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In this issue | Ukraine | Congo | Japan | France | Canada | UK | Saudi Arabia | Virgin IslandsTunnellingthrough historyToronto reviewInspectionRelining toolsJuly 2009Issue 4The official magazine of the ISTT

In this issue | Ukraine | Congo | Japan | France | Canada | UK | Saudi Arabia | Virgin IslandsTunnelling<strong>through</strong> <strong>history</strong>Toronto reviewInspectionRelining toolsJuly 2009Issue 4The official magazine of the ISTT

Dec DowneyISTT ChairmanTHE 26TH INTERNATIONAL No-DigConference and Exhibition hosted inToronto by NASTT exceeded all expectationsand our thanks are due to ProgramChair Joe Lioacono, to NASTT Chair ChrisBrahler and their teams including theBenjamin Media folks for the hard workthat went on behind the scenes to make itwork so smoothly.Exhibitor, visitor and delegate numberswere excellent, a great achievement in thecurrent economic climate and the technicalcontent of the conference sessionsand education and training programs werea reflection of the health of our industry.Thanks too to the international visitors whomade great efforts to attend and all thosefrom the far reaches of North America andtheir employers for their support.In Toronto the Board of ISTT set out itsthree year event program. We confirmedthe 2010 venue as Singapore and ourevent organiser as Westrade Ltd. The2011 venue will be Berlin and, subjectto finalisation of the budget, 2012 will beSao Paulo. We feel it is good to establishthe program well in advance so that ourexhibitor members can plan for the futureand our Technical Panel can begin shapingthe program. In addition, we haveagreed to support SASTT with a regionalevent in 2011 to help accelerate trenchlessusage in southern Africa and fulfilour training and education mission. At allthese events and at local venues we willalso look for opportunities to provide trainingseminars.Toronto was a good venue to recogniseProfessor Ray Sterling, a very aptly namedcontributor over so many years, whoreceived our Gold Medal and an NASTTaward for outstanding service at the GalaDinner. Ray has served on the ISTT Boardfor more than ten years in addition to thetechnical leadership he has given <strong>through</strong>his role at the Louisiana Tech University.He has won many friends for ISTT on histravels around the globe and we hope hewill continue to contribute in retirement. Iam certainly glad of the advice and guidancehe has given me in my tenure asyour Chairman.At the Gala Dinner we also recognisedexcellence in the practice of ourbusiness; our Project of the Year awardwent to the City of Portland for a recordbreaking microtunnel, and we recognisedtwo Innovations of the Year – the DCIF2 locator for new construction and theglass reinforced thermoplastic Aqualinerfor renovation. It’s almost 18 months untilthe next international event, so we lookforward to some new challengers for ourprized awards.After Toronto I had a brief excursion tothe California Nevada Chapter of AWWAfor their Conference held in Santa Clara– the numbers at this regional showwere impressive and the interest levelsin <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology were high. Myimpression at our event and in Californiawas that water mains rehabilitation is amajor challenge and opportunity for us.We need to increase awareness of ourcapability to assess pipeline condition,prioritise projects, design and apply innovativeand sustainable solutions.The need for solutions is universal anda consensus is required to establish andmaintain standards in this important sectorso that trenchless becomes the favouredoption in the majority of cases. An ISTTWorking Group could be formed to facilitatethe process…interested? Call me.FROM THE CHAIRMAN'S DESKJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>1

ISSUE 4 - July 2009Great Southern PressPty LtdFor the Americas call +1 216220 5126For Europe call +453696 5124For the United Kingdom call +44 208133 5127For Australasia call +61 39248 5100For Asia call +85 28124 5122query@trenchlessinternational.comwww.trenchlessinternational.comEditor: Chris BlandAssociate Editor: Kate PembertonJournalist: Lucy RochlinSales Manager: Tim ThompsonSenior Account Manager: David MarshSales Representative: Brett ThompsonDesign Manager: Michelle BottgerDesigners: Venysia Kurniawan,Stephanie Rose, Sandra NokeProofing: Michelle PerlEvent Co-ordinator: Stephanie FieldenGPO Box 4967Melbourne VIC 3001 AustraliaFax: +61 3 9602 2708ISSN: 1836-3474In this issue | Ukraine | Congo | Japan | France | Canada | UK | Saudi Arabia | Virgin IslandsTunnelling<strong>through</strong> <strong>history</strong>Toronto reviewInspectionRelining toolsThe official magazine of the ISTTJuly 2009Issue 4Photo courtesy of Herrenknecht.This magazine is an official publication of the<strong>International</strong> Society for <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology(ISTT) and is distributed free to members and otherinterested parties worldwide. It is also available onsubscription.The publishers welcome editorial contributions frominterested parties. However, neither the publishersnor the ISTT accept responsibility for the contentof these contributions and the views containedtherein which will not necessarily be the views of thepublishers or the ISTT. Neither the publishers nor theISTT accept responsibility for any claims made byadvertisers.All communications should be directed to thepublishers.REGULARSFrom the Chairman’s Desk 1Executive Director’s Report 4Upcoming Events 15About ISTT/Membership 61ISTT Membership/Directory 61Contacts and Addresses of Affiliated Societies 62Advertisers’ Index 64Subscription and Information 64NEWSWorld Wrap 6Pipes & People 8News in Brief 10ISTT NEWS<strong>Trenchless</strong> in Toronto 12Promoting <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technologyin Asia the Pacific 16Singapore venue for <strong>International</strong> No-Dig 2010 17MICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGMicrotunnelling and how we got there 18A Mexican standoff 22Curved jacking of centrifugally cast GRP pipes 24Testing the ground in Italy 26PROJECTSGrundodrill heats up German Castle 28How to get the most for your HDD rig 30<strong>Trenchless</strong> replaces trenches in Toulon 31Million pound HDD rig in Montana 32Pipe bursting – big in Japan 34Success for HDD intersects in Saudi Arabia 36Auger boring challenges in the Virgin Islands 40Innovative water main installation in Bulgaria 41RELINING TOOLS & TECHNIQUESCured-in-place pipe: past, present and future 42Swagelining in the Congo 44Manhole rehabilitation 45Rehabilitation in Singapore 46Award for asset liner Aqualiner 48INSPECTION &CONDITION ASSESSMENTInspecting large sewers 49REGIONAL FOCUS: UKRAINEBursting records in Ukraine 52Using trenchless in the Ukraine 53CONFERENCESSewage Works Exhibition 09 54SIWW set to make a splash 54WATERRehabilitating the Rivelin water supply system 55Crossing the Cape Fear River 56SPECIAL FEATUREPipe and Conduit:Part two - rehabilitation and repair 58Double honours for Ray Sterling 602 3

