national flyway council - Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

national flyway council - Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

national flyway council - Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies


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NATIONAL FLYWAY COUNCILPacific est. 1952 – Central est. 1948 – Mississippi est. 1952 – Atlantic est. 1952Ron Anglin, Pacific Flyway CouncilDave Morrison, Central Flyway CouncilTom Hauge, Mississippi Flyway CouncilCal DuBrock, Atlantic Flyway Council

• NFC was created by AFWA• Membership includes one state conservationagency representative from each <strong>of</strong> the four FlywayCouncils• We work with the USFWS <strong>and</strong> other partners toinsure the full participation <strong>of</strong> the states in<strong>national</strong> bird conservation <strong>and</strong> managementincluding the formulation <strong>of</strong> regulations

• Flyway Non-game Technical Sections (NTS)established in 2006 as <strong>flyway</strong>s embraced all birdconservation• Provide advice <strong>and</strong> recommendations to the FlywayCouncils for the sound regulation <strong>of</strong> the Flyway’snon-game migratory bird resources• Contributions to date have been value-added <strong>and</strong>NTS should be retained

• States need to strengthen capacity to staff <strong>and</strong> supportattendance at NTC meetings• Schedule game <strong>and</strong> non-game tech sections to meeton the same dates <strong>and</strong> at the same locations.• Improve across Flyway coordination through NTCchair quarterly conference calls• Develop <strong>and</strong> implement processes to establish short<strong>and</strong> long-term regulatory <strong>and</strong> nonregulatory prioritiesto enhance NTS effectiveness in the conservation <strong>of</strong>migratory birds

• FWS encouraged to create a non-game regulatoryschedule that will complement the annual calendar <strong>of</strong>Flyway meetings• SRC should play a role in the non-game regulatoryprocess <strong>and</strong> use Flyway Consultants to improvecommunication• FWS encouraged to engage the NTCs in preregulatoryscoping process• FWS encouraged to identify <strong>and</strong> engage liaisons (e.g.,Ecological Services, Endangered Species) to NTCs toimprove communications <strong>and</strong> collaboration

• NFC, in cooperation with the FWS, CWS, the fourFlyway Councils, the NAWMP Committee, <strong>and</strong> nongovernmentalagencies initiate the formation <strong>of</strong> aHuman Dimensions Working Group to obtain <strong>and</strong>incorporate human dimensions information <strong>and</strong>approaches into migratory bird conservationprograms, policies <strong>and</strong> practices

• NFC lead development <strong>of</strong> final HDWG Terms <strong>of</strong>Reference to reflect partner goals <strong>and</strong> objectives withan initial focus on addressing human dimensionsneeds related to waterfowl management activities• HDWG will create a formal structure <strong>and</strong> process fordealing with issues pertaining to human dimensionsin migratory game bird conservation <strong>and</strong> habitatmanagement• Proposed model – HDWG Steering Committee, a HDTechnical Group <strong>and</strong> a HD Specialists Subcommittee

• HDWG Steering Committee• Develop work plan, budget, <strong>and</strong> resourcing plan (setpriorities) to advance the integration <strong>of</strong> hum<strong>and</strong>imensions into bird conservation <strong>and</strong> management• Provide guidance to the HD Technical Group• 6-8 individuals from NFC, FWS, CWS, NAWMP <strong>and</strong>nongovernmental agencies

• HD Technical Group• identify <strong>and</strong> prioritize human dimensions technicalwork• 26-28 individuals, including human dimensions experts,state/provincial representatives from each Flyway, astate agency human dimensions or public engagementspecialist from each Flyway, federal agencyrepresentatives, a Joint Venture Science Coordinatorfrom each <strong>flyway</strong>, chair <strong>of</strong> the Harvest ManagementWorking Group, chair <strong>of</strong> the National Science SupportTeam, a FWS Flyway Representative, <strong>and</strong> a CWSrepresentative, <strong>and</strong> representatives from <strong>national</strong>wetl<strong>and</strong>/waterfowl conservation organizations

• HD Specialists Subcommittee• provide expertise to assist with the integration <strong>of</strong> socialscience, communication, <strong>and</strong> marketing perspectivesinto management actions• 4-6 human dimensions experts who specialize inparticipation in hunting <strong>and</strong> wildlife recreation,institutional capacity building, <strong>and</strong> participation inconservation

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