From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec

From poverty to power - Oxfam-Québec


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LIST OF ACRONYMSFAOFDIFTAG7G8GATSGATTGAVIGBSGCAPGCEGDPGNPHIPCHIVICCICRCIDPIFIIFRCIHLILOIMFINGOIPCCLDCMDGMDRIMSFFood and Agriculture Organization of the UnitedNationsforeign direct investmentfree trade agreementthe seven richest nations (USA, UK, Germany, Japan,Italy, France, and Canada)G7 nations + RussiaGeneral Agreement on Trade in ServicesGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and TradeGlobal Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizationgeneral budget supportGlobal Call <strong>to</strong> Action against PovertyGlobal Campaign for Educationgross domestic productgross national productHeavily Indebted Poor Countryhuman immunodeficiency virusInternational Criminal CourtInternational Committee of the Red Crossinternally displaced personinternational financial institutionInternational Federation of the Red Cross and RedCrescent Societiesinternational humanitarian lawInternational Labour OrganizationInternational Monetary Fundinternational non-government organisationIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Changeleast developed countryMillennium Development GoalMultilateral Debt Relief InitiativeMédecins Sans Frontièresix

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