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORTJohn HemphillISTT Executive Director<strong>International</strong> Society for<strong>Trenchless</strong> TechnologyChairman: Dr Dec Downeydec.downey@jasonconsult.comVice-Chairman: Dr Samuel Ariaratnamariaratnam@asu.eduExecutive Director: John Hemphillhemphill@istt.comMembership Secretary: Kyoko Kondokondo@istt.comExecutive Sub CommitteeDerek Choi: ChinaKarel Franczyk: Czech RepublicGerda Hald: DenmarkNorman Howell: United KingdomOlga Martynyk: UkraineDEC DOWNEY’S REPORT recognisesmany individuals and groups who contributedto the outstanding 26th Annual<strong>International</strong> No-Dig Conference andExhibition hosted by NASTT in Toronto. Iwould like to add my thanks to others who,<strong>through</strong> their hard work and dedication,also helped to make this event such a success.The Benjamin Media conference andexhibition management team of MichelleMagyar and Lindsie Bowman made allthe arrangements and kept things runningsmoothly onsite. The 50-plus members ofthe Program Committee peer-reviewedpapers and steered the conferencestechnical sessions.A new feature to this year’s No-Digwas the daily newsletter produced by<strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>. The newslettersproved very popular. My hat’s off to ChrisBland and Kate Pemberton for producingsuch informative and timely reports.On a personal note, I add congratulationsto Ray Sterling for receiving ISTT’shighest award – the ISTT Gold Medal. Ihave had the good fortune to work withRay for many years. His leadership – ofboth NASTT and ISTT – has been invaluableto the trenchless community.I heard nothing but positive commentsfrom No-Dig attendees regarding theconference overall, and the technical sessionsin particular. Contributing to thesuccess of this event was a strong showingof ISTT members from outside NorthAmerica, who <strong>through</strong> their participationmade the Conference and Exhibitiontruly international. All told, more than 300attendees from over 40 countries outsideNorth America participated in theNo-Dig Conference. More than 30 technicalpapers were presented by individualswho reside outside North America. Wehope to carry this momentum with us toSingapore. The 2010 <strong>International</strong> No-Digis more than a year away, but it’s not tooearly to begin planning to attend.Affiliated societies’ programs and activitiesbetween now and the 2010 No-Digafford many opportunities for regionaltrenchless education and training.Virtually all of the 22 affiliated societieshave planned at least one conference ortraining event in their region in 2008-09. Ifyou are interested in what might be availablein your region, you should contactyour affiliated society or ISTT for moreinformation. Affiliated societies’ contactinformation is provided at the back of thismagazine.www.istt.cominfo@istt.comJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Executive Director, ISTT308 S. Lee StreetAlexandria, VA 22314United StatesTel: +1 (703) 299-8484Kyoko Kondo (Ms.)Membership Secretary ISTT3rd Nishimura Bldg.,2-11-18, Tomioka, Koto-ku,Tokyo 135-0047, JapanTel:: +81 (3)5639 9970FAX: +81 (3)5639 9975Registered Address:15 Belgrave SquareLONDON, SW1X 8PSUK4

World wrapCIPP in SacramentoInsituform Technologies Inc. has been awarded a$US17.9 million contract for the Sacramento Area SewerDistrict. Work on the project, beginning in June 2009, isexpected to be completed in September 2010. Insituformplans to install nearly 45,000 feet of medium- and largediameterCIPP under this contract award.Indian lake to get a trenchless makeoverA 448-year old lake, located in Andhra Pradesh, built in 1562 byHazrath Hussain Shah Wali of Qutub Shah dynasty to fulfill the drinkingwater needs of the people, turned filthy three decades ago withhuge discharge of sewage and industrial pollutants. The HyderabadMetropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) has said that pipe jackingwill be a component of the construction of the new ring sewer systemto restore the Hussainsagar to its former glory.Mapping HDD in DubaiOn Dubai’s Palm Islands, Geospatial Holdings Smart Probe/DuctRunner pipeline mapping technology was used to enablea unique installation via horizontal directional drilling (HDD) ofseveral pipeline segments. The project included the installation ofover 32,800 feet of 20 inch diameter HDPE pipeline. To install thepipeline under the ocean floor, the design called for 17-degreeentry and exit angles and 1,310 foot radius entry and exit curves.At the deepest point the bore was 89 feet below the surface. Theproject was completed by Al Naboodah Specialist, and supervisedby Reduct NV.Rehab design on track in Hong KongBlack & Veatch has announced that the investigation and designof Stage 4 of the Replacement and Rehabilitation Program ofWater Mains in the New Territories of the Hong Kong SAR ismaking good progress. The project will result in a total of some3,000 km of water mains rehabilitated or replaced by 2015,making it one of the largest pipeline rehabilitation programs inthe world.NEWSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Pipe jacking prevents lane closuresAn Esor Limited Project is seeing 76 m of concrete pipe being jacked besidea major road, N3 Highway, to create a sleeve to accommodate a new waterpipeline from the DV Harris water treatment world to the World’s View reservoir.Testing the watersGE Water, a business unit of GE Energy, and the NationalUniversity of Singapore will establish the NUS-GESingapore Water Technology Centre on the campus ofNUS. The centre will house GE scientists and engineerswho will develop new solutions for low-energy seawaterdesalination, water reclamation and more efficient waterreuse.<strong>Trenchless</strong> Australasia 09 Conference<strong>Trenchless</strong> Australasia 2009, the 8th National ASTT Conferenceand Exhibition is to be held in Melbourne, Australia from20-22 September 2009. Melbourne Olympic Park will becomea trenchless hub as hundreds of delegates and trade visitorsfrom Australia, New Zealand and around the world descendon Melbourne for this event. This event promises to be one ofthe biggest and most successful in <strong>history</strong>.NEWS July 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>67

Pipes & peopleAA – setting the standardAmerican Augers, Incorporated hasrecently completed and been certifiedwith the ISO 9001:2008 <strong>International</strong>Quality System and Standard for thedesign, manufacturing, and distributionof its products and operations.President James F Pfeiffer said “Ourcompany is pleased to have achievedthe result of having ISO. We see thisis another positive step in the overallgrowth of American Augers and knowthat implementing the ISO standardsis a testament to the long term commitmentwe are making to ensure thatthe quality of our products continuesto meet and exceed the needs of ourcustomers.”The entire quality management systemwas audited and certified by SmithersQuality Assessment Inc. Smithers isfully accredited by both the DutchCouncil for Accreditation (RvA) andCharles Madsen; Kate Pemberton,<strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong> and Rob Foster,American Augers at Toronto No-Dig 2009.the American National AccreditationBody (ANAB), and is a member of theIndependent Association of AccreditedRegistrars.American Augers is a manufacturerof underground and utility constructionequipment, including horizontal directionaldrills, auger boring machines,mud pump and cleaning systems.Discussing the merits of the auger boringmachine at Toronto No-Dig 2009.CWho says you can’t mixbusiness with pleasure?20 - 22 September 2009Melbourne Park, MelbournePIPES & PEOPLEJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>KA-TE nominated for Swissbusiness awardEarlier this year 15 members of thejury of the Swiss Venture Club wereintroduced to the KA-TE PMO robotsfor sewer rehabilitation and the FASTrobots for fibre-optic cables in sewersby the management of KA-TE.The award of the Swiss VentureClub is given each year to an innovativecompany of the Zurich area.From the 70 companies who areparticipating, KA-TE is among thetop six.Tunnelling under the BosporusThe new ‘Melen 7’ tunnel, whichcrosses between the Bosporus – a seastrait between the Asian and Europeanparts of Turkey – is on track to deliverwater with the use of a tunnel boringmachine.The Herrenknecht S-391 TBMreached its target shaft in Istanbul. Atits deepest part the tunnel route runs135 m below the sea straits water level.The Russian construction companyOAO Mosmetrostroy and the tunnellingmachine excavated this challengingsection safely. The first mechanicallyexcavatedtunnel beneath the Bosporuswas built in only 13.5 months.The ‘Melen 7’ tunnel is the key elementof a large scale project to securean improved long term water supply forthe huge city of Istanbul, which todayis home to more than 10 million inhabitants.This water is not only requiredon the European side of Istanbul asa drinking water supply, but is alsourgently needed for agriculture andregional industries.For this purpose, the river Melen hasbeen dammed on the Asian side, 170km outside the gates of the city. Fromthis high-rainfall area, the water willbe channelled to Istanbul in severalstages.MYCMMYCYCMYKThe official ASTT Conference and Exhibition willinclude international keynote speakers, afirst-class technical program and a majorexhibition as well as the chance toenjoy the many delights ofMelbourne,

