pietro hasbeen continuouslytouringwith pop singerSarah Connor andis currently runninghis own drum school in Germany.A: 14“ Byzance Dark HihatB: 14“ Generation X Filter China,12“ Byzance Splash on topC: 17“ Byzance Thin CrashD: 10“ Byzance Splash,8“ Byzance Splash on topE: 20“ Byzance Dark RideF: 18“ Byzance Thin CrashG: 18“ Byzance ChinaA: 13“ Byzance Dark HihatB: 12“ Byzance SplashC: 16“ Byzance Thin CrashD: 6“ Byzance SplashE: 8“ Byzance SplashF: 21“ Byzance Dark RideG: H: 18“ Byzance Thin Crash12“ Generation X Alien HihatI: 16“ Byzance ChinaJ A S O NBITTNER SHADOWSFALL.COMA: 14“ Amun Powerful Soundwave HihatB: 7“ Byzance SplashC: 18“ One of a Kind Heavy CrashD: 18“ Amun ChinaE: 10“ Raker SplashF: 17“ Classics Powerful CrashG: 8“ Raker SplashH: 18“ Classics Powerful CrashI: 20“ Amun Powerful Big Bell RideJ: 17“ Amun Powerful CrashK: 18“ Classics ChinaL: 13“ Amun Medium Soundwave HihatM: 16“ Byzance ChinaJason is the driving force on the drums for the US based nu-thrashsensation SHADOWS FALL. Formed in 1997, the band released theirdebut album ‘Somber Eyes To o The Sky’ on their own label Lifeless Records.Even MTV recognized Shadow’s s Fall accomplishment with a ‘You ou Hearit First” feature. Shadows Fall enjoy the challenge of achieving thedelicate balance between sonic brutality and beauty. . The band’s s thirdalbum ‘The Art t of Balance’ (Century y Media Records) reaches that oftendesired yet rarely obtained equilibrium. Shadows Fall have perforformedat the 2003 rock and roll summer camp known as OZZFEST, , whichtours all over the USA, and are currently busy recording their new album.KAWANISHIJETJAPANA: 14“ Amun Medium HihatB: 18“ Amun Powerful CrashC: 21“ Byzance Dark RideD: 18“ Amun Powerful CrashGermany (Reamonn)GomezzGomezz is the drummer of the German based band,“Reamonn” and their music can be described as theconsequent musical continuation of Radiohead, Live, orSkunk Anansie. The band had their international breakthrough in 2000 with their hit single “Supergirl”. Theirdebut album ‘Tuesday’ approached platinum status andproved just how big the potential of Reamonn is.Gomezz’s solid playing displays an amazing amount ofenergy and intensity. His groove and feel complementReamonn’s music perfectly.Fullard Martin, USA · Gaalaas Shane, USA (B’z, Cosmosquad) · Garcia Luis, Spain · Garcia Paco, Spain · Garrido Alfonso, Germany (TV Total)Gaster JP, USA (Clutch) · Gattringer Oliver, Austria · Gaudreau Bob, Canada · Gaynor Mel, England (Simple Minds)Gomezz, Germany (Reamonn) · Gonzales Adel, Cuba (Irakere) · Greaves Tim, England (Cousin Joey) · Guers Lionel, France · Guichoux Franiois, FranceHacket Sheryl, Germany (BAP) · Hartmann Haan, Germany · Hartmann Herbert, Germany (Rough Silk) · Hesselbach Martin, Germany (Starlight Express)Hobus Igor, Netherlands (Heideroosjes) · Hötzinger Alexander, Germany (MARY) · Hutto Sean, USA (IRATE) · Iacobellis Jorge, USA · Jenkinson Ryan,England (thisGIRL) · Jimenez Lucas, Spain · Johansson Anders, Sweden (Hammerfall) · Johansson Henka, Sweden (Clawfinger)26 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · ARTISTS

SATOS H I N I C H I R OJAPANShane is the epitome of a multi-faceted and multitalentedmusician. Born and raised in Alberta, Canada,Shane began playing music early in life and eventuallyreceived his formal education at Grant MacEwan MusicCollege in Edmonton, Alberta and later at the acclaimedPercussion Institute of Technology in Los Angeles, whereto this day Shane teaches courses when his busyschedule permits. Shane has toured and recorded withartists such as Glen Hughes, Billy Sheehan, YngwieMalmsteen, Uli Jon Roth, and Vinnie Moore. CurrentlyShane can be heard in a variety of projects. He is a partof the Japanese musical icon, B´z, who this May willcommence a five month stadium tour playing to over600,000 crowd-goers. Shane is also part of the fusionoutfit Cosmosquad, and can be heard on their latestalbums, „Squadrophenia“ and „Live at the BakedPotato“. Shane can also be heard with the rock outfitDiesel Machine on their latest, „Torture Test“. Finally,Shane has released his own album, „Primer“, whichshowcases Shane´s abilities in playing all of theinstrumentation and also handling all of the vocals. SHANEGAALAAS.COMShaneUSAGaalaas(Cosmosquad, B´z)A: 14“ Byzance Medium HihatB: 16“ Byzance Medium CrashC: 20“ Byzance Medium RideD: 18“ Byzance Medium CrashA: 20“ Raker Heavy CrashB: 18“ Amun ChinaC: 10“ Byzance SplashD: 18“ Byzance Medium CrashE: 14“ Byzance Dark HihatF: 8“ Byzance SplashG: 17“ Byzance Thin CrashH: 12“ Byzance SplashI: 21“ Byzance Dark RideJ: 20“ Byzance Medium CrashK: 18“ Byzance ChinaL: 18“ Amun Powerful CrashFloDauner(Fanta 4)Germany FLODAUNER.COMFlo is one ofEurope’s leading hiphop drummers. Aftergraduating from the prestigious Berklee College ofMusic in Boston, MA, USA in 1992, Flo joined the mostsuccessful German hip hop band, “Die FantastischenVier”, followed by extensive touring activities all overEurope. In 2000 the band recorded a top-selling “MTVunplugged” album followed by a live video and DVD.Besides laying it down for “Die Fantastischen Vier”, Flohas toured and recorded with following artists:Badesalz, Thomas D., Elektrostar, Albert Mangelsdorff,Orbit Experience, Jaki Liebezeit, and many more. Allthroughout 2003 and <strong>2004</strong>, Flo will be on a world tourwith Sarah Brightman.HobusIgor (Heideroosjes)The Heideroosjes havereleased nine recordsincluding their latestCD SINema. With morethan 1000 live showsunder their beltHeideroosjes are – withall due respect – the mostsuccessful punk band ever tohail from the Netherlands.They have managed to stay inthe Dutch album charts forover half a year and have hadradio hits in the Netherlandsand Belgium. Heideroosjes havetoured with Pennywise, BadReligion and The Offspring.Concerts at Pinkpop,Lowlands, Dynamo, BizarreFestival, Rock Werchter andPukkelpop have only servedto increase the profile ofthis hard working punk band.A: 17“ Byzance Thin CrashB: 14“ Byzance Medium HihatC: 10“ Generation X Alien HihatD: 8“ Classics Powerful BellE: 20“ Byzance Medium RideF: 18“ Byzance Thin CrashA:14“ Amun Powerful HihatB: 18“ Amun Powerful CrashC: 17“ Amun Powerful CrashD:10“ Amun SplashE: 18“ Amun Medium CrashF: 20“ Amun Powerful RideG:16“ Amun Powerful CrashH:18“ Amun ChinaJohansson Ola, Sweden (Fame Factory) · Jooß Frank, Germany (Fiddlers Green) · Jungle, England (London Electricity) · Junji Ikehata, Japan · KaislerSascha, Germany (The Acoustical South) · Katic Elvis, USA (Simon Stinger) · Kawanishi Jet, Japan (Jet-Ki) · Keisuke Komori, Japan · Keitel Fabian, Germany(Freistil) · Kellner Wolfram, Germany (JBO) · Kerch Barry, USA (Shinedown) · Kerswill Derek, USA (Seemless) · Kim Sun Joong, Korea · King Adam, England(Jason Mraz) · Kirkvaag Kristian, Norway (WE) · Kohhei, Japan (Jelly) · Krone Femke, Netherlands · Kumpf Peter, Germany (Anyone’s Daughter) · Kusch Uli,Germany (Masterplan) · Laaf Andy, Germany (Mad Sin) · Lackner Mario, Austria (Zabine) · Lang Thomas, Austria · Leathers Chris,USA (Supafuzz, Devil May Care) · Leber Alex, Germany (Megakerls) · Ledezma Julio, USA · Levine Brian, USA (Radio Free America) · 27

