Production - RTC, Regional Training Centre - Turkey

Production - RTC, Regional Training Centre - Turkey

Production - RTC, Regional Training Centre - Turkey

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PilotnodeTitelfoto auf dem Titelmaster einfügenProducts and ServicesPeter BissolliDeutscher Wetterdienst (German Meteorological Service), Offenbach

What is a <strong>Regional</strong> Climate <strong>Centre</strong> (RCC) ?RCCs are <strong>Centre</strong>s of Excellence that assist WMO Members in a given region todeliver better climate services and products including regional long-rangeforecasts, and to strengthen their capacity to meet national climate informationneeds. WMO activity Providing climate services for the WMO RA VI Region (dedicated regional) Organized as a network of many participating national meteorological andhydrological services (NMHSs) Principle of shared work/tasks (one for all, all for one) Collecting input products, producing output products No duplication of work which is already done on a national level Users are other RCCs and the NMHSs, endusers the customers of the NMHSsWednesday, 03 November 2010 2

The regional levelGlobal Producers(global data, monitoring and long-range forecasting centres)<strong>Regional</strong> Climate <strong>Centre</strong> NetworkNational <strong>Centre</strong>s(National Meteorological and Hydrological Services)Wednesday, 03 November 2010 3

National contributors and primary users: all 50 Met Services of RA VIWednesday, 03 November 2010 4

http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/dra/eur/RAVI_RCC_Network.phpWednesday, 03 November 2010 5

www.rccra6.orgWednesday, 03 November 2010 6

RCC-CM productsno „raw“ climate data, but evaluated productsclimate maps (visualisation)climate time series, trends, diagrams, statisticsreports (reviews, significant weather events,climate assessments)climate watch (warnings of upcoming climateevents, in development)Wednesday, 03 November 2010 7

RCC-CM services <strong>Production</strong> and distributionfor which area?of climate monitoring products and information• whole RA VI Region• subregion of RA VI• national products (provided by theMembers)to whom?Information and guidance on methods and productsCo-operation (e.g. SEECOF, SEE-VCCC) and trainingResearch and development of new products• RA VI Members• other RCC nodes• other RCCs of neighbourRegions• global monitoring centresWednesday, 03 November 2010 8

Product overview (see product catalog) RCC-CM web portal (DWD) Annual and monthly bulletins (DWD) Monthly maps of various climate elements for RAVI or global (DWD, Météo France, KNMI) incl.reference climatologies Monthly maps of climate indices and trends (KNMI) Monthly maps for subregions Southeast Europe (RHMS) Eastern Mediterranean (TSMS) South Caucasus region (Armstatehydromet) Reports of significant weather events (DWD) Daily maps for RA VI (DWD, in development) Climate watches (DWD, RHMS, tbd!)Wednesday, 03 November 2010 9

RCC-CM Web Portal:www.dwd.de/rcc-cmWednesday, 03 November 2010 10

www.dwd.de/ecsmWednesday, 03 November 2010 11

National maps: www.dwd.de/ecsm (DWD)24 countries provide national maps to ECSMWednesday, 03 November 2010 12

Annual and Monthly Reports (DWD)RCC-CM contributionto Europe chapter48 countries have contributedto the Annual Bulletin 2009Deadline for contributions 2010:• Annual Bulletin: 28.02.2011• State of the Climate: 31.01.2011Monthly contributionson your websites welcome!Deadline: 14th of the following monthin development: Seasonal BulletinWednesday, 03 November 2010 13

RA VI maps based on in situ data and spatial interpolation (DWD)Wednesday, 03 November 2010 14

RA VI maps based on satellite + in situ data (DWD)Cloud coverRadiation parametersCloud indicesWater vapour parametersWednesday, 03 November 2010 15

Global maps based on model data (Météo France)Sea level pressureWindHumidityPrecipitationTemperatureAnomalies 3 and 12 months overlappingWednesday, 03 November 2010 16