News in briefItalians promote trenchless in IraqThe Italian Association for <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology (IATT),in co-operation with the Italian Trade Commission (ICE) -Amman Office, organised a series of seminars in Amman,Suleimaniya and Erbil in March to introduce their newesttechnologies in underground network establishment withoutdigging and leaving trenches.The Kurdish Globe reported that the seminars wereorganised in co-operation with the Suleimaniya Chamber ofCommerce and Industry, and Erbil Chamber of Commerceand Industry respectively.The first day of the seminar, held in Suleimaniya, openedwith the welcome message and presentation of the IATT/ICEProject by the Italian Trade Commissioner Mauro Mariani andthe welcome message of the President of the SuleimaniyaChamber of Commerce Hassan Baqi Hassan.Later, representatives of several member companies ofthe IATT gave lectures and presentations about the newtechnologies that they have brought to the region and howthey can be best used to support and facilitate the reconstructionand rebuilding processes currently going on in theregion.This new technology has some important advantagesincluding reducing costs by almost 70 percent. EngineerFatima Jawhar, director of cables’ department in Erbil PowerDistribution Directorate, says that with this technology, thecost of establishing one meter of cable network is aroundUS$40-50 as compared to US$150 per meter with traditionalmethods.Other advantages of thistechnology is keepingthe streets and roadsundamaged and thusavoiding traffic jamsand disturbance for thepeople, besides reducingthe time needed forthe operations.Realising these advantages,the Minsitry ofMunicipalities hasissued a decree toall water, sanitary,power distribution,post, transportation,traffic, municipalities,traffic engineeringdirectorates in Erbil thatfrom now on those equipmentsshould be usedfor any projects and thecontractors should not beallowed to dig the roadsreported Aiyob is live!The highly anticipated new <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong> websiteis now live! The website is an invaluable source for all the latesttrenchless industry news, projects and profiles.News will be constantly added to the website, with all currentand back issues of the magazine fully searchable. Pleaseadd our new website to your favourites and have a browse –the website will be updated regularly with stories so be sureto check the Latest News section frequently.At the moment the website is featuring all the photos andnews from Toronto No-Dig 2009. Email the link to your colleaguesand clients to inform them of all the latest trenchlessinnovations.Add to your favourites: www.trenchlessinternational.comUpdate the international trenchlesscommunity about your company’snews and projects, emailquery@trenchlessinternational.comISTT to BerlinThe next <strong>International</strong>No-Dig will be held inSingapore, followed by Berlinin 2011.At the recent <strong>International</strong>No-Dig 2009, held in TorontoCanada, the ISTT boardselected Berlin as the locationfor the 2011 <strong>International</strong>No-Dig Conference andExhibition. The event is tobe held on 20-24 June 2011in conjunction with WasserBerlin, an extensive specialistevent, which typically attracts30,000 visitors.NEWSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Deep Tunnel Sewerage System clinches majorawardEach year the announcement of winners of the GlobalWater Awards is awaited with bated breath. On 27 April2009, industry players converged on Zurich, Switzerland,for the awards ceremony.Singapore’s Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) hasbeen awarded the Global Water Awards ‘Water Projectof the Year’, the water project with the most significantcontribution to water technology and environmental protection,.Conceptualised and managed by Singapore’s nationalwater agency, PUB, the system is Singapore’s superhighwayto meet its used water needs for the next 100 yearsin a cost effective and sustainable way.One of the world’s largest used water collection andtreatment projects, the DTSS conveys used water fromhomes and industries <strong>through</strong> a 48 km long deep tunnelsewer that runs 20 to 55 m below ground to a centralisedwater reclamation plant for treatment. The official openingof this plant, the Changi Water Reclamation Plant, is ahighlight of the upcoming Singapore <strong>International</strong> WaterWeek. For more information turn to page 54.Awarding innovative rehabJ. Murphy & Sons Ltd has won an award for Best MajorScheme for the Victorian Mains Replacement Scheme (VMR)being undertaken for Thames Water Utilities.The VMR is a major clean water program to replace anageing network of mains using four methods of construction,namely, open cut, insertion, pipe bursting and directionaldrilling. The particular method selected was based onvarious factors considered at the planning stage includingrequirements of the area, up or downsizing, rationalisationand reticulation of the supply or site circumstances.The scheme has involved replacing 46 km of the existinglocal distribution water network with just over 39 km of newPE pipes, as well as 11,000 associated customer supplyconnections, fire mains and fire hydrants in more than 270streets in London’s West End. In total it aims to save anestimated 5.7 megalitres of water per day.The Right ToolManholeRenewalTool BoxPermacast® LinersCor+Gard® CoatingsPermaform ®Con MIC Shield®Calcium Aluminate CementsWater Plug & PatchCOR+ROC Structual PolymerI & I Barrier®Top Seal TM CIPPChimney LinersSpray EquipmentApplicatorsWorldwide inDenmark,Ireland, UK,Singapore,Israel,Norway,Swedenand USA.For Every Problem!AP/M PERMAFORM ®Fax: +515.276.1274 • www.permaform.netNEWSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>1011

Talking trenchless in TorontoShould have used trenchless!The joint ISTT and NASTT <strong>International</strong> No-Dig Conference and Exhibitionbroke every record in the books.ISTT NEWSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>12HELD FROM 30 March to 1 April at theSheraton Centre in Toronto, Canada, the2009 convention hit new heights withits largest exhibition to date, enablingdelegates to see the latest equipment,services and technology on offer.The record-setting event broughttogether 1,900 attendees and 124exhibiting companies from 43 countriesaround the world. The exhibition hall, withmore than 243 – 10 x 10 booths sold,was the largest in No-Dig’s <strong>history</strong> andshowcased products from around theworld. There were 140 technical paperspresented over five concurrent tracks.<strong>International</strong> speakers came from as far asDenmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,China, Poland, Netherlands and theUnited Kingdom.The gathered international communityenjoyed an exceptional six days ofeducation, solution sharing and peernetworking. The purpose of the conferencewas to showcase the latest intrenchless innovations and provide educationaland networking opportunitieswith leading experts on a global scale.SASTT honorary director Joop vanWamelen commented “This conferencewas dominated by case studies of successfulprojects and reports on researchventures. This was one fascinatingconference!”No-Dig 2009 also provided an excellentforum for recognising the achievementsof members <strong>through</strong>out the industryincluding Ray Sterling, awarded theISTT Gold Medal (see page 60) and theISTT Innovative Technology award (seepage 42).ISTT international board meetingThe ISTT is managed on a daily basis byExecutive Director John Hemphill, workingclosely with ISTT’s executive subcommittee.The international board of directorsgenerally meets once a year, usually atthe location of the <strong>International</strong> No-DigConference.The Toronto No-Dig 2009 board meetingwas well attended. The main agendamatters included:• The ISTT has recently established atechnical panel of experts to conductpeer reviews and assess training proposals.