The Binnekill 03/02/2009 - Schenectady County Community College

The Binnekill 03/02/2009 - Schenectady County Community College

The Binnekill 03/02/2009 - Schenectady County Community College

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Vol. XXVI No. 4BINNEKILLa biweekly publication of the Office of Planning and Development March 2, <strong>2009</strong>Powerhouse bowlers (l. to r.) (front row) Coach Ray Ross, TimNeumann, Zach Olsen, Jesse Horwedel, Ryan Gahan (back row)Michael O’Toole, Ron Giesin, Charlie Hewitt, Mike Van BurenSCCC Men’s Bowling Team winsRegion III Championship<strong>The</strong> SCCC Men’s Bowling Team, led by Coach Ray Ross, willtravel to Buffalo, N.Y., this week, from Thursday, March 5, toSaturday, March 7, to compete in the National Junior CollegiateAssociation of America (NJCAA) National Championships. <strong>The</strong>ywill compete against two-year schools from across the country.Last month, the team continued their great season with a win at theRegion III Championship in Utica, N.Y.Ryan Gahan, Hotel and Restaurant Management major, had thehighest score (1,799 for eight games) during the regionaltournament at which the Men’s and Women’s Bowling Teamscompeted against other community colleges.“<strong>The</strong> team has been very competitive. We were looking to win thisyear. We bowl as a team. If someone is bowling bad, we’re there topick them up,” Ryan said, crediting this camaraderie and CoachRay Ross for much of the team’s success. “He’s very relaxed. Hedoesn’t ever get mad. He know’s what he’s talking about,” he said.Coach Ross has led the bowling program for 17 years. “<strong>The</strong><strong>College</strong> has been great in terms of support. Everybody’s beenhelpful and it’s been a great season so far,” he said.During the recent regional competition the women’s teamfinished fifth.<strong>The</strong> men’s team will also compete in one of four NCAA sectionaltournaments held later this semester in Pennsylvania.Good Luck Royals!Public Safety/GovernmentServices Career Fair this weekRepresentatives from a diverse group of organizations will beon hand to promote their opportunities and career paths thatfocus on Public Safety and Government Services during aCareer Fair on Thursday, March 5, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. inthe Elston Hall Student Center. Check out who’s coming byvisiting www.sunysccc.edu/ces. For more information, contactBob Frederick, Coordinator of Career and EmploymentServices, at 381-1365, Elston Hall 223, ces@sunysccc.eduFBI Agent to conduct demoOn Thursday, March 5, as part of the Career Expo gearedtoward Public Safety and Government Services, DavidFallon, FBI Special Agent, will present UndercoverOperations That Identify and Apprehend Cyber Predators, at1 p.m. in the Stockade Building, Room 101.Special Agent Fallon will briefly discuss the FBI’s InnocentImages National Initiative, an undercover operation in whichagents and task force officers covertly conduct online activitiesin an effort to identify and apprehend those individualswho use the Internet to lure and entice children to meet forsexual purposes and to distribute child pornography. He willalso conduct a live demonstration via chat rooms and instantmessenger designed to show attendees the potential threatchildren face from Internet sexual predators. A question andanswer session will follow.David Fallon has been a special agent with the FederalBureau of Investigation since 1991. He is a graduate ofProvidence <strong>College</strong> and the Creighton University School ofLaw. Since 1998, Special Agent Fallon has exclusivelyinvestigated crimes against children cases including childabductions and Internet sexual predators. He is the case agentfor FBI Albany’s Capital Region Cyber Predator Task Forceand is an assistant team leader for the FBI’s Child AbductionRapid Deployment Team. He is also a veteran member of FBIAlbany’s SWAT Team.Also in this issue:•Nominees sought for awards...Page 2•Women’s History Month eventsPage 370 scholarships available: Scholarship applicationsare now available in Financial Aid (Elston Hall 221), atthe Begley Library Circulation Desk and through the <strong>College</strong>Web site, www.sunysccc.edu, Financial Aid, InstitutionalScholarships. Application deadline is Friday, March 27, <strong>2009</strong>.

