From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec


LIST OF FIGURESFigure 3.1: Assessing developmental impacts 116Figure 3.2: Unequal initial land distributions go together withslower economic growth 122Figure 3.3: Supply chain pressures create precarious employment 159Figure 4.1: How vulnerability affects livelihoods 202Figure 4.2: Causes of premature death worldwide, circa 2002 206Figure 7.1: How change happens 437LIST OF TABLESTable 2.1: Great land reforms of the twentieth century 75Table 3.1: Southern TNCs 173Table 5.1: The Millennium Development Goals 355Table 5.2: Three grand narratives on aid: Sachs, Easterly, andCollier compared 359LIST OF BOXESBox 2.1: The golden rule 37Box 2.2: Are effective states compatible with active citizens? 94Box 3.1: Fisheries: managing a finite resource 126Box 3.2: A beginner’s guide to sustainable agriculture 130Box 3.3: The sweet taste of success in Colombia 135Box 3.4: Niche solutions: Fairtrade and organics 139Box 3.5: India’s women organise 162Box 3.6: Can trade agreements promote labour rights? 165Box 3.7: A tale of two tigers 184Box 3.8: The disadvantages of comparative advantage 187Box 4.1: The basic income guarantee: the next BIG idea? 214Box 4.2: Coping with hunger 225Box 4.3: SARS: what global collaboration can achieve 237Box 4.4: The Asian tsunami of 2004 248Box 4.5: Cuba vs Katrina, lessons in disaster risk reduction 252Box 4.6: Climate change, water, and conflict in Central Asia 261Box 5.1: Migrants make a difference 336Box 5.2: Earning a ‘licence to operate’ 341Box 5.3: Corporate responsibility or accountability? Voluntaryschemes vs regulation 349vii

LIST OF ACRONYMSAIDSARTARVASEANAUCAPCDMCEDAWCERFCGIARCSOCSRDACDFIDECOSOCECOWASEFAEITIEPAEPZEU ETSacquired immune deficiency syndromeantiretroviral treatment/therapyantiretroviralAssociation of South-East Asian NationsAfrican UnionCommon Agricultural PolicyClean Development MechanismConvention on the Elimination of All Forms ofDiscrimination Against WomenCentral Emergency Response FundConsultative Group on International AgriculturalResearchcivil society organisationcorporate social responsibilityDevelopment Assistance Committee (of the OECD)Department for International Development (UK)United Nations Economic and Social CouncilEconomic Community of West African StatesEducation for AllExtractive Industries Transparency InitiativeEconomic Partnership Agreementexport-processing zoneEuropean Union Emissions Trading Schemeviii

LIST OF ACRONYMSAIDSARTARVASEANAUCAPCDMCEDAWCERFCGIARCSOCSRDACDFIDECOSOCECOWASEFAEITIEPAEPZEU ETSacquired immune deficiency syndromeantiretroviral treatment/therapyantiretroviralAssociation of South-East Asian NationsAfrican UnionCommon Agricultural PolicyClean Development MechanismConvention on the Elimination of All Forms ofDiscrimination Against WomenCentral Emergency Response FundConsultative Group on International AgriculturalResearchcivil society organisationcorporate social responsibilityDevelopment Assistance Committee (of the OECD)Department for International Development (UK)United Nations Economic and Social CouncilEconomic Community of West African StatesEducation for AllExtractive Industries Transparency InitiativeEconomic Partnership Agreementexport-processing zoneEuropean Union Emissions Trading Schemeviii

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