• Chairman Dec Downey encouragedaffiliated societies to considerco-hosting specialised training at theirevents or when appropriate.• The 2011 <strong>International</strong> No-Dig will beheld in Berlin 20-24 June 2011 in conjunctionwith Wasser Berlin.• The ISTT offered to look for an opportunityto hold a <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technologyexhibition in Pretoria, South Africa inthe 2011-12 time frame.• In March 2009, the Colombian societyfor <strong>Trenchless</strong> technology ACTNODISheld its inaugural meeting.• The Italian Society of <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology has been working hard onan impressive outreach program in theMediterranean.The social sideThe evening before the conference,ISTT and affiliated society representativesfrom around the world, gathered ina revolving restaurant in the 533.33 metrehigh CN Tower, overlooking Lake Ontarioand the bright lights of Toronto.The No-Dig show kicked off the nextmorning with a Welcome Breakfast andthe edgy comedic stylings of Glenn Foster.ISTT Chairman Dec Downey and NASTTChairman Chris Brahler welcomed theconference delegates, sponsors, programcommittee members and board members.On Monday night the NASTT 8th AnnualEducational Fund Auction was a resoundingsuccess, the auctioneers from RitchieBros. kept everyone enthralled.On Tuesday evening, the Gala Dinnercapped off a stunning convention, offeringan evening of entertainment, socialising,fine food and dancing.“This was one fascinatingconference!”ISTT AWARD WINNERSProject of the year:new installationEast Side CSO Project,Portland OregonISTT innovative technologyaward for new installationDCI DigiTrak F2Locating systemISTT innovative technologyaward for pipe rehabilitationAqualinerSee page 48for more details.Do you have any photos that illustrate the downsideof not using <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology?<strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong> magazine is preparing a campaign to help companies andISTT affiliated societies promote the benefits of <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology to decision-makers.If you have any appropriate photos, please send them to news@trenchlessinternational.comPlease make sure you have permission to use the photo.

Exhibiting – trenchless styleThe trade exhibition hosted hundreds of stands showcasing avariety of companies and products that service the industry.TOURING ONTARIOA busload of No-Dig delegatestook advantage of theConference’s beautiful Ontariolocation to visit the spectacularNiagara Falls, the VCA Ice Wineryand Niagara-on-the-Lake.EventsVille Sans Tranchée (VST ) /<strong>Trenchless</strong> CityParis, France16 – 18 June 2009www.fstt.orgSWE JapanTokyo, Japan28 - 31 July <strong>Trenchless</strong> TechnologiesUkraineJune 2009Tomaszowice, Poland16 - 18 June NEWSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Mears horizontal directional drilling. Because a lot canhappen between Point A and Point B.Surprises lead to delays, delays lead to costoverruns. So work with a team that keeps nastysurprises away from you, your schedule, andyour budget. At Mears, our in-house plannersand engineers look deeper, to plan fartherahead. And, our field operators have boththe expertise and the equipment to implementany plan, in any place.We listen. We plan. We deliver. So the onlything that happens, is success. Give us a callat (800) 632-7727.DESIGN/BUILD • SOIL AND ROCK • SMALL TO LARGE CROSSINGS • SHORE APPROACHESMears Group, Inc. • 411 North Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 420 • Houston, TX 77060 USA • www.mears.netJSTT in HamiltonOn 2 April 2009, the City of Hamilton’sPublic Works Department, in partnershipwith the Great Lakes, St. Lawrenceand Atlantic chapter of NASTT hosteda one day workshop for 15 delegatesfrom the JSTT (Japan Society for<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology) who were inToronto attending the conference.The workshop was held at the HamiltonConvention Centre and focused onthe planning and use of <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology in the City of Hamilton.Several presentations were made bystaff from the Public Works departmenton various <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technologyprograms the city has developed. Inaddition to the presentations, sometime was spent networking anddiscussing mutual opportunities andchallenges with respect to the life cyclemanagement of buried infrastructure.As an additional part of this workshop,a field demonstration was arrangedwith the cities sewer lining contractor-Insituform Technologies who guidedthe group <strong>through</strong> the installation ofa 1.2 m diameter cured-in-place pipe(CIPP) liner on an 80 year old bricksewer.Throughout the conference the <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong> magazine teamhanded out the very popular 'I ♥ trenchless' stickers. Place your stickeron your car’s bumper, or even a piece of trenchless machinery, takea photo and email it to <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong> magazine – so we canshow the world where trenchless can take you. Send your photos<strong>Trenchless</strong> Australasia 2009Melbourne Park, Melbourne,Australia20 - 22 September 2009www.trenchless2009.comICUEE 2009Louisville, USA6 – 8 October<strong>International</strong> Pipelines and<strong>Trenchless</strong> TechnologyConferenceShanghai, China18 – 21 October<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technologiesin the Asia Pacific – Hong KongHong Kong SAR, China18 – 19 November 2009www.chkstt.orgNASTT No-Dig Show 2010Chicago, United States2 – 7 May 2010www.nodigshow.comISTT NEWSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>1415

Singapore venue for<strong>International</strong> No-Dig 2010The ISTT has announced that the 28th annual <strong>International</strong> No-Dig Conference and Exhibition is to beheld in Singapore, 8-10 November 2010.ISTT NEWSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Promoting <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology in the Asia PacificTHE CHINA HONG Kong Society for<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology (CHKSTT) and theHong Kong Polytechnic University will behosting the <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technologies inAsia-Pacific Conference and Workshop,to be held in Hong Kong in November.The conference is officially endorsed bythe ISTT.The theme of the conference andworkshop will be Achieving environmentalsustainability <strong>through</strong> trenchlesstechniques.Hong Kong has one of the largest watermains rehabilitation programs in the world.Much of the work is done in a busy urbanenvironment. Installing and rehabilitatingpipes and cables beneath the streets bytrenchless requires novel techniques andmuch planning and liaison with the localauthorities.The conference will provide an internationalforum for discussion on thelatest techniques and developments inHONG KONG HAS ONE OFTHE LARGEST WATER MAINSREHABILITATION PROGRAMSIN THE WORLD.