Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI

Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI

Group A – KG / Age Limit 6 years AKHLAQ TOPIC 1 ... - ALI


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<strong>Group</strong> A – <strong>KG</strong> / <strong>Age</strong> <strong>Limit</strong> 6 <strong>years</strong><strong>AKHLAQ</strong><strong>TOPIC</strong> 1: MANNERS BEFORE A LESSON<strong>TOPIC</strong> 2: MANNERS OF SLEEPING<strong>TOPIC</strong> 3: MANNERS OF WAKING UP<strong>TOPIC</strong> 4: RESPECT TO PARENTS<strong>TOPIC</strong> 5: KINDNESS AND FRIENDSHIP:<strong>TOPIC</strong> 6: SHARING WITH SIBLINGS<strong>TOPIC</strong> 7: THANKING ALLAHTAREEKH<strong>TOPIC</strong> 1: ANGELS<strong>TOPIC</strong> 2: PROPHET NUH<strong>TOPIC</strong> 3: PROPHET MUSA<strong>TOPIC</strong> 4: AHLUL KISA<strong>TOPIC</strong> 5: IMAM MUHAMMAD AL‐BAQIR (A)<strong>TOPIC</strong> 6: IMAM JA’FAR AS‐SADIQ (A)<strong>TOPIC</strong> 7: IMAM MUSA AL‐KADHIM (A)FIQH<strong>TOPIC</strong> 1 IN THE NAME OF ALLAH<strong>TOPIC</strong> 2 ALLAH KNOW EVERYTHING<strong>TOPIC</strong> 3 ALLAH IS THE STRONGEST AND MOST POWERFUL<strong>TOPIC</strong> 4 TASBEEH<strong>TOPIC</strong> 5 I CAN’T SEE ALLAH<strong>TOPIC</strong> 6 ALLAH CAN MAKE ANYTHING TALK<strong>TOPIC</strong> 7 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ADHAN AND IKAMAH

Knowledge is what you learn and what you know.You can learn new things at home, at mosque, in Madressa, at school, andmany other places. We will concentrate on learning in Madressa.There are some important things you must do when you are learningsomething:RememberAllah beforeyou startSit up straightin your chairDo nottalk inclass!Listen carefullyto the lessonBismillahRemember to thank the person who is teaching you.Use that knowledge to make yourself a better personand also teach others (your younger brothers or sisters,and your friends) what you have learnt.

Learn the little poem!Draw a picture of something you should NOT do in your lesson:

Brushyour teethDoWudhuSay Khuda-Hafizto your familyRecite a Surahfrom the Qur’an Which angel has done more writing: the angelon your right shoulder writing good deeds, orthe angel on your left writing bad deeds.Say sorry to Allah for anything bad that you havedone, and promise that you will not do it again.If you have been mean to anyone, tell yourselfthattomorrowyou will saysorry to them.You should then sleep on your back oryour right side. It is not good to sleep onyour tummy.

Draw all the things you should try and do before you go to sleep:

You should remember to do the following when you wake up in the morning:RememberAllah firstSay Salaam toour 12 th Imam (A)Greet, hug & kissyour parentsBismillahRemember, knock on your parent’s door and wait for permission youenter.You should then put on your slippers and go to the toilet.

We remember Allah as soon as we wake up, then send Salaams to our12 th Imam (A) and then go and greet out parents.Draw 2 other things you can do after you wake up:

The Holy Prophet (S) has also said that when we please our parents we arepleasing Allah, and when we upset them we are upsetting Allah.Your mother carried you for nine months then gave birth to you, fed you,clothed you and looked after youThis is why in Islam we are told that Heaven lies under thefeet of your mother.When you are ill, your parents lookafter you.When you are sad they are sad. Whenyou are happy, they are happy.When you need help they are therefor you.They pray for you, without you askingor even knowing.You can never repay your parents for everything they have done for you, butyou can thank them by respecting them:

Making them happyDoing things for them,without being told toNever raising your voicewhen you are talking to themThanking them andpraying for themRemember to treat your grandparents with the same respectthat you treat your parents. They cared for your parents justlike your parents cared for you.