PROFor the new generationdrummer!Total innovationand characterFX9AlloyMEINL’s innovative and award-winning Generation X series cymbals pave the way to69%Copper15%Zinca completely new world of revolutionary cymbals. Sounds, which are consciously differentand aimed towards advanced, experimental and unconventional drummers whoare motivated to explore new sound territories. MEINL’s Generation X series cymbalsoffer contemporary and modern sounds which were designed in cooperation withthree of today’s most remarkable drummers.15%Manganese1%AluminumMS63AlloyDifferent soundsInnovative conceptsHigh-tech computerizedmanufacturingWinner of the2003 M.I.P.A.„MusikmesseInternationalPress Award“Generation X is different!For example, experimentalsounds can be achieved bystacking cymbals made fromdifferent alloys on top of eachother.63%Copper37%Zinc28 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · GENERATION X SERIES

THE RABB PACK CYMBAL SETSAFARI HIHATSAFARI CRASHSAFARI RIDEWhat is the tensiontuning system?Especially designed tomeet the requirementsof today’s Drum’n Bassand Jungle scene. Itprovides a multitude ofnew sounds. Thebottom hihat containsjingles which enhancethe spectrum.12“ GX-12SHThe quick decayachieved by the twocymbal combination isperfect for addingwhite noise forsimulating loops oreffects for whateverstyle you are playing.16“ GX-16SCBreakbeat ride with atrashy, white noisesound. Extremely shortsustain due to thecombination of twocymbals in oneinstrument.18“ GX-18SRUsing the wing nut ofthe cymbal stand, youcan tune the Safariride and crash tosound anywhere fromtrashy to virtually nodecay. The Safari hihatcan be tuned to controlthe amount oftrashiness byincreasing ordecreasing tension ofthe hihat clutch.A complete pre-packed pitch-matched cymbal setup.It’s a perfect add-on for the existing set-up andincludes a FREE 8” Drumbal and a FREE cymbalbag.GX-12/16/1812“ Safari hihat, 16“ Safari crash, 18“ Safari ride,FREE 8“ Drumbal and a FREE cymbal bag.DRUMBALSPlaced on any drum,they are perfect forimitating white noise,hand claps, and otherelectronic effects.Drumbals transformyour acoustic drumsetinto an acoustic drummachine.8“ GX-8DB10“ GX-10DBHow is the Drumbal used?By placing theDrumbal on the snaredrum, you can:a) Hit the Drumbalwith the stick, creatinga clap similar to adrum machine.b) Hit the snare drumhead creating anelectronic snaresound.c) Use the snare headfor ghost notes and thedrumbal for accents.By holding the handleof the Drumbal youcan:a) Lift the Drumbal offthe snare/tom tom andslam it down creatingtrashy accents.b) (with snares off) Liftthe Drumbal off andplace it on the headJohnny Rabbwhile hitting thesnare/tom tom withthe stick to change thepitch similar to atalking drum.USAJohnny Rabb, whose outrageous style of playing has continuously turned heads worldwide,is the blueprint for creativity. Johnny’s blend of drumming encompasses hip-hop,house, techno, and jungle drum n’ bass styles, lending an almost futuristic notion to themusic. Johnny has been an educator for many years, selflessly giving to others thepassion that he holds for music. His innovative concepts and ideas can be seen in hiscomprehensive instructional book, “Jungle/Drum n’ Bass for the acoustic drum set”,released by Warner Brothers in 2001. This publication was the recipient of theacclaimed, Modern Drummer Readers Poll “Best Educational Book” award in 2003.Johnny’s gift for teaching others has also extended tohis having made appearances in clinics world-wide.Johnny can also be seen and heard with hispopular Nashville, Tennessee band,Superactionheroes. JOHNNYRABB.COMA: 12“ Generation X Safari HihatB: 14“ Generation X Filter ChinaC: 16“ Generation X Safari CrashD: 16“ Byzance Thin CrashE: 8“ MEINL Realplayer Steelbell4½“ MEINL Realplayer SteelbellF: 18“ Generation X Safari RideG: 18“ Byzance Thin CrashH: 16“ Classics ChinaI: MEINL Drumset TambourineJ: 10“ Generation X Alien · 29

