From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec


INDEXcountries 358, 363–4, 366, 378–9; disadvantages354–5, 359b, 360b, 361b,362b, 363–7, 378, 380; for education 41,366, 369; and effective states 354, 363,365–6, 367, 368, 371, 373, 380; food aid210, 211, 213, 215, 215b, 217, 229, 255;general budget support (GBS) 368–9;growth of 354; and health care systems353; and HIV and AIDS 356, 358;improving delivery 367–9, 377–80; andinequality 248b, 354, 355; in internationalagreements 354, 355t, 356;international financial institutions’involvement 296, 297, 304–5, 354; levelsof 357–9; NGO involvement 354, 356–7,358–9, 371–4; for poverty reduction 354,359b, 360b, 361b, 362b; power relations354, 363; quality of 363–9, 371–4, 388–9;sector-wide approaches (SWAPs) 368;selectivity 369–71, 386; short-termism373–4, 389; and social contracts 367;social protection measures 211, 212, 213,364, 389; and technical assistance 364–5;terrorism and 354, 358, 382; throughtaxation schemes 316, 317; time limited367–8; and weak states 370–1International Campaign to Ban Landmines(ICBL) 403–5International Criminal Court (ICC) 65,397, 398, 402, 425international financial institutions (IFIs):and debt crises 120, 297, 301, 305–8, 310;in developing countries 297–8, 298, 303,304, 305, 316–17; and economic growth181, 190, 302; effective states and 302,304, 307; employment and 156; in globalgovernance 296, 309, 316, 424; humansecurity involvement 289; internationalaid and 296, 297, 304–5, 354; internationalloans 308, 309–10; on microfinance220; multilateralism and 303,307; on poverty reduction 7, 300–1; onpublic services 301–2; and regulation311, 314, 316–17; see also InternationalMonetary Fund; World Bankinternational humanitarian law (IHL) 254,284, 293, 392, 396–7, 400, 404international humanitarian relief:accountability of 390–1; background384–5; co-ordination of 387, 390, 391;criticisms of 384, 385, 386–8, 388–9;donor involvement 248–9b, 254–6,386–7, 388–9, 390; effective states and249–50; funding of 386, 390; globalgovernance 357, 359, 398; governmentinvolvement 384, 385, 390, 391; mediacoverage of 386; natural disasters 248–9b,249–50, 254–6, 385, 386; NGO involvement254, 264, 385, 387, 390–1, 397;politicals and 386–7; private sectorinvolvement 391; religious involvement384, 385; in war and conflict 392, 396–7,402; see also international aidInternational Labour Organization (ILO)152, 153, 156, 165b, 166b, 167, 349bInternational Monetary Fund (IMF):background 296–7, 354; conditionality298, 299, 301, 307, 313; debt relief 307,310; economic growth role 181, 190; onemployment 155; in global governance296, 424; international aid 109, 354, 364;international loans 295–7, 301, 303, 312,313; poverty reduction strategy 300, 301;structural adjustment programmes 120,139–40, 300; on trade liberalisation 295international NGOs (INGOs) see underNGOsinternational trade:and agriculture 321–2 see also tradeliberalisation; and comparative advantage187–8b, 189; and developing countries319, 321; development and 321, 325;economic growth and 185–6, 196; andeffective states 187, 322, 332; employmentopportunities 318; global governanceand 352; and globalisation 318,320, 321, 352; and indigenous people324, 331; inequality and 186, 294, 297,299, 318, 324; intellectual property and175, 236, 320, 325–6, 327, 328–9, 330,331, 343; and poverty reduction 318;rules 318–20, 321–5, 352; and structuraladjustment programmes 186; tariffs 315,319, 321; trade agreements 165–6b, 186,294, 313, 322–4, 330; transnationalcorporations 299, 323, 343, 344; see alsotrade liberalisationIran 35, 38, 39, 75tIraq 75t, 88, 277, 278, 280, 293, 357, 394,397, 425Ireland 238–9, 354, 364Israel 281, 284–5, 363, 399; Adva Centre 64Italy 87, 94b, 339, 381, 410515