Draw 2 pictures of how you can be kind to you parents:

To be kind means to be gentle and friendly. It means to care for things orpeople.One should always be kind to people and help them.Allah is , this means that He is verygentle to us, and is always there to turn to when weneed help.Allah has been very kind to us, so we should also bekind to others.If you are kind to others, then they will always be kind to you. The same way ifyou are mean to others than everyone will be mean to you.It is not always easy to be kind, especially when someone is bad to you.If you can be kind and gentle even then, then you will gain , and youwill also earn the other person's friendship.Kindness always pays, because if you are kind to others, then one day whenyou are in difficulty, people will remember and sayFriendship is such a beautiful gift.Imam Ali (A) saidImam Ali (A) says real friends as the treasures of this world and the hereafter.

Draw 2 pictures of what you what you enjoying doing with your best friend(s)

Allah likes us to share our things, especially with our brothers and sisters.Remember that everything we have is from Allah, and if we share Allah willgive us more.One day a woman came to Haider's house to see hismummy. She brought her son,Salmaan.Haider's mummy told him toplay with Salmaan.So, they played in Haider’s room with his toys.Soon, Haider’s younger brother Zeeshan came, and he, too, wanted to playwith his brother’s toys.But Haider did not want to play with hisbrother, in case Zeeshan broke his toys.Zeeshan was very upset and startedcrying.Haider's mummy asked him to sharehis toys with his brother, but he wouldnot.A few days later, Haider went to Salmaan’s house, but Salmaanwas being mean, and would not let Haider play with his toys.Haider was very sad.When he got home he told his mummy how meanSalmaan had been. His brother Zeeshan heard him,and told Haider he could have his (Zeeshan’s)favorite book to colour in.

Haider realised how much his brother loved him, and wasvery sorry for not sharing with Zeeshan and making him sad.He promised his mummy that from then on he would alwaysshare all his things with his brother.

= Thanking Allah.We Thank Him because of all the lovely things He has given us:Eyes tosee withHands tohold thingsA brain tounderstand thingsA family tocare for usOne day a little girl dreamt about going to heaven. In heaven an angel wasshowing her around. They walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filledwith angels.The angel guide stopped in front of the first section andsaid, 'This is the Receiving Section. Here, all Duas toAllah said in prayer are received.'The little girl looked around in thisarea, and it was terribly busy withso many angels sorting out Duas written on lots andlots of paper from people all over the world.O Please Allah.......O Please Allah.......O Please Allah.......

They then moved on down a long corridoruntil they reached the second section. Theangel then said to the little girl, 'This is thePackaging and Delivery Section.Here, the Duas and blessings the peopleasked for are sent to the people who askedfor them.'The little girl noticed again how busy it wasthere. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so manyblessings had been asked for and were being packed for delivery to Earth.Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor they stopped at the door of avery small station.To the little girl’s great surprise, only one angel was seatedthere, idly doing nothing.'This is the Thanking Allah Section,' my angel friend quietlyadmitted to me. He seemed embarrassed 'How is it thatthere is no work going on here?' the little girl asked.'So sad,' the angel sighed. 'After people receive the blessings that they askedfor, very few send back a “Thank You” to Allah.''How does one accept Allah's blessings?’ the little girl asked'Simple,' the angel answered. Just say, 'Thank you, Allah.''What blessings should they Thank Allah for?' the little girl asked.- 'If you have food in the refrigerator, you Thank Allah- Clothes to wear, you Thank Allah- Somewhere to live, you Thank AllahThe list is endless.So let us remember to do only good things which Allah likes, and say ShukralLillah for all the things he has given us.