Faculty/Staff DevelopmentTechnical Specialist Jay Larkin ‘91 and Instructor David Wixtedrecently took part in an educational seminar in New York City tobecome certified trainers with TIPS (Training for InterventionProcedures). Jay and David are now qualified to teach the TIPS certificationcourse (the responsible service of alcohol), which satisfies arequired component in the Beverage Management course. <strong>The</strong> TIPStraining also satisfies a major competency in the Culinary Arts A.O.S.degree for the American Culinary Federation, the accrediting body.Faculty and staff can nominatedeserving students<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> traditionally presents three special awards to outstandingstudents at its annual Honors Convocation which will take place thisyear on Tuesday, May 5. <strong>The</strong> three awards are the President’s Award,<strong>College</strong> Service Award, and <strong>Community</strong> Service Award. Each recipientreceives an engraved medallion during Honors Convocation.Every year faculty and professional staff are asked to nominatedeserving students for these awards. Faculty and staff are asked toreflect upon the students in your classes, your advisees, those in clubsyou advise or any others as possible nominees. <strong>The</strong> committee ishoping for nominations from all academic departments.<strong>The</strong> President’s Award is presented to the graduating student who hasachieved at least a 3.0 grade point average and has demonstratedexcellence in community and/or college service.<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> Service Award is presented to the graduating student whohas contributed most to the general welfare of the <strong>College</strong> throughsupport of its activities and programs.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Community</strong> Service Award is presented to the graduatingstudent who has contributed most to the general welfare of theoff-campus community.For a nomination form, please see Michael Mastrella,Academic/Admissions Advisor I in Student Development,Elston Hall 223. Nominations are due by Friday, March 20.SGA seeks nominees for awardsAny member of the <strong>College</strong> community may nominate an individualfor a Student Government Association (SGA) Merit Award which willbe presented at the SGA’s Annual Award Luncheon to take placein April.<strong>The</strong> SGA will present the following after reviewing nominations:Overall Outstanding Student of the Year, Student Volunteer of theYear, and Outstanding Faculty/Staff Member of the Year.Nomination forms are available in Student Services, Elston Hall 222.Nominations should be given to Martha Asselin, AssociateDean/Director of Student Activities, by Friday, April 3.Nominees need to be a member of the <strong>College</strong> community in goodstanding (nominated students must have an overall GPA of 2.0 orhigher); have performed above and beyond their normal obligations;and have positively contributed to the <strong>College</strong>, community andstudent life.Donate your old cell phone<strong>The</strong> Student Volunteer Organization (SVO) is collectingused cell phones for soldiers until Friday, March 13.<strong>The</strong>y are also collecting any and all parts of cellphones, chargers, etc. <strong>The</strong>y may be given toAssistant Professor Renee Adamany, Elston 2<strong>02</strong>, orthey can be donated in Student Services, Elston 222 orin the Begley Library.Tr a n s f e r s c h o l a r s h i p savailableStudent Development announces the following transferscholarship opportunity:•Clarkson University extends an invitation to SCCC tonominate two students (one for each award) for theClarkson Transfer Leadership Award and the ClarksonTransfer Achievement Award. <strong>The</strong> awards range from$9,000 to $11,000 to a graduating student with aminimum GPA of 3.0 who plans to attend Clarkson inbusiness, engineering, science or liberal arts. Deadline isFriday, March 6. Please see Bernie Dunn, Counselor IV,in Elston Hall 223, 381-1342.<strong>College</strong> offers condolencesafter passing of student<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> expresses sincere sympathy to the familyand friends of Amy Marie Dalheim who was a Sciencemajor at SCCC. Amy passed away on Feb. 21, <strong>2009</strong>.Dr. Tammy Gummersheimer had Amy in her GeneralChemistry I and II classes both semesters last year andhad this to say about her, “Amy got along witheverybody and worked well with her peers. She was justa wonderful girl.”BINNEKILL Publication Schedule Spring<strong>2009</strong>Deadline (9 a.m.)Publication DateWednesday, March 4 Monday, March 23Wednesday, March 25 Monday, April 6Wednesday, April 8 Monday, April 20Wednesday, April 22 Monday, May 11Please e-mail submissions to the Editor atmeaneyhl@sunysccc.edu.2 BINNEKILL, March 2, <strong>2009</strong>

