From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec


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5 THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM TRADINGFor poor people, migration inevitably brings costs as well as benefits,including the personal cost of leaving home and country, and thehigher risk of abuse in the workplace, especially when the migrant is inthe country illegally and lacks recourse <strong>to</strong> the law.Women make up just over half of all migrants. They face greaterrisks and threats than men, but they also have the chance <strong>to</strong> gaineconomic independence. Women whose partners migrate are alsomore independent, typically much more likely <strong>to</strong> open their own bankaccounts, register land or housing in their own names, or look fortheir own sources of income. Women migrants tend <strong>to</strong> send moremoney back <strong>to</strong> their families (Bangladeshi women send home anaverage of 72 per cent of their salaries) and, when at the receiving end,tend <strong>to</strong> spend more of it on health and education. 89Concerns surround the ‘brain drain’ of key workers such as doc<strong>to</strong>rsand nurses: at least 12 per cent of Indian doc<strong>to</strong>rs work in the UK, andJamaica and Grenada have <strong>to</strong> train five doc<strong>to</strong>rs for every one thatstays. 90 Teachers and nurses have a right <strong>to</strong> migrate, like anyone else,but people in poor countries also have a right <strong>to</strong> expect professionalstrained with public money <strong>to</strong> stay and work in their home country fora number of years after graduation.Most public debate on migration is over the costs and benefits <strong>to</strong>the recipient country, rather than <strong>to</strong> the country of origin. Here thereis a gulf between evidence and public perception, and betweeneconomics and politics. Studies suggest that, without immigration,the Spanish economy would have stagnated over the past five years,and in 2005 immigrants paid in €5bn more in taxes than they receivedin services: 91 they are most definitely not the parasites of popularprejudice. Spain’s experience is widely shared. Numerous economicstudies show that migrants add <strong>to</strong> the demand for goods and services,introduce new ideas and skills, and do not drain social service spending.Instead, they are among the most dynamic members of society and areunlikely <strong>to</strong> live on welfare when they could be earning more by working.Studies in the UK,Australia,and elsewhere show significant net payments<strong>to</strong> the state from migrants. 92Yet popular sentiment in some recipient countries is increasinglyanti-immigrant and constitutes the main barrier <strong>to</strong> making migrationwork for development. US academic Lant Pritchett has identified a337

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