<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology. Delegates to thisconference will have an opportunity tolearn about the latest developments intrenchless techniques for the installationand rehabilitation of utility services frominternational experts in the field.In addition to a number of technicalpapers, the program will highlightcase studies of major projects alreadyundertaken in the Pacific Regionas well as the rest of the world. Thetwo-day program will be held onWednesday 18 November and Thursday19 November 2009. A social event isplanned to take place on Wednesday 18November.Supporting organisations includethe ISTT, China Beijing Society for<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology (CBJSTT) (TBC),China Shanghai Society for <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology (CSSTT), Australasian Societyfor <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology (ASTT) andJapan Society for <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology(JSTT).The main themes for the conferenceprogram include the sustainability andenvironmental benefits of trenchless techniques,rehabilitation, new techniques,condition survey and leak detection, utilitydetection and mapping, regulatoryaspects of street works, case studiesand potential trenchless markets in AsiaPacific.For more information visit or email 2009trenchless@gmail.comWHILST THE EVENT is traditionallyorganised in conjunction with a local<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology society, the 2010show marks a new departure for the ISTT,which is taking the initiative to go it alonein a location that does not yet have a formalsociety.Singapore is a regional centre ofexcellence for <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology,established <strong>through</strong> the major microtunnellingprojects undertaken by its nationalwater agency, Public Utilities Board (PUB).The ongoing sewer rehabilitation programcontinues today, as PUB maintains some3,200 km of public sewers and the currentphase (2009 – 2014) will see the refurbishmentof more than 1,000 km of this network.The ISTT has established links with seniorpersonnel at PUB who have agreed tosupport the event in 2010. Discussionsare also in progress with other relevantgovernment departments, as well as otherengineering related organisations, both inSingapore and the surrounding region.Chairman of the ISTT Dec Downeysaid “Singapore is a significant locationto showcase the very best in <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology.RoboticsFor more information“It is a lively international hub andis also ideally placed to attract engineersfrom nearby countries where thereis considerable interest and growth ininfrastructure developments – includingAustralasia, China, Hong Kong, Japan,Korea, Malaysia and Thailand.”The No-Dig <strong>International</strong> Exhibition is awell established forum for visitors to meetand review the very latest products andservices available for the installation andrefurbishment of underground utilities. The2010 show offers suppliers a brand newopportunity to market products at thishighly focused event, targeted to attractvisitors from the Asia Pacific region andelsewhere in the world.The ISTT will also present a top qualityinternational conference featuring a programof papers designed to focus on thelatest innovations and techniques. Alsoincluded will be case study presentationswith a regional flavour.The ISTT has appointed UK-basedWestrade Group Ltd as organisers of<strong>International</strong> No-Dig 2010. Westrade haswide experience in organising <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology events in the UK, MiddleExhibition sales and sponsorship – Paul +44 (0) 845 0948066Conference enquiries – Caroline +44 (0) 20 8876 18880 mm / 3 '' – 600 mm / 24 ''East and the Far East – including anevent held in Singapore in the mid 1990s.Full information on exhibiting, as well aspresenting papers will be available on theshow website www.nodigsingapore.comYour specialist for cutting robotsin the field of pipe rehabilitation.Dealer enquiries are requested.www.ims-robotics.deISTT NEWS July 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>16 17

MICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGMicrotunnelling andhow we got thereby James ThomsonTo know how we got where we are today it is worth looking backat some key historical landmarks in the development of tunnelling.Tunnelling: a brief historicalperspectiveThe possibility of installing an undergroundchannel by tunnelling rather thanby digging a trench from the surface goesback thousands of years. Records exist ofthe qanats, a water management system forirrigation in the Middle East built some 2,700years ago; these are still in use in Iran.In 2500 BC, a 1,000 metre long tunnelwas driven under the Euphrates to connectthe Royal Palace with Temple of Baal inBabylon. The Romans and Greeks werethe developers of basic techniques. Forseveral hundreds of years these techniquesconstituted the state-of-the-art withlittle in the way of technological advances.Industrial RevolutionTunnelling entered a period of majordevelopment in the 19th century inresponse to the demands of industrialdevelopment. Population movement anda shift to industry led to the constructionof road, rail and canal tunnels, and alsothe need to install main sewer systems incities. This is turn created a demand fortunnels locations that required anew approach.The most famous example is theTunnel under the Thames designedby Marc Brunel and constructed byhis son Isambard Kingdom Brunel.Similar to most tunnelling jobs, itencountered problems because itwas situated not far below the bedof the river in very soft, saturated soils. Thework started in 1825 but was not openedto the public until 1843. Two things aresignificant about this tunnel; Mr Brunelintroduced the concept of the tunnellingshield, and the tunnel is still in use today aspart of the London underground.The shield was a major development.Marc Brunel’s first patent for a tunnel shieldwas in 1818. It bears many similaritiesto today’s open shields including individualcells or compartments and the use ofhydraulic jacks. In one version the body ofthe shield was advanced by the hydraulicjacks. The alternative version envisagedused hydraulics to force forward individualcells.He originally conceived using a largecircular shield, but due to manufacturingproblems Marc Brunel developed a rectangularshield in 1823 to drive the largetunnel under the River Thames. The shieldconsisted of twelve frames each with threechambers accommodating 36 men excavatingthe face.These early 19th century tunnels werebuilt lined with brick which was laborious,slow and hazardouswork. British engineersP.W. Barlowand J.H. Greatheadobtained a patenton a circularshield in 1864.Mr Greathead used it in 1869 to drive apedestrian tunnel under the Thames withoutundue problems. The Barlow-Greatheadshield had three major advantages – simplicity,safety and speed, introducingthree major innovations that are still in usetoday:• cast iron segments to line thetunnel;• compressed air to keep thewater at bay; and• a grouting pan to inject groutinto the voids behind thesegments.In the late 19th century the need tospeed up face excavation led to theconstruction of various forms of shieldswith mechanical cutting devices. It was J.Price in 1896 who made the main break<strong>through</strong>with his patent for a shield with acutting head for excavating the earth. Itcombined the Barlow-Greathead shieldwith a rotating cutter consisting of fourspoke arms on which the cutter tools werefixed. He also incorporated tub shapedscoops onto the arms, which lifted thecuttings and dropped them onto a chutefeeding muck tubs. The first use was inLondon clay in 1897.These types of shields with cuttingheads, tunnel linings in cast iron and compressedair to balance water table and soilinflow remained the standard approach tosoft ground until 1960. There were manyimprovements and step changes, but thebasics remained the same.Left to right: A 20th Century GreatheadShield, Brunel's Rectangular Sheild arrangement,The J. Price Shield 1896, A 1901"Price Patent" Mechanised Shield built byMarkhams in 1901.Advancing technologyThe second half of the 20th century sawthe development of tunnel machines andthe