08.18.09 Board Meeting Agenda.pdf - RTD

08.18.09 Board Meeting Agenda.pdf - RTD

08.18.09 Board Meeting Agenda.pdf - RTD


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Regional Transportation District<strong>Board</strong> of Directors1600 Blake StreetDenver, CO 80202-1399303/299-2303Chair – Lee Kemp, District IFirst Vice Chair – Christopher Martinez, District BSecond Vice Chair – Noel Busck, District KSecretary – Bruce Daly, District NTreasurer – John Tayer, District OKent Bagley, District HBarbara Brohl, Director, District DJuanita Chacon, District CBill Christopher, District JMatt Cohen, District MBill James, District AWilliam “Bill” McMullen, District EJack O’Boyle, District GWally Pulliam, District LTom Tobiassen, District FBOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGTuesday, August 18, 2009 at 5:30 PMI. CALL TO ORDERII.ROLL CALL-DETERMINATION OF QUORUMIII.RETIREE AWARDSSPECIAL RECOGNITIONInternational Light Rail ParticipantsRandall Lovegrove – LRV Electro-MechanicGeorge Sweeney – LRV Electro – MechanicCass Skelton – Train OperatorThe following communication assistance is available for public meetings:• Language Interpreters• Sign-language Interpreters• Assisted listening devicesPlease notify <strong>RTD</strong> of the communication assistance you require at least 48 hours in advance of a <strong>RTD</strong>meeting you wish to attend by calling 303.299.2307THE CHAIR REQUESTS THAT ALL PAGERS AND CELL PHONES BE SILENCED DURING THE BOARDOF DIRECTORS MEETING FOR THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT.

IV.PUBLIC PARTICIPATIONV. COMMITTEE REPORTS-(See Minutes)Planning & Development Committee - Chaired by Director ChristopherLegislative Committee – Chaired by Director DalyFasTracks Monitoring Committee – Chaired by Director McMullenDBE Committee – Chaired by Director ChaconOperations/Customer Services Committee – Chaired by Director BrohlFinancial/Administration Committee – Chaired by Director TayerGM Evaluation Committee – Chaired by Director Busck<strong>RTD</strong> Pass Program Committee – Chaired by Director TayerCDOT – Director CohenE-470 – Director BusckACED – Director BusckDRCOG – TBDDenver Union Station Advisory – Director ChaconNorthwest Parkway-Chair Kemp and Director PulliamPension Committee - Director PulliamRocky Mountain Rail Authority-Director ChristopherChair’s Report- Chair Lee KempVI.VII.GM TRANSITION AND EXECUTIVE SEARCH COMMITTEE STATUS UPDATEMETRO MAYOR TASK FORCE UPDATEVIII. APPROVAL OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 21, 2009IX.GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORTX. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 2009 AMENDED BUDGETA. Proposed 2009 Amended BudgetIt is recommended by the Financial/Administration Committee that the <strong>Board</strong> ofDirectors adopt Resolution No. ___, Series of 2009 to amend and appropriatefunds for the proposed 2009 Amended Budget, to decrease the appropriationby $(122,238,931) to $1,223,283,199 as detailed below in the Overview ofthe 2009 Budget Amendment, and to decrease the appropriation of CapitalCarryforward (Previously Approved Capital Funds) by $(129,262,471) to$296,757,845.

