Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )

Novita Annual Report 2012 (Large file - PDF - 4Mb )


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our purposeconnectingkids withtheir worlds

our visionby 2015, novita will be arecognised and celebratedworld leader in the research,development and provision ofinnovative children’s services.our strategic directions1 opening our doors to newclients, new challengesand new solutions2 listening, learningand achieving3 fostering creativity andproductivity leadingto sustainability4 leading our industrythrough partnershipand sharing5 connecting kidswith their worlds.novita children’s serivces annual report 1

connecting kidsto a new eracontents04 history06 president’s report08 ce report14 directors’ report18 client services20 achievement awards22 research and innovation24 novitatech26 marketing30 governance and people34 corporate services36 financials43 supportersfront cover tanna and eddiepage 3 annie2novita children’s serivces annual report

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historyFor 73 years <strong>Novita</strong> has been providingessential therapy, equipment, family supportand specialist services to South Australianchildren living with disabilities and otherspecial needs. Today <strong>Novita</strong> works with over2,000 children and through its broader workwith families and communities, has a directimpact on thousands of South Australians.04novita children’s serivces annual report

1939crippled children’sassociation of southaustralia incorporated(cca), somerton homewas established to carefor children with polio.1946cerebral palsy clinic setup under cca.1951somerton home beginsto provide services tochildren with conditionsother than polio, suchas neuromusculardiseases.1952ashford houseestablished as schooland therapy centrefor children withcerebral palsy.1976children transferredfrom somerton homeand ashford school toregency park centre.1993services exchangedwith the spastic centreof south australia,resulting in ccaproviding therapy for allchildren with physicaldisabilities in sa.1997cca enters intopartnership withsouth australia’swomen’s and children’shospital for provision ofmedical paediatricrehabilitation services.2002redevelopment ofregency park centrecommences. cca nowcares for more than1000 clients andtheir families.2004members of ccavote to change theorganisation’s nameto novita children’sservices, reflecting amore contemporaryview of disability.2006new strategic planlaunched: ‘connectingkids with their worlds’,incorporating five newstrategic directions.2007novita’s board ofdirectors endorses the‘life needs model’ toguide the provision ofclient services.2008therapy and familysupport service teamscombine to form asingle client servicesdivision.2009novita reachesmilestone of 70 years ofcaring for children withphysical disabilities,and makes transitionto a company limitedby guarantee.2010novita expands servicedelivery to children andyoung peopleexperiencing socialdisadvantage throughhippy funded by theaustralian government.2011opening of novita’s newst marys office servingclients in the southernregion of adelaide.<strong>2012</strong>expansion of servicedelivery into dayoptions, respite,recreation and in-homecare through theacquisition of anew companycommunitychoices.novita children’s serivces annual report 05

Fundraising and philanthropicsupport from our many corporateand community partners,volunteers and donors continuedto be essential. Without thisgenerous support we would notbe able to deliver the range andquality of services we providethroughout South Australia.To <strong>Novita</strong>’s auxiliaries, a specialthank you for your longstandingcommitment to our cause and forraising more than $150,000 duringthe past year.I would also like to acknowledgethe generosity of the AustralianLions Children’s MobilityFoundation for their continuedsupport for <strong>Novita</strong>’s walker clinics.The Foundation has contributed inexcess of $1.0 million to <strong>Novita</strong> forthis service since its first involvement,and in doing so has helped toprovide specialised walkers tohundreds of deserving children.Variety, the Children’s Charity,has also continued to provide itssupport to children with disabilitythrough <strong>Novita</strong>’s OrthoticsProgram. During the past year,more than 300 children receivedcustomised orthoses as a result ofVariety’s financial support.I have had the opportunity toparticipate in a range offundraising events over the pastyear, enabling me to meet many of<strong>Novita</strong>’s supporters, and alsoconnect with many of our youngclients and their families, some ofwhom have shared their specialstories with me. It is always anhonour to hear first-hand how<strong>Novita</strong> is making a real differenceto their lives.I express my sincereappreciation to my fellow BoardDirectors. We are fortunate to begoverned by a group of individualswho generously donate their timeand who collectively bring a wealthof knowledge and experience forthe benefit of <strong>Novita</strong>.On behalf of the Board, I alsoextend our appreciation to theChief Executive, Glenn Rappensbergand the Executive Team forproviding the leadership necessaryto achieve the many positiveoutcomes during the year. I alsocongratulate Glenn on his electionas President of Cerebral PalsyAustralia, a national body thatpromotes the interests, rights andwellbeing of people with cerebralpalsy through research, advocacyand service development.I particularly acknowledge theprofessionalism and enthusiasm ofour staff, who collectively providethe expertise that helps to buildour reputation as a leadingprovider of innovative services.It is a privilege to serve asPresident of this exciting andinnovative organisation and I lookforward to <strong>Novita</strong> continuing todeliver a comprehensive range ofhigh quality services to thegrowing number of wonderfulchildren and their families, whocontinue to inspire and drive us.Andrew DowningPresidentnovita children’s serivces annual report 07

chief executive’sreportPositioning <strong>Novita</strong> for successin a changing disabilityenvironment is paramount to<strong>Novita</strong>’s future development andsustainability. During 2011-12,<strong>Novita</strong> embarked on a numberof new initiatives that havestrengthened and diversifiedthe organisation.Our executive structure wasreviewed and enhanced to ensureit continues to advance <strong>Novita</strong>’sstrategic directions andimportantly, provide the agilityrequired to successfully developand support our operations withinthe emerging new disability andchildhood policy environment.This new structure is supportedby a new management model thatnow integrates all client servicefunctions within one framework.This has achieved economies ofscale, improved productivity andimportantly is continuing toenhance the experience for ourclients through a seamlessservice and product offering.The Division of Research andInnovation was reviewed duringthe year, resulting in thebroadening of its scope froma research and knowledgegeneration focus to now alsoincluding knowledge acquisitionand translation activities. This hasenabled <strong>Novita</strong> to better use itsresearch to inform and enhancethe delivery of its services whichwill positively impact upon ourclient’s experience and ensureour services continue to remaincontemporary and best practice.Reflecting this, the department isto be known as Knowledge andInnovation as a business unitwithin Client Services.New servicesDuring the year, <strong>Novita</strong> acquiredan enterprise known as CommunityChoices. Established as a familybusiness in 1996, CommunityChoices provides quality accreditedservices, including day options,recreation, in-home personalsupport and respite. Services areprovided to children, adolescentsand adults living with a disabilityon a fee-for-service basis throughoutSouth Australia. The decision toacquire Community Choices alignswith <strong>Novita</strong>’s commitment tobuilding a stronger future, byexpanding into new services tosupport more children and peoplewith a disability, diversifying ourrevenue and developing <strong>Novita</strong>’sreputation as a leading disabilityservice provider.This acquisition followed anearlier decision to establish a new,wholly owned subsidiary companyknown as CareFirst Pty Ltd. Duringthe year, this separate companyalso acquired a fee-for-servicebusiness, known as Child’s Play,which provides aquatic andland-based physiotherapy tochildren and young people withspecial needs inclusive ofdisability. It is planned thatearnings from Child’s Play will bereturned to <strong>Novita</strong> to contributetoward the cost of delivering ourservices and programs in the future.<strong>Novita</strong> also successfullytendered to become a provider forthe Australian Government’s BetterStart for Children with Disabilityprogram. From 1 July 2011,children who are aged under sixyears and have been diagnosedwith sight and hearing impairments,Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndromeand Fragile X Syndrome can registerto access early intervention fundingfrom the Australian Government ofup to $12,000 (to a maximum of$6,000 per financial year). Thisindividualised funding is used byfamilies to access <strong>Novita</strong>’s BetterStart services, which includeaquatic therapy, occupationaltherapy, physiotherapy, psychologyand speech pathology. <strong>Novita</strong>Better Start staff work with familiesto ensure that the servicespurchased as part of Better Startare complementary to thosealready received through <strong>Novita</strong>’sstandard services, to enhance thechild’s overall therapy plan. Thistargeted early intervention in thepre-school years complementsexisting federal and state servicesand assists children in preparingfor their transition to school.08novita children’s serivces annual report

Influencing policy<strong>Novita</strong> continued to advocate forthe special needs of children andyoung people with disabilitythroughout 2011-12 with a rangeof submissions made to both theAustralian and South AustralianGovernments designed toinfluence policy decisions so thatthey may have a positive impacton children and young peoplewith disabilities, their familiesand carers. Our submission to theSouth Australian State Budget alsoemphasised the annual challenge<strong>Novita</strong> faces as a charitableorganisation in addressing thedisparity between increasing costsand growing demand for ourservices. Despite importantcommunity philanthropic support,the need for a stronger foundationto support the implementation ofnew disability reforms promoted bythe South Australian Government’sStrong Voices report was advocated.It was therefore encouragingthat the South AustralianGovernment’s <strong>2012</strong>-13 Budgetcontained an increase of $212.5million for disability services.<strong>Novita</strong> contributed to nationaland local policy activities andinitiatives through its collaborationwith peak bodies including AbilityFirst Australia, Cerebral PalsyAustralia and National DisabilityServices. This advocacy has alsobeen important during the AustralianGovernment’s development of aNational Disability InsuranceScheme (NDIS).Through <strong>Novita</strong>’s participationin the National Disability Services- National Committee on Children,Young People and their Families,we successfully contributed toinfluencing national policies andpractices that affect services forchildren and young people withdisabilities. These includedsignificant submissions to theProductivity Commission on theworkforce of the schools sector,schools funding and the AustralianGovernment Inclusion andProfessional Support Program.<strong>Novita</strong> maintained its activeparticipation within the SouthAustralian Ministerial AdvisoryCommittee: Students withDisabilities. This Committeeprovides advice to the SouthAustralian Minister for Educationand Child Development regardingthe provision of services to supportlearning and educationaldevelopment opportunities forchildren and students withdisabilities in government andnon-government pre-schools andschools. The <strong>Novita</strong> school supportprogram provides improved accessto curriculum for children withphysical or severe multipledisabilities. This important supportservice has continued to providetherapy in educational settings incollaboration with parents, teachersand other agencies.Furthermore, through ourmembership of the ReferenceGroup to the AustralianGovernment’s Better Start forChildren with Disability program,<strong>Novita</strong> contributed advice andadvocated for the needs ofchildren, as well as better practicemodels of engagement.novita children’s serivces annual report 09