Events planned for Wo m e n ’sHistory Monthby Whitney Jackson,Paralegal majorSCCC will recognize Women’sHistory Month throughoutMarch, recognizing the placewomen hold in society, both pastand present, while examiningwomen’s issues.<strong>The</strong> month will kick off withBelly Dance, A Dance for ALLPeople presented by SuzanneRancourt on Thursday, March 5,from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. inthe Lally Mohawk Room. <strong>The</strong>program will feature demonstrationsand information about thetraditions of the many differentstyles of belly dance.Rancourt will also be on campuson Thursday, March 26, as aTRIO guest presenter, offeringStrategies of Self-Defense usingAikido principles and life’sexperiences.“As women, we have our ownpersonal stories. <strong>The</strong>se programshelp us to draw from ourpersonal stories to create a morewhole picture of who we havebeen and who we can become,”Rancourt said.Robyn Posson, Counselor II inStudent Development, willpresent How to Know WhenSomeone is Into You: AnIntelligent Person’s Guide toRecognizingHealthyRelationships on Wednesday,March 11 from 1:15 to 2:15 p.m.in the Stockade Building,Room 3<strong>02</strong>. Free “feel-good”giveaways will be made to thefirst 25 attendees.“Creating and nurturing healthyrelationships is both rewardingand fulfilling. Problems arise,though, when one or both partiesmisinterpret the other person’sbehaviors or his/her needs aren’tbeing met. This presentation willoffer attendees some newinsights, skills and a renewedsense of empowerment,”Posson said.Additionally, three guestspeakers will participate in theWomen Making a DifferenceSeries.Beth Legere, Director of PublicAffairs for Planned ParenthoodMohawk Hudson, will presentWomen’s March, a programabout why women should beinvolved in their community onThursday, March 12, from11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in theStockade Building, Room 101.<strong>The</strong> program will offer informationabout what is happening inthe community with regards towomen’s issues, family issuesand help women recognize thatthey can make a difference inthe community.“I think Women’s History Monthis a fabulous way to engageyoung women, young men andcommunity members about howto shape their world and maketheir voices heard,” said Legere.<strong>The</strong> other presenters will beTandra Legrone, ExecutiveDirector of In Our Own Voices,an advocacy group for gay,bisexual and transgenderedpeople of color, who visitscampus on Thursday, March 26,from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. inthe Stockade Building,Room 101, and Miki Conn,Executive Director of theHamilton Hill Arts Center,who will speak on Tuesday,March 31, from 11:30 a.m. to12:30 p.m. in the StockadeBuilding, Room 101.Plans to recognize women’sissues also include a Tuesday,March 24, screening of the HBOdocumentary Thin at 11:30 a.m.in the Stockade Building,Room 101. <strong>The</strong> film takesviewers inside the walls ofRenfrew Center, a residentialfacility for the treatment ofwomen with eating disorders,closely following four youngwomen who have spent theirlives starving themselves, oftento the verge of death.All events are sponsored bySCCC Multicultural Affairs. Formore information about theseevents, please contactMulticultural Affairs in ElstonHall 222 at 381-1279 orrowelljp@sunysccc.edu.Alum took control to battleType 2 diabetesOn Tuesday, March 3, at11:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.,Elizabeth Villiers Gemmette ‘77presents Controlling Type 2Diabetes Without Drugs: MyJourney to a Healthy Life. Herpresentation is free and will takeplace in the Stockade Building,Room 101.At the time of her diagnosis ofType 2 Diabetes, Elizabeth wasinformed by her doctor that her mean blood glucose,cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and blood pressurenumbers were