tcdla - Voice For The Defense Online

tcdla - Voice For The Defense Online

tcdla - Voice For The Defense Online

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er has no liberty interest in the lost privileges and such revocation isbased upon the prisoner's failu~e to accept responsibility for thiscrimes a part of a sec offender treatment program?***Both the Supreme Court and CCA were still an summer brakwhen this issue was prepared. HNo. 00-1519, United States v. Ralph Ariw, 9" Circuit1. Whether the court of appeals er~*oneously departed from thetotality-of-the-eircumstanu~s test that governs reasonable-suspiciondetermhtions under the Fourth Amendment by holding that sevenfacts observed by a law enforcement oBcer were entitled to no weightand could not be cansidered as a matter of law.2. Whether, under the lotaliq-of-the-circumstances test, the BorderPatrol agent in this mehad reasonable suspicion that justfied a stopof avehide near the Mexican border.No. 00-9280, WilJiam Kelly v. South Carolina, Supreme Court ofSouth Camlina (540 S.E.2d 851) (capital murder)Did the trial judge's rebsal to inform a capital defendant's sentencingjury that he woltld never be eligible for parole if the july sentencedhim fo life imprisonment, mthcr than to death, violate Mmmons v.South Carolina, 512 U.S. 154 (1994)?<strong>The</strong> menlioned abwa aresyaopsas of opinions of Le appeals muns lmdSignilileaM Dwiiionr Repert wasrepomd byCynthia 1. Hamplon, Edmr Mke Chados Assislant Ediior1Weinnte ailmmmeots andconst~lvwilidsmfrom our membersandVoles for fhe <strong>Defense</strong> readwsPLEASE E-MAIL OR FAXJohn Canoil- WIICEEdiior .)canol!@ihemail.wm.210-829 0734<strong>The</strong>SORS pnnlmg mst afunded hy<strong>The</strong> Juddd BCoonTaining Fund andadminislared by theTexas Cwn of CfiminalAppeals

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