A Survey on classifying spaces for families

A Survey on classifying spaces for families

A Survey on classifying spaces for families


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A <str<strong>on</strong>g>Survey</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>classifying</strong><strong>spaces</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>families</strong>Wolfgang Lück ∗Fachbereich Mathematik und In<strong>for</strong>matikWestfälische Wilhelms-UniversitätMünsterEinsteinstr. 6248149 MünsterGermanylueck@math.uni-muenster.dehttp://www.math.unimuenster.de/u/lueckJune 2004

1. The G-CW -versi<strong>on</strong>Group means always locally compact Hausdorfftopological group with a countablebase <strong>for</strong> its topology.Definiti<strong>on</strong> 1. (G-CW -complex) A G-CW -complex X is a G-space together with aG-invariant filtrati<strong>on</strong>∅ = X −1 ⊆ X 0 ⊆ . . . ⊆ X n ⊆ . . . ⊆ ⋃n≥0X n = Xsuch that X carries the colimit topologywith respect to this filtrati<strong>on</strong> (i.e. a set C ⊆X is closed if and <strong>on</strong>ly if C ∩ X n is closedin X n <strong>for</strong> all n ≥ 0) and X n is obtainedfrom X n−1 <strong>for</strong> each n ≥ 0 by attachingequivariant n-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al cells, i.e. thereexists a G-pushout∐i∈I nG/H i × S n−1⏐↓∐i∈I nG/H i × D n∐i∈In qn i−−−−−−→−−−−−−→ ∐i∈In Qn iX n−1⏐↓X n

Remark 9. (Proper G-<strong>spaces</strong>) A COMnumerableG-space X is proper. Not everyproper G-space is COM-numerable. But aG-CW -complex X is proper if and <strong>on</strong>ly ifit is COM-numerable.Theorem 10. (Homotopy characterizati<strong>on</strong>of J F (G)) Let F be a family of subgroups.1. For any family F there exists a model<strong>for</strong> J F (G) whose isotropy groups bel<strong>on</strong>gto F;2. Two models <strong>for</strong> J F (G) are G-homotopyequivalent;3. For H ∈ F the H-fixed point set J F (G) His c<strong>on</strong>tractible.

3. Comparisi<strong>on</strong> of the twoversi<strong>on</strong>sThere is always a G-mapφ F : E F (G) → J F (G)which is unique up to G-homotopy.Example 11. Let G be totally disc<strong>on</strong>nected.Thenφ TR : EG → JGis a G-homotopy equivalence if and <strong>on</strong>ly ifG is discrete.Theorem 12. (EG = JG)) The G-map φ Fis a G-homotopy equivalence if F = COM,i.e. we get a G-homotopy equivalenceφ COM : EG ≃ −→ JG.Lemma 13. Let G be a totally disc<strong>on</strong>nectedgroup Then the following squarecommutes up to G-homotopy and c<strong>on</strong>sistsof G-homotopy equivalencesE COMOP (G) −→ J COMOP (G)⏐↓⏐↓EG −→ JG

4. Special modelsThere are interesting special models• Operator theoretic models;• G/K <strong>for</strong> an almost c<strong>on</strong>nected groupG with K ⊆ G maximal compact subgroup;• Acti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> CAT(0)-<strong>spaces</strong>;• Acti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> affine buildings;• The Rips complex <strong>for</strong> word-hyperbolicgroups;• The Borel-Serre compactificati<strong>on</strong> andarithmetic groups;

• Mapping class groups and Teichmüllerspace;• Out(F n ) and outer space.

4.1. Operator Theoretic ModelLet C 0 (G) be the Banach space of complexvalued functi<strong>on</strong>s of G vanishing at infinitywith the supremum-norm. The group Gacts isometrically <strong>on</strong> C 0 (G) by (g ·f)(x) :=f(g −1 x) <strong>for</strong> f ∈ C 0 (G) and g, x ∈ G. LetP C 0 (G) be the subspace of C 0 (G) c<strong>on</strong>sistingof functi<strong>on</strong>s f such that f is notidentically zero and has n<strong>on</strong>-negative realnumbers as values.Theorem 14. (Operator theoretic model)The G-space P C 0 (G) is a model <strong>for</strong> JG.Example 15. Let G be discrete. Anothermodel <strong>for</strong> JG is the spaceX G = {f : G → [0, 1] | f has finite support,∑g∈Gf(g) = 1}with the topology coming from the supremumnorm.

