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tcdla - Voice For The Defense Online

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In cases when convictions have beenoverturned because of new evidence,the most common reason for theoriginal convictions were inaccurateeyewitness identifications of people"...eyewitness misidentikalior, is the principle factor in oser 11,aIf ofdl \\'rongfi~l felony con15ctions." (Yarme); 1990, p 289)"Mistaken identifications are the greatest single cause of wronghllcon\ictions."(\Veils & Lofhrs, 1984)Attacking the Admissibilityof the Government's EyewitnessIdentification Testimony<strong>The</strong> United States Supreme Court has advised that "Reliability is thelinclipi~~detennirliag the ndnussibili5 of ide~~tificatioa testimon)?'.11Ifl~sor1 U. Brnthwnite, 432 US. 98, 114 (1977). In Xeil u. Biggers,409 U.S. 188 (1972), the S~~prenle Cou~t listed the facton: to be consideredin detern~ining the reliability of a pre-trial identification. <strong>The</strong>secriteria include: (1) the opportunity of the nitness to view the crin~inalat the tune of the clime; (2) thc witness' degree of attention; (3) theaccuracy of the wihless' prior description of the c~iniinal; (4) the levelof certainty demonstnted by the nitness at the co~lfi.onteh; and (5)the length of time behveeeen the crinle and the co~lfi.ontation. See UnitedStatma Rogers, 126 E3d 655 (51h Cir. 1997).\Vl~en the constih~tionality of a pl~oto artagorsin~ilarpre-trial identificationprocedure is challenged, the due process clause of the UnitedStales Cotlstitution requires the court to collduct a hvo-step ilquily.<strong>The</strong> court nllrsf firs determine wl~etl~er the pl~oto army or procedurew;cs iepernussibly suggestive. If so, the court proceeds to determinewhether the idenrifications were ~neverthcless reliable imnder a "totalltyd the ckcumstances" ntialysis. Evidence of a pretrial photogq~lucidentification ~vill be inadmissable only if the pl~otog~aphic irlentificalion procedure is so suggestive as to rise to a my substantial likelihoodof irreparable nlisidentification. Simro~n u. UrritedStntes, 390U.S. 377, 384 (1968); UrritedStcrtes u. dlerk, 794 12d 950, 957 (5"lCil: 1986)In considering the suggestiveness of a photo arm) for cxunple, thecourl cansitlets the size of the mu!: its manner of pl-csen$tion by officersand the details of the photos themselves.A defendant's right to due process includes his right not to be victimizedby suggestive police identification procedures, inch~ding suggestivedisplays of pl~otogclpl~s that create avely substantial likelihoodof irrepaublc ~~~iside~~tificatio~~. Sirrrrrrorrs u. U~rited States, 390 US.377 (1968); UrritedStrrtes a dlerk, 794 E2d 950 (5Ih Cir. 1986).Pdwe to object to a suggestke in-court identification is groundsfor ineffective assistance of counsel. See UnitedStntes u. Mller, 229E3d 649 (7" Cir. 2000). See also IViikersorr a Coin, 233 E3d 886Cir. 2000) (hit on questionQ eyewitness violated ConfrontationCl;~use). EReferencesLoftus, E.E (1979).Qeriiitrress Testi~rlollj!Ha~vard Uni ersity PressLoftus, E.E and Doyle, J.M (1992)Epruitr~ess Tcsti~r~o~ql:<strong>The</strong> hlichie Con~pan): 2nd Ed.Wells, G.I.. & Loftus, E.E (1984)Eyeruitrress Testi~rro?y:Ps~chological Perspectiues,Campbridge Uuiversity Press.Yuille, Jolu~ C; Tollestrup, Patricia A.JorrrrrfliofAppliedP~ycholog~~ 1'0175, Jun 1990, pp. 268-273Yameb A. Daniel (1990).U~rderstm~di~g Police andPolice IVork: P~:~~chological issrres.New l'ork Unive~sity Press.U.S. Department ofJustice (1999).E~e~eitt~essEuide~lce: A Guide for ~ruBrforce~nerrl.<strong>The</strong> entire seminar is on audio cassette for only $85.00contact the TCDLA home officeOClOBER 2001 W.1CDLA.COM VOICE FOR THE DEFENSB 23

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