TOM´S BECKEN CYMBAL SETSSYNTHETIKCRASHKOMPRESSORCRASHKINETIKCRASHSIGNAL CRASH/KLUB RIDEA complete pre-packed pitch-matched cymbal setup.It’s a perfect add-on for the existing set-up andincludes a FREE 14” Filter china.GX-TB14/16/1816“ Synthetik crash, 18“ Signal crash/Klub ride,FREE 14“ Filter chinaGX-TB14/17/1817“ Kompressor crash, 18“ Kinetik crash,FREE 14“ Filter chinaA extremely fast crashwith a contemporary“white noise” qualityto its rapid release.Short sustain due tothe waved edge. Idealfor fast accents.16“ GX-16SYCFILTER CHINAA fast, sharp andalmost sinister sound.Quieter than mostchinas, it has a shortsustain due to thewaved edge.14“ GX-14FCHFast response withshort decay and shortsustain. It producesfew tonalcharacteristics in itsrelease and has atrashy sound.17“ GX-17KCWhat are Tom’s Becken all about?The Generation XTom’s Becken are apitch-matched rangeof contemporary crashcymbals that provideacoustic and electronicdrummers withmodern sounds thatA full trash-crash withmedium sustain.Played with lightersticks, it turns into asynthetic soundingride.18“ GX-18KCresemble artificiallyengineered cymbalsamples. A perfectrange for electronicdrummers since theyare quieter than mostcrash cymbals. Tom’sBecken are “dbExplosive attack, idealfor bigger accents dueto a great response.When played withlighter sticks, it turnsinto a sweet and jazzysounding ride cymbalwith little wash.18“ GX-18SCcompressed” and idealfor rehearsal rooms aswell as controlledrecordingenvironments (closemiking recommended).Their feels is flexibleand soft.A: 13“ Byzance Dark HihatB: 12“ Generation X Alien HihatC: 16“ Generation X Synthetik CrashD: 14“ Generation X Filter ChinaE: 10“ Generation X Alien HihatF: 17“ Generation X Kompressor CrashG: 10“ Byzance SplashH: 18“ Generation X Kinetik CrashI: 14“ Generation X Filter ChinaJ: 18“ Generation X Signal Crash/Klub RideK: 20“ Byzance Ping RideL: 14“ Byzance Dark HihatM: 8“ Generation X Alien HihatTHOMASAustriaLANGAustrian drummer Thomas Lang has been wowingaudiences world-wide for some time now. His amazingphysical prowess on the drums is unparalleled intoday’s drumming world. Thomas has beenteaching, touring, and recording for many years,lending his expertise to every one of hisendeavors. Thomas has held clinics that havegiven many drummers some lofty heights toaspire to, showing them the level of musicalityand finesse that he has developed over theyears. Thomas has toured and recorded withsuch artists as Geri Halliwell, Robbie Williams,B*Witched, Bonnie Tyler, Falco, The Vienna ArtOrchestra, Asia, Mick Jones, Suicidal Tendenciesand many more. Most recently, Thomas can beseen and heard on his latest instructional videorelease, “Creative Control,” a two disc DVD setproduced by Hudson Music. On this DVD, Thomasshares his knowledge of drumming and displays theawesome abilities that have made him into one ofmodern day drumming’s true giants. · 31

SEMI PROFor the versatiledrummer!High quality and a wideselection of modelsB8AlloyMEINL Classics series cymbals prove their worth with matched sounds and outstandingquality. But moreover, Classics cymbals are unparalleled in the semi-professional rangewith regard to their extremely extensive selection of different models.92%Copper8%TinExcellent craftmanshipExtensive selectionof different modelsOutstanding sound characteristicsClassics cymbals are speciallylathed which leads to avisually bright look and aperfectly balanced soundspectrum.The MEINL Classics seriesincludes special effectscymbals such as bells orchina splashes, which offeroutstanding options andvalue in this price range.34 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · CLASSICS SERIES

MINI HIHATWhat’s special abouta 10" hihat?CRASHESMedium:Bright overtones withlots of warmth.Penetrating open hihatsound with a fat,cutting, chick sound.10“ C10MHHIHATSThe Classics 10" minihihat is applicable asan auxiliary hihat or asa main hihat for lowervolume settings. Witha bright and cuttingsound, these hihatsare perfect for quickaccents and fastpatterns played bystick or foot.Thin:Sharp frequencyspectrum with washyattack and mediumsustain. Medium brightfrequency.16“ C16TC18“ C18TCMedium:Wide frequencyspectrum with a warmand voluminoussound. Strong,immediate attack and amedium sustain.14“ C14MC15“ C15MC16“ C16MC17“ C17MC18“ C18MCPowerful:Combination of powerand clear, bright tonesin a wide dynamicspectrum. Explosive,cutting attack and solidvolume.16“ C16PC17“ C17PC18“ C18PCMedium:Extremely widedynamic spectrumwith a lively, warmsound. Brilliant openhihat and crisp chick.13“ C13MH14“ C14MHPowerful:Cutting, high-pitchedsound with a brilliantopen shimmer and adefined chick.14“ C14PHExtensive selection of different crash cymbals in thesemi professional range!Classics series crashesoffers a wide selectionof different soundoptions in the semiprofessionalrange.Thin, medium, andpowerful weights plusdiameters rangingfrom 14" to 18" enablea perfectly matchedcymbal set-up or theexpansion of anexisting set-up withcymbals from the sameline and same soundcharacteristics.Classics crashes have awide sound spectrumalong with a greatversatility and can beapplied in variousmusic styles. They arethe perfect all-a-roundcymbals.Medium Soundwave:Waved bottomincreases sizzling,loud open hihat sound.Strong, warmcharacter and a fatcutting chick.13“ C13MSW14“ C14MSWPowerful Soundwave:Strong, fat cuttingchick with a sizzlingloud open hihat sound.Waved bottom offersenergetic, powerfulfeel.14“ · 35

SEMI PRORIDESMedium:Extremely balancedfeel with a full, warmsound. Clear ping overeven shimmeringwash, with mediumbell and sustain.20“ C20MR21“ C21MRPowerful:Energetic sound with asolid stick response.Bright, clear ping, loudbell and long sustain.20“ C20PRHigh quality and a wideselection of modelsB8Alloy92%Copper8%TinBELLSExcellent craftmanshipExtensive selectionof different modelsAvailable in threedifferent pitches – low,medium, powerfulwith a very longsustain and a dry,pingy, brilliant stickresponse.8“ Low C8BL8“ Medium C8BM8“ Powerful C8BPWhat are bells for?Classics bells areunique effect cymbalsthat have a distinctivehigh-pitched pingsound with a longsustain. They are theperfect addition forany drum- orpercussion set-up.SPLASHESVery fast attack andsharply, penetratingcut. Very bright, clearsound.8“ C8S10“ C10S12“ C12SCHINASPLASHESDefined trashy soundwith bright overtones.Fast attack with shortsustain.8“ C8CS10“ C10CSCHINASAggressive,penetrating attackwith a clear, trashysound. Cutting brightovertones. Explosiveresponse with mediumsustain.12“ C12CH14“ C14CH16“ C16CH18“ C18CHWhat are chinasplashes?Classics china splashesare available in 8" and10" diameters. Theirup-ended design notonly gives them aunique look, but alsocauses theirunmistakable sound:Trashy splashcharacteristics, an ultrafast attack with almostnot sustain, combinedwith a china like tone.Perfect for quickaccents and tasty fills.Extensive selectionof different chinacymbals!Classics china cymbalsare popular for theirdiversity andversatility. Available in12", 14", 16", and 18"diameters. The 12" and14" sized models areperfect for short andquick china accents,whereas the largersized models projectmore volume and areideal for ride patterns.Outstanding sound characteristics36 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · CLASSICS SERIES

