USGS Professional Paper 1361 - State of Arizona Department of ...

USGS Professional Paper 1361 - State of Arizona Department of ...

USGS Professional Paper 1361 - State of Arizona Department of ...


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I-'oName <strong>of</strong> siteWillow mill(Gold Spring)Grass Springs(Grass Valley)Patterson's wellButcher CampO.K. mill(Gold Basinor Burnt mill)Old Senator millSalt Springs millCyclopic millSan Juan millLost Basin mill(Scanlon)Malco mill(Excel sior •Eldorado)Type <strong>of</strong> millArrastre and stampStampArrastreArrastreArrastre and stampStampStampCyanideAmalgamatingand cyanideBall mill withflotation andcyanideBall mill withflotation andcyanide(?)TABLE I.-Descriptions <strong>of</strong>gold-quartz mills in the Gold Basin-Lost Basin mining districts, <strong>Arizona</strong>LocationRed Willow Spring, NW1/4 sec. 12,T. 27 N., R. 19 W.At the headquarters <strong>of</strong> the DiamondBar Ranch, NW1/4 sec. 27, T. 29 N.,R. 16 W.SE 114 sec. 36. T. 29 N., R. 17 W.NW1/4 sec. 7. T. 27 N•• R. 18 W.Along Hualapai Wash, NE1/4 sec. 13,T. 28 N., R. 18 W.Near the Colorado River east <strong>of</strong> themouth <strong>of</strong> Salt Springs Wash, SW1/4sec. 5, T. 30 N., R. 18 W.At Salt Springs near center <strong>of</strong>sec. 18, T. 30 N•• R. 18 W.At Cyclopic mine, SW1/4 sec. 30,T. 28 N., R. 18 W.In canyon 1 mi north <strong>of</strong>Cyclopic mine, SE1/4 sec. 19,T. 28 N., R. 18 W.About 1 mi northeast <strong>of</strong> theGolden Gate mine, SW1/4 sec. 28,T. 30 N., R. 17 W.At Excelsior mine, NW1/4 sec. 22,T. 28 N., R. 18 W.History and remarksPossibly the location <strong>of</strong> the first arrastre in the district,bUilt in the early 1870's. A stamp mill was built here priorto 1915, perhaps as early as 1881.An inefficient four- or five-stamp mill, the first for thedistrict, was constructed at Grass Springs about 1880 as acooperative venture by the early miners.Robert Patterson, a pioneer rancher and miner, built an arrastrenear his well (water tunnels) in 1883.Two arrastres at shallow well. History unknown.This stamp mill operated intermittently at the settlement <strong>of</strong> GoldBasin from 1887 to 1890; it burned in 1893, but was rebuilt in1896 and its 10 stamps and cyanide plant ran intermittentlyuntil it burned again in 1906 (Schrader, 1909, p. 120-121).A 1a-stamp mill was built here about 1892, operating for about6 months on low-grade ore hauled 16 mi from the Senator Mine.History uncertain, probably built by the Salt Springs Mining Co.about 1900. This mill apparently operated as late as 1917.A 40-ton-per-day mill was built in 1905 by the Cyclopic GoldMining Co., producing considerable bullion during the next fewyears. In 1923, the Gold Basin Exploration Co. acquired theproperty and remodeled the mill. After discovery <strong>of</strong> a new orebody in 1926, the mill was again remodeled, and its capacityincreased to 100 tons per day. The mill operatedintermittently during 1932-40 and was enlarged to 125 tonsdaily capacity in late 1933.In 1929, the Kiowa Gold Mining Co. built a 60-ton-per-dayamalgamating and cyanide mill to process ore from the San Juangroup <strong>of</strong> claims. This plant may have provided custom millingfor several small miners during the early 1930's (MiningJournal, 1929).In the mid-1930's, the Lost Basin Gold Mining Co. was apparentlyoperating a diesel-powered 50-ton-per-day ball mill at the oldScanlon mine. Prior to the filling <strong>of</strong> Lake Mead, this companymay have operated a mill near the Colorado River along HualapaiWash.A 35-ton-per-day diesel-powered ball mill was built in 1938 bythe Malco Mining Co. (Mining Journal, 1938). About 1908, astamp mill may have been built at this site by the <strong>Arizona</strong>­Minnesota Gold Mining Co.~~oSl~t;:18t--3~~.1:12~N~ >

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