:Draw something else for which you can say Shukral Lillah:

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 1: ANGELS:We cannot see the angels, so we do not know what they looklike, except that they have wings.Angels do different things.Some angels do nothingbut worship AllahSome have special jobs likepassing Allah's message to theProphets like JibrailOthers look after us by giving us allthe things we need to live (air, water,food, etc) like Mikaeel.Each one of us has two angels with us always, onesitting on each shoulder.The angel on the right shoulder, called Raqeeb,writes down all the good things that we do, and theangel on the left shoulder, called Ateed, writesdown all the naughty things that we do.Now you know….Angels are a creation of Allah just as we are. Angels do as theyare told by Allah. They do not do naughty things that Shaitanwants them to do.Tareekh Page 2.2 www.madressa.net

WORKSHEET 2.1: ANGELS:Draw a line to match the angels on the right with their work on the left:NaughtydeedsRaqeebMessagefromAllahMikaeelRizkAteedGooddeedsJibrailTareekh Page 2.3 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 2: PROPHET NUH:A long time ago there was a group of people who worshipped idols.Then Allah sent PROPHET NUH to guide these people to the right path.PROPHET NUH was a wise and patient man and he tried to teach the peopleabout Allah and told them not to worship pieces of clay or wood, which theyhad made themselves as their gods. The people did not listen to him andwhen he warned them to be afraid of Allah's punishment, they laughed at him.Believe in OneGod and prayto Him for yourneeds – DONOTWORSHIPIDOLS!!PROPHET NUH did not give up and continued to preach the message ofAllah to them for 950 <strong>years</strong>. But as time passed, the people grew worse, andbegan to attack him with stones whenever he tried to talk them.Tareekh Page 2.4 www.madressa.net

Finally PROPHET NUH complained to Allah about the people and asked Himto HELP. Allah accepted the prayer of PROPHET NUH and ordered him tobuild a large boat, an ark, and also told him that there would be a great floodin which all the bad people would be drowned.PROPHET NUH planted small trees and waited for them to grow up intostrong trees. Then he cut them down and began to make the ark.It took 80 <strong>years</strong> to complete the ark, and during this time the people beganteasing him saying that he had given up being a Prophet and had become acarpenter.When the ark was ready, Allah told PROPHET NUH to tell his followers to goinside the ark and also to take one pair of each type of animal.Tareekh Page 2.5 www.madressa.net

Suddenly, it began to rain heavily and streams of water came out from theground. Soon the land was covered with water and the ark began to float.His son Kanaan, who was an unbeliever, refused to come with them.PROPHET NUH saw his son Kanaan struggling in the water and tried oncemore to convince him to have faith and come into the ark. But Kanaan repliedthat he would go to top of a mountain and be safe there.PROPHET NUH warned him that there was no shelter from Allah's Curse,except in the ark. In the meantime, a huge wave came and swept Kanaan offforever.Tareekh Page 2.6 www.madressa.net

The ark floated for a long time while the whole land was flooded so thatnobody was left alive on it. Finally, the punishment of Allah was over and itstopped raining. The water level began to get less and the ark came down ona mountain called Judi.Mt. JudiPROPHET NUH was commanded to come out of the ark with his followersand the animals. In this new land they began their lives a fresh under theblessings of Allah.Now you know….• Prophet Nuh was a patient man and he tried to teach peopleabout Allah for many <strong>years</strong> but they worshipped woodenpieces called idols and they didn’t listen to him.• Prophet Nuh complained to Allah and asked for help.• Allah told Prophet Nuh to build a boat called an Ark.• It took Prophet Nuh 80 <strong>years</strong> to build the Ark.• Allah told Prophet Nuh to take all his followers and 2 of eachtype on animal.Tareekh Page 2.7 www.madressa.net

WORKSHEET: PROPHET NUH:Colour the picture and answer the questions below.Who did Prophet Nuh (A) put in the Ark?Prophet Nuh put:_______________________________________________ in the Ark.Which of Prophet Nuh (A) son was drowned?_______________________ drowned.Where did the Ark land?The Ark landed on a mountain called ________________.Tareekh Page 2.8 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 3: PROPHET MUSAA little while before Prophet Musa wasborn, Fir'aun was told that a boy from theBani Israa'il would soon be born and hewould destroy Fir'aun's kingdom.When Fir’aun, who was a cruel king,heard this, he ordered that every malechild born to the Bani Israa'il should bekilled.When Prophet Musawas born, his motherput him in a box and itin the River Nile.She then sent herdaughter to follow thelittle "boat" and seewhere it went.The box floated towards Fir'aun’sPalace, where his men fished it out andbrought the baby to him.He wanted to kill it immediately,because he thought that it might be achild of the Bani Israa'il, but his wifeAasiyah, who was a pious woman,stopped him. They did not havechildren of their own, so she asked himto adopt the child.Tareekh Page 2.9 www.madressa.net

