Isyour cat at home? - Banyule City Council

Isyour cat at home? - Banyule City Council

Isyour cat at home? - Banyule City Council

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DR HUGH WIRTHPresidentRSPCA Victoria“It’s responsible, not cruel, to keepyour <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> safely <strong>at</strong> <strong>home</strong>. C<strong>at</strong>s keptsafely away from road accidents,fighting and diseases live longer andhappier lives than those th<strong>at</strong> roam. Thebest way to keep your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> <strong>home</strong> safe isto have a backyard <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosure th<strong>at</strong>is connected to your house by a <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>door. Th<strong>at</strong> way, your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> can stay insideor safely enjoy the outdoors. Ourprecious wildlife faces many thre<strong>at</strong>s.Keeping your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>home</strong> is a simpleand humane step you can take to helpprotect n<strong>at</strong>ive birds and animals.”DR CAROLE WEBBExecutive DirectorC<strong>at</strong> Protection Society of VictoriaThe Darebin Parklands Associ<strong>at</strong>ion has worked since 1973 totransform Darebin Parklands from a degraded former tip intoone of Melbourne’s best urban bush parks. The park haswalking and cycle trails, barbecue and picnic facilities,lookouts and dog exercise areas. It is <strong>home</strong> to dozens ofspecies of n<strong>at</strong>ive birds, mammals, reptiles, fish and frogs. TheDarebin Parklands Associ<strong>at</strong>ion is working to restore the habit<strong>at</strong>of the pl<strong>at</strong>ypus, which traditionally lived in the Darebin Creek.Darebin Parklands Associ<strong>at</strong>ion ☎ 9499 3849darebinparklandsassoci<strong>at</strong>ion@yahoo.comHome <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>ssafe <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>ssafe wildlifeIs your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>home</strong>?“The safest place for your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> to beis <strong>at</strong> <strong>home</strong>. I’m a veterinarian and toooften I see the results of <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s th<strong>at</strong> areallowed to wander – diseases, trafficaccidents or just getting lost. This canmeans lots of heartache for <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> ownersand big vet bills. Th<strong>at</strong>’s whyresponsible <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> owners keep their <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s<strong>at</strong> <strong>home</strong>. C<strong>at</strong>s adapt well to living in thehouse and in <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosures in thegarden. And by keeping your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> <strong>at</strong><strong>home</strong>, you can also help look after thelocal n<strong>at</strong>ive wildlife.Is your<strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>home</strong>?The Darebin Parklands Associ<strong>at</strong>ion gr<strong>at</strong>efullyacknowledges the assistance of the <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Banyule</strong>and the <strong>City</strong> of Darebin in producing this leaflet.Printed on recycled paper.Designed by K<strong>at</strong>’s Meow 0438 68 6311Illustr<strong>at</strong>ions by M<strong>at</strong>t Golding www.threefingers.com.auLost <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>?<strong>Banyule</strong> ☎ 9434 7155Darebin ☎ 9230 4667

Your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> is a much-loved companion.Did you know th<strong>at</strong> you can take some simple steps tohelp your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> live two or three times longer?How? By simply choosing to make your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> a <strong>home</strong> <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>.Instead of roaming, <strong>home</strong> <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s live inside the house orin special <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosures in the garden.■ Home <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s live up to three times longer and they havehappier, healthier lives. This is because <strong>home</strong> <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s arekept safe from road accidents, fighting and seriousillnesses such as feline AIDS.■ Home <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s also have happier owners, because theydon’t have to worry about losing their <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> or seeing itkilled or injured in an accident. They also have muchlower vet bills!■ By making your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> a <strong>home</strong> <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>, you can also help thewildlife th<strong>at</strong> lives near your house in the DarebinParklands.■ Hunting comes n<strong>at</strong>urally to <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s. Even well fed, wellbehaved<strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s like yours can kill and injure the n<strong>at</strong>ivebirds, possums, lizards and frogs th<strong>at</strong> live nearby in theDarebin Parklands.■ Pet <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s kill an estim<strong>at</strong>ed 30 n<strong>at</strong>ive animals a year.The Darebin Parklands Associ<strong>at</strong>ion is working toimprove the park so th<strong>at</strong> one day pl<strong>at</strong>ypus may againlive in the creek. But this can’thappen without the help of allpet owners.Is it cruel to keep <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s locked up?No! The RSPCA and the C<strong>at</strong> Protection Society agree it’skind, not cruel, to keep <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s <strong>home</strong>, safely away fromaccidents, fighting and diseases.My <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>’s collar has a bell. Isn’t th<strong>at</strong> enough?C<strong>at</strong>s are skilled hunters and very smart. They can movewithout ringing the bell. N<strong>at</strong>ive animals th<strong>at</strong> are chased orbitten can die l<strong>at</strong>er from infections or shock.My <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> sleeps in the house <strong>at</strong> night. Doesn’t this protectthe wildlife?Keeping your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> inside <strong>at</strong> night is a gre<strong>at</strong> first step.Keeping your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> <strong>home</strong> during the daytime helps protectanimals th<strong>at</strong> are active during daylight hours,including birds, lizards and frogs.How can I keep my <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>home</strong>?The simplest way is to keep your<strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> inside the house. Your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>will be very happy as long as ithas food, toys, a comfortablesleeping place and a litter tray.How can I keep my <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> in my garden?It’s easy, quick and cheap to make a <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosure with steelpickets and wire from the hardware store. You can alsoenclose part of your p<strong>at</strong>io or balcony with wire mesh.I’m elderly. Who can help me build a <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosure?Ask a family member, friend or neighbour or check theclassifieds in the local newspaper for handymen who offerseniors discounts. The Grey Army ( ☎ 9482 9211 ) alsoprovides low-cost <strong>home</strong> maintenance.Can I buy a <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosure?Many companies make modular <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosures th<strong>at</strong> aresuitable for gardens and balconies. Look under “Pet ShopSuppliers” in the Yellow Pages or do an internet search for“<strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosures”.Are there cheaper options?Yes! Check the classified ads forsecond hand aviaries. Oldchildren’s cubbies also make gre<strong>at</strong><strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosures, especially whenjoined to a <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> run made with steelpickets and wire.Won’t my <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> be bored in a <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>enclosure?Keep your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> happy with ascr<strong>at</strong>ching post, a branch or log toclimb on, toys, a sheltered place tosleep and lots of love and <strong>at</strong>tention.My <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> is used to living outdoors.How will he adjust?Most <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>s adapt easily. Feed your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>inside, and gradually increase time spentindoors or in the <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosure. Talk to your vetif you are concerned.Won’t a <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong> enclosure look ugly inmy garden?Use green coloured wire, creepersand shrubs to help your <strong>c<strong>at</strong></strong>enclosure blend in or build it out ofsight along the side of your house.

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