RA VI maps of trends and climatologies of climate indicesbased on ECA&D station data (KNMI)Trends ofStandardized Precipitation Index (SPI)Trends of number of summer days(Tmax >= 25°C)Wednesday, 03 November 2010 17

Maps for southeast Europe (RHMS)Monthly and seasonalmean temperatureand precipitationalso• anomalies• extreme indicesAccessible at the SEEVCCC website:http://www.seevccc.rsTime of issuance: Once per month (end of month for next month)and ad hoc on demand (extreme events)Basis for Climate Watches (+ Climate Diagnostics Bulletin, LRF)Wednesday, 03 November 2010 18

Maps for the eastern Mediterranean (TSMS)Precipitation2m TemperatureWednesday, 03 November 2010 19

Delivering the products to the websiteEnd of the each month, the products have been delivered via ftp.As soon as 11 products are copied to the server, web siteautomatically is updated.http://emcc.dmi.gov.trWednesday, 03 November 2010 20

Maps for the South Caucasus region (Armstatehydromet)Temperature anomaliesbased on NCEP-NCAR ReanalysisPrecipitation anomaliesbased on CAMS-OPImonthly and seasonaldistributed via ECSMTime of issuance: Second week of the month for the previous monthWednesday, 03 November 2010 21

Monitoring of Significant Weather Events (DWD)New Page on ECSM! (on development)• Significant Weather Events-> European -> Monthly Events- short report (in development)- European products- by countries (to be updated)Wednesday, 03 November 2010 22

<strong>Training</strong> & capacity buildingMore than 300 participants have been trained in WMO <strong>RTC</strong> in AlanyaFacilities on Climate Indices, <strong>Regional</strong> Climate Models (PRECIS,RegCM3), AWOS, Telecommunications, Agricultural Meteorology,Climatological applications, etcWednesday, 03 November 2010 http://emcc.dmi.gov.tr23

Climate Watches (to be discussed) Concept for realisation to be developed/co-ordinated by RCC-CM (input of NHMS andusers) Basis: monitoring and forecast products Anomalies, climate indices (e.g. drought indices) Climate diagnostics (based on e.g. Global Seasonal Climate Updated as plannedby WMO) LRF (provided by RCC-LRF), <strong>Regional</strong> Climate Outlook Forum (e.g. SEECOF) mainly national monitoring, but RCC-CM should give guidance on (sub)regional level Status and priorities of national requirements on climate watches to be given (Sessiontomorrow) focus on special predictable (?) events (heat and cold waves, drought, flooding) various time scales (from weekly to annual, main focus on seasonal?) problem: skill of LRF small for RA VI compared to other parts of the world developing special products (shorter and variable averages instead of only monthly?)Wednesday, 03 November 2010 24

Exchange of products of/within/to RCC-CM presently done by providing products on websites file transfer by ftp or by email future possibility via the DCPC (Data Collecting and Producing <strong>Centre</strong>) of the WIS DWD (RCC-CM leading centre) applied for being a DCPC DWD also applied for being a GISC (Global Information System <strong>Centre</strong>) of the WIS, RCC-CM DCPC is internal DCPC (uses technical infrastructure of the DWD GISC) other RA VI RCC nodes are also DCPCs (KNMI, Météo France, Roshydromet) to be discussed among the consortium partners at the RCC coordination meeting onThursday, technical interfaces to NMHSs to be defined (file transfer to server) national agreements to be made for delivery via DCPC (which products and how tobe delivered) Metadata to be given for each productWednesday, 03 November 2010 25

-> list of products-> Metadata will be shown-> product identification-> downloadhttp://gisc.dwd.de/GISC_DWD/start_js_JSP.doWednesday, 03 November 2010 26

Future plans further development of web pages (all) Product collection and distribution by DCPC further development of products (further variables, climate indices, droughtmonitoring, extremes) distribution of seasonal bulletins (DWD) research on climate variability and change further development of event monitoring (DWD)Wednesday, 03 November 2010 27

www.dwd.de/rcc-cmwww.rccra6.orgWednesday, 03 November 2010 28

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