10 novita children’s serivces annual reportkaitlynloves toswim

Consistent with ouracknowledgment of the importanceof opportunities in education forchildren with disabilities, <strong>Novita</strong>continued its participation in theUniversal Access to EarlyChildhood Education StakeholdersAdvisory Committee, which providesadvice to the Chief Executive of theSouth Australian GovernmentDepartment of Education andChild Development. With a focuson the need for integration andcollaboration between services toensure cohesive early childhoodcare and access to education, theCommittee made recommendationson issues including increasingaccess for children with a disabilityand children with additional needs.Government initiativesIn the federal sphere, <strong>Novita</strong>acknowledged the $1.03 billionpackage announced in the<strong>2012</strong>-13 Federal Budget to supportmeasures to launch the NDIS.Whilst considerable policydevelopment challenges remain,this is an encouraging stepforward for people with a disability,their families and carers. <strong>Novita</strong>continues to focus its attention topreparing the organisation tooperate successfully under anNDIS and importantly to ensurethat we continue to provide highquality services to our clients.We were delighted to host theFederal Minister for EmploymentParticipation and Child Care, andMinister for the Status of Women,the Hon Kate Ellis, MP, who visitedthe Regency Park Centre inOctober 2011 to announce theextension of funding for the HomeInteraction Program for Parentsand Youngsters (HIPPY). Thisprogram supports parents inpreparing their children for schoolin several Adelaide locations, withour Mansfield Park and DavorenPark programs being extended.By the end of 2011, 225children and families were assistedby <strong>Novita</strong>’s HIPPY programs. Theinaugural HIPPY Age 5 GraduationCeremony at <strong>Novita</strong>’s RegencyPark Centre marked a specialoccasion for 34 of these childrenand their families. I congratulatethose children who graduated onreaching this very important stepfor themselves, and know that theirparents are enormously proud oftheir achievement.At the state level, following therelease of the Strong Voices report,the South Australian Governmentannounced the expansion ofpersonalised funding packagesfor services. As with the NDISreforms, <strong>Novita</strong> is continuing toevaluate its service delivery modelsand support systems to ensure wecan provide the services our clientsrequire as changes driven by thesepolicies continue.Child protection<strong>Novita</strong> has continued to participatewith representatives of the Australianand South Australian Governments,together with leading nongovernmentagencies in the keyNational Framework for ChildProtection Partnership Group –South Australia. This has led tothe development of the secondthree-year action plan by theAustralian Government to improvesupport services for vulnerablechildren, develop strategies toreduce child abuse and neglect,and build partnerships to deliverlocal solutions for children whoare at risk.At a state level, <strong>Novita</strong> activelyparticipates with the Women’s andChildren’s Health Network andother non-government agenciesto promote ways of protectingchildren’s health, safety andwell-being across the health,education and community portfolios.<strong>Novita</strong>’s commitment to childprotection is of paramountimportance and will continue incollaboration with all levels ofgovernment, and in interagencynetworks where child protectionis their primary concern.novita children’s serivces annual report 11

<strong>Novita</strong> AuxiliariesOver the past year, I haveappreciated the opportunity toattend the meetings of many of<strong>Novita</strong>’s Auxiliaries across thestate. I continue to be impressedby the energy and generosity ofthese volunteers who help in somany ways to support our cause.Our Auxiliaries have a long andproud history over many decades,raising considerable funds to helpchildren and young people withdisability, as well as positivelypromoting our organisation.The Port Neill/Cleve andDistricts Auxiliary, for example,is one of more than 20 auxiliarygroups across metropolitanAdelaide and throughout regionalSouth Australia. They help support<strong>Novita</strong>’s work by raising funds forequipment and allied healthservices, and promoting ourwork within the community. Theyalso advocate for people withdisabilities, and volunteer to helpwith events and administration.Founded in 1976 they have raisedmore than $600,000 for <strong>Novita</strong>.<strong>Novita</strong> also honoured itshundreds of volunteers duringNational Volunteer Week, heldin May <strong>2012</strong>. It provided anopportunity for <strong>Novita</strong> to expressappreciation and highlight theimportant contribution volunteersmake to our organisation and thechildren and young people andtheir families we support.Building our reputationBuilding our reputation and standingin the community is important toour success. During the year, wemaintained our focus on raisingour pro<strong>file</strong> and increased ourfundraising efforts.<strong>Novita</strong>’s volunteers andsupporters again providedoutstanding support by participatingin many events and activities,which helped promote our cause.Through their generosity and hardwork they continued to raisesignificant funds for our clients.For the second year, <strong>Novita</strong>supported Ability First Australia’sannual Walk with Me event byholding an activity in BonythonPark early in spring 2011. Morethan 300 clients, families andsupporters participated in a funday filled with activities. They wereled by <strong>Novita</strong> clients, NathanArkley and Jesse Aungles, whowere accompanied by our Patron,His Excellency Rear Admiral KevinScarce AC CSC RANR, Governorof South Australia, and Mrs Scarce,the Hon Carmel Zollo MLC, VickieChapman MP, <strong>Novita</strong> AmbassadorsJohn Hughes and Michele Colmer,and <strong>Novita</strong> clients, Morgan Cooperand Riley Stubing. More than 20groups laced up their runners inSeptember and participated in theCity-Bay Fun Run. They raisedmore than $20,000 for <strong>Novita</strong>.In late spring, the RainbowCommittee, led by long-timesupporter Pamela Wall OAM,again held a luncheon in thebeautiful rose garden at CarrickHill. On a perfect afternoon, 160guests enjoyed wonderful foodand wine, and raised muchneeded funds for <strong>Novita</strong>.Central District Football Club(CDFC) continued its support in2011 and, in a historic event, worea <strong>Novita</strong>-inspired guernsey in theirminor premiership match againstNorwood, late in the SANFLseason. CDFC had not altered itsred, white and blue colours in theclub’s history, but did so in supportof <strong>Novita</strong>. Following their historicwin, players signed their guernseysand donated them to <strong>Novita</strong> toauction. This proved verysuccessful, raising thousands ofdollars from the auction and otheractivities on the day. CDFC playersalso attended <strong>Novita</strong> eventsthroughout the year, helping outwherever possible. <strong>Novita</strong>appreciates the relationship it hasdeveloped with CDFC.Following several months offundraising and preparations, 32crews embarked on the fifth annualWest End Mighty River Run. Theevent, again helmed by <strong>Novita</strong>Ambassadors Jason ‘Snowy’Carter (Mix102.3) and John Riddell(Channel 7), cruised from Waikerieto Goolwa and the Murray Mouth.Crews, many of them in ski boats,were granted permission to crossLake Alexandrina, which was ahighlight for all participants.Friendships were formed andrenewed, and the event raised$158,000 for <strong>Novita</strong> which is ourhighest amount to date, taking thetotal raised across five years of thisfundraiser’s operation to $563,000.12 novita children’s serivces annual report

The Police Association of SouthAustralia (PASA) presented <strong>Novita</strong>with a cheque for $50,000 as thebeneficiary of the inaugural PASAlottery in 2011. The lottery was partof PASA’s centenary celebrations,promoting the benevolence of thepolice community. <strong>Novita</strong> presentedits Community Partnership Awardto PASA at the annual 2011Supporters’ Cocktail Party inrecognition of the excellent supportthe association and its membershave generously provided to <strong>Novita</strong>.The <strong>Novita</strong> Golf Day held inFebruary <strong>2012</strong>, involved 24 teamscomprising members of Adelaide’scorporate community that supportour cause. Teams played thechallenging Kooyonga Golf Course,with Macquarie Private Wealthcoming out on top in the ambrosecompetition. Thanks must go toHarris Real Estate, Kooyonga GolfClub, Lion Nathan, TrelawneyWines, Vili’s, Master of CeremoniesBen Hook, entertainer DaveFlanagan, the Sports ChallengeFoundation’s Geoff Raneberg, whowas Golf Pro for the day, and allteam members who came togetherin the spirit of raising funds for <strong>Novita</strong>.I would like to express ourappreciation to all our ambassadors,members, auxiliaries, corporatesupporters and volunteers forproviding outstanding support forthe work we do. We are proud ofthe special relationships that existand the important contributionsyou each make.<strong>Novita</strong>’s <strong>Annual</strong>Achievement AwardsThe highlight at <strong>Novita</strong>’s <strong>Annual</strong>General Meeting and Supporters’Cocktail Party, held in November2011, was the presentation of the<strong>Annual</strong> Achievement Awardswhere the milestones andachievements of <strong>Novita</strong>’s clientswere showcased to our members,corporate supporters and guests.<strong>Novita</strong> was honoured that the SouthAustralian Minister for Disabilities,Hon Ian Hunter MLC, was able toattend the Supporters’ CocktailParty where he presented theMinister’s Community AchievementAward to Jesse Aungles.<strong>Novita</strong> staffI would like to thank our staff fortheir professional commitment anddedication throughout the year.Their high standards are critical to<strong>Novita</strong>’s success. I also welcomestaff from Community Choices to<strong>Novita</strong> and look forward to theircontinuing contribution to theenhancement of our services.I would like to congratulate two<strong>Novita</strong> researchers, Rob Garrettand Toan Nguyen who won firstprize for their paper submitted tothe Telecommunications Journalof Australia as part of the annualChristopher Newell Prizesponsored by Telstra. Rob andToan’s paper, ‘Together we can findtelecommunication solutions forpeople with complexcommunication needs’ describesthe development of thecommunity-based Newell Network(www.newell.org.au), a Web 2.0site centred on empoweringindividuals with complexcommunication needs, theircarers and support organisations.Good governanceThroughout the year, <strong>Novita</strong> hasenhanced its corporate capabilitiesand met its responsibilities as acompany limited by guarantee.The Board of Directors hascontinued to provide effectiveand prudent leadership to theorganisation. It has commencedthe process for developing ournew strategic plan, following adecision to extend the applicationof the current plan into 2013 toallow for greater clarity regardingdisability policy reform initiativesand also for the organisation toevaluate several emergingbusiness development opportunitiesthat will inform the strategicplanning process and our future.The steadfast commitment ofthe Board to the interests of <strong>Novita</strong>is also greatly appreciated,particularly in an externalenvironment which will continue toprovide new opportunities for ourorganisation and challenges in theway disability services organisationsare structured and funded. I expressmy gratitude to <strong>Novita</strong>’s President,Professor Andrew Downing, for hisleadership and advice and I lookforward to working with the Board,our staff and all our supporters inthe exciting year ahead: a year inwhich children with disability inSouth Australia will become someof the first people in this nation toexperience a whole new landscapeof disability support.Glenn RappensbergChief Executivenovita children’s serivces annual report 13

