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The ultimate blankfor a wider scope ofapplicationsThe Tubular Blank

InnovationIncrease of safety requirements, weight reduction,quality improvement, cost reduction... <strong>the</strong>se are just afew of <strong>the</strong> vital issues <strong>the</strong> modern Automotive Industryis dealing with. Here, <strong>the</strong> key to successful rationalisationand optimisation lies in innovation.Pioneering workThe need for innovation is recognised and valued by<strong>Corus</strong> <strong>Hyfo</strong>. This cooperative body is <strong>Corus</strong>'s newknowledge portal to advanced hydroforming technology.As such it can give significant support in <strong>the</strong> realisationof serious improvements in car architecture. Thiseffort is effective; <strong>Corus</strong> <strong>Hyfo</strong> achieved an importantbreakthrough which can be a valuable asset to <strong>the</strong>Automotive Industry.THE Tubular BlankToge<strong>the</strong>r with Soudronic, <strong>the</strong> leading company intailor-welded blank technology, <strong>Corus</strong> <strong>Hyfo</strong> developedTHE Tubular Blank; a new custom-made input formodern hydroforming processes. At <strong>the</strong> root ofTHE Tubular Blank's production process lie specificaspects: <strong>the</strong> use of blanks, possibly produced out of<strong>the</strong> width of a coil, a dedicated forming process, laserwelding and monitoring. Because of this innovativecombination, THE Tubular Blank can facilitate <strong>the</strong>hydroforming process and optimise its benefits.AvailabilityAs first of its kind in <strong>the</strong> world, THE Tubular Blank isnow commercially available. With <strong>the</strong> new compactand flexible production technology, <strong>Corus</strong> <strong>Hyfo</strong>eventually intends to deliver THE Tubular Blank fromoptimal located sites in <strong>the</strong> Western world.

Attributes ofa technologicalbreakthrough

THE Tubular BlankFacilitates <strong>the</strong> hydroformingprocess and optimisesits benefits.Extended D/t ratioConicalTailor-madeImproved formabilityExact to lengthBurr-freeGalvanisedZnZnZnA-class surfaceASteelStainless steelAluminium

What isnow provedwas onceonlyimaginedThe Tubular Blank

50 mm < D > 250 mm900 mm < length > 4000 mm0.60 mm < t > 3.00 mmt = thicknessD = diameterD/t ratio up to 250Thichness (mm)250200150100D/t ranges Tubes and THE Tubular BlankTHE Tubular Blank500.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0Diameter (mm)TubesTHE extended D/t ratioWhereas conventional tubes have amaximum D/t ratio (diameter/wallthickness) of 75, THE Tubular Blankcan reach a D/t ratio of up to 250,with dimensions meeting DIN 2394-1and a weld according to ISO 13919-1,quality B. This is possible because of<strong>the</strong> specific forming and laser-weldingprocesses. This latter process ensuresan optimal weld seam. The formingprocess guarantees <strong>the</strong> right mechanicalproperties and flexibility for <strong>the</strong> ensuingprocess of hydroforming.

Nowready totake off forhydroformingtechnologyTHE Tubular Blank: Tailored & ConicalBecause THE Tubular Blank's production process is blank-basedTHE Tubular Blank can be ei<strong>the</strong>r cylindrical or conical. Wall thickness canbe varied along <strong>the</strong> blank (from 0.6 mm up to 3.0 mm). The tailor-madeblanks are fed into <strong>the</strong> forming station, resulting in Tailored TubularBlanks, with ei<strong>the</strong>r longitudinal, radial or spiral welds. As far as ConicalTubular Blanks are concerned, <strong>the</strong> diameter of THE Tubular Blank canvary approximately 30% over a length of 1000 mm.

Tailor-made, thickness 0.60 mm < t > 3.00 mmWelds in longitudinaland radial direction(spiral direction optional)xx + 30%1000 mmTailored & Conical