all at dangerous levels. She refused drugtherapy and began her journey to reverse her diabetes byfollowing a sensible diet, exercise and weight lossprogram. In her words, all she had to do to be successfulwas “keep it simple.”Elizabeth has been an educator and a private practiceattorney. She has taught courses on law, literature, lawand literature, and psychology, and has published bookson law and literature and numerous articles onpsychology, law, literature, law and health, and law andliterature. Elizabeth’s book Controlling Type 2 Diabetes:A Natural Alternative will be available for purchase afterher presentation.Company Conversationsdevelop relationshipsby Robert Frederick, Coordinator of Career andEmployment ServicesRepresentatives from Knolls Atomic Power Laboratorywere on campus on Feb. 12 and met with 36 students,faculty and staff. Company representatives, includingfour SCCC alumni and one SCCC Adjunct FacultyMember, shared their knowledge and insight regardingcareer paths related to science and engineering, humanresources, secretarial and administrative businessfunctions, materials processing, computer informationsystems and database management. Students inattendance were primarily enrolled in degrees programswithin the Business and Law or Math, Science andTechnology Departments. <strong>The</strong> event was successful dueto those instructors who made a special attempt toencourage their students to attend.This function will be one of many ways KAPL plans tointeract with the <strong>College</strong> in the future. Alumni/Adjunctsin attendance were: Paulette DelPrete ‘91, BusinessAdministration, Administrative Assistant;Bruce Furbeck ‘80, Materials Process Development(GE Apprenticeship), Senior Specialist;Charlene Vice ‘01, Materials Science/NDT, TestSpecialist; Greg Burns ‘82/’85, Non-Destructive Testing,Computer Science, Information Systems and Database;and Anthony Benson, Lead Electrical Engineer, SCCCAdjunct Faculty Member.BINNEKILL, March 2, <strong>2009</strong>3

Monday, March 2<strong>2009</strong> Scholarship Applications Available(Applications due on March 27, <strong>2009</strong>.)Wednesday, March 4New York State Department of Civil Service,10 a.m.-2 p.m., Activity Forum. <strong>The</strong> Departmentwill be conducting an Information Session on thefollowing topics: Employment Opportunities withNYS Government; Civil Service System and NYSGovernment; Examination and AppointmentsProcess; Employee Benefits; Featured Programs andJobs in Demand; Resources and ContactInformation. All students/all majors are invited.Presentations will take place at 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and2 p.m. (Walk-ins for questions and answers anytimebetween 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.) Please RSVP in personto Career and Employment Services,Elston Hall 223, ces@sunysccc.edu or 381-1365.Thursday, March 5Carer Expo: Public Safety and GovernmentServices, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Elston Hall StudentCenter. (See Front Page.)David Fallon, Special Agent for the FBI, presents,Undercover Operations That Identify and ApprehendCyber Predators, 1 p.m., Stockade Building,Room 101. (See story on Front Page.)CALENDAR OF EVENTSMonday, March 9EOP DisbursementScholarship Refund DisbursementBoard of Trustees Mtg, 4;45 p.m., Libr. Conf. Rm.Trustee/Legislative Dinner, 5:30 p.m.,Van Curler RoomTuesday, March 10SCCC Transfer Fair, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Elston HallStudent Center. Meet admissions representativesfrom a wide variety of four-year colleges anduniversities. Find out what you need to know totransfer.Wednesday, March 11SCCC Chamber Series Concert featuring JohnKamitsuka, piano, 7:30 p.m.,Taylor Auditorium. Free.Kamitsuka performs regularlythroughout the United States,South America, Europe andJapan. He has played atprominent venues such asLincoln Center’s Alice TullyHall, the 92nd Street Y andWeill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall.Friday, March 6NJCAA Bowling Championships, Erie CCSaturday, March 7NJCAA Bowling Championships, Erie CCSunday, March 8Capital Region Wind Ensemble presents SongsWithout Words, 3 p.m., Taylor Auditorium. Tickets:$8 general public; $6 students. Call 381-1231. <strong>The</strong>program is inspired by French, Korean, Russian andItalian folk songs and will feature Guest SoloistDr. Joel Evans on oboe. Dr. Evans performs withHudson Valley Philharmonic, the Pone Ensembleand the Music in the Mountains Festival. CRWEwill also be joined by 28 high school musicians.Thursday, March 12Safe Zone Brown Bag Lunch Discussions: IssuesAffecting LGBT People of Color, 11:30 a.m. to12:30 p.m., Begley Library Conference RoomMonday, March 16-Friday, March 20Spring RecessMonday, March 16Board of Trustees Mtg., 4;45 p.m., Lib. Conf. Rm.Tuesday, March 17Musicians of Ma’alwyck, 100 Greatest Dances, Hitsand More, Music for Guitar and String Quartet,11:30 a.m., Taylor Auditorium. Free.4 BINNEKILL, March 2, <strong>2009</strong>

