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tcdla - Voice For The Defense Online

tcdla - Voice For The Defense Online

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ALR LawHB 63 - Cicense Suspension Period and ProcedureApplicnhilifJc Only tl~ereinstatenwt fee appl~cs to cases where comtissioi~ ofthe offense \ras conlmittedprior to September 1, 2001. N1 other HB63 chmgm apply "& to a person arrested for anoffense con~~uittedor after Septen~her 1,2001."Definition: <strong>The</strong> dehition of Driwm License for bothfailurc and refi~sal suspensions now includescomn~acid licenses and cotluuercial license pdtsIWfercrnfi: Sectiou 524 and 724 ae amended to add rU.R consequences to watercmR empowrtdwit11 enginm having a nnufachnw's ~ating of 50 horsepower or above.LicenseSeinm Section 524 011 and 724.ff32 are amended to allow arestulg officer at time of ai r -ing notice of suspension to (1) conten~poraneously seize defendauh license and (2) issuea tenipomydriving pernlit, eqiriug on the 4lst day of the ~ss~~ance. If conunefcial, it doesnot become eEcctive nntil24 hours after arrest. Article 524 032 section 4(d) and 724.041 sectio~~ ll(c) require LIPS to senddefendant doc~lmentntionof eltension of driving permit p~irdeges pending hearing and 524.035 (c) createsthe same clocumcntation rephemeat for continuance dates.Ketm~ oflicense: Department is required to reh~m license if the AIR judge docs llat hdin tl~eaffu~nativeSuspension fitended Iucreased Periods of Suspension:Pnilrr,~: No p~ior enforcerneut contacts witl~~10 yeae (forn~erlg 5), increased from 60 to90 days.One or inorc prior enfo~ement cont~ts within 10 yeam (fotmedy 51, iac~md from 180dnys to one year.R@sR/: No prior euforcen~ent contacts witl~in 10 yean (formerly 5), Incr~edfium~ 90 daysto 180 days. wit11 one or lnore prior enforce~nent contactspast 10 prs (formerly 5) increasedfrom 180 days to hvo yem.Gtven the incmse, dm sepmte categoq for under 21 drivers a eliminated.Rdnstate~neiit Pee: Increasedfro~n $100 to $125 for bat11 failwe aid refusal suspensions.SB886 elintinates occupational licenses for all Texas Goultuercid Driver's Lica~se suspcnsions.Section 521.242 of the Tmnsporfation Code entitled "Petitio~i"[under Subchapter I. entitled"Occnpational Lice~~se"] is an~ended so tl~at under (b) stating who may apply reference (1) toflwse swpendcd under Chaptw 522 “Tern Con~nwvid Dfiveh License AN" is deleted ,u~d nnnv (0 is added stating:(0 A court my not gmnt inn occupational license for the opentor of a Coninlercial Motorvebicle to which Chapter 522 "Tesas Conuuercial Driver's license Act" applies.CAPlCOLCORNERApplicabilit~? Senate B~U 886 "takes effect September 1, 2001." <strong>The</strong> bill niakes no farther referenceto applicabiliv Section 521.242.OCIOQER 2001 WWW.TCDLA.COM VOICE FOR THE DEFENSE 7

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