Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )


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client servicesnovitatechOne of the excitingdevelopments over thelast year was <strong>Novita</strong>Techcoming under the umbrella ofClient Services. Initially on a trialbasis, this was formally endorsedas a long-term structure in May <strong>2012</strong>.An analysis, involving extensivestaff and consumer consultation,was undertaken to determine thebenefits to <strong>Novita</strong> clients of closerlinkages between Client Servicesstaff and <strong>Novita</strong>Tech staff and theirarray of services and products.Consumer consultation revealed aclear request from parents forteamed <strong>Novita</strong>Tech staff and ClientServices therapist appointments inrelation to assessment for mobilityequipment, individualised seatingmodifications, orthoses and otherequipment items, as being ofbenefit to them and their child.Introduction of this teamed andcoordinated service delivery modelhas commenced and will continueto be refined over the next year.Highlights and achievements<strong>Novita</strong> is grateful to the continuedfinancial support of Variety, theChildren’s Charity, for their supportof the Orthotics Program. ThroughVariety’s generosity, 313 childrenhave been able to benefit from thereceipt of 556 customised orthosesof varying types, includingankle-foot orthoses, spinal braces,and individually moulded helmetsover the last year.<strong>Novita</strong>Tech’s customisedmobility and seating programprovides individual modificationsand repairs to seating, aids andequipment to promote a child’sindependence. These essentialequipment and related supportsoptimise a child’s positioning toenable them to achieve success,freedom and safety in theirmovement and physical abilities.As a child grows, the kind ofmobility supports they needchanges according to changes intheir size, ability and posture.Adaptations and modification toequipment, including seatingsupports, become a regularrequirement. In the last 12 months,more than 850 seating, mobility,repairs and modification projectswere completed by <strong>Novita</strong>Tech’sMobility and Seating staff.<strong>Novita</strong>Tech’s Test Laboratoryexperienced enormous growth indemand for its services, includingtesting of medical rehabilitation,home modification and other itemsof equipment against disability andmanufacture quality standards.<strong>Novita</strong> extends its gratitude to theThyne Reid Foundation for itsfinancial support of severalprojects to upgrade facilitiesfor this area.<strong>Novita</strong>Tech’s Assistive Technologybusiness continues to refine andadjust its product range to balancemeeting client and customerneeds in an increasingly pricecompetitive market. Focussedexploration of the client and marketpotential of technology products toassist individual independence athome has occurred.24novita children’s serivces annual report

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