SCCC Emerg e n c yClosing ProceduresClasses at SCCC will be held asscheduled UNLESS you hear a radio/TVannouncement to the contrary. When thedecision to cancel or delay classes ismade, due to hazardous weather or otheremergency situations, the <strong>College</strong>notifies the School Closings Network.<strong>The</strong> decision to cancel daytime classes ismade by 6 a.m. <strong>The</strong> decision to cancelevening classes is made by 2 p.m.However, if the weather worsensbetween 2 and 4 p.m. the <strong>College</strong> willreassess conditions and cancelEVENING classes by 4 p.m.<strong>The</strong> School Closings Network will notifyall of the following stations:AMWROW-AM 590, WGY-AM 810,WOFX-AM 980FMWFLY-FM 92.3, WYJB-FM 95.5,JAMZ-FM 96.3, WTRY-FM 98.3,WRVE-FM 99.5, MAGIC-FM 100.9,WKKS-FM 1<strong>02</strong>.3, WHRL-FM 1<strong>03</strong>.1,WPYX-FM 106.5, WGNA-FM 107.7TELEVISIONCBS 6, CAPITAL NEWS 9,WTEN Channel 10,WNYT Channel 13,WXXA FOX 23<strong>The</strong> stations are asked to announce thefollowing: “Daytime/Evening classes at<strong>Schenectady</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>are cancelled/delayed. <strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> isopen for the conduct of other business.”ALSO-If classes are delayed, a specificstart time will be announced. Anannouncement regarding class cancellationand delays is also provided on the<strong>College</strong> phone system, (518) 381-1200,and the <strong>College</strong> Web site.Security escor t sare availableSCCC Security personnel are available toescort members of the <strong>College</strong>community to their vehicles at any time.If you would like a Security Guard toescort you to your vehicle, please contactSecurity, located on the ground floor ofElston Hall, near the main entrance, orcall 381-1308 or 381-1309, or beepernumber 887-0594.Trustees approve reappointments andpromotions<strong>The</strong> SCCC Board of Trustees held aregular meeting on Monday, Feb. 23,at 4:45 p.m. in the Library ConferenceRoom and passed the followingresolutions:•Granting of emeritus status toFrances E. Loeffler, Former Professorand Chair of the Developmental StudiesDepartment, and Thomas Nelson,Former Dean of Academic Affairs. Inorder to recognize the accomplishmentsand contributions of retiring teachingand non-teaching Faculty, the honorarytitles of “Emeritus” may be conferredupon Faculty retiring from SCCC whohave served at least 12 years in afull-time capacity and who havedemonstrated exemplary service tothe <strong>College</strong>.•Career Administrative Appointments(Directors) for the following:David Sampson, Director ofAdmissions, Extension of Two-YearAppointment, Sept. 1, <strong>2009</strong>, throughAug. 31, 2011William Lawrence, Director ofAcademic Services, Extension ofTwo-Year Appointment, Sept. 1, <strong>2009</strong>,through Aug. 31, 2011Lynne King, Director of LibraryServices, Initial Two-Year Appointment,Sept. 1, <strong>2009</strong>, through Aug. 31, 2011Nicolas Ltaif, Director of AcademicComputing, Initial Two-YearAppointment, Sept. 1, <strong>2009</strong>, throughAug. 31, 2011•Appointment of professional staffeligible for reappointment fromSept. 