CYMBAL SETEFFECT SETWhat’s an effect-setfor?The Classics effect-setis a pitch-matched setcontaining a 10"splash and a 18" chinacymbal.It complements anyexisting cymbal set-upand provides a greatertonal variety.Specially harmonically matched medium weightcymbal set-up to start playing right out of the box.C-14/16/20M14“ hihat, 16“ crash, 20“ ride (Medium)Ready matched effect-set, to add to your existingcymbal set-up for exceptional accents and fill-ins.C-10/1810“ splash, 18“ chinaHihat, MiniHihat, MediumHihat, Medium SoundwaveHihat, PowerfulHihat, Powerful SoundwaveCrash, ThinCrash, MediumCrash, PowerfulRide, MediumRide, PowerfulSplashChina SplashChinaBell, LowBell, MediumBell, Powerful8“ 10“ 12“ 13 “ 14“ 15“ 16“ 17“ 18“ 20“ 21“Cymbal Set, Medium Hihat Crash RideEffect Set Splash · 37

MEINL Cymbal ArtistsSilasFive Foot Thick(USA)McQuainFormed in Spokane, Washington in 1997,Five Foot Thick has been laying down a mixof classic 80’s metal and hip-hop ever since.Silas provides the solid, heavy groove forthe band, whose style of metal has earnedthem fans nation-wide. In 2000, theyreleased their full length debut, “Circles,”and in May of 2003 they signed a dealwith Eclipse Records, releasing their secondfull length, “Blood Puddle” in the fall of2003. The band has been a part ofprestigious national packages such as theVans Warped Tour and the JagermeisterMusic Tour. Silas and the boys can also beheard on more action sports videos thanthey care to mention! Currently, Five FootThick is planning their live assault on the USfor <strong>2004</strong>. FIVEFOOTTHICK.COMJUNJIIKEHATA(Japan)L O U I SSANTIAANTIAGO JR.USAA: 13“ Amun Medium HihatB: 18“ Amun Medium CrashC: 18“ Amun Powerful CrashD: 22“ Amun Big Bell RideE: 20“ Amun Medium RideF: 18“ Amun ChinaFranceFRANCKM A R C OJenkinsonR Y A NA: 10“ Byzance SplashB: 14“ Amun Powerful HihatC: 16“ Amun ChinaD: 17“ Amun Powerful CrashE: 20“ Amun Big Bell RideF: 18“ Amun Powerful CrashG: 18“ Amun China(thisGIRL)EnglandThe band that becamethisGIRL was formed inNovember 1999. Playingacross South Yorkshire,England, they quicklyestablished a reputation forstunning live shows thatoverwhelmed the audiencewith virtuoso musicianshipand sheer sonic intensity.Several releases later, theband played the PukkelpopFestival in Belgium and foundthemselves with a Kerrang! Awardsnomination for Best British Newcomer2003. More recently, thisGIRL was invitedto be one of the five bands to playalongside Limp Bizkit at Finsbury Park.Their latest release “Demo’s for theFamily” was released in September 2003and a U.S. tour is planned for March <strong>2004</strong>.The band has also been invited to tourHong Kong and Southeast Asia in <strong>2004</strong>.Lincoln Gary, Germany (Alternative Allstars) · Löble Daniel, Germany (Rawhead Rex) · Lopez Alvaro, Mexico · Lowe Jen, USA (Acres) · Luty Robert, Poland(Edyta Gorniak) · Maass Stephan, Austria (Reinhard Fendrich) · Marino Carlo, USA · Markiewicz Robert, Poland (Sascha Korn, Anna Dabrowska)Marszalkowski Adam, Poland (Normalsi) · Masanori „Cherry“ Koyanagi, Japan · Masayuki Kobayashi, Japan (Potshot) · Mateos Toni, Spain · Maturano Phil,USA · Mayland Jens Olaf, Germany (Alyson Hell) · McConaghy Stuart, USA · McQuain Silas, USA (FiveFootThick) · Melian Juan Carlos, Spain · Mesa Xavier,France · Messer Stuart, England (Candyheads) · Michael Jörg, Germany (Stratovarius) · Miller Jim, USA · Minnemann Marco, Germany · Miranda Freddie,Puerto Rico · Morris Joe, USA (Esteban) · Moszczynski Lukasz, Poland (Blue Café) · Nelson Sobral, Portugal · Norri, Germany (Corvus Corax)38 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · ARTISTS

JörgMichael(Stratovarius)MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong>proudly sponsors the<strong>2004</strong>A: 14“ Amun Powerful Soundwave HihatB: 10“ Classics China SplashC: 18“ Amun China,14“ Generation X Filter China on topD: 16“ Byzance Thin CrashE: 8“ Classics China SplashF: 17“ Byzance Thin Crash TERRANA.COMMikeF: 17“ Byzance Thin CrashG: 20“ Amun Powerful Big Bell RideH: 18“ Amun China,14“ Generation X Filter China on topI: 18“ Byzance Thin CrashJ: 17“ Byzance Thin CrashA: 14“ Raker Heavy Soundwave HihatB: 17“ Amun Powerful CrashC: 6“ Byzance SplashD: 18“ Amun Powerful CrashE: 18“ Amun Powerful CrashF: 17“ Amun Powerful CrashG: 20“ Amun Powerful Big Bell RideH: 18“ Amun ChinaI: 14“ Raker Medium Soundwave HihatJ: 16“ Amun Powerful CrashTERRANAIn 1998 Mike Terrana relocated fromLos Angeles to Germany. Heimmediately received offers to joinand to record with top Germany heavymetal bands. Ever since then, Mike hasbeen one of the busiest heavy-rockdrummers in Europe. Terrana iscurrently enjoying a successful careerwith long time German metal band“Rage”, with which he has recordedthree albums. Mike can be heard on anew fusion project, Taboo Voodoo, andhe’s formed a three-piece melodic rockband called Zillion, based out ofHamburg, Germany.Since 1984 Jörg has been one of theleading heavy metal drummer inGermany and throughout Europe. Hisenergetic and ambitious attitude on thedrums has been acknowledged andappreciated on countless albums andtours around the world.In 1996 Jörg joined the Finish band“Stratovarius”, who has sold millions ofalbums all over the world and still continues tobe one of the leading bands in melodic heavy metal.Over the years, Jörg has played with a respectable amountof artists either live or in the studio. These artistsinclude: Avenger, Metal Sword, Der Riss, The Raymen,100 Names, Rage, Mekong Delta, Schwarzarbeit,Laos, Axel Rudi Pell, Headhunter, Glennmore,House of Spirits, Grave Digger, Running Wild,Sak Sok, Tom Angelripper, Unleashed Power,Stratovarius, and many others.CHRISTOPHES I M O N(France)N E L S O NSOBRALPORTUGALNuzzoli Gabriel, Italy · Olsen Tony, Denmark (Pangea) · Padron Nelson, USA · Pedarnig Moritz, Austria (Rob Davis) · Peil Roland, Germany (Fanta 4,Sascha) · Pelc Martin, Czech. Republic (Skwor) · Penalver Juan Raul, Mexico · Pereira Jose Antonio, Spain · Perlozzi Darla, USA · Pierce Corey, USA (GodForbid) · Piribauer David, USA (Revis) · Prieversek Mondo, Austria (Alpenrebellen) · Rabb Johhny, USA · Ramaglia Pietro, Germany (Sarah Connor)Ray Bill, USA · Rein Florian, Germany (Bananafishbones) · Rey Ramon Angel, Spain · Rieser Ulrich, France · Rodriguez Eduardo, USA (Gloria Estefan)Romano Ruben, USA (Nebula) · Romero JD jr., USA (Spitalfield) · Rosenplänter Christoph, Germany (Cle, S’coolmaster)Rubow Oli, Germany (Turntablerockers) · Salesvuo Tomi, Finland (XL, Bitter Sweet) · Sanchez Pepe, Spain · Santiago Louis jr., USA · Savage Scott, · 39