means to support and line tunnels. Themodern form of the drum digger – the tunnelboring machine (TBM) – was developed in1955 using peripheral hydraulic motors forwork on a 2.69 metre segment lined tunnel,with average progress of 110 m per week.Machines of this type were used to installthe London Transport Victoria Line tunnels.A limitation, which still exists today, isthat the minimum diameter that can beeconomically driven for a traditional tunnelis around 2,000 mm. This is created bythe need to erect the lining using labourbehind the advancing shield.Pressure shieldsPressure balance shields were an importantdevelopment, as they were capableof working in soils by providing activesoil support well below the water table.It was then no longer necessary to usecompressed air, with all its dangers anddrawbacks, to counterbalance the externalsoil and hydrostatic pressure.Slurry machinesThe concept of a slurry pressure balanceshield was put forward in patentsin the UK and Germany in the late 19thcentury. In the mid-20th century, variousdesigns were patented including one inGermany using bentonite slurry. The firstmachine with a cutting wheel and hydraulicmucking was used in Japan in 1967.There were three almost simultaneouslines of development in the UK, Japanand Germany.In the UK John Bartlett was granted apatent in 1964. A prototype was built andused on jobs in London and Mexico, buta number of problems occurred that werenever satisfactorily resolved.Japanese company Mitsubishi developedthis concept into a viable system inthe 1960s. After the initial successful prototype,a number of machines were built.Japanese cities are largely located on thecoastal plains and the subsoil conditionsare mainly alluvial deposits often with highwater tables. Most cities had previouslyrelied on night soil collection as a sewerinfrastructure had not been installed. TheGovernment decreed that all cities andtowns should have sewer collection andtreatment systems, with the allocation ofsubstantial funding. The combination ofneed and conditions created a demandfor the construction industry to install sewersin difficult alluvial ground.A third line of development was theHydroshield from Wayss and Freitag inGermany, introducing a rear compartmentcontaining air under pressure thatacted on the slurry. In 1972, a prototypewas built and used to drive a tunnel underthe port at Hamburg. Modern versions ofthis concept have been widely used.Pressure balance developmentsSeveral manufacturers started producingpressure balance machines in response tothe demand. Initially the first priority was toinstall larger diameter lines in the biggercities, but over time the demand turned tomedium and smaller diameters.Earth pressure balance (EPB) machinesare based on the concept of a blind shieldsometimes used in pipe jacking work incohesive plastic soils. The control of the soilas it enters the chamber creates a balancingpressure. Controlled soil removal asthe shield advances maintains the balancingpressure. By combining advantagesof blind and slurry shields, the pressurebalance shield was developed. The firstcommercial EPB was built by IHI in 1966 inJapan according to the Sato Kogyo design.Early pipe jackingIn parallel, but quite independently,another development was underway. Thiswas the concept of jacking in from the drivepit pipe sections behind the cutting shieldto line the tunnel. By no means was this anew concept. Records of early simple pipejacking go back to the late 19th century inVienna and the USA. The primary use wasto install relatively short lengths of casingsunder rail tracks and roads. Men worked atMICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>July 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>1819

MICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Top left: Earth Pressure Balance shield, topright: illustration of pipe jacking 1980bottom: an early pipe jack using AmcoPipes.the face excavating the soil. It would appearthat many of the pipes were fitted with a leadingsteel cutting edge.At this time no separate steerable shieldwas employed. Steering in good groundwas done by excavating in front of the pipeto the course required. The devices used forjacking were most likely whatever tools wereavailable from other applications. Referencecan be found to screw jacks, ratchet jacks,air piston cylinders and hydraulic jacks.Steel and cast iron pipes were pushed inusing these jacks to provide a pipe or acasing. Concrete pipes came into use fromthe 1920s and records show the installationof concrete pipe with diameters up to2,400 mm. Records have been found of theisolated use of pipe jacking methods in anumber of European countries in the 1930sand 1940s.The renewed interest in pipe jacking wasa natural consequence of market needs.World War II had caused great damage toEuropean infrastructure and little in the wayof replacement work had been undertaken.New infrastructure was needed to meet thedemands of expanding towns and cities andrising living standards. Much of the pipelineinfrastructure had to be installed under busyroads and railways and at depths whereopen cut was impractical. The traditionalmethods were no longer appropriate.During the 1950s, individuals and companiesin the UK, France, Germany andScandinavia independently took up thepipe jacking principle and developed theirown equipment and methods for work. InGermany, Ed Zublin first jacked concretepipe in 1957 and promoted the techniqueboth as manufacturer and contractor.Several other German contractors alsoentered this field. By 1970 it was estimatedthat 200 km of pipe had been jacked inGermany. In the UK, I reintroduced the useof pipe jacking methods in 1958, drivinga casing under a main railway track nearPeterborough and subsequently manyother casings and flexibly jointed concretepipes to provide sewers.Within the USA, similar methods continuedwith relatively little development of techniquewell into the 1960s. Manufacturers’literature in 1964 still offered fixed shields,some with hoods and shelves.During the 1960s and 1970s, techniqueswere refined to form the basis of presentpipe jacking methods. The most importantadvances included concrete pipes withrubber ring joints specially designed forjacking, shields with independent jacks togive steering corrections and the intermediatejacking station.Pipe jacking offered a solution thatallowed short crossings up to 150 m to bemade in a way that was inherently safe aswell as economical. The ability to tunnelsmaller than traditional diameters was oneadvantage. Operatives could be trainedmore quickly in the skills for pipe jackingthan in the skills required to drive a timberedheading.To cope with differing ground conditionsand meet the varying market demandsin different countries, new methods weredevised and equipment improved. Longer,larger bores became possible. By the late1970s, pipe jacking was no longer confinedto crossings. In Japan and Europeit was also applied to sewer installation,traditionally done by conventionaltrenching methods or segment linedtunnels. Mechanical cutting equipment,external lubrication and conveyer systemswere introduced. Hydraulic rams, powerpacks and control systems were greatlyimproved. Contractors soon had accessto more versatile shields. For long drivesand more difficult ground conditions, contractorsneeded compact and efficientjacking rigs and intermediate jacking stations.It was these developments thatallowed jacked installation to become atrue cost effective tunnelling method.Installing sewer pipes required pipejacking to be undertaken at greater depthsand in less cohesive ground conditionsand over longer lengths. It prompteda demand for controllable mechanisedexcavation and spoil disposal. In Japanthere was a large market for sewersless than 2,000 mm to be installed withoutdisruption. The limitations of segmenttunnelling prompted the development inJapan of remotely controlled miniaturisedpressure balance shields.MicrotunnellingThe bringing together of remote