From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec


INDEX‘licence to operate’ 341–2b; local linkages169, 170, 175, 177, 319; natural resourceexploitation 88–9, 345, 351; and NGOs169, 178, 341b, 342b, 344, 348, 350b, 351;and patents 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 343;and poor people 171, 176–7, 344; profitremittances 175–6; regulation 178, 320,323, 341, 343, 347, 349–50b, 351; shareholderadvocacy 351–2; and small tomedium-sized enterprises 169, 171–2,299; and taxation 314–16, 351; technologytransfer opportunities 175; transferpricing 175, 315TRIPS Agreement (WTO) 327, 328–9, 330,331, 351Uganda:access to information 89; civil societyactivism 65, 89; corruption campaigns89; domestic violence 275; as effectivestate 102; hunger and famine 225; internationalaid 363–4, 368; internationalhumanitarian relief 386; migration 335;pastoralists 198, 270; public servicesprovision 44, 50; war and conflict 102,277, 279, 397UK 47–8, 337, 340, 346, 348, 364, 381, 399,406, 410Ukraine 169; All Ukraine Network ofPeople Living with HIV and AIDS 234United Nations (UN):arms embargoes 398, 399–400; climatechange response 407, 408, 410, 414, 415,416; conflict resolution 392–3; in globalgovernance 424, 426; on human rights24, 25, 26; on hunger and malnutrition226; and intellectual property laws 331;international aid 354, 356, 357; internationalhumanitarian relief involvement385, 386–7, 389–90, 398; on landmineuse 403–4; peace efforts 393, 394–6; onsmall to medium-sized enterprises 170;and transnational corporations 346–7,349–50b, 351Uruguay 87, 95USA:agricultural issues 121, 321; arms trade399; climate change strategy role 410,414, 418, 421; corruption issues 86, 346;cotton farming 295, 319, 321–2; democratisation81; economic growth 181,187b; employment issues 151, 152;financial crisis 313, 314; greenhouse gasemissions 115, 410, 414, 418; healthissues 224, 232; HIV and AIDS 232; andintellectual property 323, 326, 327; asinternational aid donor 321, 363, 364,367, 374, 381, 388, 389; and internationalfinancial institutions 302, 305; internationaltrade issues 186, 187b, 294, 302,319, 324, 325 see also trade agreementsbelow; migration 334, 336b, 339; naturaldisasters 245, 246, 252b;September 11attacks 358, 379, 401; trade agreements165–6b, 188b, 313, 320, 322, 323, 330;transnational corporations 343, 344,351–2; violence 274; war and conflictinvolvement 212, 278, 394Venezuela 173t, 303Via Campesina 65Viet Nam:agricultural issues 119, 184b; civil societyactivism 61; climate change issues 258,265–6; economic growth 11, 82, 92, 179,182–3, 184–5b, 199, 298; as effective state101, 102; inequality reduced 4, 8, 11,184b, 185b; international aid 364; internationalhumanitarian relief 387; landreform 74; natural resources 93; propertyrights issues 93; social protection measures211–12; transnational corporations 174violence:and civil society 139, 146, 158, 178, 275,276–7; and crime 149, 202f, 206f, 278;domestic violence 29, 36, 97, 200, 274,275; effective states and 274, 282, 284;as a human rights issue 24, 27, 30, 281,283–4; against indigenous people 81;and politics 79, 81, 277; poverty and 27,200, 274, 277, 278–9, 280; and religion275, 276, 278, 280, 282–3; as a risk issue200, 274–7, 282; terrorism 205, 206f, 280,285, 347, 358, 382, 401; ‘uncivil society’60; against women 29, 64, 68, 74, 200,274–7; young people and 149, 274, 280,282; see also war and conflictvulnerability:active citizenship and 14, 204; andchildren 200, 205, 212, 226; climatechange and 200, 202f, 261, 264–5, 406;defined 201, 202f; effective states and 14,21, 222, 250; health and 202f, 238–41;HIV and AIDS and 202f, 232, 233, 238,521

