Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI

Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI
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:Draw something else for which you can say Shukral Lillah:

TOPIC 1: ANGELS:We cannot see the angels, so we do not know what they looklike, except that they have wings.Angels do different things.Some angels do nothingbut worship AllahSome have special jobs likepassing Allah's message to theProphets like JibrailOthers look after us by giving us allthe things we need to live (air, water,food, etc) like Mikaeel.Each one of us has two angels with us always, onesitting on each shoulder.The angel on the right shoulder, called Raqeeb,writes down all the good things that we do, and theangel on the left shoulder, called Ateed, writesdown all the naughty things that we do.Now you know….Angels are a creation of Allah just as we are. Angels do as theyare told by Allah. They do not do naughty things that Shaitanwants them to do.Tareekh Page 2.2

:Draw something else for which you can say Shukral Lillah:

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