directors14novita children’s serivces annual report

Professor Andrew DowningHon FIEAust CPEngPresidentChair, Board of Directors; Chair,Business Development WorkingParty; Chair, Governance WorkingParty; Member, Finance and AuditCommittee; Member, ExecutiveRemuneration Committee; Director,CareFirst Pty Ltd; Director, TheMoreland Group; Director,Engineering Education Australia.Mr Gregory de CureBA(IS)(Hons)DirectorMember, Business DevelopmentWorking Party; Member, ExecutiveRemuneration Committee;Member, Finance and AuditCommittee; Director, CareFirst PtyLtd; Representative of the Boardon the Channel 7 Children’sResearch Foundation; Treasurer,Australian Institute of InternationalAffairs (South Australian Branch);Deputy Chair, University ofAdelaide Club.Mr Dennis EarlFCPA FCIS JPDirectorChair, Finance and AuditCommittee; Chair, ExecutiveRemuneration Committee;Member, Business DevelopmentWorking Party; Member,Governance Working Party;Director, CareFirst Pty Ltd; Chair,The Channel 7 Children’sResearch Foundation.Mr Kenneth FoggoAASA FCISDirectorMember, Finance and AuditCommittee; Director, CareFirst PtyLtd.Mrs Jane HydeBA(Lib)DirectorMember, Finance and AuditCommittee; Member, ExecutiveRemuneration Committee; Director,CareFirst Pty Ltd; Director, Leveda Inc.Dr Deborah JamesPhD BAppSc(SpPath) MA MBA CPSP MSPADirectorMember, Governance WorkingParty; Director, CareFirst Pty Ltd;Director, Leveda Inc.Dr Susie RobinsonBAppSci(OT) BSci(Hons) GradCert(BusMan) PhD(Cantab)DirectorMember, Business DevelopmentWorking Party; Director, CareFirstPty Ltd, Member, GoverningCouncil of the University ofAdelaide; Fellow of the 21stCentury Trust; Fellow, CambridgeCommonwealth Trust.Mr Glenn RappensbergRN BMgt AFCHSE MAICDChief Executive, DirectorMember, Finance and AuditCommittee; Member, ExecutiveRemuneration Committee;Member, Governance WorkingParty; Member, BusinessDevelopment Working Party;Managing Director, CareFirst PtyLtd; Executive Director andDirector, The Channel 7 Children’sResearch Foundation; Director,Ability First Australia; President,Cerebral Palsy Australia; Member,National Disability Services (NDS)South Australian Division StateCommittee; Chair, NDS Nationaland State Committees on Children,Young People and their Families;Member, Ministerial AdvisoryCommittee:Students with Disability(South Australian Department ofEducation and ChildDevelopment); Member, ExpertReference Group – Better StartInitiative (CommonwealthDepartment of Families, Housing,Community Services andIndigenous Affairs); Chair, NationalQuality Agenda ImplementationStakeholder Reference Group(South Australian Department forEducation and ChildDevelopment); Member, NationalFramework for ProtectingAustralia’s Children PartnershipGroup (South AustralianDepartment of Communities andSocial Inclusion).Mr Ian ThompsonLLB BSocAdminCompany Secretary.Member, Finance and AuditCommittee; Member, GovernanceWorking Party; Member, BusinessDevelopment Working Party;Company Secretary, CareFirst PtyLtd; Company Secretary, CerebralPalsy Australia.novita children’s serivces annual report 15

directors’reportFor the year ended 30June <strong>2012</strong>, the Directorspresent their report on theconsolidated entity (referred tohereafter as the Group or <strong>Novita</strong>)consisting of <strong>Novita</strong> Children’sServices (the Company) and theentities it controlled at the end of,or during, the financial year ended30 June <strong>2012</strong>, and the Auditor’sreport thereon.Corporate governanceThe Board of Directors (the Board)is responsible for the corporategovernance of <strong>Novita</strong>. The Boardguides and monitors the businessand affairs of <strong>Novita</strong> on behalf ofthe members to whom the Boardis accountable.The Board is responsible for<strong>Novita</strong>’s strategic direction. Itapproves the annual budget,monitors financial performanceand liaises with <strong>Novita</strong>’s Auditors.It also sets remuneration, appointsand creates succession policiesfor senior executives. The Boardestablishes and monitors theachievement of corporate goalsand ensures the integrity of riskmanagement, legal compliance,and quality assurance systems,as well as the reporting tomembers, stakeholders andregulatory authorities.Each Director is bound by<strong>Novita</strong>’s Code of Conduct whichoutlines the expectations andcorporate behaviour of allmembers of the Board.Principal activities<strong>Novita</strong>’s principal activities for theyear were:• Allied health therapy servicesfor children and young peoplewith physical disabilities• Family support and disabilityservice coordination• Equipment service providinga range of equipment andassistive technology• Inclusion Support Serviceassisting child care servicesto include children requiringadditional support• Autism Early InterventionProgram supporting youngchildren in their transitionto school• Rehabilitation Servicefor children with acquiredbrain injury• Recreation Services for childrenwith disabilities• Mentor Program for childrenwith disabilities who are isolated• Outside School Hours Care forteenagers with disability• Home Interaction Program forparenting skills and earlychildhood development• Orthotics, seating and mobility,communication andenvironmental control services• Testing of performance standardsfor rehabilitation equipment• Disability employmentassessment services, and• Clinical research anddevelopment.Review of operationsand resultsThe Directors report that <strong>Novita</strong>recorded a loss of $781,875 forthe year ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong>.The loss was due primarily to therecognition of impairments at 30June <strong>2012</strong> in the value of <strong>Novita</strong>’sinvestment holdings.Board meetingsThe Board holds a minimum of sixscheduled meetings each year,plus a strategy meeting and anyextraordinary meetings at suchother times as may be necessaryto address specific, significantmatters that arise.The Board has established twoStanding Committees (Financeand Audit Committee and ExecutiveRemuneration Committee) and twoWorking Parties (GovernanceWorking Party and BusinessDevelopment Working Party) tosupport it in the oversight of <strong>Novita</strong>and the implementation of <strong>Novita</strong>’sstrategic directions.The Board approves themembership and appoints the Chairof each Committee and WorkingParty. The terms of reference of theBoard Committees and WorkingParties are approved by the Boardand are reviewed periodically bythe Board. Minutes of Committeeand Working Party meetings arecirculated to all Board Directors witha statement of recommendationsfor consideration by the full Boardat its next meeting.The Finance and AuditCommittee monitors organisationalperformance in accordance withBoard policies, relevant statutesand acceptable commercialpractices, assesses <strong>Novita</strong>’saccounting policies and practices,and reviews matters of importance16novita children’s serivces annual report

DirectorAttendance at the meetings held during the time the Director held office in the yearBoardFinance andAuditCommitteeGovernanceWorking PartyExecutiveRemunerationCommitteeBusinessDevelopmentWorking PartyProfessor A Downing 8 of 8 1 of 2 2 of 2 - 2 of 2Mr G de Cure 6 of 8 2 of 2 - - 2 of 2Mr D Earl 7 of 8 2 of 2 2 of 2 - 2 of 2Mr K Foggo 3 of 8 2 of 2 - - -Mrs J Hyde 5 of 8 2 of 2 - - -Dr D James 7 of 8 - 2 of 2 - -Mr G Rappensberg 7 of 8 2 of 2 2 of 2 - 2 of 2Dr S Robinson 4 of 8 - - - 1 of 2to <strong>Novita</strong>’s financial stability.<strong>Novita</strong>’s investment brokers areinvited to attend Committeemeetings, as required, to discussthe performance of <strong>Novita</strong>’sinvestment portfolio. The Chair ofthe Finance and Audit Committeemust be elected by the Board atits first meeting after the <strong>Annual</strong>General Meeting.The Executive RemunerationCommittee facilitates an annualreview of the remunerationpackage payable to nominatedmembers of executive staff thatrecognises and rewards theirperformance and service to theorganisation. The Chair of theExecutive RemunerationCommittee must also be the Chairof the Finance and Audit Committee.The Governance Working Partyhas responsibility for thegovernance framework for <strong>Novita</strong>,which includes development ofappropriate policies andprocedures. The GovernanceWorking Party reviews thecorporate governance frameworkto ensure continuous qualityimprovement through soundprocesses and systems, developsand reviews governance policiesand procedures and makesrecommendations to the Board forimprovement. <strong>Novita</strong>’s Presidentchairs the Governance Working Party.The Business DevelopmentWorking Party determines thescope of business and servicedevelopment within <strong>Novita</strong>. Itprovides advice to the Boardrelated to the risk and opportunityof specific business and servicedevelopment activities, and theresource needs to undertakebusiness and servicedevelopment. The President is theChair of the BusinessDevelopment Working Party.The number of Board meetings(including meetings of Committeesof the Board) and number ofmeetings attended by each ofthe Directors of <strong>Novita</strong> duringthe financial year are as per thetable above.Liability of members<strong>Novita</strong> is a company limited byguarantee and the liability ofmembers is limited to $5 each.Lead auditor’s IndependenceDeclarationThe Lead Auditor’s IndependenceDeclaration is set out on page 42and forms part of the Directors’report for the year 1 July 2011 to30 June <strong>2012</strong>.This report is made inaccordance with a resolution ofthe Directors of <strong>Novita</strong> Children’sServices on the 27th day ofSeptember <strong>2012</strong>.Andrew DowningPresident and Director,<strong>Novita</strong> Children’s ServicesGlenn RappensbergChief Executive and Director,<strong>Novita</strong> Children’s Servicesnovita children’s serivces annual report 17

clientservices<strong>Novita</strong>’s name is derived fromthe Latin words – ‘nova’(new) and ‘vita’ (life). It isa name that represents hope,achievement and aspiration forour clients and their families.Government policy directions atfederal and state level, includingthe endorsement of a NationalDisability Insurance Scheme(NDIS) and personalised fundingpackages, are creating anexciting environment of hopeand aspiration for families withchildren with disabilities. Theseinitiatives will support families inhaving more control and choiceover how to support their childrenin achieving maximum potentialin their lives. This has providedrenewed stimulus and energywithin <strong>Novita</strong>’s Client Services inrelation to how the Division shouldbest evolve: how, where, when andwhat services should be provided,and in a manner that is valuedby current and future clients andtheir families. Concurrent withthese developments, evolutionand improvement discussionsand planning, service deliveryin children’s and communityprograms has continued to grow.Highlights and achievementsService delivery commenced forchildren eligible for early interventionfunding via the AustralianGovernment’s Better Start forChildren with a Disability initiative.Through this service, children agedsix with a diagnosis of cerebralpalsy, Down syndrome, sight orhearing impairment or Fragile Xsyndrome can access physiotherapy,occupational therapy and speechpathology up to a maximum of$6,000 per year. Currently 96children are registered with <strong>Novita</strong>’sBetter Start Program. Of these, 76are current <strong>Novita</strong> clients who alsoaccess services as part of <strong>Novita</strong>’sEarly Childhood Services.In December 2011, 33 childrenfrom the Home Interaction Programfor Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY)were presented with their graduatingcertificates from the Early ChildhoodEnrichment Program. <strong>Novita</strong> wasvery pleased to learn in early May<strong>2012</strong> that the Australian Governmentwill continue to fund all current sites,as well as extend this program to50 new sites in Australia.More than 200 new childrenwere welcomed into <strong>Novita</strong>’s EarlyChildhood Service, Child andAdolescent Service (CAS), andRegional Programs over the lastyear. Overall, <strong>Novita</strong> continued toprovide therapy, equipment andfamily support to more than 2,000children during 2011-12. Servicesaim to facilitate and equip eachfamily with the skills, knowledge,equipment and communityconnections necessary to supporttheir child achieve maximum-levelindependence and quality of life.Assessments, reviews and serviceplanning are conducted bymulti-disciplinary teams ofoccupational therapists, speechpathologists, psychologists, socialworkers, physiotherapists, andfamily support coordinators, inpartnership with clients and theirfamilies. Improving the timelinessand responsiveness of serviceprovision is a priority. One-on-oneservices are enhanced by adiverse range of group programs,which include:• Babies and Toddlers• Planning for Preschool• Mini-Movers• Getting Ready for School• PlayGroup• Handwriting/Pre-writing• Splashers• Transition to High School• Move ‘n’ Groove• Siblings• Toilet Time• Movie Club• Sleepwise• Transition to Adult Services• Hanen - It Takes Two to TalkListening to consumers is a key18novita children’s serivces annual report