SEMI PROFor the ambitiousdrummer!Absolute valueand qualityB8AlloyThe MEINL MCS cymbal set-up and individual cymbals are the standard for today’sambitious drummer. These harmonically matched cymbals provide the best sound atan unbeatable price. Ready to rock right out of the box.92%Copper8%TinHarmonically matchedOutstanding soundUnbeatable valueSetting the standard in thisprice range with MEINL’sMCS cymbals: Precisehammering patterns and alathed cymbal surface for bestsounds.A high-tech laser engravesthe logo and the serialnumber in every MEINLcymbal.40 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · MCS SERIES

CYMBAL SETHIHATCRASHESRIDEMedium weightcymbal in a widedynamic spectrumwith a clean stickresponse. Warm,brilliant open hihatsound and a clearchick.14“ MCS14MHFast response with abright, full-bodiedsound. Clear andpenetrating withmedium sustain in awide range. Versatilein any set-up.14“ MCS14C16“ MCS16C18“ MCS18CFairly balanced feelingwith a bright, clearping and mediumsustain. Solid bell cutsthrough during highvolumesettings.20“ MCS20RSPLASHCHINAThe MCS cymbal set-up contains a pair of 14" hihats, a 16" crash and a 20" ride,all specially harmonically matched in medium weight for the most musicalsound. Ready to rock right out of the box.MCS14“ hihat, 16“ crash, 20“ ride (Medium)Very bright, clear andpenetrating sound.Fast attack and shortsustain.10“ MCS10STrashy sound withcutting brightovertones and a brashattack. Explosiveresponse with mediumsustain.16“ MCS16CHHihatCrashRideSplashChina10“ 14“ 16“ 18“ 20“Cymbal Set Hihat Crash · 41

STUDENTMost economy& styleFX9AlloyCYMBAL SETS8“ 10“ 12“ 14“ 16“ 18“ 20“HihatCrashCrash/RideRideSplashChinaCymbal Set, 2pcs. Hihat CrashCymbal Set, 3pcs. Hihat Crash RideHIHATCRASHES CRASH/RIDE69%Copper15%ZincMedium weight.Defined, clear soundwith a penetratingopen hihat and a crispchick for a universalrange of applications.14“ HTKS-14MHRIDEBright, clear soundwith a complex spread.Explosive attack and amedium sustain.14“ HTKS-14C16“ HTKS-16CSPLASHESDefined, clear stickresponse with a brightping. Complex spreadand medium sustain,along with anexplosive sound whenplayed as a crash.18“ HTKS-18CRCHINA15%Manganese1%AluminumBalanced, clear soundwith a defined, brightping. Medium sustainwith a tonally matchedbell.20“ HTKS-20RBright, cutting andpenetrating soundwith fast attack andshort sustain.8“ HTKS-08SP10“ HTKS-10SP12“ HTKS-12SPBrash, trashy soundwith cutting brightovertones. Explosiveattack with mediumsustain.18“ HTKS-18CHSpecially matched new player cymbal set inmedium weight. 2pcs. set includes 14” hihat, 16”crash. Standard 3pcs. cymbal set includes a 14”hihat, 16” crash, 20” ride.14“ hihat, 16“ crash HTKS-141614“ hihat, 16“ crash, 20“ ride HTKS-14162042 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · HEADLINER SERIES

STUDENTMost economy& style8“ 10“ 12“ 13“ 14“ 16“ 18“ 20“HihatCrashCrash/RideRideSplashChinaCymbal Set, 2pcs. Hihat CrashCymbal Set, 3pcs. Hihat Crash RideMS63AlloyCYMBAL SETSHIHATSCRASHESCRASH/RIDE63%Copper37%ZincA versatile hihat inmedium weight.Warm, clean soundand an articulate openhihat.13“ HNPS-13MH14“ HNPS-14MHRIDESmooth attack with amedium sustain.Complex spread withwarm and voluminousfeel.14“ HNPS-14C16“ HNPS-16CSPLASHESClean stick response.Full-bodied and warmwith a washy ping anda complex spread.Explosive sound whenplayed as a crash.18“ HNPS-18CRCHINAClean, warm sound,with a defined pingand bell for a universalrange of applications.20“ HNPS-20RImmediate, cuttingbright response.Perfect for fast accents.8“ HNPS-08SP10“ HNPS-10SP12“ HNPS-12SPExplosive, brash andbright attack withdeep, dark and trashyundertones.18“ HNPS-18CHSpecially matched new player cymbal set inmedium weight. 2pcs. set includes 14” hihat, 16”crash. Standard 3pcs. cymbal set includes a 14”hihat, 16” crash, 20” ride.14“ hihat, 16“ crash HNPS-141614“ hihat, 16“ crash, 20“ ride · 43

Cymbal guideEvery beginning drummer faces thesame question: What is the best wayto position the first basic cymbal setuparound the drum kit?The knowledge and experience thatwill help to guarantee a relaxedplaying position on the drum kit is notsomething that the beginningdrummer has. An important issue inensuring comfortable playing is thecorrect positioning of the cymbals.Following are some valuable guidelinesfor the ambitious beginner.The drum throne is the center of everydrum kit and is also the mostergonomically crucial spot. Starting fromhere, it is essential that everything iscomfortably accessible and easy to reachwithout having to twist or bend. Allcymbals should lean and face towards thethrone. This ensures long lasting andcomfortable playing without physicalproblems.How to set up your first cymbals?The basic cymbal set-up14“ hihat, 16“ crash, 20“ ride (from left to right)Note: Positioning of cymbals is listed under the assumption of the drummer being right-handed.If the drummer is left-handed, please reverse the set-up.The MEINL’s MCS cymbalset-up is the perfect starterpackage for the ambitiousdrummer.As we gain experience as players, ourdemands for a larger cymbal set-upwith various new sounds grows too.Again, the throne is the “sweet spot” ofthe drum kit and any additional cymbalhas to be easy accessible without havingto twist or bend in an uncomfortablemanner. All cymbals should lean and facetowards the chair.How to include additional cymbalsinto your drum kit?The advanced cymbal set-upThe MEINL’s Classics effectset is the ideal add-onpackage to expand yourcymbal set-up.An additional splash cymbal is usually positioned nearthe main hihat or between the two rack-toms. This resultsfrom the fact that splash cymbals are often used for fastaccents and played in combination with fast hihatpatterns or tom-tom rolls.For a greater tonal variety, crash- or china cymbals areadded to the cymbal set-up. These are mainly positionedon the right side of the drum kit near the ride cymbal,because crash- or china accents are often used to comeout on the “1” after tom-tom fills.Marco Minnemann´smassive set-up14“ hihat, 16“ crash, 10“ splash, 18“ crash, 20“ ride,16“ china (from left to right)Note: Positioning of cymbals is listed under the assumption of the drummer being right-handed.If the drummer is left-handed, please reverse the set-up.44 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · CYMBAL GUIDE