The Tubular BlankWhenformabilityincreasescar architectureimproves

THE improved formabilityConventional tubes are roll formed;THE Tubular Blank is not. This isjust <strong>the</strong> difference that accountsfor <strong>the</strong> improved formability.As sheet material is formed into atube, this deformation results ina decrease of formability. Thisdecrease is greater with rollforming than it is with <strong>the</strong> formingprocess applied in <strong>the</strong> productionof THE Tubular Blank.Consequently, THE Tubular Blankhas more formability left for fur<strong>the</strong>rforming processes such ashydroforming. Formability of <strong>the</strong>laser-weld can reach values of95% of <strong>the</strong> base material. And ifTHE Tubular Blank is produced outof <strong>the</strong> width of <strong>the</strong> coil, formabilitywill even increase with 2.5 - 3%Max blow diameter (mm)250245240235230225Formability due to width of coilL1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 W1 W2Test specimenW3250245240235230225L = Tube from length of coilIF Rephos 220 formability referenceW = Tube from width of coilFormability due to forming processRp0.2 Roll-formed tubeRp0.2 THE Tubular BlankRp0.2 BlankEngineering stress (Mpa)Ag Roll-formed tube= 88%Engineering strain (%)Ag THE Tubular Blank= 94%Ag Blank= 100%

When lessis neededmoreThe Tubular Blank

Exact to length& Burr-freeAA-class surfaceZnZnZnGalvanisedMulti metalExact to length and burr-freeThe great advantage of using accurately cutblanks is that THE Tubular Blank can beproduced to exact length. Cutting is no longernecessary and accuracy is in line with normalblank requirements. The input of blanks and <strong>the</strong>absence of cutting also assure that THE TubularBlank is absolutely burr-free.Galvanised Tubular BlanksTHE Tubular Blank can be produced out ofgalvanised materials. The welding processallows for galvanisation which has already beenproved with tailored blanks. The laser-weldseam has minimal width and guaranteesoptimal corrosion resistance.A-class surfaceThe forming process allows THE Tubular Blankto retain A-class surface quality.This is a great advantage compared to conventionalroll-formed tubes.Multi metalTHE Tubular Blank's production process <strong>offers</strong>a unique possibility of using different materials.Steel, stainless steel, aluminium: <strong>the</strong> productionunit can process all three of <strong>the</strong>m. In case ofaluminium, bi-focus laser welding technologywill be applied.

The Tubular BlankThe developmentwas ours<strong>the</strong> benefits areyours

The application of hydroformedcomponents such as <strong>the</strong> hollow sectionsof <strong>the</strong> Body in White (BIW) require thinwalled Tubular Blanks with a D/t ratio ofup to 150. Compared to conventional tubes,THE Tubular Blank can make a difference as itcan reach a D/t ratio of up to 250. This makesa wider scope of applications in <strong>the</strong> BIWpossible. Weight reduction and componentintegration are now within reach.Conical Tubular Blanks facilitate <strong>the</strong>forming process of sloping shapes.Consequently, a wider scope ofhydroforming applications can be realised.Tailored Tubular Blanks lead to weightreduction as <strong>the</strong>y restrict <strong>the</strong> use ofmaterial to those areas where it isreally needed. In turn, such optimaluse of material can result in less componentsand thus cost reduction.Because of improved formabilityannealing is in many cases no longerneeded. Next to that <strong>the</strong> hydroformprocess stability will increase.Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, parts can be dimensioned lighterand more components can be integrated.Being exact to length, THE TubularBlank fits <strong>the</strong> requirements formodern assembly technologies suchas laser welding better.ZnZnZnAs <strong>the</strong>re is no need for extra cutting,consequently, THE Tubular Blank isburr-free, and is directly suitable forhydroforming. Pre-processing or cleaning is notnecessary. This, in turn, also results in lowercosts.As annealing can be avoided galvanisedmaterial can be used. Being producedout of galvanised blanks, THE Tubular Blankguarantees excellent corrosion resistanceas much on <strong>the</strong> outer surface as in its hollowsections.AThe A-class surface quality of THE TubularBlank allows <strong>the</strong> application of hydroformedparts for visible components.The specific production process ofTHE Tubular Blank <strong>offers</strong> <strong>the</strong> uniquepossibility of using <strong>the</strong> best of differentmetals for various applications.Utilising benefits toge<strong>the</strong>rIntegration of components, cost reduction, weight reduction, bettercrash performance, realisation of space frame concepts, efficient useof material... <strong>the</strong>se are all well-known targets of hydroforming within <strong>the</strong>Automotive Industry. THE Tubular Blank has now brought <strong>the</strong> benefitsof this technology even closer. THE Tubular Blank can overcome manyexisting barriers and opens <strong>the</strong> door wide to hydroforming. So let'smake <strong>the</strong> <strong>most</strong> of this opportunity and utilise <strong>the</strong> benefits toge<strong>the</strong>r.<strong>Corus</strong> <strong>Hyfo</strong> gladly <strong>offers</strong> its material know-how, hydroforming expertiseand engineering assistance wherever required.

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