highlight01commencement of servicesto children eligible for earlyintervention funding via thefederal government’s betterstart for children with adisability initiative.highlight02more than 200 new childrenwelcomed into the earlychildhood, child andadolescent, and regionalprograms over the past year.highlight0333 five-year-olds of the homeinteraction program forparents and youngsters(hippy) were presented withtheir graduating certificatesin december 2011.value of <strong>Novita</strong>. A review of CASwas undertaken in response to astrong message from parents inrelation to waiting times for services,quantity and frequency of servicesand a preference for <strong>Novita</strong> staff toinitiate regular contact and followup, rather than wait for a parent torequest a service.This review explored withparents, clients and otherconsumers in more detail theirneeds and wants for CAS into thefuture. It also analysed servicedelivery for efficiency improvements,and investigated models of servicedelivery used interstate and overseasfor children of school age. <strong>Novita</strong>looks forward to implementingimprovements in response tolearnings from this process.The CAS review is only oneexample of Client Services’commitment to listening to theconsumers’ voices. As a result offeedback conveyed by <strong>Novita</strong>’sConsumer Reference Group, theParent-to-Parent visitor programwill be reinvigorated. Parents in theConsumer Reference Group arekey drivers of this service innovation.In addition, improving thetimeliness and efficiency of clientservice provision is a key priority.Two examples include theimplementation of the innerregionalservice team, and theincreasing emphasis on <strong>Novita</strong>-sitetherapy provision. Inner-regionalteams covering the Adelaide Hills,Fleurieu Peninsula and inner-northareas have been formed to increaseaccessibility to <strong>Novita</strong> services forclients living in these areas and toreduce the number of therapistsinvolved in extended travel.Several consumer feedbackmechanisms have provided astrong message that the majorityof parents support more therapybeing provided in communitybasedservice sites, and less in thehome environment, if it results ingreater accessibility to a greaterquantum of therapy. As a result,Client Services is progressing to amodel which balances the elementsof service provision in a child’senvironment, namely home,kindergarten or school, with <strong>Novita</strong>site-based therapy services. Withthis goal in mind, a number of <strong>Novita</strong>site clinics and services have beenintroduced in the last year.A significant developmentwithin the South Australian disabilitysector over the past year has beenthe transfer of responsibility for allcomplex items of equipment forchildren and adults, which will nowbe funded, managed, stored,cleaned, maintained and issuedfrom the central base of the SouthAustralian Government’s DomiciliaryEquipment Service (DES) at Netley.Preparations for staged transferare advanced and will be completedin readiness for the <strong>2012</strong>-13financial year. <strong>Novita</strong>’s EquipmentService staff, as well as designatedtherapists from other serviceareas, will focus on assessmentand prescription of equipment,home modifications and mobilitysupports. The responsibility forpurchase and acquisition of theequipment will belong with DESfrom 1 July <strong>2012</strong>.Client Services has seencontinued growth in client numbersin the Early Intervention Programfor Children with Autism, theOutside School Hours Careprograms and numbers of childcare centres seeking support fromthe Inclusion Support Service inthe northern areas.Physical Rehabilitation andAcquired Brain Injury staff continueto experience increases in demandfor their services, as medical andsurgical interventions for childrenwith rehabilitation needs continueto advance and evolve. Striving toimprove continuity of care with theWomen’s and Children’s HealthNetwork Paediatric RehabilitationMedical staff and Allied Healthstaff is a priority.In March <strong>2012</strong>, Client Serviceswelcomed Community Choices toits suite of services. Since 1996,Community Choices has providedin-home personal care, respite,accommodation support, recreationactivities and day options programsfor teenagers and adults withdisabilities. Community Choiceshave facilities in metropolitanAdelaide and in the country. <strong>Novita</strong>staff look forward to working withCommunity Choices staff toprovide further supports for peoplewith disabilities, to enable them toparticipate in their communitiesand enjoy enriched quality of life.A Communication and AssistiveTechnology Service project todesign a service model for adultsand children was commenced latein 2011. <strong>Novita</strong> was identified asthe lead agency in this developmentprocess. Key recommendationsare being finalised with a view toimplementation upon receipt offunding during <strong>2012</strong>-13.novita children’s serivces annual report 19

achievementawardsIsaac HodzicZach FranzDaniella MercorellaPresident’s Achievement AwardZac, as he is known to his friends and family, is an energetic 10-year-oldwho has needed significant therapeutic input to learn how to move. Hewas happy in early childhood to ‘commando crawl’, but was later thrilledto realise he could wheel a caster cart quickly around the house, and alsoa wheelchair. While at kindergarten, Zac was crawling and ‘pulling tostand’, but he still found walking a very difficult task.Through persistence and self-belief, Zac is transitioning from theSpecial Unit at Elizabeth Special School into a primary class, using awalker. Zac has undergone countless episodes of serial casting, Botoxtreatment, and surgery to achieve this.After challenges and progress in his rehabilitation, Zac walks from thebus to the activities he loves, such as swimming and horse riding.The Carol Dibben Encouragement AwardSponsored by Mr John Dibben OAM and Mrs Ruth DibbenAlthough Zach’s physical disability significantly affects the use of his rightarm and leg, he has shown much passion for his local hockey club.The team recently won its local hockey grand final – an achievementof which 15-year-old Zach is very proud. Although Zach undertakesmodified warm-up and training activities, he participates in an unmodifiedgame and is a valuable member of the team.Zach loves the camaraderie of being part of a team and is totallycommitted to his playing group. He actively strives to improve his hockeyskills and gets great support and friendship from his team mates.This award is not only an acknowledgement of Zach’s success on thesports field but importantly his commitment to achieve.Communication Achievement AwardSponsored by Dr Deborah JamesNine-year-old Daniella has cerebral palsy and does not have any spokenwords, but she has worked really hard for others to understand what sheis trying to say. She can make arm movements and has been learning touse a switch with the message “that’s the one” recorded on it to get hermessage across. Daniella is also able to blink to confirm what she wantsto say when a communication partner points to symbols.Daniella attends a mainstream class one day per week and haswidened her communication circles by initiating communication with herclassmates. Daniella loves music and was able to use her switch to tellher class about staying up late for karaoke at her sister’s birthdaysleepover party! She is also becoming more independent in directing herown personal care, asking others to assist her in pushing her chair orwhen she needs a drink.A determined girl who enjoys learning at school, Daniella’s physicalcondition has not held her back from developing her writtencommunication skills. She is learning to write her name using an alphabetflip chart and uses a computer program to write stories.20 novita children’s serivces annual report

The Pauline McGregor AwardOwen is six years old and lives with numerous challenges as a result ofdevelopmental delay.His main form of mobility indoors is a form of lower limb shuffling, butwhen he is outdoors he uses a manual wheelchair. He has also used aidssuch as a Rifton Pacer Gait Trainer indoors and outdoors.Not long ago, Owen began to take independent steps in the classroomat school, initially by letting go of furniture momentarily and then steppingtowards staff members or toys. With great determination he has practicedthis every day, steadily increasing the distance. He is now able to walk10 metres. Owen is an engaging boy who is able to explore his environmentwith greater ease, providing exciting opportunities for him to learn.Owen HutchinsonMinister’s Community Achievement AwardJesse Aungles is 16 years old and was born with deformities to both legs.Doctors were unsure as to whether Jesse would ever be able to walk.This marked Jesse’s first challenge.At 12 months, Jesse had his left foot amputated. He also had his righthip reconstructed. Numerous operations were followed by ongoingtherapy. Jesse received his first wheelchair aged five as he was unable towear his prosthetic legs all of the time.Despite challenging experiences, Jesse faces them head on. He is avery active young man who has enjoyed being involved in basketball,tennis, kayaking, golf, cycling, pedal prix, triathlon, swimming and playingthe cello.Jesse AunglesThe Wallmans Lawyers Academic Achievement AwardSponsored by Wallmans LawyersBilly is a very bright 13-year-old boy with Friedrich’s Ataxia, which hasresulted in the slow deterioration of his physical functioning.He is a dedicated student and excels academically. Already, Billy hasbeen undertaking predominantly Year 10 subjects including science,English, and maths.At the end of 2010, Billy was facing some significant difficulties withmaths, finding it difficult to express clearly how he wanted his work set outand how he wanted to manage the sums he was working on. To overcomethis, Billy worked with his family to learn a new, sophisticated mathematicssoftware program which meant he could record sums electronically.Billy has academic aspirations for the future.Recreational and Sporting Achievement AwardSponsored by Mr Dave McNallyWhen Sam was two-and-a-half years old he sustained a head injury afteran accident on the family property. He subsequently had a stroke thatresulted in a left-sided weakness with some cognitive issues.Sam’s love of sport has provided him with direction in his life, as hehas been able to participate in recreational and sporting activities withgreat success.Although he loved water since six months of age, a year after hisaccident he was frightened to go into a pool. As a part of therapy hejoined swimming lessons, and since then he has continued withswimming, up to the level of squad training.Aged nine, Sam became involved in athletics. He has represented hisschool in SAPSASA athletics at both district and state championshipsand has won several medals. He is currently in Athletics SA’sdevelopment squad.Since 2008, Sam has been playing for the Echunga Football Club. Herecently received media coverage as an inspirational player who helpedthe team to win their final game.The challenges Sam has faced throughout his life have not deterredhim from trying his best at all times. He says he would like to continuewith football and is also interested in participating in the Paralympics.Billy HoskingSam Paechnovita children’s serivces annual report 21

client servicesresearch andinnovationAn external review processwas commissioned toevaluate the role, function,strategy and structure of this areawithin <strong>Novita</strong>, given the imminentfuture of an environment ofdifferent funding mechanisms anda new strategic planning cycle.Consultation was undertakeninternally with a cross-section ofresearchers, clinicians, managersand executives, while externalconsultation took place withconsumer representatives,researchers from universities andexecutives from <strong>Novita</strong>’s peerorganisations interstate.The findings of the external reviewhighlighted that <strong>Novita</strong> aspires tobe a great service organisationthat is effective at implementingthe findings and outcomes ofquality research to improve theimpact and efficiency of its servicesfor the benefit of its families.The recommendationssummarised that <strong>Novita</strong>’semphasis should be on theapplication of new knowledge intoservice delivery. Research was onemeans by which knowledge canbe acquired. <strong>Novita</strong>’s focus intothe future should be on theapplication of:• evidence-based practiceguidelines informed byresearch, with universitycommunication networks beingan important component inachieving this• the use of the voice of ourconsumers as a body ofevidence from which to drawservice improvement directions• service evaluation andbusiness analysis findings, tocontribute to businessleadership and managementknowledge to drive improvedefficiencies and businessinnovation over time.To achieve these goals, theformer Research and InnovationDivision will evolve as anintegrated department within ClientServices, to be known asKnowledge and Innovation.Transition to this model isunderway.Highlights and achievementsConcurrent with the reviewprocess, Research and Innovationstaff have continued to makesignificant achievements.These include the developmentof a website for people withcomplex communication needs byRob Garrett (Chief Investigator,<strong>Novita</strong>) and Toan Nguyen (ProjectOfficer, <strong>Novita</strong>). The projectinvolved working with thecommunity to develop a website(The Newell Network www.newell.org.au) to assist people withcomplex communication needswho find it hard to use the phoneindependently, and theirsupporters and helpers. Since thesite was launched in May 2011 itcontinues to be actively used.Together we can findtelecommunication solutions forpeople with complexcommunication needs (<strong>2012</strong>) wasthe paper submitted to theTelecommunications Journal ofAustralia by Rob Garrett and ToanNguyen, describing the website’sdevelopment. The paper wasawarded first prize in the annualChristopher Newell Prizesponsored by Telstra.22novita children’s serivces annual report

