FA 5 Progress Report WV-INBRE - Joan C. Edwards School of ...

FA 5 Progress Report WV-INBRE - Joan C. Edwards School of ... FA 5 Progress Report WV-INBRE - Joan C. Edwards School of ...

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Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Rankin, Gary O 8WV-INBRE funded research labs at the five partner institutions during the academic year of2010-2011 and two students have been placed in two laboratories in 2011-2012 to date. Seven WVhigh school science educators were placed in biomedical research labs at Marshall University,Shepherd University, University of Charleston, West Virginia State University to conduct summerresearch projects.Dr. Santanam, Evaluation Coordinator, conducted an internal WV-INBRE evaluation meeting onNovember 10, 2011. A decision was made to update the way the WV-INBRE database wasmaintained and Dr. James Denvir was appointed to make the necessary changes and updates. Anexternal review of WV-INBRE is scheduled for late March to evaluate interactions between the ACand the PUIs.In Y09, WV-INBRE PI Gary Rankin was awarded four ARRA supplements(3P20RR016477-09S1-S4). These supplements supported summer research experiences for PUIstudents and middle and high school science educators (S1), advanced translation research (S2and S4) and enhanced the research opportunities for HSTA graduates at the PUIs and HSTA highschool science teachers (S3). During Y10, S1 was completed, while S2 (see SPID 0036) and S4(see SPID 0037) are active research projects, and S3 has actively recruited HSTA graduates towork on WV-INBRE funded research projects during the academic year and recruited HSTA highschool science teachers to work on biomedical research projects during the summer. S3 endedduring Y11, while S2 and S4 were awarded no cost extensions for one year.Recently, WV-INBRE was given permission to establish a Center for Natural Products Researchas part of the PUI research plan. The Center will coordinate natural products research in the area offinding and developing chemotherapeutic agents. An organizational meeting is planned for earlyApril.PROTECTION AGAINST RESEARCH RISKSN 1. Will human subjects be involved next year?N 2. Will vertebrate animals be used next year?N 3. Will recombinant DNA experiment(s) be conducted next year?N 4. Are there potential hazards to laboratory workers (carcinogens, pathogens, ionizing radiation, etc.)involved in the proposed research for next year? If yes, identify:N5. Will any of the research-risk categories,not involved next year, be involved future years? If yes, identify:PHS 2590 (Rev. 06/09)Continuation Format Page

Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Rankin, Gary O 9WV-INBRE PROGRAM EVALUATION (0029)TYPE: Administrative Core%IDeA $: 1.000% IDeA $: 20,000INVESTIGATOR, DEGREESantanam, Nalini PHDDEPARTMENTPharmacology,Physiology & ToxNON-HOST INSTITUTION: STATE,COUNTRYTotal # human subjects expected for entire study: 0Total # human subjects enrolled to date: 0SUBPROJECT DESCRIPTIONThe overarching objectives of Phase II WV-INBRE are:1. Develop and enhance the multi-disciplinary statewide network research base by providing researchsupport to faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students at the participating institutions. The networkwill maintain a scientific focus that will strengthen and build the lead and partner institutions.2. Provide research opportunities for undergraduate students and to serve as a pipeline for undergraduatestudents to continue health research careers.3. Work with partner institutions to enhance research activities for undergraduate students.4. Enhance science and technology knowledge of the state’s workforce.5. Strengthen and develop stronger relationships between WV-INBRE and other NCRR biomedicalresearch programs (e.g. COBRE and SEPA/HSTA) to enhance biomedical research opportunities for WestVirginia’s students and participating undergraduate faculty.The role of the Evaluation Core is to conduct annual program evaluation and provide summative data thatdemonstrates the accomplishments of WV-INBRE and also provide formative feedback on areas ofWV-INBRE program that needs improvement in the subsequent years. WV-INBRE evaluation coreaccomplishes their goals by performing (i) an internal evaluation utilizing internally-generated survey tools toevaluate the progress made within the program and (ii) an external evaluation performed by soliciting theassistance of professional organizations such as AAAS and evaluating individual objectives of theWV-INBRE program.Internal Evaluation:The Internal evaluation monitors the accomplishments of WV-INBRE funded investigators both in relation totheir research progress and their improvements in research infrastructure. The Internal evaluation isadministered by sending survey forms to all the INBRE funded investigators from primarily undergraduateinstitutions (PUI) within the state of West Virginia (WV) at the beginning of the Fall semester (Aug-Sep). Thesurvey forms are designed to gather information assessing the progress made in relation to the PUIinvestigator’s research accomplishments as well as assessing the improvements in research infrastructureat their respective institutes, over the previous funding year. The survey also collects data on institutionalcommitment and infrastructure advancement over the past year. Some of the data being collected from thesurveys include: (i) the number of publications, abstracts and presentations by WV-INBRE fundedinvestigators and students (ii) the number of grants submitted for external funding (iii) improvements inresearch facilities and infrastructure in network institutions (iv) institutional commitment to PUI fundedinvestigators and (v) monitor the increase in recruitment of new faculty and students in the STEM areas inthese institutions (increase in pipeline). We also track the progress and accomplishments made by theundergraduate students who participated in the annual WV-INBRE summer program after their graduation.In addition to the annual surveys, the progress of WV-INBRE funded projects by the PUI investigators areperiodically assessed by two ways (i) the principal investigators present their work-in-progress to theAdministrative core (AC) and the External Advisory Committee (EAC) during the spring steering committeePHS 2590 (Rev. 06/09)Continuation Format Page

Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Rankin, Gary O 8<strong>WV</strong>-<strong>INBRE</strong> funded research labs at the five partner institutions during the academic year <strong>of</strong>2010-2011 and two students have been placed in two laboratories in 2011-2012 to date. Seven <strong>WV</strong>high school science educators were placed in biomedical research labs at Marshall University,Shepherd University, University <strong>of</strong> Charleston, West Virginia State University to conduct summerresearch projects.Dr. Santanam, Evaluation Coordinator, conducted an internal <strong>WV</strong>-<strong>INBRE</strong> evaluation meeting onNovember 10, 2011. A decision was made to update the way the <strong>WV</strong>-<strong>INBRE</strong> database wasmaintained and Dr. James Denvir was appointed to make the necessary changes and updates. Anexternal review <strong>of</strong> <strong>WV</strong>-<strong>INBRE</strong> is scheduled for late March to evaluate interactions between the ACand the PUIs.In Y09, <strong>WV</strong>-<strong>INBRE</strong> PI Gary Rankin was awarded four ARRA supplements(3P20RR016477-09S1-S4). These supplements supported summer research experiences for PUIstudents and middle and high school science educators (S1), advanced translation research (S2and S4) and enhanced the research opportunities for HSTA graduates at the PUIs and HSTA highschool science teachers (S3). During Y10, S1 was completed, while S2 (see SPID 0036) and S4(see SPID 0037) are active research projects, and S3 has actively recruited HSTA graduates towork on <strong>WV</strong>-<strong>INBRE</strong> funded research projects during the academic year and recruited HSTA highschool science teachers to work on biomedical research projects during the summer. S3 endedduring Y11, while S2 and S4 were awarded no cost extensions for one year.Recently, <strong>WV</strong>-<strong>INBRE</strong> was given permission to establish a Center for Natural Products Researchas part <strong>of</strong> the PUI research plan. The Center will coordinate natural products research in the area <strong>of</strong>finding and developing chemotherapeutic agents. An organizational meeting is planned for earlyApril.PROTECTION AGAINST RESEARCH RISKSN 1. Will human subjects be involved next year?N 2. Will vertebrate animals be used next year?N 3. Will recombinant DNA experiment(s) be conducted next year?N 4. Are there potential hazards to laboratory workers (carcinogens, pathogens, ionizing radiation, etc.)involved in the proposed research for next year? If yes, identify:N5. Will any <strong>of</strong> the research-risk categories,not involved next year, be involved future years? If yes, identify:PHS 2590 (Rev. 06/09)Continuation Format Page

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