From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec


INDEX312, 313; fisheries policies 126–7b, 146,147; in HIV and AIDS protection 234,235, 236, 242–4, 329; and human security204–5, 288–9; hunger and famine and227, 228; international humanitarianrelief 384, 385, 390, 391; internationaltrade rules 320; on land reform 74, 76–7;on landmine use 403–4; on migration145, 338, 339, 340; natural disasters and246, 249b, 253; NGOs and 357, 371, 373,374, 376; pastoralists and 268, 269–70,271, 272; private sector and 170–1;regulation 48, 57, 90, 133, 235, 343, 352;risk and 204–5; and small to mediumsizedenterprises 170–1; social protectionmeasures 208–9, 211, 212, 217–18, 223,227–9, 389; and taxation 315–16;transnational corporations and 171,175–6, 178, 315–16, 343, 344; war andconflict 90–1, 279, 280–1, 283–4; weak91, 101–3, 246, 370–1; see also effectivestates; politicsgrassroots organisations 13, 34, 43, 46, 63,67, 196, 223, 234Greece 79, 169, 385Guatemala 3, 97, 123, 280; Social SpendingObservatory 65Haiti 3, 227, 284health:of children 2–3, 9, 45, 47, 49, 55, 231, 239;and climate change 258, 259, 260; drugsindustry and 236, 320, 327–30; andemployment 151, 156, 167; genderinequality and 4, 46–7, 151, 238–9; andindigenous people 2, 4, 239, 240;malnutrition 6, 9, 149, 226, 228, 239;maternal mortality 238–9; poverty and 7,8, 9, 11, 40, 231–2; vulnerability and 202f,238–41; of women 4, 46–7, 151, 238–9;see also diseasehealth care:corruption 86, 87; effective states and 12,239; family planning services 47; immunisationprogrammes 239–40; inequalityand 2–3, 4, 240–1; international aid and353; oral rehydration therapy (ORT) 55;reproductive and sexual health care46–7, 238–9; well-being and 46, 112;for women 4, 238, 241Heavily Indebted Poor Countries DebtReduction Initiative (HIPC) 306, 307–8,369HIV and AIDS:active citizenship and 63, 234, 235; antiretroviraldrugs (ARVs) 232, 235, 236,242, 243, 329–30; background 232, 237;civil society campaigns 234, 235, 242–4,329; in developed countries 232, 233,241; in developing countries 10, 232, 240;discrimination 53, 232, 235, 236; andinternational aid 356, 358; privatesector’s responsibility 234–5; propertyrights and 74, 78, 233; as a risk issue 200,201, 231–4; states and 234, 235–6;vulnerability and 202f, 232, 233, 238,241; and women 74, 78, 232, 233, 238Hong Kong 95, 339, 347human rights:and access to information 24, 26, 27, 53;and the arms trade 399, 400; and capabilities24, 25, 104; of children 24, 25, 26,44, 62, 205, 274, 293; civil rights 25; civilsociety campaigns 59, 60, 62, 64; collectiverights 25; defined 23–4; democracyand 25, 80–1; development and 25–6, 27,104; effective states and 21–2, 205; andemployment 149, 150; gender inequality25, 27, 36, 39, 50, 67–9; global governancerole 24, 293, 401, 425; history of24–5; for indigenous people 29, 31, 32,33; international agreements 24, 28;justice and 28, 30, 34; and migration 333,338; poverty and 27–8, 208; and powerrelations 23, 24, 28–30; and transnationalcorporations 349–50b; and violence 24,27, 30, 281, 283–4; for women 25, 27, 39,50, 67–9; see also labour rightshuman security approach:defined 14, 199, 288; effective states and12, 19, 21, 90, 203–4, 230, 241; andgovernments 204–5, 288–9; internationalfinancial institutions and 289; naturaldisasters 249b, 250–4, 256; risk management203–4, 272; risk reduction strategies249–51, 252–3b, 253–4; to vulnerability14, 199, 203–5, 230, 241, 288–90, 429;hunger and famine 4–5, 9–10, 210, 224–6,225–6b, 227–30, 287Hurricane Katrina (2005) 246, 252–3b513