Rob Garrett and Toan Nguyenalso contributed to <strong>Novita</strong>’ssubmissions to the AustralianGovernment Department ofBroadband, Communications andthe Digital Economy (DBCDE) aspart of the review of access totelecommunication services bypeople with disability, olderAustralians and peopleexperiencing illness.Dr Angela Crettenden (ChiefInvestigator, <strong>Novita</strong>) secured grantfunding from the South AustralianGovernment Department ofCommunities and Social Inclusionto lead an exciting newcollaborative project with DisabilityServices. The project will examinethe factors contributing to parentsplacing their child with a disabilityin out-of-home care.Dr Angela Crettenden alsoobtained a $75,000 grant from theChannel Seven Children’sResearch Foundation for theproject Juggling Work and Care:Experiences of parents caring forchildren with disabilities, which willbe undertaken in <strong>2012</strong>-13.Professor Barbara Pocock,Director of the University of SouthAustralia’s Centre for Work andLife, and Dr Natalie Skinner areassociate investigators on thiscollaborative project.Evaluation of the ProgramsProject analysed the impacts ofthe restructuring of Client Serviceswithin <strong>Novita</strong> during 2008 andbeyond to better align serviceswith the Life Needs Model. A finalreport on the evaluation has beencompleted and the findings willcontribute to <strong>Novita</strong>’s servicedevelopment into the future.The project ConnectiveSolutions: Facilitating the socialparticipation of children andadolescents with physicaldisabilities or acquired brain injuryusing the Web 2.0 socialnetworking and 3D virtualenvironment has continued.Training of young people withcerebral palsy or acquired braininjury to increase their skills inusing the internet for socialnetworking, and supportingparents to learn about cyber safetyis in the final stages of completion.Detailed information regardingresearch publications is availablefrom http://www.novita.org.au/library/Research<strong>Report</strong>2007-2010.pdfhighlight01$75,000 grant from thechannel seven children’sresearch foundation forjuggling work and care,which will be undertakenin <strong>2012</strong>-13.highlight02novita researchers, robgarrett and toan nguyen,won first prize for theirpaper submitted to thetelecommunicationsjournal of australia.highlight03evaluation of the programsproject analysed therestructuring of client serviceswithin novita during 2008 andbeyond to better align serviceswith the life needs model.novita children’s serivces annual report 23

client servicesnovitatechOne of the excitingdevelopments over thelast year was <strong>Novita</strong>Techcoming under the umbrella ofClient Services. Initially on a trialbasis, this was formally endorsedas a long-term structure in May <strong>2012</strong>.An analysis, involving extensivestaff and consumer consultation,was undertaken to determine thebenefits to <strong>Novita</strong> clients of closerlinkages between Client Servicesstaff and <strong>Novita</strong>Tech staff and theirarray of services and products.Consumer consultation revealed aclear request from parents forteamed <strong>Novita</strong>Tech staff and ClientServices therapist appointments inrelation to assessment for mobilityequipment, individualised seatingmodifications, orthoses and otherequipment items, as being ofbenefit to them and their child.Introduction of this teamed andcoordinated service delivery modelhas commenced and will continueto be refined over the next year.Highlights and achievements<strong>Novita</strong> is grateful to the continuedfinancial support of Variety, theChildren’s Charity, for their supportof the Orthotics Program. ThroughVariety’s generosity, 313 childrenhave been able to benefit from thereceipt of 556 customised orthosesof varying types, includingankle-foot orthoses, spinal braces,and individually moulded helmetsover the last year.<strong>Novita</strong>Tech’s customisedmobility and seating programprovides individual modificationsand repairs to seating, aids andequipment to promote a child’sindependence. These essentialequipment and related supportsoptimise a child’s positioning toenable them to achieve success,freedom and safety in theirmovement and physical abilities.As a child grows, the kind ofmobility supports they needchanges according to changes intheir size, ability and posture.Adaptations and modification toequipment, including seatingsupports, become a regularrequirement. In the last 12 months,more than 850 seating, mobility,repairs and modification projectswere completed by <strong>Novita</strong>Tech’sMobility and Seating staff.<strong>Novita</strong>Tech’s Test Laboratoryexperienced enormous growth indemand for its services, includingtesting of medical rehabilitation,home modification and other itemsof equipment against disability andmanufacture quality standards.<strong>Novita</strong> extends its gratitude to theThyne Reid Foundation for itsfinancial support of severalprojects to upgrade facilitiesfor this area.<strong>Novita</strong>Tech’s Assistive Technologybusiness continues to refine andadjust its product range to balancemeeting client and customerneeds in an increasingly pricecompetitive market. Focussedexploration of the client and marketpotential of technology products toassist individual independence athome has occurred.24novita children’s serivces annual report

amelia can now keep upwith her brother in hernew orthoticsnovita children’s serivces annual report 25

marketinghighlight01ability first australia’s annual‘walk with me’ event supportedby novita for the second yearin early september 2011. morethan 300 clients, families andsupporters participated.<strong>Novita</strong>’s Marketing Divisionhas continued itscommitment to enhancingthe organisation’s brand through awide range of activities and events.Highlights and achievements2011-12 has been a time ofsignificant readjustment, as peopleand governments weathered theaftermath of the global financialcrisis. Unsurprisingly, this hasimpacted on <strong>Novita</strong>’s fundraisingefforts. Notwithstanding, it ispleasing to report that <strong>Novita</strong>Marketing was able to consolidateand make advances on a numberof fronts. A record amount wasraised in the 2011 West EndMighty River Run and <strong>Novita</strong>’spro<strong>file</strong> in social media has beenenhanced substantially. Our nightlyBingo operations have movedfrom strength to strength and aplanned refurbishment of theBingo facilities should furtherenhance patronage.Fundraising and events<strong>Novita</strong>’s fundraising efforts wereagain underpinned by the generosityof many South Australians whodonated, participated, or raisedmoney on behalf of <strong>Novita</strong>Children’s Services.Hundreds of children living withdisabilities pulled on their walkingshoes and walked into the <strong>Novita</strong>record books in September 2011when they and their families andfriends joined the annual Walk WithMe event in Bonython Park.Thousands of dollars were raisedon the day and the record turn-outeclipsed the previous year’s event.Walk With Me is a communityevent, run under the auspices ofAbility First Australia, whichcelebrates ability and encouragessocial inclusion for children livingwith disabilities and their families.It was gratifying that so manyfamilies took part in a leisurely45-minute walk around theparklands and then joined <strong>Novita</strong>staff, clients and other participantsfor a picnic in the park.More than 20 groups ran for<strong>Novita</strong> in the 2011 City-Bay FunRun. It was the 39th City-Bayevent and approximately 35,000people took part. <strong>Novita</strong>supporters raised more than$20,000 for the organisationwhen they participated eitheras businesses or as individuals.The special event helped raisecommunity awareness of the<strong>Novita</strong> brand with supporterswearing specially designed t-shirtsemblazoned with the <strong>Novita</strong> logo.Central District Football Club(CDFC), one of the most successfulclubs in the South AustralianFootball League, further cementedrelations with <strong>Novita</strong>, with leadingplayers, Chris and James Gowansat the forefront of fundraising andpromotional activities in 2011. Dueto retire at the end of the <strong>2012</strong>season, the twins exemplified thespirit of collaboration that existsbetween CDFC and <strong>Novita</strong> inworking for our young clients, toconnect them with their worlds.<strong>Novita</strong> looks forward to acontinuation of its relationshipwith CDFC in future years.Following months of fundraisingand preparations, 32 crewsembarked on the fifth annualWest End Mighty River Run.This year’s event, again helmedby Ambassadors Jason ‘Snowy’Carter (Mix102.3) and John Riddell(Channel 7), cruised the river fromWaikerie to Goolwa and the MurrayMouth. Crews, many of them in skiboats, were granted permission tocross Lake Alexandrina - a highlightfor all participants. Friendships wereformed or renewed, and the eventraised $158,000 for <strong>Novita</strong> – thehighest amount to date, takingthe total raised across the fiveyears to $561,000.The <strong>Novita</strong> Golf Day was heldon a hot summer’s day in February.Playing the challenging KooyongaGolf Course, 24 teams raised morethan $10,000. Following the match,players were treated to a sumptuousdinner, with entertainment bycomedian Dave Flanagan.After months of tireless training,Kathryn and Ben Goldsmithcompleted the 42 kilometre NewYork Marathon to raise funds for<strong>Novita</strong>. Their daughter, Annie, wasthe focus of <strong>Novita</strong>’s <strong>2012</strong> Easterappeal, which attracted donationsfrom across Australia.<strong>Novita</strong> sincerely thanks eachperson and organisation who hasgiven their support in some wayover the past 12 months. Withouttheir involvement, <strong>Novita</strong> could notprovide its services to the morethan 2,000 children in SouthAustralia living with disabilitiesand special needs.26 novita children’s serivces annual report