Cymbal assemblyWhat’s important?Generally there are two issues which need specialattention:1. In order to avoid direct metal to metal contactontact,make sure the cymbal and hihat stand are completeand fully functional. Direct metal to metal contact canresult in unwanted rattling and disturb the sound ofthe cymbals. Furthermore, it can cause damage aroundthe center hole of the cymbal.2. Keep it loose!Over-tightening the wing nut of thecymbal stand can prevent the cymbal from vibratingfreely and therefore doesn’t let it unfold its full soundpotential. It may sound choked and dead and willeventually cause cracks in the cymbal.Cymbal stand assembly for crash,ride, splash and chinaCheck if your cymbal stand is complete and fullyfunctional. Missing parts may cause damage to yourcymbal or lack in sound.ABCDEFGwing nutfelt washerplastic sleevecymbalfelt washerthreaded shaftcymbal supportplateGetting the bestsound out of thecymbals!In order to achieve the best possible soundout of your cymbals, pay attention to a fewsimple things:1. Don’t over-tighten the wing nut above thecymbal. Make sure the cymbal can vibratefreely.2. Set up your cymbal slightly angled towardsyou.3. Always hit the cymbal from the top (pictureA). Avoid striking your cymbal directly on itsedge (picture B). This can easily lead tobreakage of your cymbal.4. Try to hit the cymbal a little bit off centerwith a slight twist of your wrist. This willhelp its sound to “open up”.5. Choose the right stick weight and sizewhich best matches your playing. Lightersticks are beneficial for a more accented styleof playing and also in assuring the durabilityof your valuable cymbals.6. Always transport your cymbals in a propercymbal bag or a case.Hihat clutch assemblyCheck if your hihat clutch is complete and fullyfunctional. Missing parts may cause damage to yourcymbals or cause them to sound inadequate. Keep theclutch at a medium tension to ensure a freely vibratingtop cymbal.A hihat rodB hihat clutch withwing nutC felt washerD top cymbalE felt washerF knurled screw withlock nutGHIbottom cymbalsfelt washerbottom cymbalsupport plateThe shape of the cymbal bow has a tremendousimpact on the sound.The shaping of the bow of a cymbal is an essential process in forming its basic soundcharacteristic.A flat bow has relatively less tension in thematerial (picture A). The basic sound of acymbal like this is warm and dark with a fastresponse.A medium-steep bow builds up tension in thematerial (picture B). Its basic sound is fulland rich with a more mid-range emphasisand a direct response.A steep bow has a strong tension in thematerial (picture C). Its basic sound is verypowerful with strong high frequencies and aclear, focused · 45

LINEAR JUNGLE GROOVESby Johnny RabbIn these exercises we will focus on linear jungle grooves. No twoinstruments are played at the exact same time. All of the notes are onseparate planes. If you have studied linear funk patterns, then you will bevery familiar with these exercises. It is important to practice the fragmentsfirst to become comfortable playing them by them selves before movingon. Once you’re comfortable, begin practicing the exercises slowly andgradually speed up the tempo. Think of each exercise as a linear funkgroove when practicing at a slow or medium tempo.Practice Tips:Combine any four linear fragments to create your own original linearjungle grooves. Always use a drum machine or metronome to keep yourtime and groove solid!When you’re practicing these exercises, try to do it one measure at a time.Then when you’re comfortable, add the second measure and create thetwo-bar loop.DOUBLE KICK DOUBLESby Thomas LangDouble stroke rolls don’t necessarily have to be played with your hands allthe time. Playing doubles with your feet for example will strengthen yourmuscles and help you to built up your foot control.When I play doubles on the bass drums, I accent the 2 nd stroke just likewith the hands. It makes them more even and tighter. To be able to usedoubles in a musical way, I also started to incorporate accents anddynamics into these patterns because without them, they sound boringand flat.When you’re practicing these exercises, always use a drum machine ormetronome to keep your time and groove solid. Start at a slow tempo andbuilt up your speed over the time.Exercise 1: Double strokes played on a double kick pedalExercise 2: Double strokes played on a double kick pedal with varioushand patternsExercise 3: Double strokes played as 16 th note tripletsKey:Exercise 1:Exercise 1:Exercise 2:Exercise 2:Exercise 3:Exercise 4:Exercise 5:Exercise 3:Exercise 6:“Double Kick Doubles” are taken from Thomas’s instructional DVD “Creative Control” byHudson Music (used with permission).Exercise 7:“Linear Jungle Grooves” are taken from Johnny’s book “Jungle/Drum’n’Bass for the acousticdrum set” by Warner Bros. Publications (used with permission) · 47

ACCESSORIESPEDAL MOUNTThe MEINL Pedal Mount fits on all common bass drum pedals and firmly holdscowbells, blocks, or tambourines. It is height adjustable and includes 2differently sized L-rods.PM-1CYMBAL STACKERCOWBELL BASS DRUM HOLDERDRUMSTICK HOLDERThe MEINL Cymbal Stackers enable a space savingset up of various cymbals on top of each other.MC-CYS Ø 6 mmMC-CYS8 Ø 8 mmThe MEINL Cowbell Holder attaches firmly to thebass drum hoop. Rubber pads prevent scratches onthe hoop.MC-BDThe MEINL Drumstick Holder attaches to anycommon stand and stores a number of drumsticks,mallets, brushes and other accessories.MC-DSH48 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · ACCESSORIES

PROFESSIONAL CYMBAL BAGExternal compartmentPadded dividing padsPadded shoulder strapCarrying gripPROFESSIONAL STICK BAGPadded nylon materialExternal pocketShoulder strapExtension strapsThe MEINL Cymbal Bag holds cymbals up to 22” diameter. An externalcompartment, which holds cymbals up to 14”, allows a comfortable weightbalance when packed.MCB22 BlackThe MEINL Stick Bag offers 4 spacious sections for drumsticks and a separatecompartment for drum keys, small tools and other valuables.MSB-1 BlackCYMBAL CLEANERDRUMMER GLOVESThe Meinl Cymbal Cleaner is a premium,concentrated liquid cleaner. Fingerprints, stickmarks, and other oxidation will disappear from thesurface restoring the original lustre of the cymbal.It is 100% non-toxic and is free of phosphates.MCC-6 Box of 6 bottlesMEINL drummer gloves protect your hands from blisters and prevent the sticks from slipping, yet provide anatural playing feel.DG5 half fingers Sizes: M, L, XLDG10 full fingers Sizes: M, L, · 49