Fir'aun agreed to his wife'srequest and then called somewomen to feed the crying child.However, the baby refused milkfrom all the women who came tofeed him, except his mother. SoAllah reunited the mother andchild in the very Palace ofFir'aun.As the <strong>years</strong> passed, ProphetMusa grew up strong andhealthy..He then left Egypt and went toMadyanEGYPTMADYANNow you know….• Prophet Musa was born at the time of Fir'aun.• Fir'aun was a king who hated the Bani Israa'il.• Bani Israa’il was the tribe of Prophet MusaTareekh Page 2.10 www.madressa.net

WORKSHEET 3: PROPHET MUSA:Colour the picture and answer the questions:Why did Prophet Musa’s mother place him in a box and let it float away in theriver Nile?Prophet Musa’s mother put him in the box and let him float away because:_________________________________________________________.What happened to this box with Prophet Musa in it?___________________________________________________________.Tareekh Page 2.11 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 4: AHLUL KISA:AHLUL =KISA =HADITH =AHLUL KISA =HADITH-E-KISA:PeopleCloakNarrationPeople of the CloakStory of the CloakHADITH-E-KISA:One day Prophet Muhammad (S) went to the house of his daughter, BibiFatimah (A) and told her that he wanted to lie down and could she give him aCloak, (Kisa), which she did.A little while later, there was a knock on the door. It washer son, Imam Hasan (A). He said Salaam to his motherand then asked if his grandfather was in the house. Hismother replied that he was. Imam Hasan (A) went to hisgrandfather and asked if he may join him under theKisa. The Prophet (S) agreed.A little while later, there was a knock on the door. It washer son, Imam Husain (A). He said Salaam to his motherand then asked if his grandfather was in the house. Hismother replied that he was. Imam Husain (A) went to hisand father and asked if he may join him under the Kisa.The Prophet (S) agreed, so Imam Husain (A) joined hisgrandfather and his brother, under the Kisa.A little while later, there was a knock on the door.It was her husband, Imam Ali (A). He saidSalaam to his wife and then asked if his cousin,the Prophet (S) was in the house. His wife repliedthat he was. Imam Ali (A) went to his cousin andasked if he may join him under the Kisa. TheProphet (S) agreed. So, Imam Ali (A) then joinedhis cousin (and father-in-law), and his two sons,under the Kisa.Tareekh Page 2.12 www.madressa.net

A little while later Bibi Fatimah (A) went to her father and asked if she mayjoin him under the Kisa. The Prophet (S) agreed, so she joined her father,her husband, and her two sons, under the Kisa.The Angel Jibrail asked Allah who wasunder the Cloak and he was told that it was:“FATIMAH (A),HER FATHER, PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S)HER HUSBAND, IMAM <strong>ALI</strong> (A)HER TWO SONS.” IMAM HASAN (A) AND IMAM HUSAIN (A)Now you know….Ahlul Kisa = Ahlul Bayt = Panjatan Pak)are:• Prophet Muhammad (S),• Imam Ali (A),• Bibi Fatimah (A),• Imam Hasan (A),• Imam Husain (A).WORKSHEET: AHLUL KISA:Find the names of the Panjatan in the Word search below:F L T A L I B P H HA U A N A S A H U IT H S A T W Q S S WM U H A M M A D A IJ K H S L I L F I QH A M I T A F B N XTareekh Page 2.13 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 5: IMAM MUHAMMAD AL-BAQIR (A):It was a very hot day and a man was walking pastour 5 th Imam’s farm.He saw Imam Muhammad al-Baqir working veryhard on the farm, looking hot and tired.He told the Imam that he should sit down and rest, and notwork so hard.Imam Muhammad al-Baqir answered thathe was working so hard so that he couldlook after his family, and not have to askanyone for help.Allah likes for us to work hard and do things for ourselves.Now you know….Moral:You should always try hard to do something by yourself,and only when you have tried and cannot do it, should youask for helpTareekh Page 2.14 www.madressa.net