highlight02more than 20 groups tookpart in the 2011 city bay funrun. novita supporters raisedmore than $20,000participating either asbusinesses or individuals.highlight03west end mighty river runraised $158,000 for novita– highest amount to date,taking total raised acrossthe five years to $561,000.highlight04bingo facility upgradeunder way that includesrefurbishments aimed atmaintaining novita’s leadin the bingo market.<strong>Novita</strong> AuxiliariesThe dedication of <strong>Novita</strong>’s Auxiliariescontinued undiminished in 2011-12, with a fundraising total of morethan $150,000.For decades, <strong>Novita</strong>’s Auxiliarieshave been raising money for theorganisation. <strong>Novita</strong> acknowledgesthe outstanding contribution of theAuxiliaries, by dedicated individualswho understand the importance ofhelping children and young peoplewho need it most. These volunteersare a vital link in raising funds forthe organisation, as well as creatingcommunity awareness about<strong>Novita</strong> and its vital role. They havemade a significant difference.Highlights in the past yearinclude the Rainbow Committee’sannual Lunch in a Spring RoseGarden that has become a highlyfavoured event, with its specialappeal of an auction of donateditems including Ann Middletonjewellery, the George Gross andHarry Who fashion parade, DiRoberton millinery, interestingguest speakers, and the ambienceassociated with a two-course lunchin a beautiful hills garden setting.On Eyre Peninsula, the PortNeill/Cleve & Districts Auxiliaryspent hundreds of hours raisingmoney for <strong>Novita</strong> through activitiesand events. Since its founding in1976 this group has raised morethan $600,000.In a remarkable initiative in PortAugusta, the local Auxiliary stagedits own Convoy for Kids. In one ofthe biggest fundraisers everundertaken by the group,approximately 50 trucks gaveyoung <strong>Novita</strong> clients the ride oftheir lives through the township.Fashion parades, film evenings,golf days, cabarets, fetes andstalls were just a few of the manyand varied ways in which Auxiliariesdedicated their time to the raisingof significant funds for <strong>Novita</strong>.Two exceptional Auxiliarymembers were honoured for theirservice this year. They were:Margory Head, Port Neill/Cleve &Districts Auxiliary Secretary since1984 and inaugural President foreight years, and Nat Barry, PortAugusta Auxiliary, who served for40 years. A number of otherAuxiliary members were similarlyhonoured for long and dedicatedservice to their group.<strong>Novita</strong> proudly lists the Auxiliarieson page 44 of this report.CommunicationsBuilding brand awareness andunderstanding of <strong>Novita</strong>’s functionsand services continued to be apriority for <strong>Novita</strong> Communicationsin the past year. Severalcommunication plans weredeveloped promoting a range ofactivities, including fundraisingevents, office refurbishments andrelocations and staff changes.A number of fundraisingappeals were launched,generating valuable donationsfrom throughout South Australia.Publications were produced on adiversity of subjects, including thebiannual <strong>Novita</strong> News and thequarterly Nexus magazine. Thesepublications are aimed at corporatesupporters and <strong>Novita</strong> familiesrespectively with topical subjectson new therapies, sponsorshipsand <strong>Novita</strong> client success stories.<strong>Novita</strong>’s engagement withsocial media platforms Facebookand Twitter has been enhanced,with the increased exposurepaying dividends. Use of all formsof social media is expanding theorganisation’s reach into thecommunity, highlighting its roleand functions in supportingchildren and young peopleliving with disabilities.News media engagement hascontinued, with good coverageachieved for the 2011 West EndMighty River Run and high levelexposure in metropolitan media forthe annual Easter Appeal in <strong>2012</strong>.Various announcements by<strong>Novita</strong>’s Chief Executive welcomingaspects of government initiativesbenefitting the disability sectorwere released throughout the year.Bingo<strong>Novita</strong>’s Bingo is still the largest inSouth Australia and continues togrow its supporter base across allage groups.<strong>Novita</strong>’s themed bingo sessions,such as Easter and the extremelypopular Christmas parties, wereamong the year’s highlights.Plans are well advanced totransition into a new era, with afacility upgrade that will includerefurbishments aimed atmaintaining <strong>Novita</strong>’s lead in thebingo market. It is hoped that thework will result in this importantfundraiser reaching a broaderaudience, consolidating itsreputation and popularity.novita children’s serivces annual report 27

science is liam’sfavouritesubject28novita children’s serivces annual report

novita children’s serivces annual report29

governanceand peopleIn a move to consolidatecorporate functions in the newexecutive structure, the Divisionof Governance and People wasestablished. The responsibilitiesfor Governance, Risk andCompliance are now located inthe same Division as People andCulture, with improved outcomesin sharing knowledge and expertise.Governance, Riskand ComplianceThrough the development ofnew services and businessopportunities, 2011-12 was asignificant year for governancearrangements at <strong>Novita</strong>.With increased responsibilitiesin corporate governance throughtransition from an incorporatedassociation to a company limitedby guarantee in 2009, the <strong>Novita</strong>Board acknowledged that, inrecent years, the externalenvironment in which <strong>Novita</strong>operates had continued to changein critical ways. This had broughtnew challenges and opportunitieswhich required new organisationalresponses as governments movedaway from traditional welfarefunding models, to a rights-basedapproach, based on choice andindividualised funding packages.Highlights and achievementsThe change to a company limitedby guarantee supported <strong>Novita</strong>’sexploration of new funding andincome-generating opportunitiesand, where necessary, alternativebusiness structures. With thelonger-term objective to increase<strong>Novita</strong>’s range of service expertise,the <strong>Novita</strong> Board investigated thepotential for establishing a separatefee-for-service business, whosesurpluses could be returned to<strong>Novita</strong> to contribute to the cost ofits services.As a critical element in planningfor these initiatives in governanceand service provision, <strong>Novita</strong> ensuredthat its charitable not-for-profitstatus and its non-commercialservices to children with disabilitiesand their families would continueto be delivered without disruption.Consequently, the Board approvedthe establishment of a completelyseparate and wholly ownedsubsidiary company of <strong>Novita</strong>,called CareFirst Pty Ltd.This new company, CareFirsthas purchased a thriving business,namely Child’s Play Physiotherapy& Aquatics for Kids (Child’s Play).This is an established, popularphysiotherapy service which has astrong reputation for providinghighly professional aquatic andland-based physiotherapy tochildren with disabilities andchildren with special needs. Sincebecoming part of CareFirst in2011, Child’s Play has continuedto extend its services in responseto increasing demand.In another notable developmentfor its governance arrangements,the <strong>Novita</strong> Board also secured anopportunity in early <strong>2012</strong> for <strong>Novita</strong>to move into a wider range ofdisability services through theacquisition of a well-knownbusiness called CommunityChoices. The focus of this disabilityorganisation is respite, day options,in-home personal support andrecreation services for people withdisabilities. In the purchase of thisbusiness, <strong>Novita</strong> also acquired twonew properties, one at MurrayBridge where respite services areprovided, and the other at Whyalla,which is the site of day optionsservices for people with disabilities.Assignment of leases was alsonegotiated, for the continuation ofCommunity Choices’ respiteservices delivered at leasedpremises at Klemzig, recreationservices at O’Halloran Hill, dayoptions services at a second siteat Whyalla, and for office functionsat Kingswood.The South Australian GovernmentDepartment for Communities andSocial Inclusion agreed to transferits arrangements with CommunityChoices to <strong>Novita</strong> in relation to themaster agreement, serviceagreement and brokerageagreements. <strong>Novita</strong> arrangedassignments of the CommunityChoices licenses for children’s andrespite services and for assignmentof service agreements whichCommunity Choices had withother funding bodies.30novita children’s serivces annual report

Community Choices nowoperates as a business unit within<strong>Novita</strong>’s Client Services Division.It will be integrated into <strong>Novita</strong>’squality system, which, itself,underwent annual, external qualitysurveillance by auditors, SAIGlobal. The audit is a requirementof <strong>Novita</strong>’s ISO 9001:2008 qualitymanagement system certification.The audit was successful and<strong>Novita</strong> retained the qualitycertification first received in 2002.The auditor noted the strongcommitment that all <strong>Novita</strong>services showed in meeting theneeds of their clients and customers,accompanied by the developmentof new systems to assist in theplanning and delivery of servicesand measurement of performance.In another pleasingobservation, the auditor reportedthat <strong>Novita</strong> is continuingsuccessfully to evolve, followingchanges to its corporate governancemodel, and in response to regulatorychanges, both current andproposed. With the acquisition ofnew businesses in place, theauditor concluded that the impactand opportunities from theproposed implementation of aNational Disability InsuranceScheme (NDIS) were alreadyunder close analysis, withplanning well underway.People and CulturePeople and Culture is a businesspartner to <strong>Novita</strong>’s operationalareas. It incorporates humanresource activities by devisingand implementing strategiesand systems around people.The purpose of People and Cultureis to ensure a great company for<strong>Novita</strong> staff and clients.People and Culture has continuedto provide leadership in theimplementation of human resourcestrategies for the recruitment,retention, development andmanagement of staff. Activitiesrelating to human resourcemanagement include changemanagement, occupational healthand safety, payroll and remunerationservices, staff recruitment, workplacerelations, and organisational andprofessional development.Highlights and achievementsSpecific highlights in 2011-12include the promotion of ane-learning environment at <strong>Novita</strong>.The online learning and trainingenvironment was successfullylaunched in September 2011. Akey part of the training is onlineinduction for all new employees aspart of their orientation into <strong>Novita</strong>.The content includes how <strong>Novita</strong>works, its principles and history.While not designed to replacethe important face-to-face interactionwith new employees, this onlineinduction program will support thecurrent successful orientationprogram and the commitment towelcome new employees into theorganisation and prepare them fortheir new roles. All new employeeshave either completed, or are inthe process of working through,the online induction. Feedbackhas been positive.highlight01novita board secured anopportunity in early <strong>2012</strong> tomove into a wider range ofdisability services throughacquisition of a businesscalled community choices.highlight02promotion of an e-learningenvironment at novita.highlight03implementation of a new,organisation- wide novitavolunteer program.highlight04successful outcome in theequal opportunity for womenin the workplace report, undercommonwealth legislation.novita children’s serivces annual report 31

staff, teachers and familyworking together32novita children’s serivces annual report

All employees also workthrough a series of compliancecourses about workplaceoccupational health and safety andworkplace relations. Coursesinclude health and safetyfundamentals, manual handling,duty of care, driver safety andequal employment opportunity.Another significant achievementwas the implementation of a new,organisation-wide <strong>Novita</strong> volunteerprogram. This program wasendorsed in 2011 to bring acentralised focus on developingvolunteer opportunities across theorganisation, rather than justconcentrating on <strong>Novita</strong> eventvolunteers. <strong>Novita</strong> piloted a role fora Coordinator, Volunteer Programswithin People and Culture for asuccessful 12-month trial.Goals for the volunteer programincluded developing a volunteerbase to assist with organisationalprocesses. This involved creatinga database of volunteeropportunities within <strong>Novita</strong>. Itspurpose is to establish with <strong>Novita</strong>Client Services a place wherevolunteers may be able to supportactivities, both within theorganisation and with clientfamilies. It was important to linkthis program with organisationalactivities under criteria for culturalcompetency and disability actionand to provide opportunities forvolunteers with a disability.Submissions were made togovernment and other sources,seeking funding to help grow thevolunteer program. Importancewas also placed on developingcorporate volunteer opportunitiesand engaging with secondaryschools for students to undertakevoluntary work. <strong>Novita</strong> has alsobeen successful in establishingties to work collaboratively withexternal partners, such asVolunteering SA&NT.Volunteers already support<strong>Novita</strong> with the staging of events,such as Walk With Me and theChildren’s Christmas Party.Working across the organisation,volunteer roles have been identifiedand started in the Toy and ResourceCentre, TeenZone, <strong>Novita</strong>Techand Marketing.It is pleasing to note that <strong>Novita</strong>again recorded a successfuloutcome in the Equal Opportunityfor Women in the Workplace <strong>Report</strong>(EOWA), under Commonwealthlegislation. This requires mediumand large employers to establisha workplace program to removebarriers to women entering andadvancing in their organisation.<strong>Novita</strong> submitted its compliancereport for the year and receivedformal endorsement of its program.The EOWA Agency was pleased tosee <strong>Novita</strong>’s action in continuing topromote women in the workplace.novita children’s serivces annual report 33