FROM POVERTY TO POWERJapan:climate change strategy role 410, 414;corruption 87; economic growth 181;education provision 48; as effective state95; as international aid donor 381; internationaltrade issues 186–7, 319; technologicaldevelopment 327Jordan 165b, 330Jubilee 2000 campaign 38, 300, 307, 356justice 11, 12, 28, 30, 34, 37, 38, 77, 97–8Kenya 73, 77, 81, 123, 151, 223, 268, 369Kyoto Protocol (1997) 113, 293, 316, 382,407, 414, 418Kyrgyzstan 209, 212labour rights:active citizenship and 65, 163–4, 196;effective states and 163–4, 166–7, 176,196; and informal employment 152, 153;NGOs’ role 151, 161, 165, 345, 348; andthe private sector 65, 163, 164–5, 169,170, 299; and small to medium-sizedenterprises 169, 170; trade agreementsand 165–6b; trade union campaigns 158,160–3, 164–5, 167, 348, 351; and transnationalcorporations 65, 176, 345, 348,349b, 351; for women 153, 154–5, 158,160–1, 162–3blandmines 400, 403–5Latin America:access to information 54; agriculturalissues 120, 125, 144; arms trade 399; civilsociety activism 34, 60, 64, 94b; debtcrisis 297, 306, 312; democratisation 79,80, 82; economic growth 82, 181–2;employment issues 152; inequality 4, 99;and international financial institutions297, 303; property rights issues 73;structural adjustment programmes 298;taxation 98, 99; violence 274, 275, 278;see also named countriesLebanon 81, 277, 386Lesotho 46, 48, 156, 212Liberia 247, 279, 282, 393Madagascar 341–2b, 386Make Poverty History campaign 307, 381Malawi:access to information 89; agriculture and141–2; corruption campaigns 89; aseffective state 141–2; health caresystem 353; hunger and famine 229, 255;international aid 353; NationalSmallholder Farmers’ Association ofMalawi (NASFAM) 89; political issues84; producer organisations 137; publicservices 46; social protection measures211, 216Malaysia:agriculture and 132, 141, 186; economicgrowth 88, 92; as effective state 92, 93,101, 141; financial crisis 311; naturalresources 88, 93; public services 49;trade liberalisation 186; transnationalcorporations 172, 173t, 176Maldives 247, 248b, 258Mali 50, 135, 270, 295, 364markets:active citizenship and 195–6; agricultureand 133–5, 136–9, 195–6; capital accountliberalisation 311–12, 313; and debtcrises 306; democracy and 82–3; globalgovernance of 293; global markets 293,310–11; institutions and 21, 108–9; andland reform 76–7; poverty and 7, 14, 108,195–6, 220; rules 108–9, 110; sustainability195–6; vulnerability and 7, 21, 117; seealso private sectorMauritius 12, 101, 165, 193–4Mexico:climate change issues 406; as effectivestate 94b; employment issues 155; foodissues 224; health issues 224, 239; internationaltrade issues 323; land reform 74,75t; migration 336b; natural disasters287; PROGRESA programme 50; propertyrights issues 73; social protectionmeasures 50, 212; transnational corporations172, 173t, 175microfinance organisations 221–3Middle East 277, 334, 399migration:active citizenship and 339, 340; agricultureand 122, 123, 144–5; barriers to333–4, 337–8, 398; ‘brain drain’ 57, 337,340; climate change and 260; anddeveloped countries 339–40, 401; anddeveloping countries 334–5, 425;discrimination against migrants 337–8,339, 398; economic issues 334, 338; andemployment 153, 333, 334, 335; environmentalrefugees 258, 260; governmentpolicies 145, 338, 339, 340; human rights516