WORKSHEET: IMAM MUHAMMAD AL-BAQIR (A):Tell your parents why Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (A) was working very hardon his farm on a very hot day.Colour in the pictures of the different work the people are doing:Now draw below a type of work that you can do to help your family.Tareekh Page 2.15 www.madressa.net

IMAM JA’FAR AS-SADIQ (A) NARRATES FROM HIS FATHER, IMAMBAQIR (A):One day, I came to Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (ra) and greeted him. Hereplied to my greeting and because he was blind, he asked me to tell him whoI was. I introduced myself: "I am Muhammad, son of Ali, son of Husain."Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (ra) said: "O! The son of the best human being,come closer!" I went closer. He hugged me and kissed my hands and tried tokiss my feet. I pulled myself away and prevented him from doing so. He thencontinued: "The messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (S), had told me toconvey his greetings (Salaam) to you."I replied: "Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah."I then asked: "Jabir, what is the story behind this?"Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (ra) said:"Once when I was with our Holy Prophet (S) he said to me, 'O! Jabir, perhapsyou will live long enough until you meet a man from my children, whose nameis Muhammad, son of Ali, son of Husain (great great grandson), to whomAllah has granted light and wisdom. So, give my greetings to him.'"Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (ra) was a greatcompanion Prophet Muhammad (S). He fought in thefirst Battle of Islam and many others as wellHe was the first visitor to shrine of Imam Husain (A) inKarbala.He became blind near the ends of his life and passedaway at the age of 90.It is told that he used to sit in the mosque of our Holy Prophet (S) and say:"O! Baqir, O! Splitter of knowledge."The people of Medina thought he had gone mad. Jabir used to say: "By Allah Iam not saying silly things. Prophet Muhammad (S) himself told me 'O! Jabir,perhaps you will live long enough until you meet a man from my children,whose name and appearance is similar to mine.He will split the knowledge perfectly. So whenever you see him, send mygreetings to him.' So that is why I am calling out and waiting for himMoral: From Jabir ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari we have learnt that if you are givensomething to look after or pass to someone else (no matter how small) thenlook after it well until you give it because you have to answer to Allah for it.Tareekh Page 2.16 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 6: IMAM JA’FAR AS-SADIQ (A):In the time of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (A) there lived a young man calledZakariya who had converted from Christianity to Islam.On his way to Haj, Zakariyastopped in Madina to visit ImamJa'far as-Sadiq (A).Zakariya asked the Imam howhe should behave towards hisfamily who were still Christians.Imam replied that parents should be greatly respectedin Islam, and told Zakariya to be kinder and more helpful to his mother than hehad ever been.When Zakariya returned home, he was much more respectful and helpful tohis old mother than before.He gave her food and drink withhis own hands.He washed her clothes and keptthe house tidy.And he would hug and kiss her allthe time.His mother was very surprised but very happy with her son, and askedZakariya what had made him become so kind towards her.When Zakariya explained about our 6 th Imam (A), his mother wanted to knowmore about Islam.Zakariya told her all about the teachings of Islamand when he had finished; his mother became aMuslim too.Now you know…..Moral:Always behave with good Akhlaq towards other peopleand never forget the rights of your parents.Tareekh Page 2.17 www.madressa.net

WORKSHEET: IMAM JA’FAR AS-SADIQ (A)Our 6 th Imam (A) has taught us always to be kind and helpful to our parents.Draw 3 pictures of how you can help your Mummy and Daddy:E.g.: By keeping our room tidy:Tareekh Page 2.18 www.madressa.net

