Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )


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The Pauline McGregor AwardOwen is six years old and lives with numerous challenges as a result ofdevelopmental delay.His main form of mobility indoors is a form of lower limb shuffling, butwhen he is outdoors he uses a manual wheelchair. He has also used aidssuch as a Rifton Pacer Gait Trainer indoors and outdoors.Not long ago, Owen began to take independent steps in the classroomat school, initially by letting go of furniture momentarily and then steppingtowards staff members or toys. With great determination he has practicedthis every day, steadily increasing the distance. He is now able to walk10 metres. Owen is an engaging boy who is able to explore his environmentwith greater ease, providing exciting opportunities for him to learn.Owen HutchinsonMinister’s Community Achievement AwardJesse Aungles is 16 years old and was born with deformities to both legs.Doctors were unsure as to whether Jesse would ever be able to walk.This marked Jesse’s first challenge.At 12 months, Jesse had his left foot amputated. He also had his righthip reconstructed. Numerous operations were followed by ongoingtherapy. Jesse received his first wheelchair aged five as he was unable towear his prosthetic legs all of the time.Despite challenging experiences, Jesse faces them head on. He is avery active young man who has enjoyed being involved in basketball,tennis, kayaking, golf, cycling, pedal prix, triathlon, swimming and playingthe cello.Jesse AunglesThe Wallmans Lawyers Academic Achievement AwardSponsored by Wallmans LawyersBilly is a very bright 13-year-old boy with Friedrich’s Ataxia, which hasresulted in the slow deterioration of his physical functioning.He is a dedicated student and excels academically. Already, Billy hasbeen undertaking predominantly Year 10 subjects including science,English, and maths.At the end of 2010, Billy was facing some significant difficulties withmaths, finding it difficult to express clearly how he wanted his work set outand how he wanted to manage the sums he was working on. To overcomethis, Billy worked with his family to learn a new, sophisticated mathematicssoftware program which meant he could record sums electronically.Billy has academic aspirations for the future.Recreational and Sporting Achievement AwardSponsored by Mr Dave McNallyWhen Sam was two-and-a-half years old he sustained a head injury afteran accident on the family property. He subsequently had a stroke thatresulted in a left-sided weakness with some cognitive issues.Sam’s love of sport has provided him with direction in his life, as hehas been able to participate in recreational and sporting activities withgreat success.Although he loved water since six months of age, a year after hisaccident he was frightened to go into a pool. As a part of therapy hejoined swimming lessons, and since then he has continued withswimming, up to the level of squad training.Aged nine, Sam became involved in athletics. He has represented hisschool in SAPSASA athletics at both district and state championshipsand has won several medals. He is currently in Athletics SA’sdevelopment squad.Since 2008, Sam has been playing for the Echunga Football Club. Herecently received media coverage as an inspirational player who helpedthe team to win their final game.The challenges Sam has faced throughout his life have not deterredhim from trying his best at all times. He says he would like to continuewith football and is also interested in participating in the Paralympics.Billy HoskingSam Paechnovita children’s serivces annual report 21

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