Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )


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highlight01commencement of servicesto children eligible for earlyintervention funding via thefederal government’s betterstart for children with adisability initiative.highlight02more than 200 new childrenwelcomed into the earlychildhood, child andadolescent, and regionalprograms over the past year.highlight0333 five-year-olds of the homeinteraction program forparents and youngsters(hippy) were presented withtheir graduating certificatesin december 2011.value of <strong>Novita</strong>. A review of CASwas undertaken in response to astrong message from parents inrelation to waiting times for services,quantity and frequency of servicesand a preference for <strong>Novita</strong> staff toinitiate regular contact and followup, rather than wait for a parent torequest a service.This review explored withparents, clients and otherconsumers in more detail theirneeds and wants for CAS into thefuture. It also analysed servicedelivery for efficiency improvements,and investigated models of servicedelivery used interstate and overseasfor children of school age. <strong>Novita</strong>looks forward to implementingimprovements in response tolearnings from this process.The CAS review is only oneexample of Client Services’commitment to listening to theconsumers’ voices. As a result offeedback conveyed by <strong>Novita</strong>’sConsumer Reference Group, theParent-to-Parent visitor programwill be reinvigorated. Parents in theConsumer Reference Group arekey drivers of this service innovation.In addition, improving thetimeliness and efficiency of clientservice provision is a key priority.Two examples include theimplementation of the innerregionalservice team, and theincreasing emphasis on <strong>Novita</strong>-sitetherapy provision. Inner-regionalteams covering the Adelaide Hills,Fleurieu Peninsula and inner-northareas have been formed to increaseaccessibility to <strong>Novita</strong> services forclients living in these areas and toreduce the number of therapistsinvolved in extended travel.Several consumer feedbackmechanisms have provided astrong message that the majorityof parents support more therapybeing provided in communitybasedservice sites, and less in thehome environment, if it results ingreater accessibility to a greaterquantum of therapy. As a result,Client Services is progressing to amodel which balances the elementsof service provision in a child’senvironment, namely home,kindergarten or school, with <strong>Novita</strong>site-based therapy services. Withthis goal in mind, a number of <strong>Novita</strong>site clinics and services have beenintroduced in the last year.A significant developmentwithin the South Australian disabilitysector over the past year has beenthe transfer of responsibility for allcomplex items of equipment forchildren and adults, which will nowbe funded, managed, stored,cleaned, maintained and issuedfrom the central base of the SouthAustralian Government’s DomiciliaryEquipment Service (DES) at Netley.Preparations for staged transferare advanced and will be completedin readiness for the <strong>2012</strong>-13financial year. <strong>Novita</strong>’s EquipmentService staff, as well as designatedtherapists from other serviceareas, will focus on assessmentand prescription of equipment,home modifications and mobilitysupports. The responsibility forpurchase and acquisition of theequipment will belong with DESfrom 1 July <strong>2012</strong>.Client Services has seencontinued growth in client numbersin the Early Intervention Programfor Children with Autism, theOutside School Hours Careprograms and numbers of childcare centres seeking support fromthe Inclusion Support Service inthe northern areas.Physical Rehabilitation andAcquired Brain Injury staff continueto experience increases in demandfor their services, as medical andsurgical interventions for childrenwith rehabilitation needs continueto advance and evolve. Striving toimprove continuity of care with theWomen’s and Children’s HealthNetwork Paediatric RehabilitationMedical staff and Allied Healthstaff is a priority.In March <strong>2012</strong>, Client Serviceswelcomed Community Choices toits suite of services. Since 1996,Community Choices has providedin-home personal care, respite,accommodation support, recreationactivities and day options programsfor teenagers and adults withdisabilities. Community Choiceshave facilities in metropolitanAdelaide and in the country. <strong>Novita</strong>staff look forward to working withCommunity Choices staff toprovide further supports for peoplewith disabilities, to enable them toparticipate in their communitiesand enjoy enriched quality of life.A Communication and AssistiveTechnology Service project todesign a service model for adultsand children was commenced latein 2011. <strong>Novita</strong> was identified asthe lead agency in this developmentprocess. Key recommendationsare being finalised with a view toimplementation upon receipt offunding during <strong>2012</strong>-13.novita children’s serivces annual report 19

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