IMAM JA’FAR AS-SADIQ (A) AND THE BEGGAR: - THANKING ALLAH:The pilgrims got together in the land of Mina during Haj. The 6 th Imam (A) andhis friends were sitting in a place and were eating some grapes placed beforethem.A beggar came and asked for some money. ImamJa’far As-Sadiq (A) took some grapes to give him, buthe refused to accept it and asked for money. Imam (A)told him to excuse him, as he did not have money. Thebeggar went away disappointed.After going a few steps the beggar changed his mindand came back and asked for the same grapes. Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (A)now refused to give him those grapes too.Soon after, another beggar appeared. Imam (A) again took some grapes andgave to him. He accepted it and said, "Thanks to the Lord of universe whogave me my sustenance". On hearing these words, Imam (A) told him towait and gave him two handfuls of grapes.The beggar thanked Allah for the second time.Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (A) again told him to wait and then turning to one of hisfriends asked, "How much money have you got?" The man searched hispockets and produced nearly twenty Dirham, which hegave to the beggar at the order of Imam (A).The beggar thanked Allah for the third time said,"Thanks are only to Allah. O Allah! You are the Giverof the good, and you have no companion." Onhearing these words, Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (A) took offhis cloak and gave it to the beggar.Now, the beggar changed his tone and spoke a few words of thanks to ImamJa’far As-Sadiq (A) himself. Then Imam (A) did not give anything more andhe went away.His friends and companions who were present there said, "We thought thatif the beggar had continued thanking Allah, Imam (A) would havecontinued giving him more and more. But when he changed his wordsand praised and thanked Imam (A) himself, Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (A) didnot continue his help."Moral of the Story: Whenever you get anything remember that even thoughit may be from someone, Allah has wished for you to have it.So not only should you thank the person who has given it to you (Jazakallah)but also thank Allah (Shukral lillah)Tareekh Page 2.19 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 7: IMAM MUSA AL-KADHIM (A):One day Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (A) passed by a poor man. The Imamgreeted him and talked to him for a while, asking him if everything was allright.Before he went, the Imam (A) told theman that if there was anything that hecould do for the man then he would do it.The followers of Imam were unhappythat Imam (A) had been so nice to thispoor, ordinary man.They told Imam (A) it did not look right for someone as important as the Imamto talk to and help someone so ordinary.Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (A) replied that Allah has created all men equal. Beingrich or better dressed doesn’t mean you are better than someone else.BETTER??Also if a person is poor today, it does not mean that he will stay poor all hislife. The same goes for a rich person.So someone who needs help from you today may be the same person whowill help you tomorrow.Now you know…..Moral:In Islam everyone is equal, and Allah is the giver ofthings, so being rich or better dressed does not mean youare better than someone else. Obeying Allah makes usbetter than those who do not obey Allah.Tareekh Page 2.20 www.madressa.net

WORKSHEET 7: MUSA AL-KADHIM (A):In Islam, everyone is equal. Colour all these people:Tareekh Page 2.21 www.madressa.net

IMAM MUSA AL KADHIM (A) AND ABU HANIFA:One day when our 7th Imam, Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (A) was only 5 <strong>years</strong> old, Abu Hanifa askedhim who is responsible for our deeds.Do we do whatever we like in our life? Or doesAllah make us do them.Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (A) replied that were arethree possibilities:- Allah makes us do them.- Some things Allah makes us do andsome things we decide ourselves.- We decide to dowhatever we like.If the 1 st is true then Allah should be judged on the Day of Judgement andsent to heaven or hell not usIf the 2 nd is true that both Allah and we should be judged on the Day ofJudgement and sent to heaven or hellSO, we know that only one that is true is the 3 rd one because only we will bejudged on the Day of Judgement and sent to heaven or hell, because only wealone is responsible for what we do and how we choose to live our life.Moral: Although Allah has power over everything He allows us to do as weplease so that we can account for our actions and get rewarded with Jannahor punished with Jahannam fairlyTareekh Page 2.22 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 1: IN THE NAME OF ALLAH (swt):ALLAH has blessed us with so many blessings and given us so much therefore weshould remember him before we start anything by saying:ب ‏ِسم ِ اللهِ‏ الر َّحمان ِ الر َّحيمWe should sayب ‏ِسم ِ اللهِ‏ الر َّحمان ِ الر َّحيمbefore we do anything because we want Allah to help us in what ever we are doing.If we sayب ‏ِسم ِ اللهِ‏ الر َّحمان ِ الر َّحيمthen Allah keeps Shaytan away from us and he cannot come and try to spoil whatwe are doing.WHERE WILL I LIVE? WHERE WILL I EAT? WHERE WILL I SLEEP?When Shaytan was ordered out of heaven by Allah he asked three questions?“Where will I live?”“Where will I eat?”“Where will I Sleep?”Allah (swt) told Shaitan that he wouldlive with the person who did not sayب ‏ِسم ِ اللهِ‏ الر َّحمان ِ الر َّحيمbefore he entered his/her house.Fiqh Page 2.2 www.madressa.net