corporateservicesThe Corporate ServicesDivision provides essentialbusiness administrationservices, including finance,information technology, libraryservices and facilities maintenance.The Division’s charter also includesthe portfolio responsibilities forBusiness Development andGovernment Relations.Preparing for the future hasbeen the key theme guiding theactivities of the Division throughoutthe year. Contributing to newstrategic business acquisitionsdesigned to support serviceexpansion, as well as enhancinginternal operations to increaseefficiency, were priorities for staffoperating across Finance,Information Technology, LibraryServices, and Facility Services.Business DevelopmentWith the Australian Government’sdecision to design a NationalDisability Insurance Scheme(NDIS) for people living withdisability, their families and carers,ensuring <strong>Novita</strong> is well placed todeliver high quality services andembrace new opportunities intothe future continued to underpinbusiness development activities.Highlights and achievementsThe Division contributed to theactivities required for <strong>Novita</strong> toestablish a new, wholly ownedsubsidiary company, CareFirst PtyLtd, and its strategic acquisition of afee-for-service business, Child’s PlayPhysiotherapy & Aquatics for Kids.The Division also contributed to<strong>Novita</strong>’s strategic acquisition ofCommunity Choices, enabling theorganisation to offer servicesincluding respite, personal care,domestic assistance, day optionsand life skills development tochildren, adolescents and adultswith a disability.Another highlight was the grantof $253,000 in one-off fundingachieved under the AustralianGovernment Department ofClimate Change and EnergyEfficiency, Community EnergyEfficiency Program, to implementenergy efficiency upgrades andretrofits to <strong>Novita</strong>’s Regency ParkCentre, enabling the organisationto substantially reduce its energyconsumption into the future.Successful negotiations led toa funding contribution from theNew South Wales GovernmentDepartment of Family andCommunity Services to continuethe provision of visiting paediatricoutreach clinics into Broken Hill.Government RelationsIn a changing disability andchildhood policy environment,advocating for the special needsof children and young people livingwith disability continued to be apriority throughout the year. TheDivision contributed to <strong>Novita</strong>’snon-partisan approach toadvocacy and governmentrelations through a range ofmechanisms, including a formalsubmission to the State Budget.With the implementation of newdisability reform measures, includingthe NDIS and recommendationscontained in the South AustralianGovernment’s Strong Voicesreport, the Division contributed to<strong>Novita</strong>’s representations togovernment aimed at ensuring thatthe special needs of children livingwith disability are given priority. Italso continued to support theorganisation’s involvement as anactive member of peak disabilitysector bodies such as NationalDisability Services, Cerebral PalsyAustralia and Ability First Australia.Highlights and achievements<strong>Novita</strong> hosted a media conferencein December 2011, attended bythe Federal Minister for DisabilityReform, the Hon Jenny MacklinMP, the Premier of South Australia,the Hon Jay Weatherill MP and theState Minister for Disabilities, theHon Ian Hunter MLC, who jointlyannounced the decision to expandpersonalised funding packages forpeople with a disability.34novita children’s serivces annual report

Information Technologyand Library ServicesKeeping pace with changingtechnology and providing aprofessional workforce with theservices and tools they require isessential. Throughout the year,Information Services implementeda range of projects designed toincrease network efficiency. LibraryServices also provided informationsupport to assist research andresources to support clientservice activities.Highlights and achievementsA new fibre optic connection wasinstalled between <strong>Novita</strong>’s RegencyPark Centre and its southern officeat St Marys, providing improvednetwork access, speed andreliability for staff.A portable devices project wasconducted, which trialled a rangeof portable devices, includingtablets and netbooks, and identifiedpreferred options for integratingsuch technology to enhance thedelivery of services to clients.<strong>Novita</strong> launched its free iPhone,iPad and smartphone application,enabling faster communicationof news and events to clientsand stakeholders.<strong>Novita</strong>’s Citrix system, usedto efficiently link remote officeworkstations to head office, wasupgraded, delivering improvednetwork access speed andsupporting productivity gains.The Toy and Resource Centrebegan a project to create a registryof <strong>Novita</strong>’s archival material topreserve and record the historyand achievements of <strong>Novita</strong>.Trialling of partnerships withlocal council toy libraries was alsoundertaken to enhance servicedelivery of toys to clientsthroughout the community.Facility ServicesFacility Services, including theSecurity Team, continued toenhance and maintain <strong>Novita</strong>’sbuilding infrastructure, groundsand gardens for staff, clients andtenants. Following the strategicacquisition of Community Choices,an additional six properties wereadded to the Facility Servicesportfolio. With the closure of theParadise office in June, FacilityServices coordinated the relocationof staff and infrastructure to<strong>Novita</strong>’s St Mary’s, Regency Parkand Parafield Gardens offices,minimising disruption to clientsand helping to achieve cost savings.Finance<strong>Novita</strong>’s Finance Departmentcontinued to provide high quality,timely financial information acrossall divisions and business unitsand continued to improve itsoperations, with cross-skilling ofstaff, as well as undertaking arange of process reviews resultingin increases in efficiency. Thedepartment also played a key rolein ensuring all <strong>Novita</strong>’s financialactivities and obligations as acompany limited by guaranteewere successfully enacted.highlight01new, wholly owned subsidiarycompany, carefirst pty ltd andits strategic acquisition of afee-for-service business, child’splay physiotherapy & aquaticsfor kids established.highlight02acquisition of communitychoices, to offer respite,personal care, domesticassistance, day optionsand life skills development.highlight03$253,000 one-off federalfunding for energy efficiencyupgrades and retrofits tonovita’s regency park centrebuilding facilities and lighting.novita children’s serivces annual report 35

financialsSummary Consolidated Financial <strong>Report</strong>For the Year Ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong>Statement by the BoardThe financial statements andother specific disclosures are asummary of and have beenderived from <strong>Novita</strong> Children’sServices full consolidated financialreport for the financial year. Otherinformation included in theconsolidated summary financialreport is consistent with <strong>Novita</strong>’sfull consolidated financial report.The summary consolidatedfinancial report does not, andcannot be expected to, provide asfull an understanding of thefinancial performance, financialposition and financing and investingactivities of <strong>Novita</strong> as the fullconsolidated financial report.A copy of <strong>Novita</strong>’s <strong>Annual</strong>Financial <strong>Report</strong>, including theIndependent Audit <strong>Report</strong>, isavailable to all members, andwill be sent to members withoutcharge upon request.Discussion and analysis of theConsolidated Statement ofComprehensive IncomeTotal income for the period was$22.1M reflecting an increase of$1.2M on the previous year, beingprimarily due to increasedCommonwealth and StateGovernment funding and incomefrom commercial services.Total expenditure for the periodwas $23.5M, with $16.9M (71.9%)being spent within the ClientServices Division on the provisionof therapy, equipment and familysupport services to clients andtheir families.Discussion and analysis of theConsolidated Statement ofChanges in EquityNet assets have decreased to$22.9M due to the current yearloss and a decrease in the valueof equity investments as at30 June <strong>2012</strong>.Discussion and analysis of theConsolidated Statement ofFinancial Position<strong>Novita</strong> holds investments of$14.1M from which income helpsto fund its operating costs for theyear. The value of its investmentsdecreased by $1.6M primarily dueto the recognition of impairmentsat 30 June <strong>2012</strong> in the value of itsinvestment holdings.Discussion and analysis of theConsolidated Statement ofCash FlowsThe increase in cash held of$0.5M represents the net balanceremaining from cash frominvestments of $1.9M, after netpayment for property, plant andequipment of $1.4M andabsorption of the net cash deficitof $33.9K from operating activities.Net cash used in property,plant and equipment of $1.4Mreflects the replacement of fleetvehicles, equipment and theacquisition of land and buildingsduring the year.Dated at Adelaide this 27th dayof September <strong>2012</strong>.Signed in accordance with aresolution of the Board of Directors.Board DirectorBoard Director36novita children’s serivces annual report

Summary consolidated statement of comprehensive incomeFor the year ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong>30 June <strong>2012</strong>$IncomeGovernment FundingSouth Australian Government Department forCommunities and Social Inclusion:Recurrent Grant 10,615,900 9,802,310Non-Recurrent Grant 307,801 1,432,551Home & Community Care Grant 1,002,492 976,318Ministerial Advisory Committee: Students withDisabilitiesSpecial Education Program 1,406,494 1,200,69530 June 2011$Australian Government Department of Families,Community Services and Indigenous Affairs:Program Funding 531,303 344,694Australian Government Department of Education,Employment and Workplace Relations:Non Government Centres Support Grant 257,133 233,247Total Government Funding 14,121,123 13,989,815Other GrantsBrotherhood of St Laurence: Home and InteractionProgram for Parents and Youngsters 408,435 131,399Other Non-Government Grants 100,146 181,930Total Other Grants 508,581 313,329Commercial Services<strong>Novita</strong>Tech Sales 1,873,236 1,574,127Less: Cost of Materials (810,262) (618,462)<strong>Novita</strong>Tech Gross Profit 1,062,974 955,665Bequests & Donations 2,276,815 2,148,594Other Services 2,515,522 2,081,073Total Commercial Services 5,855,311 5,185,332Other Income 1,557,040 1,356,161Gain on Sale of Non-Current Assets 67,192 75,142Total Income 22,109,247 20,919,779novita children’s serivces annual report 37

Summary consolidated statement of comprehensive income continuedFor the year ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong>Expenditure30 June <strong>2012</strong>$30 June 2011$Client Services 16,949,461 15,700,088Commercial Services:<strong>Novita</strong>Tech 1,582,955 1,538,888Bequests & Donations 144,599 132,883Other Services 2,314,189 1,743,492Total Commercial Services 4,041,743 3,415,263Research & Innovation 325,600 419,203Corporate Services 2,182,259 1,906,671Total Expenditure 23,499,063 21,441,225Loss from Operating Activities (1,389,816) (521,446)Financial Income 1,615,731 2,342,722Less Finance Costs (995,801) (1,031,445)Net Financial Income 619,930 1,311,277Profit/(Loss) Before Tax for the Year (769,886) 789,831Tax Expense (11,989) -Profit/(Loss) for the Year (781,875) 789,831Other Comprehensive IncomeNet change in fair value of available-for-sale assetstransferred to Profit and Loss 64,057 869,739Net change in fair value of equity securities availablefor-sale(330,585) 56,358Net profit/(loss) recognised directly in equity (266,528) 926,097Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the year (1,048,403) 1,715,928Attributable to:Equity holder (1,048,403) 1,715,928Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the year (1,048,403) 1,715,92838novita children’s serivces annual report