XI.UNANIMOUS CONSENTB. Construction Contract Award to Krische Construction for Southwest andCentral Platte Valley Corridors 4-Car Platform Extension Phase IIIt is recommended by the FasTracks Monitoring Committee that the <strong>RTD</strong> <strong>Board</strong>of Directors authorize the General Manager, or designee, to execute alldocuments necessary to award a construction contract to Krische Constructionin the amount of $2,262,746 for the Southwest and Central Platte ValleyCorridors 4-Car Platform Extension Phase II. Funding for this contract isprovided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009(ARRA), and is included in the 2009 Adopted Budget.C. Purchase of approximately 33 miles of track on the Boulder Industrial Lead(North Metro)It is recommended by the FasTracks Monitoring Committee that the <strong>Board</strong> ofDirectors approve the purchase of approximately 33 miles of track located onthe newly acquired Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Boulder Industrial Lead fromthe UPRR. UPRR sold the Right of Way to <strong>RTD</strong>, but retained the salvage rightsto the track. Cost to the FasTracks program would be $3.6 million, which isincluded in the 2009 Adopted Budget for the North Metro Corridor.D. Contract Amendment to Michael Baker Jr., Inc. for I-225 Corridor EnvironmentalEvaluation/Preliminary Engineering, Contract No. 17-DH-006It is recommended by the FasTracks Monitoring Committee that the <strong>RTD</strong> <strong>Board</strong>of Directors authorize the General Manager or designees to execute alldocuments necessary to award a contract amendment for $343,730 to MichaelBaker Jr., Inc. (Baker) for additional planning and preliminary engineering workeffort. Funds for this contract amendment are available in the FasTracks Budgetfor the I-225 Corridor Project.E. FasTracks Citizens Advisory Committee AppointmentIt is recommended by the FasTracks Monitoring Committee of the RegionalTransportation District (<strong>RTD</strong>) that the <strong>RTD</strong> <strong>Board</strong> of Directors appoint onemember to the Committee to fill a vacancy created by resignation.

F. 2009 Increase Contract Authority for Fixed Route ContractsIt is recommended by the Operations & Customer Services Committee that the<strong>Board</strong> of Directors authorize the Interim General Manager or his designee toauthorize increases in funding for the Veolia “Group 17”, First Transit “Group18” and First Transit “Group 19” fixed-route contracts to cover increased costsincurred due to service level increases and increased fuel costs over the term ofthe contract.• Group 17 – add $1,748,546 to increase the contract authority from$51,708,888.00 as approved by the <strong>Board</strong> of Directors onNovember 14, 2006, to a revised contract authority of$53,457,434.00.• Group 18 – add $1,258,867.00 to increase the contract authorityfrom $60,063,921.00 as approved by the <strong>Board</strong> of Directors onNovember 14, 2006, to a revised contract authority of$61,322,788.00.• Group 19 – add $3,681,842.00 to increase the contract authorityfrom $110,812,253.00 as approved by the <strong>Board</strong> of Directors onNovember 14, 2006, to a revised contract authority of$114,494,095.00.G. Award of Contract – Disclosure Counsel ServicesIt is recommended by the Financial/Administration Committee that the <strong>Board</strong> ofDirectors authorize the Interim General Manager to award a contract forDisclosure Counsel Services to the team of Sherman & Howard L.L.C. (Sherman& Howard) and Garcia Calderon Ruiz (“Garcia Calderon”).XII.RECOMMENDED ACTIONH. Recommendation of Contract Award for Executive Search ServicesIt is recommended by the General Manager Transition and Executive SearchCommittee that the <strong>Board</strong> of Directors authorize the Sr. Manager, MaterialsManagement to execute all documents necessary to award a contract to theProposer offering the best value, Krauthamer & Associates, in an estimated notto-exceedamount of $100,000 to include $40,000 Fixed Fee for the GeneralManager/CEO position, $35,000 Fixed Fee for the optional FasTracks CapitalDevelopment Manager, plus $25,000 for reimbursable expenses (consisting ofconsultant and candidate travel, advertising and background investigation costs)for Executive Search Services for the recruitment of the <strong>RTD</strong> GeneralManager/CEO position with provisions for an option to recruit for the FasTracksCapital Development Manager position. Funds for the contract award not-to-

exceed amount of $100,000 are contained in the 2009 <strong>RTD</strong> Budget.XIII.XIV.XV.EXECUTIVE SESSIONUNFINISHED BUSINESSNEW BUSINESSDUSPA PresentationXVI.ADJOURN

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