FROM POVERTY TO POWERJapan:climate change strategy role 410, 414;corruption 87; economic growth 181;education provision 48; as effective state95; as international aid donor 381; internationaltrade issues 186–7, 319; technologicaldevelopment 327Jordan 165b, 330Jubilee 2000 campaign 38, 300, 307, 356justice 11, 12, 28, 30, 34, 37, 38, 77, 97–8Kenya 73, 77, 81, 123, 151, 223, 268, 369Kyo<strong>to</strong> Pro<strong>to</strong>col (1997) 113, 293, 316, 382,407, 414, 418Kyrgyzstan 209, 212labour rights:active citizenship and 65, 163–4, 196;effective states and 163–4, 166–7, 176,196; and informal employment 152, 153;NGOs’ role 151, 161, 165, 345, 348; andthe private sec<strong>to</strong>r 65, 163, 164–5, 169,170, 299; and small <strong>to</strong> medium-sizedenterprises 169, 170; trade agreementsand 165–6b; trade union campaigns 158,160–3, 164–5, 167, 348, 351; and transnationalcorporations 65, 176, 345, 348,349b, 351; for women 153, 154–5, 158,160–1, 162–3blandmines 400, 403–5Latin America:access <strong>to</strong> information 54; agriculturalissues 120, 125, 144; arms trade 399; civilsociety activism 34, 60, 64, 94b; debtcrisis 297, 306, 312; democratisation 79,80, 82; economic growth 82, 181–2;employment issues 152; inequality 4, 99;and international financial institutions297, 303; property rights issues 73;structural adjustment programmes 298;taxation 98, 99; violence 274, 275, 278;see also named countriesLebanon 81, 277, 386Lesotho 46, 48, 156, 212Liberia 247, 279, 282, 393Madagascar 341–2b, 386Make Poverty His<strong>to</strong>ry campaign 307, 381Malawi:access <strong>to</strong> information 89; agriculture and141–2; corruption campaigns 89; aseffective state 141–2; health caresystem 353; hunger and famine 229, 255;international aid 353; NationalSmallholder Farmers’ Association ofMalawi (NASFAM) 89; political issues84; producer organisations 137; publicservices 46; social protection measures211, 216Malaysia:agriculture and 132, 141, 186; economicgrowth 88, 92; as effective state 92, 93,101, 141; financial crisis 311; naturalresources 88, 93; public services 49;trade liberalisation 186; transnationalcorporations 172, 173t, 176Maldives 247, 248b, 258Mali 50, 135, 270, 295, 364markets:active citizenship and 195–6; agricultureand 133–5, 136–9, 195–6; capital accountliberalisation 311–12, 313; and debtcrises 306; democracy and 82–3; globalgovernance of 293; global markets 293,310–11; institutions and 21, 108–9; andland reform 76–7; <strong>poverty</strong> and 7, 14, 108,195–6, 220; rules 108–9, 110; sustainability195–6; vulnerability and 7, 21, 117; seealso private sec<strong>to</strong>rMauritius 12, 101, 165, 193–4Mexico:climate change issues 406; as effectivestate 94b; employment issues 155; foodissues 224; health issues 224, 239; internationaltrade issues 323; land reform 74,75t; migration 336b; natural disasters287; PROGRESA programme 50; propertyrights issues 73; social protectionmeasures 50, 212; transnational corporations172, 173t, 175microfinance organisations 221–3Middle East 277, 334, 399migration:active citizenship and 339, 340; agricultureand 122, 123, 144–5; barriers <strong>to</strong>333–4, 337–8, 398; ‘brain drain’ 57, 337,340; climate change and 260; anddeveloped countries 339–40, 401; anddeveloping countries 334–5, 425;discrimination against migrants 337–8,339, 398; economic issues 334, 338; andemployment 153, 333, 334, 335; environmentalrefugees 258, 260; governmentpolicies 145, 338, 339, 340; human rights516

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