Remark 16. (Simplicial Model) Let Gbe discrete. Let P ∞ (G) be the geometricrealizati<strong>on</strong> of the simplicial set whose k-simplices c<strong>on</strong>sist of (k+1)-tupels (g 0 , g 1 , . . . , g k )of elements g i in G. This also a model <strong>for</strong>EG.The <strong>spaces</strong> X G and P ∞ (G) have the sameunderlying sets but in general they havedifferent topologies. The identity map inducesa (c<strong>on</strong>tinuous) G-map P ∞ (G) → X Gwhich is a G-homotopy equivalence, but ingeneral not a G-homeomorphism

4.2. Almost C<strong>on</strong>nected GroupsThe following result is due to Abels.Theorem 17. Almost c<strong>on</strong>nected groups)Let G be a (locally compact Hausdorff)topological group. Suppose that G is almostc<strong>on</strong>nected, i.e. the group G/G 0 iscompact <strong>for</strong> G 0 the comp<strong>on</strong>ent of the identityelement. Then G c<strong>on</strong>tains a maximalcompact subgroup K which is unique up toc<strong>on</strong>jugati<strong>on</strong>. The G-space G/K is a model<strong>for</strong> JG.Theorem 18. (Discrete subgroups of almostc<strong>on</strong>nected Lie groups) Let L be aLie group with finitely many path comp<strong>on</strong>ents.Then L c<strong>on</strong>tains a maximal compactsubgroup K which is unique up toc<strong>on</strong>jugati<strong>on</strong>. The L-space L/K is a model<strong>for</strong> EL.If G ⊆ L is a discrete subgroup of L, thenL/K with the obvious left G-acti<strong>on</strong> is afinite dimensi<strong>on</strong>al G-CW -model <strong>for</strong> EG.

4.3. Acti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> CAT(0)-<strong>spaces</strong>Theorem 19. (Acti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> CAT(0)-<strong>spaces</strong>)Let G be a (locally compact Hausdorff)topological group. Let X be a proper G-CW -complex. Suppose that X has thestructure of a complete CAT(0)-space <strong>for</strong>which G acts by isometries. Then X is amodel <strong>for</strong> EG.Remark 20. This result c<strong>on</strong>tains as specialcase isometric G acti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> simplyc<strong>on</strong>nectedcomplete Riemannian manifoldswith n<strong>on</strong>-positive secti<strong>on</strong>al curvature andG-acti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> trees.

4.4. Affine BuildingsTheorem 21. (Affine buildings)Let Gbe a totally disc<strong>on</strong>nected group. Supposethat G acts <strong>on</strong> the affine building by simplicialautomorphisms such that each isotropygroup is compact. Then Σ is a model <strong>for</strong>both J COMOP (G) and JG and the barycentricsubdivisi<strong>on</strong> Σ ′ is a model <strong>for</strong> both E COMOP (G)and EG.Example 22 (Bruhat-Tits building). Animportant example is the case of a reductivep-adic algebraic group G and its associatedaffine Bruhat-Tits building β(G).Then β(G) is a model <strong>for</strong> JG and β(G) ′ isa model <strong>for</strong> EG by Theorem 21.

4.5. The Rips Complex of aWord-Hyperbolic GroupThe Rips complex P d (G, S) of a group Gwith a symmetric finite set S of generators<strong>for</strong> a natural number d is the geometricrealizati<strong>on</strong> of the simplicial set whoseset of k-simplices c<strong>on</strong>sists of (k +1)-tuples(g 0 , g 1 , . . . g k ) of pairwise distinct elementsg i ∈ G satisfying d S (g i , g j ) ≤ d <strong>for</strong> all i, j ∈{0, 1, . . . , k}. The obvious G-acti<strong>on</strong> by simplicialautomorphisms <strong>on</strong> P d (G, S) inducesa G-acti<strong>on</strong> by simplicial automorphisms <strong>on</strong>the barycentric subdivisi<strong>on</strong> P d (G, S) ′Theorem 23. (Rips complex) Let G bea (discrete) group with a finite symmetricset of generators. Suppose that (G, S) isδ-hyperbolic <strong>for</strong> the real number δ ≥ 0.Let d be a natural number with d ≥ 16δ +8. Then the barycentric subdivisi<strong>on</strong> of theRips complex P d (G, S) ′ is a finite G-CW -model <strong>for</strong> EG.

