From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec


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BIBLIOGRAPHYUN (2007) ‘The Millennium Development Goals Report’, New York: United Nations.UN Commission on Human Security (2003) ‘Final Report of the UN Commissionon Human Security’, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2006) ‘UN Report on the WorldSocial Situation 2005: The Inequality Predicament’, OCHA (2007) ‘Israeli-Palestinian Fatalities since 2000: Key Trends’,www.ochaopt.orgUN OCHA (2007) ‘The humanitarian impact on Palestinians of Israelis settlementsand other infrastructure in the West Bank’, www.ochaopt.orgUNAIDS (2006) ‘Global Facts and Figures’, 200605-FS_globalfactsfigures_en.pdfUNAIDS (2006) ‘Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic’, and WHO (2007) ‘07 AIDS epidemic update’, (2005) World Investment Report 2005, New York: United NationsConference on Trade and Development.UNCTAD (2006) World Investment Report 2006, New York: United NationsConference on Trade and Development.UNDP (2000) Human Development Report 2000, New York: United NationsDevelopment Programme.UNDP (2001) Human Development Report 2001, New York: United NationsDevelopment Programme.UNDP (2002) Human Development Report 2002, New York: United NationsDevelopment Programme.UNDP (2004) ‘Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge for Development’, New York:United Nations Development Programme.UNDP (2004) ‘Unleashing Entrepreneurship: Making Business Work for the Poor’,Commission on the Private Sec<strong>to</strong>r and Development, New York: United NationsDevelopment Programme.UNDP (2005) Human Development Report 2005, New York and Oxford: UnitedNations Development Programme and Oxford University Press.UNDP (2006) ‘China, Country Programme Document 2006–10’, New York: UnitedNations Development Programme.UNDP (2006) Human Development Report 2006, New York: United NationsDevelopment Programme.UNDP (2007) Human Development Report 2007/2008, New York: United NationsDevelopment Programme.UNDP (2008) Human Development Report 2008, New York: United NationsDevelopment Programme.UNEP (2006) ‘Climate Change Information Kit’, and International Energy Agency (2002) ‘Reforming Energy Subsidies’,New York: United Nations Environment Programme.UNESCO (2001) ‘Barbed wire in the research field’,

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