PERCUSSIONFor thepercussionist!Creative andexotic soundsB20AlloyMEINL Candela cymbals have been specially developed to meet all of the requirementsfor today’s modern percussionists. The Candela series features light, extra-thin splashand crash cymbals, which reveal their full sound potential when played by hand.80%Copper20%TinB8AlloyExtra thin cymbals forpercussionistsFast responseExotic characteristicsCandela cymbals areextremely thin and respondquickly when played by hand;an invaluable benefit forpercussion players.92%Copper8%Tin50 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · CANDELA SERIES

PERCUSSIONSPLASHWhat’s a percussionsplash?Extra thin, very fastresponse with a soft,exotic sound. Perfectfor fast percussiveaccents. Designed tobe played by hand.10“ CA10SCandela percussionsplashes, beingextremely thincymbals, are handhammered from B20bronze alloy and arehigh-polished. Theirresponse is ultra fastand they can be playedby hand or by apercussion stick. Theycan be used for quickpercussive accents andhave been speciallydeveloped for therequirements oftoday’s percussionworld.PERCUSSIONCRASHESHigh-polished, extrathin percussion crash.Fairly dark and softsounding. Fastresponse and attackalong with a quickdecay.14“ CA14C16“ CA16CTIMBALECRASH/RIDEFairly dark and exoticsound with fundamentaltone. Soft, washyresponse with amedium sustain. Loudand penetrating bellalong with a full, warmsound when played asa crash.What’s a percussioncrash?Candela percussioncrashes, beingextremely thincymbals, are handhammered from B20bronze alloy and arehigh-polished. Theirresponse is ultra fastand they can be playedby hand or by apercussion stick. Theycan be used for fastcrash accents and/orfor full and cuttingsounds.What’s a timbalecrash/ride?The Candela timbalecrash/ride is handhammered from B20bronze alloy and highpolished.It has a verydirect response and abright and harmoniccrash sound, which isperfect for quickaccents. The bell of theCandela timbale crash/ride has a cutting yetwarm ping sound.Perfect for complexride patterns.JINGLEBELLRaw and silky finishoffers a sizzling, drysound. Six pairs ofjingles attached to thecymbal produce arattling effect.14“ CA14PJBPercussion SplashPercussion CrashWhat’s a jinglebell?Candela jingle bellsare hammeredcymbals made from B8bronze alloy. Theirsurface is sandblastedand they have a verywide spread bellcombined with asmaller sized edge.The six jingle pairsattached to the cymbalresult in a rattlingsound. It’s a uniqueeffect cymbaldistinctively differentin sound and look.10“ 14“ 16“ 18“18“ CA18CRTimbale Crash/RideJingle · 51

MARCHINGExtremelyfunctionalB8AlloyMS63AlloyThe MEINL marching range includes a complete selection of cymbalpairs for professional use, educational systems, and music therapy.92%Copper8%Tin63%Copper37%ZincFX9Alloy69%Copper15%Manganese15%Zinc1%AluminumAll MEINL marchingcymbal pairs areperfectly tonallymatched.52 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · MARCHING/ORCHESTRATrooperClassicsCadetStreamerMeteorGong12“ 14“ 15“ 16“ 20“ 22“

TROOPERFull spectrum of brightand warm soniccharacter with avoluminous and clearattack. Rich inharmonic structure.14“ MBT14C16“ MBT16CTrooper marchingcymbals are computerhammered from B8bronze. They aretonally matched andhave a warm, full soniccharacter.CLASSICSPowerful with a stronghigh-end. A perfectblend of overtones,harmonics, balanceand immediateresponse with brilliantsustain.14“ MBCL14C16“ MBCL16CClassics marchingcymbals are a divisionof our popular Classicsseries. They are madefrom B8 bronze alloyand are pressed intoshape using specialcomputer controlleddevices. They aretonally matched andproduce a bright, clearsound.CADETWide dynamicspectrum with a brightcutting sound, yet awarm character. Fastand clean response,controlled feel andplayability.12“ MBC12C14“ MBC14C16“ MBC16CCadet marchingcymbals are madefrom B8 bronze alloyand are pressed intoshape using specialcomputer controlleddevices. They aretonally matched andproduce an expressivesound.STREAMERFeatures unique soundcharacteristic.FX9 alloy offersdistinctive, individualand penetratingsound.14“ MBS14CStreamer marchingcymbals are madefrom FX9 alloy and arepressed into shapeusing special computercontrolled devices.They produce a clearand cutting sound.ORCHESTRAMETEORAn optimum ofsonority with theirperfectly matchedcymbal pairs andclean, warm, fairlypenetrating range.12“ MBM12C14“ MBM14C15“ MBM15CMeteor marchingcymbals are madefrom MS63 brass andare pressed into shapeusing special computercontrolled devices.They have a warm andclear sound.STRAPThe padded deluxemodel BR5 is madefrom finest leather andis the optimum incomfort. Provides asoft surface andexcellent protection forthe hands. Theeconomy model BR3 isalso made from fineleather and availablein black color.BR5 deluxeBR3 economyBAGProfessional MarchingCymbal Bag forcymbals up to 16".Extremely resistantmaterial with heavypadding. The bagincludes one fixeddividing pad, durablehand grips, adjustableshoulder strap and anexternal compartment.MCB16B20AlloyGONGSGONG STAND80%Copper20%TinMEINL Percussion Gongs have an untreatedsurface and are handcrafted from B20 bronze.They create a voluminous dark sound with anextremely long sustain.20“ G2022“ G22The MEINL Gong Stand holds all common gongs upto 22” diameter.GST22 for 20“- 22“ · 53