controlshields and the principle of pipejacking created the major change in theinstallation of small to medium diametertunnels and sewers. Pipe jacking waslimited to man-entry sizes and cohesiveor pre-treated unstable soil. Japanesemanufacturers combined the two methodsand used the principle of pipe jackingconcrete sewer pipes in diameters greaterthan 1,500 mm with remote control shieldsthat could counterbalance groundwaterand soil inflow. As the demand shiftedtowards installing smaller diameter pipes,the Japanese developed miniaturised versionsof the larger machines.These became known as microtunnellingmachines. An operator at a control panelcould remotely install pipes as small as 300mm, with workers only needed in the drivepit to add the pipe sections.PILOT BORINGThe first microtunnelling machines were not the pressure-balance type, but what are termed thepilot bore type. These were introduced by Komatsu and used for the first time in 1974. There wereand still are many other pilot machines, like Earth Arrow, which are manufactured in Japan. Forthe best part of 30 years they found no market outside South East Asia. Some machines wereimported into North America and Europe but found no acceptance. During this time the auger typemachines typified by the German Soltau machines dominated the small diameter European andNorth American marketsToday the auger machines are no longer produced by any major manufacturer. The small diametermarket is now dominated by pilot bore machines. They have proved to be a lot more cost effective.Major manufacturers in USA and Germany are turning out hundreds of these type of machines.The belated recognition of pilot boring is an interesting development in the market.Microtunnelling– a changing definitionOriginally microtunnelling was defined bytunnelling techniques and activities used inthe formation of underground pipelines of900 mm or less in diameter. Now microtunnellingis generally understood to be anyremote controlled excavation method thatinstalls the pipe behind the shield by jacking.The machines have cutting heads atthe front of a train of pipes being advancedinto the earth. To counterbalance the externalpressures they can have either slurryor earth pressure balance chambers. Ina slurry machine the soil is brought to thesurface by the return slurry line where it isseparated out and the cleaned bentoniteslurry returned into the system.The first slurry pressure-balance microtunnellingmachines were introduced in1979. Japanese manufacturers producedhundreds of pressure balance machines ofall sizes. It was estimated that there wereover 3,000 machines in Japan in the eighties.However, after the big sewer projectswere completed, the demand for newmachines slowed down.In the early 1980s, the West GermanMinistry of Research and Developmentfunded a research project into ways ofimproving techniques for sewer installation.Subsequently a Japanese Iseki 600mm machine was imported to Germanyfor use on the Hamburg DevelopmentProgram between 1981 and 1984, where2,750 m of small diameter sewer pipewere installed. The Hamburg projectconvinced a number of German manufacturersand contractors to producetheir own machines and also to developsmaller ones for installing house connections.The German companies stillremain the biggest users and the mostimportant manufacturers of microtunnellingmachines outside Japan.ObservationsRemote control pressure balance installationfor tunnels and microtunnels in therange of diameters from 300 mm–3,600 mmhas become the preferred method of installation<strong>through</strong>out the world. The inherenttechnical and economic advantages havemore or less displaced segment tunnelsbelow 2,500 mm. The ability to install pipesremotely and accurately from 300 mm andlarger is taking over from deep open cut,which is disruptive, dangerous and dirtyIn the past 25 years there have beenmany improvements, but the basic technologyis unchanged. If one looks at themanufacturer’s literature for slurry machinesbeing produced in the eighties, the flow diagramsand the pictures of equipment don’tlook very different to those being producedtoday. There have, in reality, been manyimprovements in cutters and cutting heads,lubrication, face control, and line and levelmonitoring so that today’s machines havegreater capability for longer and curveddrives in all types of soil from hard rock to themost unstable soils with a high water table.What is not fully appreciated is the waythat the skills required to install a tunnelhave changed with the advances in technology.Just 50 years ago tunnelling wasa hazardous and physically demandingjob for the workers. Today it is intelligenceand understanding, not muscle, that areneeded to operate modern equipment andeven for man entry sizes workers arenot required to be in the tunnel exceptfor maintenance work. This has led to agreat improvement in the safety for tunnelworkers. Fifty years ago a rule of thumb intraditional tunnelling was on average onedeath per mile of tunnel.James Thomson C. Eng. and Independent Consultant, is a pioneer in the trenchless industry. Mr Thomson has worked inthe construction industry for more than 45 years and founded Jason Consultants, leading international consultants in allforms of trenchless technology and utility tunnelling, in 1979. To contact Mr Thomson email jamescthomson@gmail.comMICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>2021

A MexicanstandoffThe Emisor Oriente wastewater duct, located inMexico City, is the largest inner urban wastewatersystem being built in the world. Two of the world’sbiggest TBM companies, Robbins and Herrenknecht,are going head to head to construct the line.MICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Herrenknecht earth pressurebalance shieldsHerrenknecht is providing three TBMsfor this project in diameters of 8.7 and8.89 m. The CEO of CONAGUA José LuisLuege Tamargo witnessed the completionof the first TBM in February this year.“The Eastern Wastewater Tunnel is oneof the most important water projects inthe world if we consider the investmentvolume, the length of the tunnel and thetechnology used,” he said.Eastern Wastewater TunnelS-497 and S-498:• Diameter: 8,700 mm each• Installed power: 1,600 kW each• Total thrust: 73,187 kN each• Cutterhead torque: 9,772 kNm each• Total weight: 905 tonne each• Total length: 97 m each• Tunnel length: 10 km, 8.8 kmS-519:• Diameter: 8,890 mm• Installed power: 2,080 kW• Total thrust: 62,437 kN• Cutterhead torque: 14,043 kNm• Total weight: 867 tonne• Total length: 84 m• Tunnel length: 11.7 km.The tunnel is to serve as an alternative drainage system inaddition to the central tunnel. The new tunnel will have 24inflow ducts at a depth of between 150 – 200 m. The EWTconsists of six stretches with a total length of 63 km and aplanned inner diameter of 7 m. The drainage capacity will beon average 150 cubic meters of water per second.THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM in one ofthe world’s most populous cities is notsufficient for the more than 20 millioninhabitants. Mexico City was foundedon what was once an island in the middleof a lake, and is sinking at a rate of10 cm per year. Over the previous 30years, the city’s critical drainage lineshave lost their slope, resulting in a 40per cent reduction in overall capacity.Mexico’s National Water Commission(CONAGUA) launched a $US2.8 billionWater Sustainability Program in 2007for bulk water supply, drainage andwastewater treatment for the period2007-2012. Six tunnel boring machines(TBMs) will be used in the constructionof the new Eastern Wastewater Tunnel(EWT) with a total length of more than60 km at a depth of up to 200 m.The line is divided into six lots.Mexican contractor Ingenieros CivilesAsociados is responsible for lots 1, 2and 6 – to be bored using Herrenknechtearth pressure balance (EPB) machines.Carso Infraestructura y Construcción,S.A.B de C.V will employ Robbins EPBmachines to bore lots 3, 4 and 5.Robbins EPBMsRobbins is providing three 8.93 mdiameter EPB machines. The RobbinsEPB machines will bore lots 3, 4 and 5of the Emisor Oriente project in geologyranging from sandy clay and gravel to tuffand pumice. The tunnel lengths will be9.6 km, 9.7 km and 9.5 km respectively.Mixed face cutterheads will be usedon the machines, with interchangeablecutting tools depending on the groundconditions. In soil, the machines willutilise knife-edge bits, which can bechanged out with 17 inch disc cuttersin rock. For muck removal, the RobbinsConclusionEPBs will feature 900 mm diameterribbon-type screw conveyers to safelyexcavate ground with boulders, whichare predicted to be up to 600 mm indiameter.The three machines are slated foran early 2010 launch after design andassembly in the United States and China.