4.6. Arithmetic GroupsArithmetic groups in a semisimple c<strong>on</strong>nectedlinear Q-algebraic group possess finite models<strong>for</strong> EG. Namely, let G(R) be the R-points of a semisimple Q-group G(Q) andlet K ⊆ G(R) a maximal compact subgroup.If A ⊆ G(Q) is an arithmetic group,then G(R)/K with the left A-acti<strong>on</strong> is amodel <strong>for</strong> E FIN (A) as already explained inTheorem 18. The A-space G(R)/K is notnecessarily cocompact.Theorem 24. Borel-Serre compactificati<strong>on</strong>)The Borel-Serre completi<strong>on</strong> of G(R)/Kis a finite A-CW -model <strong>for</strong> E FIN (A).

4.7. Mapping Class groupsLet Γ s g,r be the mapping class group ofan orientable compact surface F of genusg with s punctures and r boundary comp<strong>on</strong>ents.We will always assume that 2g +s + r > 2, or, equivalently, that the Eulercharacteristic of the punctured surface Fis negative. It is well-known that the associatedTeichmüller space T s g,r is a c<strong>on</strong>tractiblespace <strong>on</strong> which Γ s g,r acts properly.ActuallyTheorem 25. (Teichmüller space) TheΓ s g,r -space T s g,r is a model <strong>for</strong> E FIN (Γ s g,r ).

4.8. Outer AutomorphismGroups of Free groupsLet F n be the free group of rank n. Denoteby Out(F n ) the group of outer automorphismsof F n , i.e. the quotient of the groupof all automorphisms of F n by the normalsubgroup of inner automorphisms. Cullerand Vogtmann have c<strong>on</strong>structed a spaceX n called outer space <strong>on</strong> which Out(F n )acts with finite isotropy groups. It is analogousto the Teichmüller space of a surfacewith the acti<strong>on</strong> of the mapping classgroup of the surface.The space X n c<strong>on</strong>tains a spine K n whichis an Out(F n )-equivariant de<strong>for</strong>mati<strong>on</strong> retracti<strong>on</strong>.This space K n is a simplicialcomplex of dimensi<strong>on</strong> (2n − 3) <strong>on</strong> whichthe Out(F n )-acti<strong>on</strong> is by simplicial automorphismsand cocompact. Actually thegroup of simplicial automorphisms of K nis Out(F n ) by results due to Brids<strong>on</strong> andVogtman.Theorem 26. The barycentric subdivisi<strong>on</strong>K n ′ is a finite (2n − 3)-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al modelof E Out(F n ).

5. Relevance and Applicati<strong>on</strong>sof Classifying Spaces <strong>for</strong>Families5.1. Baum-C<strong>on</strong>nes C<strong>on</strong>jectureThe goal of the Baum-C<strong>on</strong>nes C<strong>on</strong>jectureis the computati<strong>on</strong> of the topological K-theory K n (C ∗ r (G)) of the reduced groupC ∗ -algebra of G.C<strong>on</strong>jecture 27 (Baum-C<strong>on</strong>nes C<strong>on</strong>jecture).The assembly map defined by takingthe equivariant indexasmb: K G n (JG) ∼ = −→ Kn (C ∗ r (G))is bijective <strong>for</strong> all n ∈ Z.

5.2. Farrell-J<strong>on</strong>es C<strong>on</strong>jectureLet G be a discrete group.associative ring with unit.Let R be aThe goal ofthe Farrell-J<strong>on</strong>es C<strong>on</strong>jecture is to computethe algebraic K-groups K n (RH) and thealgebraic L-groups L −∞ n (RG).C<strong>on</strong>jecture 28 (Farrell-J<strong>on</strong>es C<strong>on</strong>jecture).The assembly maps induced by theprojecti<strong>on</strong> E VCYC (G) → G/Gasmb: Hn G (E VCYC (G), K) → K n (RG);asmb: Hn G (E VCYC (G), L −∞ ) → L −∞ n (RG),are bijective <strong>for</strong> all n ∈ Z.

5.3. Completi<strong>on</strong> TheoremLet G be a discrete group. For a proper finiteG-CW -complex let KG ∗ (X) be its equivariantK-theory defined in terms of equivariantfinite dimensi<strong>on</strong>al complex vector bundlesover X. Let I ⊆ KG 0 (EG) be theaugmentati<strong>on</strong> ideal, i.e. the kernel of themap K 0 (EG) → Z sending the class ofan equivariant complex vector bundle toits complex dimensi<strong>on</strong>. Let KG ∗ (EG)Î bethe I-adic completi<strong>on</strong> of KG ∗ (EG) and letK ∗ (BG) be the topological K-theory ofBG.Theorem 29 (Completi<strong>on</strong> Theorem <strong>for</strong>discrete groups). Let G be a discrete groupsuch that there exists a finite model <strong>for</strong>EG. Then there is a can<strong>on</strong>ical isomorphismK ∗ (BG) ∼ = −→ K∗G (EG) Î .