1, <strong>2009</strong>, through Aug. 31, 2010Academic ComputingMichael Dzikowski, TechnicalAssistantAcademic AffairsDaniel Feinberg, InstructionalTechnologist IBusiness and Law DepartmentDavid Hennessy, ChairpersonWilliam Nealon, Assistant ProfessorDevelopmental Studies DepartmentJohn Quaintance, Associate Professorand ChairpersonPamela Walsh, Assistant ProfessorHotel, Culinary Arts and TourismDepartmentThomas Alicandro, TechnicalSpecialistJohn O’Connell, Technical AssistantHumanities and Social SciencesDepartmentCarol DeFries, ChairpersonEileen Abrahams, InstructorRenee Adamany, Assistant ProfessorEric Carlson, Assistant ProfessorJudith Prinzo, InstructorMathematics, Science and TechnologyDepartmentRuth McEvoy, ChairpersonKeion Clinton, InstructorMusicWilliam Meckley, ChairpersonKaren Hosmer, Assistant ProfessorStudent DevelopmentMichael Mastrella,Academic/Admissions Advisor I•Promotions effective Sept. 1, <strong>2009</strong>From Associate Professor toProfessor: David Hennessy, Businessand LawFrom Assistant Professor to AssociateProfessor: Dean Bennett and MarkSeth, Humanities and Social Sciences,and Ted Mar, Math, Science andTechnologyFrom Associate Librarian toLibrarian: Caroline LaierFrom Instructor to AssistantProfessor: Eileen Abrahams andJudith Prinzo, Humanities and SocialSciencesFrom Technical Specialist to SeniorTechnical Specialist: Ellen Heekin,Robert Payne, Hotel, Culinary Artsand TourismFrom Technical Assistant to SeniorTechnical Assistant: John O’Connell,Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism•Grant-supported appointment ofRebecca Yates as Program Coordinatorfor the RealJOBS NY Program fromMarch 23, through Aug. 31, <strong>2009</strong>BINNEKILL, March 2, <strong>2009</strong>5

Campus ResourcesAcademic AdvisementElston 223/ext. 1277Monday-Thursday 9 am-8 pmFriday9 am-1 pmAcademic Computing LabElston Hall, 530/ext. 1213Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-10 pmFriday8:30 am-4 pmSaturday 9 am-3:30 pmAcademic ServicesElston Hall, 212/ext. 1348, 1349Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-8 pmFriday8:30 am-4:30 pmAccounting/CIS Tutor LabElston 427, ext. 1041Please see lab for hours.ADA Transition ServicesElston 222/ext. 1345Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pmAdmissionsElston Hall, 221/ext. 1366, 1367Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-8 pmFriday8:30 am-4:30 pmBegley Library/ext. 1239Monday-Thursday 8 am-9:30 pmFriday8 am-4:30 pmSaturday 10 am-2 pmSpring BreakMonday, March 16-Friday, March 209 am- 4 pmClosed Sat./Sun.March 21/22Business Office, StudentElston 527/ext. 1346, 1347Monday-Friday 8:45 am-4:15 pmCareer and EmploymentServicesElston 223/ext. 1365Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm(Evening hours available upon request.)EASE online careerresourceswww.sunysccc.edu/cesCareer CounselingElston 223/ext. 1365Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm(Evenings by appointment.)<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> StoreElston 109/ext. 1332Mon., Tues. 8 am-6 pmWed., Thurs. 8 am-4 pmFriday8 am-2 pm<strong>The</strong> Commons Elston/ext. 1330Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-8 pmFriday7:30 am-2 pmComputer Tutor LabElston 427See lab for hours.Continuing EducationStockade 120/ext. 1315, 1316Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-8 pmFriday8:30 am-4:30 pmSaturday 8:30 am-12 pm(when classes are in session)When classes are not in session,open Mon.-Fri., 8:30 am-4:30 pmFinancial AidElston Hall, 221/ext. 1352, 1354Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-8 pmFriday8:30 am-4:30 pmGateway MontessoriGateway 124/ext. 1455/1295Monday-Friday 9 am-11:30 am(Call for program information.)Instructional TechnologyCenter Begley, ext. 1243Monday-Thursday 8 am-9:30 pmFriday8 am-4:30 pmLanguage LabElston 520/ext. 1373Mon., Wed. 9-11:30 am12-2 pm5-7:30 pmTuesday9-11:30 am12:30-2 pm5-7 pmThursday 9-11:30 am12-2 pm5-7 pmFriday9:30 am-12 pmSaturday 10 am-1 pmLearning Center/Writing LabElston 523/ext. 1246Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-7:30 pmFriday8:30 am-4 pmSaturday 10 am-3 pmMath Lab Elston 518/ext. 1435Monday-Thurs. 8:30 am-7:30 pmFriday, Saturday 9 am-2 pmMulticultural/EducationalOpportunity ProgramsElston 222/ext. 1279Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pmPersonal CounselingElston 223/ext. 1365Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm(Evenings by appointment.)Transfer CounselingElston 223/ext. 1365Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm(Evenings by appointment.)TRIO Student SupportServices Elston 328/ext. 1465See TRIO for hours.Tutor ServicesElston 328-C/ext. 1461Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pmYWCA Children’s CenterGateway Bldg./ext. 1375 or 1389Monday-Friday 7:30 am-5:30 pm(Evening hours available dependingon enrollment.)6BINNEKILL, March 2, <strong>2009</strong>

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