From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec


BIBLIOGRAPHYCozijnsen, J., D. Dudek, K. Meng, A. Petsonk, J.E. Sanhueza (2007) ‘CDM and thePost-2012 Framework’, Environmental Defense Discussion Paper prepared forVienna Intersessionals, 27–31 August 2007.Cramer, C. (2006) Civil War is Not a Stupid Thing: Accounting for Violence inDeveloping Countries, London: C Hurst.Creti, P. and S. Jaspars (2005) Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies, Skills andPractice series, Oxford: Oxfam GB.Cundy, C. (2007) ‘Carbon funds: paying up to cut emissions’, Environmental Finance,July–August 2007, 20–2.Dasgupta, S., B. Laplante, C. Meisner, D. Wheeler, and J. Yan (2007) ‘The Impact ofSea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis’, World Bank PolicyResearch Working Paper 4136, Washington DC: World Bank.Davies, J. and M. Nori (2007) ‘Change of Wind or Wind of Change? Climate Change,Adaptation and Pastoralism’, summary of an online conference prepared for theWorld Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism, Nairobi: The International Union forConservation of Nature (IUCN).Davies, J. and R. Hatfield (2006) ‘Global Review of the Economics of Pastoralism’,prepared for the World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism, Nairobi: TheInternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).De Jouvenel, B. (1949) On Power, New York: Viking Press.De Moore, A. (2001) ‘Towards a Grand Deal on Subsidies and Climate Change’,Natural Resources Forum 25 (2).De Renzio, P. and A. Rogerson (2005) ‘Power to Consumers? A Bottom-up Approachto Aid Reform’, London: Overseas Development Institute (ODI).De Soto, H. (2000) Mystery of Capital, New York: Basic Books.Delforge, I. (2007) ‘Contract Farming in Thailand: A View from the Farm’, Focus onthe Global South.Denning, G. and J. Sachs (2007) ‘The rich world can help Africa’, Financial Times,29 May 2007.Department of Health, UK (2005) ‘Tackling Health Inequalities: Status Report onthe Programme for Action’, London: Department of Health.Development Prospects Group (2006) ‘Migration and Development Brief 2’,Migration and Remittances Team, Remittance Trends 2006, Washington DC:World Bank.Development Studies Association, UK (2007) ‘Mobiles and Development:Infrastructure, Poverty, Enterprise and Social Development’, Information,Technology and Development Study Group workshop summary and papers,, S. (1997) ‘Household Food Security in Malawi’, IDS Discussion Paper 362,Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.Devereux, S. and R. Sabates-Wheeler (2004) ‘Transformative Social Protection’, IDSWorking Paper 232, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.Dey, N., J. Drèze, and R. Khera (2006) Employment Guarantee Act: A Primer,New Delhi: National Book Trust.DFID (2004) ‘Agriculture, Hunger and Food Security’, London: Department forInternational Development (DFID).477

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BIBLIOGRAPHYCozijnsen, J., D. Dudek, K. Meng, A. Petsonk, J.E. Sanhueza (2007) ‘CDM and thePost-2012 Framework’, Environmental Defense Discussion Paper prepared forVienna Intersessionals, 27–31 August 2007.Cramer, C. (2006) Civil War is Not a Stupid Thing: Accounting for Violence inDeveloping Countries, London: C Hurst.Creti, P. and S. Jaspars (2005) Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies, Skills andPractice series, Oxford: <strong>Oxfam</strong> GB.Cundy, C. (2007) ‘Carbon funds: paying up <strong>to</strong> cut emissions’, Environmental Finance,July–August 2007, 20–2.Dasgupta, S., B. Laplante, C. Meisner, D. Wheeler, and J. Yan (2007) ‘The Impact ofSea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis’, World Bank PolicyResearch Working Paper 4136, Washing<strong>to</strong>n DC: World Bank.Davies, J. and M. Nori (2007) ‘Change of Wind or Wind of Change? Climate Change,Adaptation and Pas<strong>to</strong>ralism’, summary of an online conference prepared for theWorld Initiative for Sustainable Pas<strong>to</strong>ralism, Nairobi: The International Union forConservation of Nature (IUCN).Davies, J. and R. Hatfield (2006) ‘Global Review of the Economics of Pas<strong>to</strong>ralism’,prepared for the World Initiative for Sustainable Pas<strong>to</strong>ralism, Nairobi: TheInternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).De Jouvenel, B. (1949) On Power, New York: Viking Press.De Moore, A. (2001) ‘Towards a Grand Deal on Subsidies and Climate Change’,Natural Resources Forum 25 (2).De Renzio, P. and A. Rogerson (2005) ‘Power <strong>to</strong> Consumers? A Bot<strong>to</strong>m-up Approach<strong>to</strong> Aid Reform’, London: Overseas Development Institute (ODI).De So<strong>to</strong>, H. (2000) Mystery of Capital, New York: Basic Books.Delforge, I. (2007) ‘Contract Farming in Thailand: A View from the Farm’, Focus onthe Global South.Denning, G. and J. Sachs (2007) ‘The rich world can help Africa’, Financial Times,29 May 2007.Department of Health, UK (2005) ‘Tackling Health Inequalities: Status Report onthe Programme for Action’, London: Department of Health.Development Prospects Group (2006) ‘Migration and Development Brief 2’,Migration and Remittances Team, Remittance Trends 2006, Washing<strong>to</strong>n DC:World Bank.Development Studies Association, UK (2007) ‘Mobiles and Development:Infrastructure, Poverty, Enterprise and Social Development’, Information,Technology and Development Study Group workshop summary and papers,, S. (1997) ‘Household Food Security in Malawi’, IDS Discussion Paper 362,Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.Devereux, S. and R. Sabates-Wheeler (2004) ‘Transformative Social Protection’, IDSWorking Paper 232, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.Dey, N., J. Drèze, and R. Khera (2006) Employment Guarantee Act: A Primer,New Delhi: National Book Trust.DFID (2004) ‘Agriculture, Hunger and Food Security’, London: Department forInternational Development (DFID).477

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