Shaitan would eat with the person who did not sayب ‏ِسم ِ اللهِ‏ الر َّحمان ِ الر َّحيمbefore he started to eat.He would sleep with the person who did not sayب ‏ِسم ِ اللهِ‏ الر َّحمان ِ الر َّحيمbefore he/she went to sleep.Now you know….I begin in the name of Allah, the most Kind and the most MercifulFiqh Page 2.3 www.madressa.net

ACTIVITY :ب ‏ِسم ِ اللهِ‏ الر َّحمان ِ الر َّحيم(I begin in the Name of Allah, the Most Kind and the Most Merciful.ب ‏ِسم ِ اللهِ‏ الر َّحمان ِ الر َّحيم with: Draw 3 things that you can startE.g.: Before you start your work:Fiqh Page 2.4 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 8: ALLAH KNOWS EVERYTHING:Fatima asked her mummy if she could go outside to play. Her mummy said shecould but only after she cleared up her toys. It would be too late then, she wanted togo now.She went upstairs to clear up her room. When she reached upstairs, she shut herroom door so that her mother could not hear her and then quietly to herself startedsaying how horrible her mummy was.She suddenly stopped because she had remembered that although her mummycould not hear her, Allah knew everything and could hear her and she was sure thatAllah would not like what she was saying.Fatima went to her mummy and gave her a big hug and told her how sorry she was,for being angry with her because she knew that she was just trying to teach her.I understand nowMummy. ThankyouYou shouldn’t getangry, I am only hereto teach you to be agood MuslimNow you know….• Nothing can be kept a secret from Allah.• He knows what you shout, what you whisper, even what youthink and do not say out loud.• He knows when you are good and when you are bad.• He knows if you are telling the truth and when you are lying.• He knows when you are happy and when you are sad.• He knows when you need help and He helps you.• He knows everything.Fiqh Page 2.16 www.madressa.net

ACTIVITY: ALLAH KNOWS EVERYTHING:Draw a picture of what you would do if your Mummy or Daddy told you to go andpray when you wanted to watch a video.Fiqh Page 2.17 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 5: ALLAH IS THE STRONGEST AND THE MOST POWERFUL.Ali woke up one night from his sleep veryscared.When his mummy asked him what the matterwas, he replied that he had had a nightmareabout a big strong monster.Ali wanted his superman toy in bed with himso that if the monster came back supermancould fight him because he is so strong.Ali's mummy told him that:- instead of asking superman, who was not real,- it would be better to ask Allah for help as He is the strongest and is real.So, Ali, IfSuperman wasreal, he wouldnot be strongerthan Allah;because Allahgives everyonetheir strengthI understandnow Mummy.Thank youNow you know….Allah made everything and has power over everything andeveryone.There is no one; and nothing stronger than Him; He is thestrongest.That is why we should only ask Allah for help because only Hecan really help us.Fiqh Page 2.10 www.madressa.net