FROM POVERTY TO POWERIndia:access to information 52, 54, 89; agriculturalissues 129, 134, 135, 141, 143; armstrade 399; civil society activism 29, 134,135, 138, 146–7, 276; climate changeissues 260, 264, 412, 420, 422; corruptioncampaigns 89; decentralisation 100;economic growth 8, 182, 190, 294;education provision 3–4, 40–1; as effectivestate 94b; employment issues 148, 161,162b; financial crises avoided 313; fishingindustry 146–7; gender inequality 5, 27;health issues 47, 240, 328; HIV and AIDS233; human rights initiatives 26; humanitarianrelief efforts 227–9; and intellectualproperty laws 330, 331; and internationalfinancial institutions 303; internationaltrade issues 322, 323; land reform 75t;Lokvikas Samajik Sanstha (LVSS) 161;migration 336b, 337; National RuralEmployment Guarantee Act 218–19,228–9; natural disasters 245, 247, 248b;property rights issues 70, 74; publicservices 46, 49, 52; social protectionmeasures 209, 215, 217–19, 228–9;Sreema Mahila Samity (SMS) 264; tradeunions 29, 138, 161, 162–3b; transnationalcorporations 172, 173t, 174, 177, 347,349; war and conflict 277indigenous people:active citizenship 18–19, 31, 32–3, 63, 78,100; in agriculture 119, 122, 123, 132,140; and climate change 265; discrimination10, 20; health and 3, 4, 239, 240;human rights and 29, 31, 32, 33; inequalityand 3, 4, 10, 31; and intellectual propertyrights 331; and international trade 324,331; and justice 97; political involvement18, 31, 32–3; property rights 74, 76, 78;violence against 81; vulnerability and239, 240Indonesia:biofuel production 132; civil societyactivism 60, 307; corporate socialresponsibility 347; corruption 87; ondebt relief 307; economic growth 82; aseffective state 94, 96; financial crisis 311,312; fishing industry 123; internationalhumanitarian relief 387; Koalisi AntiUtang 307; natural disasters 248b, 254,287; trade liberalisation 186; war andconflict 280inequality:attitude and beliefs and 34–5, 36; andchildren 2–4, 6, 8, 10; and climate change15, 258–9, 407–8, 409, 411, 412–13, 423,429; democracy and 81–2, 428; andeconomic growth 5, 6, 11, 40, 179–80,189, 195, 429; education 2, 3–4, 42–3;financial crises and 306, 312–13; andglobal governance 15, 57, 292–4, 424,428; globalisation and 3, 15, 104, 105,352; health care 2–3, 4, 240–1; indigenouspeople 3, 4, 10, 31; and international aid248b, 355; in international trade 186,294, 297, 299, 318, 324; property rightsand 74; technology and 55–7; war andconflict 278, 284; see also genderinequalityinstitutions 20, 21, 108–9, 292–4, 384–5see also international financial institutionsintellectual property (IP):and active citizenship 332; and biopiracy331; and developed countries 326, 330;and developing countries 57, 323, 327,330, 331, 344; and drugs industry 236,320, 327–30, 343, 344; and effective states332; global governance of 57, 325–6,331–2; and indigenous people 331;international trade and 325–6, 327,328–9, 330, 331; patents 175, 236, 320,326, 327, 328–9, 330, 331, 343; technologicaldevelopment and 57, 323, 326;and transnational corporations 326, 327,328, 329, 330, 344Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange (IPCC) 257–8, 259, 406, 417–18international agreements:on aid 354, 355t, 356; on climate change293, 407, 408, 410, 411, 417–18; on theenvironment 293; and human rights 24,28; on taxation 315–16, 351; trade165–6b, 186, 294, 313, 322–4, 330; on warand conflict 293international aid:accountability 92, 254–6, 374–6, 377–8,379; and active citizenship 354, 367,378–9; and agriculture 120–1, 122, 135,140; benefits of 354, 355, 359b, 360b,361b, 362b, 368; bureaucracy 363–5, 366;conditionality 155, 295, 300–1, 304,306–7, 364, 370–1, 375; and corrupt states89, 369–70; developed countries asdonors 358, 366, 380; and developing514