MEINL Cymbal ArtistsKingAdamEngland (Jason Mraz)DirkErchingerGermany (Jazzkantine)Adam is currently on arelentless U.S. tourwith the best-sellingAmerican singer/songwriter Jason Mraz.A: 10“ Byzance SplashB: 14“ Byzance Heavy HihatC: 17“ Byzance Thin CrashD: 12“ Byzance SplashE: 21“ Byzance Dark RideF: 18“ Byzance Thin CrashPIRIBAUERDavidUSA REVISMUSIC.COMDavid is the drummer in L.A. based band REVIS. The young grouphas just released its debut album “Places for Breathing” (EpicRecords) featuring a diverse collection of songs with crunchy guitars,killer melodies and crashing drums. The most important thing toREVIS however is how a song makes you feel, and with this albumREVIS wanted to celebrate how a good song can take youaway from everything.A: 14“ Byzance Dark HihatB: 16“ Generation X Safari CrashC: 14“ Generation X Filter ChinaD: 16“ Byzance Medium Thin CrashREVIS have been touring all through2003 supporting Pearl Jam andEvanescence. Right now the band isrecording their second album,followed by extensive touringactivities in <strong>2004</strong>.E: 21“ Byzance Dark RideF: 17“ Byzance Medium Thin CrashG: 20“ Byzance Thin RideH: 10“ Classics Mini HihatIn 1994 Dirk became amember of the verypopular German hip-hop/ jazz-band “Jazzkantine“.They produced eightalbums, hit the Germancharts several times andwere awarded with the“Echo” and the “JazzEcho” awards. Jazzkantinehas worked withgueststars such as FredWesley, Pee Wee Ellis,ULI KUSCHgermany ULIKUSCH.DEA: 12“ Generation X Safari HihatB: 16“Generation X Safari CrashC: 20“ Byzance Medium RideRandy Brecker, BarbaraDennerlein & many others.Dirk’s no-nonsense style ofdrumming and his innateability to lay down exactlywhat is called for hasenabled Dirk to tour all overEurope, Africa, and the USA.A: 14“ Raker Heavy Soundwave HihatB: 18“ Amun ChinaC: 17“ Amun Medium Crash E: 18“ Raker Heavy CrashD: 17“ Raker Heavy Crash F: 20“ Raker Heavy RideG: 16“ Amun Medium CrashH: 20“ Raker ChinaUli’s latest project“Masterplan” wasformed with exHelloween guitarplayer RolandGrapow. The band’sfirst album is now outon AFM Records andthey have been touringsince its release.Schlummberger Christoph, Germany · Schmitt Simon Michael, Germany (Phyxe) · Schneider Christoph, Germany (Rammstein)Schuster Richard, Germany (Wolfgang Petry) · Schwab Frank, Germany (MCF) · Scott Martin, Scottland (Aereogramme)Scrimali Matteo, Germany (Joy Denalane) · Seybold Frank, Germany (Hopf) · Shauney Baby, USA (Hilary Duff) · Shinichiro Sato, Japan (The Pillow)Simon Christophe, France · Simon Wolf, Germany (T.M. Stevens) · Srnec Ludo, Slovakia · Starks John „Jabo“, USA (James Brown)Strik Chris, Netherlands · Stubblefield Clyde, USA (James Brown) · Summers Bill, USA (Headhunters) · Swica Pawel, Poland (Lombard)Szabados Tibor, Slovakia (Hex) · Tambini Mark, USA (Zeromind) · Tarakdian Maruo, Brazil · Terrana Mike, Germany (Rage)54 · MEINL <strong>CYMBALS</strong> · ARTISTS

ShauneyBabyA: 10“ Byzance SplashB: 14“ Amun Powerful HihatC: 17“ Raker Medium CrashD: 18“ Byzance Medium CrashE: 20“ Byzance Heavy RideF: 18“ Amun Medium CrashG: 20“ Byzance China(Hilary Duff)USA SHAUNEYBABY.COMBorn in Washington D.C., Shauneyhas been surrounded by music herentire life. She trained as avocalist at the Duke EllingtonSchool of Arts where she studiedmusic theory, sight reading,orchestral arrangement, andrudimental drum studies. Whilethere, drumming took over andShauney immersed herself inthe stylistic nuances of jazz, bigband, gospel and r&b. Later, Shauney accepted ascholarship to the University of the District ofColumbia where she majored in percussivestudies. Since then, Shauney has toured withacts such as Salt-N-Pepa, Cree Summers andPaulino Rubio. She has also been the housedrummer for the Keenan Ivory Wayans Show andthe BET network’s Lyric Café. Currently, Shauneycan be seen live touring with multi-platinumpopstar, Hilary Duff. GODFORBID.COMCorey PierceCorey Pierce(God Forbid)USAGod Forbid is New Jersey’s mostrecent metal sensation. WithCorey Pierce calling the shotsfrom behind the drums, theband is an aural assault tothe senses that leaves thelistener feeling happilyexhausted and cleansed.Having existed in itscurrent incarnation fornearly four years, GodForbid has released one fulllength album and one e.p. onCentury Media records and hasfollowed up those efforts withrelentless touring. After having made fansworld-wide, God Forbid has just released theirlatest full length album on Century Media,entitled „Gone Forever,“ which issure to garner the band thatmany more fans due tothe non-stop touringschedule that is currentlyunderway. Highlights areappearances on theSpring <strong>2004</strong> JagermeisterMusic Tour and the Summer<strong>2004</strong> Ozzfest Tour. NEBULAMUSIC.COMRuben Romano(Nebula)USARuben Romano and Nebulahave been dishing out theirblend of heavy mind-alteringpsychedelic rock and roll forthe last six years and theexciting three piece from LosAngeles show no signs ofstopping. Throughout theirtenure, Nebula has releasedthree full length albums, twoe.p.’s, and one split-disc. Theirthird album, „Atomic Ritual“,released in September 2003,A: 14“ Byzance Medium HihatB: 18“ Byzance Medium CrashC: 22“ Byzance Heavy RideD: 20“ Byzance Medium Ridetook their message of cosmicrock to a new level and theyhave been touring in supportof it ever since. Currently,Ruben and Nebula can beseen on a stage near you.Brann DailorA: 14“ Byzance Heavy HihatB: 17“ Byzance Medium CrashC: 20“ Raker Medium RideD: 21“ Byzance Dark RideUSA(Mastodon)A: 16“ Raker ChinaB: 14“ Raker MediumSoundwave HihatC: 16“ Raker Medium CrashD: 18“ Amun Medium Crashwww.mastodonrocks.comE: 10“ Amun SplashF: 18“ Byzance MediumThin CrashG: 21“ Raker Medium RideH: 15“ Raker Medium CrashI: 20“ Raker ChinaBrann mans the drums for Mastodon, anexplosive unbridled force hailing fromAtlanta, Georgia. Possessing an uncannysongwriting sense, fearless innovation,unparalleled technical ability and abottomless pool of raw talent andcreativity, Mastodon is inarguably one ofthe most exciting new bands to form inthe last ten years. Brann and his bandhave tirelessly toured the USA, Europeand Japan since their inception in 2000,bringing their brand of feverish metal tostunned audiences everywhere. Currently,Brann and Mastodon are recording theirfollow-up to 2002’s full lengthalbum,“Remission“.Thogersen Frank, Denmark (Bamse) ·Thomas Eric, France · Tornado Kiki, Spain · Vadon Titus, Germany (Das Balaton Combo)Valdès Amadito, Cuba (Buena Vista Social Club) · Van de Mars Lina, Germany (Payback) · Van Stratum Ron, Netherlands · Vazquez Toni, SpainVesper Alex, Germany (DJ Bobo) · Vieten Sabine, Germany (Die Happy) · Vom Dorp Bernd, Germany (Wonderwall)Waschinger Tomas, Czech. Republic (Petr Muk Band) · Wildfeuer Stefan, Germany (Power Percussion) · Wildoer Peter, Sweden (Darkane)Wilson Andy, England (Alien Sex Friend) · Winters Nate, USA (Jeff Deyo) · Woo Soung Bo, Korea · Wörner Tobi, Germany (Beatbetrieb)Zieme Alexander, Germany (Die Prinzen) · Zink Jürgen, Germany (Megaherz) · Zummo Frank, USA (The Zoo) · 55

meinlcymbals.comAll features are subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typographic errors. No part of this catalog may be reprinted, reproduced or included in any online-services in any form in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of MEINL cymbals. Printed in Germany · 25.0304.Smeister...grafik

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