FROM POVERTY TO POWER241; human security approach 14, 199,203–5, 230, 241, 288–90, 429; hunger and210, 227; of indigenous people 239, 240;markets and 7, 21, 117; to natural disasters14, 201, 202f, 245–6, 250, 255, 293; ofpastoralists 120, 198, 259, 268–72;poverty and 14, 120, 156, 199, 201, 203,246, 247–8, 288; property rights and 71,74; and risk 21, 156, 198–201, 245–6, 251;and social protection measures 207–10,211, 213, 215–16, 228–9, 251war and conflict:‘blood diamonds’ 88, 282, 400; as changeagent 286, 287, 433, 441, 442; childrenand 62, 278, 279; civil war 62, 81, 90, 102,174, 277, 278, 395; climate change and281; developing countries and 278, 393;and development 21, 286; elites’ involvement281–2; global governance and 293,402; government involvement 90–1, 279,280–1, 283–4; inequality and 278, 284;international agreements 293; internationalhumanitarian relief efforts 392,396–7, 402; international intervention60, 392–4, 401; and marginalised groups278, 280; natural resources and 282, 285,400; peace efforts 102, 280, 282–5, 286,392, 394–7; refugees 277, 279, 397–8,401; as a risk issue 200, 201, 202f, 277–82,392, 402; war crimes 275, 283, 392, 393,397; ‘war on terror’ 280, 285, 354, 401–2;women and 275, 279, 281, 284; see alsoarms tradeWashington Consensus 5, 32, 91, 181,297–300, 304, 373water and sanitation 9, 11, 44–5, 46, 47–8,50, 260, 261b, 299We Can campaign 36, 276–7women and girls:in agriculture 61, 112, 124, 134, 138, 142,151, 160–1; in civil society activism 29,61, 63, 64, 67–9, 138, 161, 164; climatechange and 259, 265; discriminationsee gender inequality; education 2, 42–3;employment and 50, 150–1, 156, 158–9,167, 190 see also labour rights issuesbelow; and health care 4, 238, 241; healthissues 4, 46–7, 151, 238–9; HIV and AIDS74, 78, 232, 233, 238; human rights and25, 27, 39, 50, 67–9; inequality and 2, 4, 5,41, 111–12; justice system and 97, 98;labour rights and 153, 154–5, 158–9,160–1, 162–3b; natural disasters and246–7, 259; political involvement 83, 84;property rights and 74, 76, 77–8, 233;social protection measures 50, 209; ‘timepoverty’ 151, 167; trade union involvement159, 160–1, 162–3b; unpaid work110, 111–12, 151, 167, 190; violence and29, 64, 68, 74, 200, 274–7; war andconflict and 275, 279, 281, 284World Bank:agriculture involvement 120–1, 130, 132,139–40, 299, 304; background 296–8,354; civil society and 65, 300; climatechange and 258, 304, 409; on corruption86, 345–6; developing countries involvement296, 297–8, 305; on economicgrowth 113, 121, 181, 190, 297, 303;employment and 155–8, 295; in globalgovernance 296, 424; on inequality 5, 6,7, 190; international aid 354, 358, 364;international loans 295, 297, 298–9, 303;poverty reduction strategies 7, 45, 300–1,307, 369; property rights and 72, 93;social protection measures and 209, 215;stabilisation policies 297–8; structuraladjustment policies 297, 298, 302; ontaxation 98–9; on trade liberalisation186, 187b, 295, 302; on war and conflict286; and Washington Consensus 181World Social Forum 65World Trade Organisation (WTO):agricultural agreements 321, 322; inglobal governance 294, 424; intellectualproperty laws 327, 328–9, 330, 331, 344;trade rules 319, 320–2, 323, 324–5, 344,351; trade talks 186, 236, 320–1, 322,324–5, 327, 329, 344, 348–9, 423Yemen; Yemeni Women’s Union (YWU) 98young people:civil activism 35, 60, 62, 64; employmentissues 149, 150, 189, 334; as migrants333, 334; and politics 35, 61; and violence149, 274, 280, 282Zambia 49, 78, 177–8, 200, 211, 299, 308Zimbabwe 35, 70, 76, 229, 263, 335522

