Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )


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highlight02more than 20 groups tookpart in the 2011 city bay funrun. novita supporters raisedmore than $20,000participating either asbusinesses or individuals.highlight03west end mighty river runraised $158,000 for novita– highest amount to date,taking total raised acrossthe five years to $561,000.highlight04bingo facility upgradeunder way that includesrefurbishments aimed atmaintaining novita’s leadin the bingo market.<strong>Novita</strong> AuxiliariesThe dedication of <strong>Novita</strong>’s Auxiliariescontinued undiminished in 2011-12, with a fundraising total of morethan $150,000.For decades, <strong>Novita</strong>’s Auxiliarieshave been raising money for theorganisation. <strong>Novita</strong> acknowledgesthe outstanding contribution of theAuxiliaries, by dedicated individualswho understand the importance ofhelping children and young peoplewho need it most. These volunteersare a vital link in raising funds forthe organisation, as well as creatingcommunity awareness about<strong>Novita</strong> and its vital role. They havemade a significant difference.Highlights in the past yearinclude the Rainbow Committee’sannual Lunch in a Spring RoseGarden that has become a highlyfavoured event, with its specialappeal of an auction of donateditems including Ann Middletonjewellery, the George Gross andHarry Who fashion parade, DiRoberton millinery, interestingguest speakers, and the ambienceassociated with a two-course lunchin a beautiful hills garden setting.On Eyre Peninsula, the PortNeill/Cleve & Districts Auxiliaryspent hundreds of hours raisingmoney for <strong>Novita</strong> through activitiesand events. Since its founding in1976 this group has raised morethan $600,000.In a remarkable initiative in PortAugusta, the local Auxiliary stagedits own Convoy for Kids. In one ofthe biggest fundraisers everundertaken by the group,approximately 50 trucks gaveyoung <strong>Novita</strong> clients the ride oftheir lives through the township.Fashion parades, film evenings,golf days, cabarets, fetes andstalls were just a few of the manyand varied ways in which Auxiliariesdedicated their time to the raisingof significant funds for <strong>Novita</strong>.Two exceptional Auxiliarymembers were honoured for theirservice this year. They were:Margory Head, Port Neill/Cleve &Districts Auxiliary Secretary since1984 and inaugural President foreight years, and Nat Barry, PortAugusta Auxiliary, who served for40 years. A number of otherAuxiliary members were similarlyhonoured for long and dedicatedservice to their group.<strong>Novita</strong> proudly lists the Auxiliarieson page 44 of this report.CommunicationsBuilding brand awareness andunderstanding of <strong>Novita</strong>’s functionsand services continued to be apriority for <strong>Novita</strong> Communicationsin the past year. Severalcommunication plans weredeveloped promoting a range ofactivities, including fundraisingevents, office refurbishments andrelocations and staff changes.A number of fundraisingappeals were launched,generating valuable donationsfrom throughout South Australia.Publications were produced on adiversity of subjects, including thebiannual <strong>Novita</strong> News and thequarterly Nexus magazine. Thesepublications are aimed at corporatesupporters and <strong>Novita</strong> familiesrespectively with topical subjectson new therapies, sponsorshipsand <strong>Novita</strong> client success stories.<strong>Novita</strong>’s engagement withsocial media platforms Facebookand Twitter has been enhanced,with the increased exposurepaying dividends. Use of all formsof social media is expanding theorganisation’s reach into thecommunity, highlighting its roleand functions in supportingchildren and young peopleliving with disabilities.News media engagement hascontinued, with good coverageachieved for the 2011 West EndMighty River Run and high levelexposure in metropolitan media forthe annual Easter Appeal in <strong>2012</strong>.Various announcements by<strong>Novita</strong>’s Chief Executive welcomingaspects of government initiativesbenefitting the disability sectorwere released throughout the year.Bingo<strong>Novita</strong>’s Bingo is still the largest inSouth Australia and continues togrow its supporter base across allage groups.<strong>Novita</strong>’s themed bingo sessions,such as Easter and the extremelypopular Christmas parties, wereamong the year’s highlights.Plans are well advanced totransition into a new era, with afacility upgrade that will includerefurbishments aimed atmaintaining <strong>Novita</strong>’s lead in thebingo market. It is hoped that thework will result in this importantfundraiser reaching a broaderaudience, consolidating itsreputation and popularity.novita children’s serivces annual report 27

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