Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )


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Rob Garrett and Toan Nguyenalso contributed to <strong>Novita</strong>’ssubmissions to the AustralianGovernment Department ofBroadband, Communications andthe Digital Economy (DBCDE) aspart of the review of access totelecommunication services bypeople with disability, olderAustralians and peopleexperiencing illness.Dr Angela Crettenden (ChiefInvestigator, <strong>Novita</strong>) secured grantfunding from the South AustralianGovernment Department ofCommunities and Social Inclusionto lead an exciting newcollaborative project with DisabilityServices. The project will examinethe factors contributing to parentsplacing their child with a disabilityin out-of-home care.Dr Angela Crettenden alsoobtained a $75,000 grant from theChannel Seven Children’sResearch Foundation for theproject Juggling Work and Care:Experiences of parents caring forchildren with disabilities, which willbe undertaken in <strong>2012</strong>-13.Professor Barbara Pocock,Director of the University of SouthAustralia’s Centre for Work andLife, and Dr Natalie Skinner areassociate investigators on thiscollaborative project.Evaluation of the ProgramsProject analysed the impacts ofthe restructuring of Client Serviceswithin <strong>Novita</strong> during 2008 andbeyond to better align serviceswith the Life Needs Model. A finalreport on the evaluation has beencompleted and the findings willcontribute to <strong>Novita</strong>’s servicedevelopment into the future.The project ConnectiveSolutions: Facilitating the socialparticipation of children andadolescents with physicaldisabilities or acquired brain injuryusing the Web 2.0 socialnetworking and 3D virtualenvironment has continued.Training of young people withcerebral palsy or acquired braininjury to increase their skills inusing the internet for socialnetworking, and supportingparents to learn about cyber safetyis in the final stages of completion.Detailed information regardingresearch publications is availablefrom http://www.novita.org.au/library/Research<strong>Report</strong>2007-2010.pdfhighlight01$75,000 grant from thechannel seven children’sresearch foundation forjuggling work and care,which will be undertakenin <strong>2012</strong>-13.highlight02novita researchers, robgarrett and toan nguyen,won first prize for theirpaper submitted to thetelecommunicationsjournal of australia.highlight03evaluation of the programsproject analysed therestructuring of client serviceswithin novita during 2008 andbeyond to better align serviceswith the life needs model.novita children’s serivces annual report 23

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