From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec


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INDEXAfrican Union (AU) 241, 294, 370, 395, 424agriculture:active citizenship and 134–9, 144, 195–6;biofuel production 130–3, 143, 226–7;changes in 123–6, 131–3; climate changeand 78, 129, 259, 265, 266, 268–9, 406;cot<strong>to</strong>n farming 129, 137, 138, 261b, 295,319, 321–2; in developing countries121–2, 123–5, 142, 144; economicgrowth relationship 121–3, 183; effectivestates’ policies 139, 141–3, 144, 196;employment issues 149, 150, 154 environmentaffected 128, 130, 130b, 131; fairtrade schemes 139b, 143; GM crops 129;government policies 120–1, 122, 130,133, 134–5, 137, 139–41, 142; GreenRevolution 127–8, 130, 142, 143; andindigenous people 119, 122, 123, 132,140; and international aid 120–1, 122,135, 140; land rights 58–9, 72, 73, 75t,76–7, 122f, 142; markets and 133–5,136–9, 195–6; migration and 122, 123,144–5; organic farming 136, 139b, 143;pas<strong>to</strong>ralism 120, 198, 259, 268–72; and<strong>poverty</strong> 121–3, 133, 141, 144; privatesec<strong>to</strong>r involvement 56, 123–6, 128, 132,133; producer organisations 134–5,135–6b, 136–8, 139; structural adjustmentprogrammes and 120–1, 139–40; subsidies141–2, 143, 216, 299, 319, 322; supermarkets125, 144, 177–8; sustainableagriculture 130–1, 130–1b; technologyand 127–30, 131b, 133, 142; trade liberalisationand 112, 186, 227, 295, 297, 299,320; and transnational corporations 56,123–4, 142; women in agriculture 61,112, 124, 134, 138, 142, 151, 160–1Amnesty International 65, 398, 399Angola 88, 152, 277, 282, 284, 345, 400Argentina 81, 303, 306, 307, 311, 312Armenia 48, 53, 301; EconomicDevelopment Research Centre (EDRC)301; Support <strong>to</strong> Communities (STC) 48arms trade:arms embargoes 398, 399, 425; governmentinvolvement 15, 285, 346, 399, 403;human rights issues 399, 400; NGOcondemnation 372, 399Asia:agriculture 120, 125, 127, 128; arms trade399; employment 152; financial crises297, 306, 314; hunger and famine 224;inequality 4; and international financialinstitutions 297; international tradeissues 319; see also named countries;Central Asia; East AsiaAsian tsunami (2004) 246, 247, 248–9b,251–2, 254, 287, 382, 385, 387Australia 81, 337, 389, 406, 410, 414Bangladesh:agriculture 123, 142; Bangladesh RuralAdvancement Committee (BRAC) 213;civil society activism 276; climate changeissues 421; democratisation 79; employmentissues 150–1, 154, 157, 158, 318,351; Income Generation for VulnerableGroup Development (IGVGD) 213;inequality 8; international aid 364; internationaltrade issues 319; migration 335,337; natural disasters 247, 249b, 253, 287;NGO involvement 373; social protectionmeasures 213Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 56, 128,358Bolivia:agricultural issues 137; ChiquitanoIndigenous Organization (OICH) 31;civil society activism 18–19, 29, 31–3;decentralisation 100; employment issues152, 160; environmental issues 113;international aid 364; NationalAssociation of Quinoa Producers(ANAPQUI) 137; natural resources 89,113; property rights issues 18–19, 29,31–3, 70, 74; public services 46; tradeunions 33, 160Botswana:diamond industry 88, 101, 176, 192, 193;economic growth 101, 192–3; as effectivestate 12, 94b, 95, 101, 176, 192, 193, 376;HIV and AIDS 192, 235; internationalaid 354, 368, 376; natural resources 88,192, 193; trade liberalisation 186; transnationalcorporations 176Brazil:Alagoa Grande Rural Workers’ Union 34;arms trade 399; Bolsa Familia programme11, 208, 212, 214b; civil societyactivism 34, 58–9, 84; corruption 346;decentralisation 100; as effective state102, 235–6; employment issues 318;financial crisis 311; HIV and AIDS 232,235–6; inequality 4, 11; and international507

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