Summary consolidated statement of changes in equityFor the year ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong>Fair ValueReserve$RetainedEarnings /(AccumulatedLosses)$ContributedEquity$TotalEquity$Opening balance as at 1 July 2010 (964,001) (327,296) 23,521,193 22,229,896Total comprehensive income/(loss) 926,097 789,831 - 1,715,928Balance at 30 June 2011 (37,904) 462,535 23,521,193 23,945,824Balance at 1 July 2011 (37,904) 462,535 23,521,193 23,945,824Total comprehensive income/(loss) (266,528) (781,875) - (1,048,403)Balance at 30 June <strong>2012</strong> (304,432) (319,340) 23,521,193 22,897,421novita children’s serivces annual report 39

Summary consolidated statement of financial positionFor the year ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong>30 June <strong>2012</strong>$Current assetsCash and Cash Equivalents 5,047,988 4,531,570Trade and Other Receivables 1,786,991 2,387,867Inventories 303,957 431,65630 June 2011$Total Current Assets 7,138,936 7,351,093Non-current assetsTrade and Other Receivables 10,000 -Investments:Debentures & Deposits 2,191,448 2,247,207Shares in Listed Companies 11,920,106 13,435,96214,111,554 15,683,169Land, Buildings & Leasehold Improvements 7,377,319 7,119,243Plant, Equipment & Vehicles 1,286,526 1,318,183Intangible Assets 394,597 26,903Total Non-Current Assets 23,179,996 24,147,498Total assets 30,318,932 31,498,591Current liabilitiesTrade and Other Payables 5,475,615 5,900,123Tax Liabilities 11,989Employee Benefits 1,513,548 1,319,378Total Current Liabilities 7,001,152 7,219,501Non-current liabilitiesEmployee Benefits 420,359 333,266Total liabilities 7,421,511 7,552,767Net assets 22,897,421 23,945,824Funds40Contributed Equity 23,521,193 23,521,193Retained Earnings (319,340) 462,535Fair Value Reserve (304,432) (37,904)Total equity 22,897,421 23,945,824novita children’s serivces annual report

Summary consolidated statement of cash flowsFor the year ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong>30 June <strong>2012</strong>$Cash flows from operating activitiesCash receipts in the course of operations 24,625,390 20,752,816Cash payments in the course of operations (24,659,298) (22,170,792)30 June 2011$Net cash used in operating activities (33,908) (1,417,976)Cash flows from investment activitiesDividends received 1,216,074 1,222,345Interest received 399,657 443,465Payments for investments (399,456) (11,267,363)Proceeds from sale of investments 708,742 10,835,392Net cash from investments 1,925,017 1,233,839Payments for property, plant, equipment andintangibles (1,720,221) (1,246,050)Proceeds from sale of property, plant & equipment 345,530 210,166Net cash used in property, plant & equipment (1,374,691) (1,035,884)Net cash from investing activities 550,326 197,955Net increase/(decrease) in cash held 516,418 (1,220,021)Cash and cash equivalents at the beginningof the financial year 4,531,570 5,751,591Cash and cash equivalents at the end of thefinancial year 5,047,988 4,531,570novita children’s serivces annual report 41

<strong>Report</strong> of the independent auditor on the summary consolidated financialstatements to the members of <strong>Novita</strong> Children’s ServicesThe accompanying summaryconsolidated financialstatements, which comprisesthe summaryconsolidatedstatement of financial position asat 30 June <strong>2012</strong>, the summaryconsolidated statement ofcomprehensive income, summaryconsolidated statement ofchanges in equity andsummaryconsolidated statement of cashflows for the year then ended, andthe statement by the Board, arederived from the auditedconsolidated financial report of<strong>Novita</strong> Children’s Services for theyear ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong>. Weexpressed an unmodified auditor’sopinion on that financial report inour report dated 27 September <strong>2012</strong>.The summary consolidatedfinancial statements do not containall the disclosures required byAustralian Accounting Standards– Reduced DisclosureRequirements. Reading thesummary consolidated financialstatements, therefore, is not asubstitute for reading the auditedconsolidated financial report of<strong>Novita</strong> Children’s Services.Directors’ responsibility for thesummary consolidated financialstatementsThe Directors are responsible forthe preparation of the summaryof the audited consolidatedfinancial report.Auditor’s responsibilityOur responsibility is to expressan opinion on the summaryconsolidated financial statementsderived from the auditedconsolidated financial report of<strong>Novita</strong> Children’s Services basedon our procedures, which wereconducted in accordance withAuditing Standard ASA 810Engagements to <strong>Report</strong> onSummary Financial Statements.Auditor’s opinionIn our opinion, the summaryconsolidated financial statementsderived from the auditedconsolidated financial report of<strong>Novita</strong> Children’s Services for theyear ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong> areconsistent, in all material respects,with the audited consolidatedfinancial report.KPMGDarren BallPartnerAdelaide27 September <strong>2012</strong>Lead Auditor’s Independence Declaration under Section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001To: the Directors of <strong>Novita</strong>Children’s ServicesI declare that, to the bestof my knowledge and belief, inrelation to the audit for the financialyear ended 30 June <strong>2012</strong> therehave been:42 novita children’s serivces annual report(i) no contraventions of the auditorindependence requirements asset out in the Corporations Act2001 in relation to the audit;and(ii) no contraventions of anyapplicable code of professionalconduct in relation to the audit.KPMGDarren BallPartnerAdelaide27 September <strong>2012</strong>

OsupportersPO LI C EA SS O CI A TIO NFSO U T HA U STI ALR APatron His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AC CSC RANRSolicitors Wallmans Lawyers - 400 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000Bankers BankSA - 97 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000Auditors KPMG - 151 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000Investments Macquarie Private Wealth - 2/151 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000novita children’s serivces annual report 43

Auxiliaries and CommitteesAuxiliaries and other groups thathave directly support <strong>Novita</strong>Children’s Services between 1 July2011 and 30 June <strong>2012</strong>.Achieving For ChildrenBerri/LoxtonBrowns Well & MalleeBurnsideCarols by CandlelightGawlerGoldenHahndorfMitchamMount BarkerMurray BridgeNaracoorteNew EraNorthern Yorke Peninsula<strong>Novita</strong> StarsPadthaway/KeppochPort AugustaPort LincolnPort Neill/CleveQuestersRainbow CommitteeRobeSports Challenge FoundationStonyfell/Wattle ParkWest BeachWest End Mighty River Run 2011 CrewsWest LakesWhyalla44novita children’s serivces annual report

BenefactorsBenefactors. organisations andindividuals that have donated morethan $1,000 in cash or in-kindduring the period of 1 July 2011to 30 June <strong>2012</strong>.A AndersonABC Sales & MarketingAdelaide City CouncilA Sutherland AMA CooperA YoungAustralian Executor TrusteesAustralian Lions Children’s MobilityFoundationBaker Young StockbrokersBankSA Staff Charitable FundB and P O’BrienB PotterB LewisB MartinBidvestBingo Services Group AustraliaC PeekChristmas Market ExtravaganzaCMV GroupCoast Road MotorsC Hope MurrayCoopers Brewery FoundationCunningham Warehouse- Black ForrestD FlemingDay Family FoundationDibben Family Charitable TrustEIB Insurance BrokersEstate of Aldena Stella ClemowEstate of B & E MiersEstate of C A KidmanEstate of D M P BriggsEstate of E T MattersEstate of E W DriverEstate of G R AdamEstate of H T NoskeEstate of J D WhiteEstate of J I ShacklefordEstate of J C AdamsEstate of K MartinEstate of L L HodgeEstate of M H SchlodderEstate of P ThomasEstate of R D PfeifferEstate of S E MarronEstate of S WardE SchulzeF PapaliaGrapp Pty Ltd ATF EB Charitable TrustGreenway ArchitectsH ButowJ DeanJ FordhamJ IngeK GrampLady Daly HotelLobethal Lutheran Women’s GuildChristmas FestivalLollipop MarketsL TrowbridgeM SandersMacquarie Group FoundationM SwanM HassellNadia De BellisNando’sOmega Picture FramesP GuestPacific MarineP KirchnerPerpetual TrusteesP NorriePitcher PartnersPolar Displays and PrintPro<strong>file</strong> Promotional PartnersRotary Club of AdelaideSANFL Umpires’ AssociationS ChamingsSheilas in the ShedSoul DealSpecialised Tyre & Rubber RepairersSt Hilarion Nursing HomeS EllisStratcoS BaillieT Maras AMTrelawney WinesTyndale Christian SchoolVariety, The Children’s CharityVili’sYamaha Pitmans Marinecarlo uses his tabletto communicatenovita children’s serivces annual report45

Head Office (ACN 137 537 636)171 Days RoadRegency Park SA 5010PO Box 2438Regency Park SA 5942T +61 8 8243 8243F +61 8 8243 8238enquiries@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.auCentral Intake TeamSt Marys Office15-31 Ayliffes RoadSt Marys SA 5042T 1800 337 443F 8172 9201central.intake@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.au/registrationChild and Adolescent ServiceNorth – Parafield Gardens Office422 Salisbury HighwayParafield Gardens SA 5107T 8182 1000F 8182 1010child&adolescent@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.au/childandadolescentSouth – St Marys Office15-31 Ayliffes RoadSt Marys SA 5042T 8172 9200F 8172 9201child&adolescent@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.au/childandadolescentEarly Childhood ServiceNorth – Regency Park Office171 Days RoadRegency Park SA 5010T 8243 8311F 8243 8377earlychildhood@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.au/earlychildhoodSouth – St Marys Office15-31 Ayliffes RoadSt Marys SA 5042T 8172 9200F 8172 9201earlychildhood@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.au/earlychildhoodEquipment ServiceNorth – Regency Park Centre171 Days RoadRegency Park SA 5010T 8243 8302F 8243 8301equipment@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.au/equipmentSouth – St Marys Office15-31 Ayliffes RoadSt Marys SA 5042T 8172 9200F 8172 9201equipment@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.au/equipment<strong>Novita</strong>Tech171 Days RoadRegency Park SA 5010PO Box 2438Regency Park SA 5942T 1300 855 585F 8243 8208novitatech@novita.org.auwww.novitatech.org.auRegional ServicesSt Marys Office15-31 Ayliffes RoadSt Marys SA 5042T 8172 9200F 8172 9201regionalservice@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.au/regionalservicesRehabilitation ServiceRegency Park Centre171 Days RoadRegency Park SA 5010T 8243 8270F 8243 8377rehabilitation@novita.org.auwww.novita.org.au/rehabilitationWant to help? Donating is easy!Mail your donation to<strong>Novita</strong> Children’s ServicesPO Box 2438, Regency Park SA 5942Call 1300 NOVITA (1300 668 482)Donate online at www.novita.org.au/donate Visit us at 171 Days Road, Regency ParkDonations of $2 and over are taxdeductible. Please make chequespayable to <strong>Novita</strong> Children’sServices. ABN 53 137 537 636<strong>Novita</strong> Children’s Services willrecord personal information for thepurposes of communicating withour supporters. Your information isstrictly confidential and will not bedisclosed to any third party. Pleasecontact the Public RelationsDepartment on 8243 8229 if youhave any queries.

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