Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI

Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI

Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI


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<strong>TOPIC</strong> 7: IMAM MUSA AL-KADHIM (A):One day Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (A) passed by a poor man. The Imamgreeted him and talked to him for a while, asking him if everything was allright.Before he went, the Imam (A) told theman that if there was anything that hecould do for the man then he would do it.The followers of Imam were unhappythat Imam (A) had been so nice to thispoor, ordinary man.They told Imam (A) it did not look right for someone as important as the Imamto talk to and help someone so ordinary.Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (A) replied that Allah has created all men equal. Beingrich or better dressed doesn’t mean you are better than someone else.BETTER??Also if a person is poor today, it does not mean that he will stay poor all hislife. The same goes for a rich person.So someone who needs help from you today may be the same person whowill help you tomorrow.Now you know…..Moral:In Islam everyone is equal, and Allah is the giver ofthings, so being rich or better dressed does not mean youare better than someone else. Obeying Allah makes usbetter than those who do not obey Allah.Tareekh Page 2.20 www.madressa.net

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