Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI

Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI
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= Thanking Allah.We Thank Him because of all the lovely things He has given us:Eyes tosee withHands tohold thingsA brain tounderstand thingsA family tocare for usOne day a little girl dreamt about going to heaven. In heaven an angel wasshowing her around. They walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filledwith angels.The angel guide stopped in front of the first section andsaid, 'This is the Receiving Section. Here, all Duas toAllah said in prayer are received.'The little girl looked around in thisarea, and it was terribly busy withso many angels sorting out Duas written on lots andlots of paper from people all over the world.O Please Allah.......O Please Allah.......O Please Allah.......

They then moved on down a long corridoruntil they reached the second section. Theangel then said to the little girl, 'This is thePackaging and Delivery Section.Here, the Duas and blessings the peopleasked for are sent to the people who askedfor them.'The little girl noticed again how busy it wasthere. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so manyblessings had been asked for and were being packed for delivery to Earth.Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor they stopped at the door of avery small station.To the little girl’s great surprise, only one angel was seatedthere, idly doing nothing.'This is the Thanking Allah Section,' my angel friend quietlyadmitted to me. He seemed embarrassed 'How is it thatthere is no work going on here?' the little girl asked.'So sad,' the angel sighed. 'After people receive the blessings that they askedfor, very few send back a “Thank You” to Allah.''How does one accept Allah's blessings?’ the little girl asked'Simple,' the angel answered. Just say, 'Thank you, Allah.''What blessings should they Thank Allah for?' the little girl asked.- 'If you have food in the refrigerator, you Thank Allah- Clothes to wear, you Thank Allah- Somewhere to live, you Thank AllahThe list is endless.So let us remember to do only good things which Allah likes, and say ShukralLillah for all the things he has given us.

= Thanking Allah.We Thank Him because of all the lovely things He has given us:Eyes tosee withHands tohold thingsA brain tounderstand thingsA family tocare for usOne day a little girl dreamt about going to heaven. In heaven an angel wasshowing her around. They walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filledwith angels.The angel guide stopped in front of the first section andsaid, 'This is the Receiving Section. Here, all Duas toAllah said in prayer are received.'The little girl looked around in thisarea, and it was terribly busy withso many angels sorting out Duas written on lots andlots of paper from people all over the world.O Please Allah.......O Please Allah.......O Please Allah.......

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