ACTIVITY: ALLAH IS THE STRONGEST AND MOST POWERFUL:Who is the strongest? And who is the weakest?Colour in the strongest in RED and the weakest in YELLOW:Fiqh Page 2.11 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 14: TASBEEH:The Tasbeeh that we recite after our Salaat is known as the Tasbeeh of Bibi Fatimaaz-Zahra (A.), because, her father, our Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) gave it to her as apresent.Bibi Fatima (A) used to work very hard in her house.Her father saw how hard she worked.So one day he told her that he was going to give her something that would be betterthan anything else in the world.He gave her 'Tasbeeh'.He told her that after every Salaat she should say: = Allah is the Greatest : 34 times = All praise is to Allah: 33 times = Glory to Allah: 33 timesNow you know….The Salaat is like a beautiful flower and the Tasbeeh ofBibi Fatima az-Zahra (A) gives that beautiful flower a beautiful smell.So after every Salaat we should recite the Tasbeeh of Bibi Fatima (A)because we want our Salaat to be like a beautiful flower with abeautiful smell.Fiqh Page 2.25 www.madressa.net

ACTIVITY: TASBEEH:Colour the beads saying:- 34 - Allahu Akbar - 33 – Alhamdulillah - 33 – SubhanallahFiqh Page 2.26 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 3: I CAN'T SEE ALLAH:One day Hasan asked his mummy, "Why can't I see Allah?"His mummy said, "Allah is not a thing we can see. He has never been seen andwill never be seen."Hasan asked, "Mummy, if we can't see Allah, then how do we know He is reallythere?"Hasan's mummy smiled and told him to pinch himself. Hasan being a good Muslimboy did what his mummy told him to do without question."Ouch! That hurt me" he said as soon as he pinched himself.His mummy started looking all over Hasan looking for something."What are you looking for mummy?" Hasan asked."I'm looking for the pain" she replied.Hasan looked puzzled "But mummy, you can't see the pain."His mummy smiled and said "just as the pain is there even if you can't see it,Allah is also there although you can't see Him."Then she continued "although you can't see Allah you can see all the things Hehas made - by looking at yourself and all around you."So, Hasan, Remember, Although youcan’t see Allah, you can see all thethings He has made.I understand nowMummy. Thank youNow you know….Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) has told us that:When you see the footprints of a camel in the sand, then you know that acamel has passed by; even though you cannot seen the camel itself.In the same way, when you see all the creations of Allah; you know He isthere, even though you cannot see Him.Fiqh Page 2.6 www.madressa.net

ACTIVITY: I CAN’T SEE ALLAH:Can you SEE the pain when you pinch yourself?Although you can't see the pain you know it's there - don't you?Colour the picture below; then cover the camel with your hands, so that you can't seeit anymore.By seeing the footprints you know the camel has been there although you cannotsee him.Here are some creations of Allah so that you know He is there even though youcannot see Him. Colour them in.Fiqh Page 2.7 www.madressa.net

<strong>TOPIC</strong> 9: ALLAH CAN MAKE ANYTHING TALK:A perfect example of Allah making a non-living thing speak is:The Story about, Prophet Muhammad (S); and the pebbles:The people of Makka asked Prophet Muhammad (S) to prove that he was a Prophet.Our last Prophet, Prophet Muhammad (S) picked up some pebbles in his hand andall of a sudden in front of everyone the pebbles began to speak.The pebbles said: "Muhammad (S) is the messenger of Allah."Everyone knows that pebbles are not alive and have no mouth and cannot speak butthese pebbles could because Allah had commanded them to.Muhammad (S) is theMessenger of Allah.Now you know….• Allah can make the trees talk, He can make the stonestalk,• He can make anything talk; even if it is not alive.• Because• He made everything and He is the strongest.• Allah can make anything talk.Fiqh Page 2.18 www.madressa.net

ACTIVITY: ALLAH CAN MAKE ANYTHING TALK:Tell your mummy and daddy the story of our Holy Prophet, Prophet Muhammad (S)and the talking stones.Allah can make anything talk:Below are some examples of things that can talk if Allah wants them to. Colourthem:Fiqh Page 2.19 www.madressa.net

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