5.4. Classifying Spaces <strong>for</strong>Equivariant BundlesThe equivariant K-theory <strong>for</strong> finite properG-CW -complexes appearing above can beextended to arbitrary proper G-CW -complexes(including the multiplicative structure) usingΓ-<strong>spaces</strong> in the sense of Segal and involving<strong>classifying</strong> <strong>spaces</strong> <strong>for</strong> equivariantvector bundles. These <strong>classifying</strong> <strong>spaces</strong><strong>for</strong> equivariant vector bundles are again<strong>classifying</strong> <strong>spaces</strong> of certain Lie groups andcertain <strong>families</strong>5.5. Equivariant Homology andCohomologyClassifying <strong>spaces</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>families</strong> play a role incomputati<strong>on</strong>s of equivariant homology andcohomology <strong>for</strong> compact Lie groups suchas equivariant bordism. Rati<strong>on</strong>al computati<strong>on</strong>sof equivariant (co-)-homology groupsare possible in general using Chern characters<strong>for</strong> discrete groups and proper G-CW -complexes

6. Finiteness C<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>sThe questi<strong>on</strong>s whether there exists finitemodels, models of finite type or models orfinite-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al models <strong>for</strong> EG or wthatis the minimal value of dim(EG) is quiteinteresting and an obvious extenti<strong>on</strong> of thesame questi<strong>on</strong> <strong>for</strong> BG.Remark 30 (Algebraic criteri<strong>on</strong>). Let Gbe discrete. In the classical case <strong>on</strong>e canread off the possible dimensi<strong>on</strong> of BG fromthe homological algebra of ZG, in particularin terms of the cohomological dimensi<strong>on</strong>of the trivial ZG-modul Z. There areanalogous results <strong>for</strong> E F (G) if <strong>on</strong>e c<strong>on</strong>sidersmodules over the orbit category Or(G),in particular the c<strong>on</strong>stant c<strong>on</strong>travariant ZOr(G)-module Z F whose value is Z <strong>on</strong> G/H <strong>for</strong>H ∈ F and {0} <strong>on</strong> G/H <strong>for</strong> H ∉ F. Thisgives in principle a complete answer in algebraicterms but is often hard to apply inc<strong>on</strong>crete situati<strong>on</strong>s.

6.1. Some c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>for</strong>finite-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al modelsAs an illustrati<strong>on</strong> we give a small selecti<strong>on</strong>of results <strong>on</strong> this topic to due to C<strong>on</strong>nolly,Dunwoody, Kropholler, Kozniewsky,L., Leary, Meintrup, Mislin and Nucinkisand others.Theorem 31 (Discrete subgroups of Liegroups). Let L be a Lie group with finitelymany path comp<strong>on</strong>ents. Let K ⊆ L be amaximal compact subgroup K. Let G ⊆ Lbe a discrete subgroup of L.Then L/K with the left G-acti<strong>on</strong> is a model<strong>for</strong> EG.Suppose additi<strong>on</strong>ally that G c<strong>on</strong>tains a torsi<strong>on</strong>freesubgroup ∆ ⊆ G of finite index.Then we havevcd(G) ≤ dim(L/K)and equality holds if and <strong>on</strong>ly if G\L iscompact.

Theorem 32 (A criteri<strong>on</strong> <strong>for</strong> 1-dimensi<strong>on</strong>almodels). Let G be a discrete group. Thenthere exists a 1-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al model <strong>for</strong> EGif and <strong>on</strong>ly the cohomological dimensi<strong>on</strong> ofG over the rati<strong>on</strong>als Q is less or equal to<strong>on</strong>e.Theorem 33. Virtual cohomological dimensi<strong>on</strong>and dim(EG) Let G be a discretegroup which c<strong>on</strong>tains a torsi<strong>on</strong>free subgroupof finite index and has virtual cohomologicaldimensi<strong>on</strong>vcd(G) ≤ d. Let l ≥0 be an integer such that the length l(H)of any finite subgroup H ⊂ G is boundedby l.Then we have vcd(G) ≤ dim(EG) <strong>for</strong> anymodel <strong>for</strong> EG and there exists a model <strong>for</strong>EG of dimensi<strong>on</strong> max{3, d} + l.