INDEX‘licence <strong>to</strong> operate’ 341–2b; local linkages169, 170, 175, 177, 319; natural resourceexploitation 88–9, 345, 351; and NGOs169, 178, 341b, 342b, 344, 348, 350b, 351;and patents 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 343;and poor people 171, 176–7, 344; profitremittances 175–6; regulation 178, 320,323, 341, 343, 347, 349–50b, 351; shareholderadvocacy 351–2; and small <strong>to</strong>medium-sized enterprises 169, 171–2,299; and taxation 314–16, 351; technologytransfer opportunities 175; transferpricing 175, 315TRIPS Agreement (WTO) 327, 328–9, 330,331, 351Uganda:access <strong>to</strong> information 89; civil societyactivism 65, 89; corruption campaigns89; domestic violence 275; as effectivestate 102; hunger and famine 225; internationalaid 363–4, 368; internationalhumanitarian relief 386; migration 335;pas<strong>to</strong>ralists 198, 270; public servicesprovision 44, 50; war and conflict 102,277, 279, 397UK 47–8, 337, 340, 346, 348, 364, 381, 399,406, 410Ukraine 169; All Ukraine Network ofPeople Living with HIV and AIDS 234United Nations (UN):arms embargoes 398, 399–400; climatechange response 407, 408, 410, 414, 415,416; conflict resolution 392–3; in globalgovernance 424, 426; on human rights24, 25, 26; on hunger and malnutrition226; and intellectual property laws 331;international aid 354, 356, 357; internationalhumanitarian relief involvement385, 386–7, 389–90, 398; on landmineuse 403–4; peace efforts 393, 394–6; onsmall <strong>to</strong> medium-sized enterprises 170;and transnational corporations 346–7,349–50b, 351Uruguay 87, 95USA:agricultural issues 121, 321; arms trade399; climate change strategy role 410,414, 418, 421; corruption issues 86, 346;cot<strong>to</strong>n farming 295, 319, 321–2; democratisation81; economic growth 181,187b; employment issues 151, 152;financial crisis 313, 314; greenhouse gasemissions 115, 410, 414, 418; healthissues 224, 232; HIV and AIDS 232; andintellectual property 323, 326, 327; asinternational aid donor 321, 363, 364,367, 374, 381, 388, 389; and internationalfinancial institutions 302, 305; internationaltrade issues 186, 187b, 294, 302,319, 324, 325 see also trade agreementsbelow; migration 334, 336b, 339; naturaldisasters 245, 246, 252b;September 11attacks 358, 379, 401; trade agreements165–6b, 188b, 313, 320, 322, 323, 330;transnational corporations 343, 344,351–2; violence 274; war and conflictinvolvement 212, 278, 394Venezuela 173t, 303Via Campesina 65Viet Nam:agricultural issues 119, 184b; civil societyactivism 61; climate change issues 258,265–6; economic growth 11, 82, 92, 179,182–3, 184–5b, 199, 298; as effective state101, 102; inequality reduced 4, 8, 11,184b, 185b; international aid 364; internationalhumanitarian relief 387; landreform 74; natural resources 93; propertyrights issues 93; social protection measures211–12; transnational corporations 174violence:and civil society 139, 146, 158, 178, 275,276–7; and crime 149, 202f, 206f, 278;domestic violence 29, 36, 97, 200, 274,275; effective states and 274, 282, 284;as a human rights issue 24, 27, 30, 281,283–4; against indigenous people 81;and politics 79, 81, 277; <strong>poverty</strong> and 27,200, 274, 277, 278–9, 280; and religion275, 276, 278, 280, 282–3; as a risk issue200, 274–7, 282; terrorism 205, 206f, 280,285, 347, 358, 382, 401; ‘uncivil society’60; against women 29, 64, 68, 74, 200,274–7; young people and 149, 274, 280,282; see also war and conflictvulnerability:active citizenship and 14, 204; andchildren 200, 205, 212, 226; climatechange and 200, 202f, 261, 264–5, 406;defined 201, 202f; effective states and 14,21, 222, 250; health and 202f, 238–41;HIV and AIDS and 202f, 232, 233, 238,521

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