Facilitators Manual - Emergency Care Institute

Facilitators Manual - Emergency Care Institute

Facilitators Manual - Emergency Care Institute


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Activity 43 table (Cont’d)Long bonesExternalbleedingClinical examination:DeformitySwellingPainBleedingX-ray confirmation of #Clinical assessment:Visualise blood lossHypotensionTachycardia• IV access• Bloods including X-match, Group & hold• Fluid replacement as required• Analgesia• Consider femoral nerve block forfemur #• Splinting/traction• Neurovascular observations• Surgical intervention• Bloods including X-match, Group & hold• Fluid replacement as required• Pressure to site• Suture/stapleAssist participant to conduct a primary and secondary survey on appropriate trauma patient.3.10 BURNSACTIVITY 44Q1. Read the following Clinical Practice guidelines: Burn Wound Management 2008 available athttp://www.health.nsw.gov.au/resources/gmct/burninjury/pdf/clinical_practice_guidelines.pdfDiscuss airway assessment of a patient who has presented with burns?Discuss with participant.Airway maintenance with cervical spine control.Inspect the airway for foreign material/oedema. If the patient is unable to respond to verbalcommands open the airway with a chin lift and jaw thrust; stabilize neck for suspected C Spine injury.Keep movement of the cervical spine to a minimum and never hyper flex or hyperextend the head orneck.Insert Guedels airway if airway patency is compromised. Think about early intubation.25Q2. Describe the referral process for transferring patients with burn injuries in your emergencydepartment.As per local policy.ACTIVITY 45Read the following Clinical Practice Guidelines: Minor Burn Management 2008http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/resources/gmct/burninjury/pdf/minor_burn_management.pdfDiscuss with participant as required.ACTIVITY 46Read the NSW Health policy on which patients require transfer to a specialised burns unit.http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/policies/gl/2008/GL2008_012.htmlDiscuss with participant as required.

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