Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )


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All employees also workthrough a series of compliancecourses about workplaceoccupational health and safety andworkplace relations. Coursesinclude health and safetyfundamentals, manual handling,duty of care, driver safety andequal employment opportunity.Another significant achievementwas the implementation of a new,organisation-wide <strong>Novita</strong> volunteerprogram. This program wasendorsed in 2011 to bring acentralised focus on developingvolunteer opportunities across theorganisation, rather than justconcentrating on <strong>Novita</strong> eventvolunteers. <strong>Novita</strong> piloted a role fora Coordinator, Volunteer Programswithin People and Culture for asuccessful 12-month trial.Goals for the volunteer programincluded developing a volunteerbase to assist with organisationalprocesses. This involved creatinga database of volunteeropportunities within <strong>Novita</strong>. Itspurpose is to establish with <strong>Novita</strong>Client Services a place wherevolunteers may be able to supportactivities, both within theorganisation and with clientfamilies. It was important to linkthis program with organisationalactivities under criteria for culturalcompetency and disability actionand to provide opportunities forvolunteers with a disability.Submissions were made togovernment and other sources,seeking funding to help grow thevolunteer program. Importancewas also placed on developingcorporate volunteer opportunitiesand engaging with secondaryschools for students to undertakevoluntary work. <strong>Novita</strong> has alsobeen successful in establishingties to work collaboratively withexternal partners, such asVolunteering SA&NT.Volunteers already support<strong>Novita</strong> with the staging of events,such as Walk With Me and theChildren’s Christmas Party.Working across the organisation,volunteer roles have been identifiedand started in the Toy and ResourceCentre, TeenZone, <strong>Novita</strong>Techand Marketing.It is pleasing to note that <strong>Novita</strong>again recorded a successfuloutcome in the Equal Opportunityfor Women in the Workplace <strong>Report</strong>(EOWA), under Commonwealthlegislation. This requires mediumand large employers to establisha workplace program to removebarriers to women entering andadvancing in their organisation.<strong>Novita</strong> submitted its compliancereport for the year and receivedformal endorsement of its program.The EOWA Agency was pleased tosee <strong>Novita</strong>’s action in continuing topromote women in the workplace.novita children’s serivces annual report 33

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