Governing Board & Executive Committee - AgriSETA

Governing Board & Executive Committee - AgriSETA

Governing Board & Executive Committee - AgriSETA

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ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTUREGOVERNING BOARD & EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE<strong>Governing</strong> <strong>Board</strong>At the Annual General Meeting held on 22 October 2009, the following <strong>Board</strong> members werenominated and designated to committees within <strong>AgriSETA</strong>:Employee RepresentativesNAMEORGANISATIONRACEGENDEREXECUTIVECOMMITTEESKILLSPLANNINGETQALEARNERSHIPSAUDITCOMMITTEESipho KhumaloAtwell NazoElizabeth ManotoKatishi MasemolaMbulelo JolisaPhillip MokwenaPulane MainePiet du PlooyJulius ManoMichael NtutelaFood and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)SolidarityNational Union of Food, Beverage, WineSpirits and Allied Workers (NUFBWSAW)Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)AAAAAAAWAAMMFMMMFMMM 42

ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTUREEmployer RepresentativesNAMEORGANISATIONRACEGENDEREXECUTIVECOMMITTEESKILLSPLANNINGETQALEARNERSHIPSAUDITCOMMITTEEJack van DykProf Daan PrinslooDr Di GoodwinDr Gerhardus NeethlingJacqueline AmbroseJacqueline BhanaJenny MatthewsLeonard HansenOtto MbangulaRiaan GerritzenAgri SATransvaal Agricultural Union ofSouth Africa (TAU)South African Green IndustryCouncil (SAGIC)Red Meat Abattoir Association(RMAA)South African Poultry AssociationSugar IndustryGrain South AfricaAstral Operations LtdNational African Farmers Union(NAFU)Grain IndustryWWWWWIWWAWMMFMFFFMMM A – African W – White I – Indian M – Male F – FemaleEmployee representatives:Mr Piet du Plooy of Solidarity replaced Ms Adele van den Berg from the same organisation.Mr Michael Ntutela of the Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU) replaced Mr Mohanoe ofthe National Union of Farmers (NUF), after the latter resigned.Mr Julius Mano of the National Union of Food, Beverage, Wine Spirits and Allied Workers(NUFBWSAW), received a seat on the <strong>Board</strong> due to Mr Ben Mtshali stepping down as a resultof the South African Food and Allied Trade Union (SAFATU) being deregistered.Employer representatives:Ms Jacqueline Ambrose of the South African Poultry Association (SAPA) replaced MrJacques van Niekerk of Henwil Chickens.Ms Jenny Matthews of Grain South Africa replaced Dr Kobus Laubscher from the sameorganisation.43

ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE<strong>Governing</strong> <strong>Board</strong> EquityDates Of <strong>Governing</strong> <strong>Board</strong>, <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>, and Human Resource<strong>Committee</strong> MeetingsDates and Attendance of<strong>Governing</strong> <strong>Board</strong> Meetings:Date ofMeeting Employees Employers Total19 March 2009 10 10 2010 June 2009 9 9 1831 July 2009 8 10 1821 October 2009 10 9 19<strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>Dates and attendance of <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>Meetings:Date ofMeeting Employees Employers Total12 February 2009 3 3 618 March 2009 3 3 605 May 2009 2 3 510 June 2009 3 3 630 July 2009 3 3 620 October 2009 3 2 5Human Resource <strong>Committee</strong>The Human Resource <strong>Committee</strong> meets regularly to discuss human resource issues (vacancies,staff-related matters). The <strong>Committee</strong> is also responsible for recommending salary increases priorto discussing these with the <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> and <strong>Governing</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. The <strong>Committee</strong> is closelylinked to the CEO and provides much-needed support and guidance.The members of the Human Resource <strong>Committee</strong> are:1. Mr Mzikayise Khumalo - Food and AlliedWorkers Union (FAWU) - (Chairperson)2. Mr Jacobus van Dyk - Agri SA- (Vice-Chairperson)3. Mr Jeremia Madiba - <strong>AgriSETA</strong>- Chief <strong>Executive</strong> OfficerDates ofHuman Resource<strong>Committee</strong> Meetings:Date of Meeting4 May 20099 June 200930 July 20092 November 200925 January 201010 February 201024 March 201044

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