Example 34 (Virtually poly-cyclic groups).Let the group ∆ be virtually poly-cyclic,i.e. ∆ c<strong>on</strong>tains a subgroup ∆ ′ of finite index<strong>for</strong> which there is a finite sequence{1} = ∆ ′ 0 ⊆ ∆′ 1 ⊆ . . . ⊆ ∆′ n = ∆ ′ of subgroupssuch that ∆ ′ i−1 is normal in ∆′ i withcyclic quotient ∆ ′ i /∆′ i−1<strong>for</strong> i = 1, 2, . . . , n.Denote by r the number of elements i ∈{1, 2, . . . , n} with ∆ ′ i /∆′ ∼ i−1 = Z. The numberr is called the Hirsch rank. The group∆ c<strong>on</strong>tains a torsi<strong>on</strong>free subgroup of finiteindex. We call ∆ ′ poly-Z if r = n, i.e.all quotients ∆ ′ i /∆′ i−1are infinite cyclic.Then1. r = vcd(∆);2. r = max{i | H i (∆ ′ ; Z/2) ≠ 0} <strong>for</strong> <strong>on</strong>e(and hence all) poly-Z subgroup ∆ ′ ⊂∆ of finite index;3. There exists a finite r-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al model<strong>for</strong> E∆ and <strong>for</strong> any model E∆ we havedim(E∆) ≥ r.

6.2. Reducti<strong>on</strong> to discretegroupsThe discretizati<strong>on</strong> G d of a topological groupG is the same group but now with the discretetopology.Theorem 35 (Passage from topologicalgroups to totally disc<strong>on</strong>nected groups).Let G be a locally compact sec<strong>on</strong>d countableHausdorff group. Put G := G/G 0 .Then there is a G-CW -model <strong>for</strong> EG thatis d-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al or finite or of finite typerespectively if and <strong>on</strong>ly if EG has a G-CW -model that is d-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al or finite or offinite type respectively.Theorem 36 (Passage from totally disc<strong>on</strong>nectedgroups to discrete groups).Let G be a locally compact totally disc<strong>on</strong>nectedHausdorff group and let F bea family of subgroups of G. Then there is aG-CW -model <strong>for</strong> E F (G) that is d-dimensi<strong>on</strong>alor finite or of finite type respectively if and<strong>on</strong>ly if there is a G d -CW -model <strong>for</strong> E F (G d )that is d-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al or finite or of finitetype respectively.

7. CounterexamplesThe following problem is stated by BrownIt created a lot of activities and many ofthe results stated above were motivated byit.Problem 37. For which discrete groups G,which c<strong>on</strong>tain a torsi<strong>on</strong>free subgroup offinite index and has virtual cohomologicaldimensi<strong>on</strong> ≤ d, does there exist a d-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al G-CW -model <strong>for</strong> EG?Leary and Nucinkis have c<strong>on</strong>structed manyvery interesting examples of discrete groupssome of which are listed below. Theirmain technical input is an equivariant versi<strong>on</strong>of the c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>s due to Bestvinaand Brady. These examples show that theanswer to the Problems 37 and to otherproblems appearing in the literature is notpositive in general. A group G is of typeVF if it c<strong>on</strong>tains a subgroup H ⊆ G of finiteindex <strong>for</strong> which there is a finite model<strong>for</strong> BH.

1. For any positive integer d there exist agroup G of type VF which has virtuallycohomological dimensi<strong>on</strong> ≤ 3d, but <strong>for</strong>which any model <strong>for</strong> EG has dimensi<strong>on</strong>≥ 4d;2. There exists a group G with a finitecyclic subgroup H ⊆ G such that G isof type VF but the centralizer C G H ofH in G is not of type FP ∞ ;3. There exists a group G of type VFwhich c<strong>on</strong>tains infinitely many c<strong>on</strong>jugacyclasses of finite subgroups;4. There exists an extensi<strong>on</strong> 1 → ∆ →G → π → 1 such that E∆ and EG havefinite G-CW -models but there is no G-CW -model <strong>for</strong> Eπ of finite type.

8. The Orbit Space of EGWe will see that in many computati<strong>on</strong>s ofthe group (co-)homology, of the algebraicK- and L-theory of the group ring or thetopological K-theory of the reduced C ∗ -algebra of a discrete group G a key problemis to determine the homotopy type ofthe quotient space G\EG of EG. The followingresult shows that this is a difficultproblem in general and can <strong>on</strong>ly be solvedin special cases where som extra geometricinput is available. It was proved byLeary and Nucinkis based <strong>on</strong> ideas due toBaumslag-Dyer-Heller and Kan and Thurst<strong>on</strong>.Theorem 38 (The homotopy type ofG\EG). Let X be a c<strong>on</strong>nected CW -complex.Then there exists a group G such thatG\EG is homotopy equivalent to X.

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