FROM POVERTY TO POWERIndia:access <strong>to</strong> information 52, 54, 89; agriculturalissues 129, 134, 135, 141, 143; armstrade 399; civil society activism 29, 134,135, 138, 146–7, 276; climate changeissues 260, 264, 412, 420, 422; corruptioncampaigns 89; decentralisation 100;economic growth 8, 182, 190, 294;education provision 3–4, 40–1; as effectivestate 94b; employment issues 148, 161,162b; financial crises avoided 313; fishingindustry 146–7; gender inequality 5, 27;health issues 47, 240, 328; HIV and AIDS233; human rights initiatives 26; humanitarianrelief efforts 227–9; and intellectualproperty laws 330, 331; and internationalfinancial institutions 303; internationaltrade issues 322, 323; land reform 75t;Lokvikas Samajik Sanstha (LVSS) 161;migration 336b, 337; National RuralEmployment Guarantee Act 218–19,228–9; natural disasters 245, 247, 248b;property rights issues 70, 74; publicservices 46, 49, 52; social protectionmeasures 209, 215, 217–19, 228–9;Sreema Mahila Samity (SMS) 264; tradeunions 29, 138, 161, 162–3b; transnationalcorporations 172, 173t, 174, 177, 347,349; war and conflict 277indigenous people:active citizenship 18–19, 31, 32–3, 63, 78,100; in agriculture 119, 122, 123, 132,140; and climate change 265; discrimination10, 20; health and 3, 4, 239, 240;human rights and 29, 31, 32, 33; inequalityand 3, 4, 10, 31; and intellectual propertyrights 331; and international trade 324,331; and justice 97; political involvement18, 31, 32–3; property rights 74, 76, 78;violence against 81; vulnerability and239, 240Indonesia:biofuel production 132; civil societyactivism 60, 307; corporate socialresponsibility 347; corruption 87; ondebt relief 307; economic growth 82; aseffective state 94, 96; financial crisis 311,312; fishing industry 123; internationalhumanitarian relief 387; Koalisi AntiUtang 307; natural disasters 248b, 254,287; trade liberalisation 186; war andconflict 280inequality:attitude and beliefs and 34–5, 36; andchildren 2–4, 6, 8, 10; and climate change15, 258–9, 407–8, 409, 411, 412–13, 423,429; democracy and 81–2, 428; andeconomic growth 5, 6, 11, 40, 179–80,189, 195, 429; education 2, 3–4, 42–3;financial crises and 306, 312–13; andglobal governance 15, 57, 292–4, 424,428; globalisation and 3, 15, 104, 105,352; health care 2–3, 4, 240–1; indigenouspeople 3, 4, 10, 31; and international aid248b, 355; in international trade 186,294, 297, 299, 318, 324; property rightsand 74; technology and 55–7; war andconflict 278, 284; see also genderinequalityinstitutions 20, 21, 108–9, 292–4, 384–5see also international financial institutionsintellectual property (IP):and active citizenship 332; and biopiracy331; and developed countries 326, 330;and developing countries 57, 323, 327,330, 331, 344; and drugs industry 236,320, 327–30, 343, 344; and effective states332; global governance of 57, 325–6,331–2; and indigenous people 331;international trade and 325–6, 327,328–9, 330, 331; patents 175, 236, 320,326, 327, 328–9, 330, 331, 343; technologicaldevelopment and 57, 323, 326;and transnational corporations 326, 327,328, 329, 330, 344Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange (IPCC) 257–8, 259, 406, 417–18international agreements:on aid 354, 355t, 356; on climate change293, 407, 408, 410, 411, 417–18; on theenvironment 293; and human rights 24,28; on taxation 315–16, 351; trade165–6b, 186, 294, 313, 322–4, 330; on warand conflict 293international aid:accountability 92, 254–6, 374–6, 377–8,379; and active citizenship 354, 367,378–9; and agriculture 120–1, 122, 135,140; benefits of 354, 355, 359b, 360b,361b, 362b, 368; bureaucracy 363–5, 366;conditionality 155, 295, 300–1, 304,306–7, 364, 370–1, 375; and corrupt states89, 369–70; developed countries asdonors 358, 366, 380; and developing514

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