• Diameter: 8.93 m• Installed power: 1,900 kW• Cutterhead torque: 14,916 kNm• Total length: 90 m back-up + 12 mEPB• Tunnel length: 9.6 km, 9.7 km, 9.5 km.This ambitious and beneficial project involving two of the world’spreeminent trenchless companies is planned for completion inSeptember 2012.“The project will significantly reduce the risk of flooding in MexicoCity and it will improve the safety and well-being of the inhabitantsand protect their properties,” said José Luis Luege Tamargo.MICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>2223

Curved jacking of centrifugallycast GRP pipesby Ulrich Wallmann, GermanyMICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Curved jacking is often required by designers and clients as asolution to specific and environmental, engineering and economicconsiderations. Ulrich Wallmann reports on the developments andtesting in centrifugally cast GRP jacking pipes for curved jackingand reflects on three successful European jacking projects.THE SEPARATION OF a project intostraight sections with bends only insideof the jacking pits often requires moreand deeper jacking pits. With the helpof curvature drives the quantity and thedepth of these jacking pits can be optimised.On the other hand, curved drivesrequire special jacking equipment and aspecial design of the allowable jackingforces.The curvature always results in anangular deflection of the joints and aneccentric longitudinal loading of thepipes. The eccentric longitudinal loadinghas to be considered in particular by thecalculation of the maximum allowableangular deflection of the joint betweenthe pipes and the maximum allowablejacking force of the pipes.The pipe systemCentrifugally cast GRP jacking pipeshave a long record in Europe, Japanand the United States, with more than500 km of pipes installed by the jackingmethod. The pipe has been supplied tojacking projects for more than 20 years,displaying properties such as corrosionresistance, ruggedness, solid walls anda maintenance free life. HOBAS GRPpressure pipes are so far the only GRPpressure pipes on the market that canbe jacked.Because of the high compressivestrength, the pipe has a smaller wallthickness and therefore a smaller externaloutside diameter than most of theother conventional pipes for jacking.Excavation, lubrication and equipmentcosts are also reduced because of thesmaller external diameter.The jacking pipe is available in diametersfrom DN250 up to DN3,000 in unitlength of 1, 1.5, 2, 3 and 6 metres. Thejacking pipe is designed either for gravityor for pressure applications up to PN10.The coupling of the pipe is available inGRP and stainless steel. The allowablejacking force of centrifugally cast GRPjacking pipes is dependant on the wallthickness, with other wall thicknessesavailable on demand.Testing timesOver the past 25 years, dozens of independentverifications of the properties ofcentrifugally cast GRP pipes have beenperformed. Tests have been carried outby testing samples of strips and full pipesunder centric and eccentric loads.At the University of Illinois, theUniversity of Bochum, the University ofDortmund and at the test laboratory ofIKT Gelsenkirchen, full length pipes indiameters between DN500 and DN700were tested.In 2005, at the University of Aachen, atest of centrifugally cast GRP pipes undera cyclic angular deflected joint was carriedout. The findings were that thisUlrich Wallmann Dipl. Ing is Sales Export Manager of HOBAS GroupNorth and has worked for HOBAS for 25 years. Mr Wallmann isChairman of the DIN Committee for GRP Pipes; Associate of the CENand ISO Committee for GRP Pipes and a member of the workinggroup ‘Calculation of Earth Installed Pipes’.Zielona Gora, Polandpipe react linear elastic under eccentriclongitudinal loading. While the pipe wasloaded by a longitudinal force, the pipeends were moved ±20 cm square to thepipe axis and the longitudinal stress andstrain were measured at the spigots andover the pipe length.The material properties of:σ a = 90 N/mm²Σ a = 0.7 per centThe ultimate compressive stress inaxial direction and elongation at break inaxial direction was verified under thesetest circumstances.The Warsaw Project E1Warsaw Waterworks designed a 3.5 kmgravity sewer pipeline with a diameter of2,000 mm for the connection of a downtownliving quarter with the new sewertreatment plant Czajka. The pipe wasinstalled at a depth between 4.7 m and10.6 m to achieve a slope of 0.063 percent. The maximum expected groundwaterlevel was 2 m below the surface.Particular challenges of the pipelineroute included the crossing of the WarsawUnderground railway with a distance ofonly 0.6 m, the crossing of a main railwayto Warsaw Main Station and the crossingof several sewers. Warsaw Waterworksselected a jacking installation with curveddrives in a minimum radius of 200 m toovercome these obstacles, and becausethe installation was partially under verynarrow roads.Warsaw Waterworks choose centrifugallycast GRP pipes for severalreasons. The company had a decade ofa good experience of installing more than10 km of GRP pipes in diameters betweenDN1,000 and DN2,400. The high corrosionresistance would ensure a longlifetime and the hydraulics would providea high flow capacity.The project was contracted in mid-2006and started in October 2006. The pipelinewas partitioned in 15 sections for theinstallation. The longest drive had a lengthof 543 m with a curve with a radius of40 m. In order to satisfy the variousrequirements of all sections, the contractorfinally decided on three different pipes.For the straight sections a pipe with anominal stiffness of 32,000 N/m² and anallowable jacking force was selected. Forthe curved parts pipes with a nominalstiffness of 50,000 N/m² was selected ina unit length of 1.5 m giving an allowablejacking force of 3,600 kN for the 300 mradius and in a unit length of 1 m and anallowable jacking force of 3,000 kN for the200 m radius.The Zielona Gora Project inPolandA pipeline with a diameter of1,000 mm and a length of 63 m had to bebuilt in Zielona Gora, Poland in 2003. TheCity of Zielona Gora opted for a curvedjacking installation in consideration ofthe difficult traffic situation. The locationof the pipeline was downtown, under aroad, between an egg shaped sewerDN700/1,000 and the foundation of amulti-storey building.Jacking at the Warsaw Project E1The route with the least disturbance totraffic was a curved drive with a radius of90 m. The client was fully aware of the riskof a drive with a radius of 90 m. However,because of previous good experience withseveral curved drives with GRP pipes with1,200 and 1,400 mm diameter, the City ofZielona Gora approved the installation ofcentrifugally cast GRP DN1,000 pipes withan external diameter of 1,099 mm and anominal stiffness of 160,000 N/m².These pipes were designed for anallowable jacking force of 4,000 KN forthe straight sections and for 1,400 KNfor the curved drive. All the pipes thathad to pass the curve had a unit lengthof 1 m, while the rear straight sectionused 3 m long pipes. Despite the technicalchallenges up to 24 m per day wassuccessfully installed.The Hexbach Project in EssenGermanyIn the city of Essen, Germany, EssenWaterworks decided to construct a newpipeline with a diameter of 2 m over alength of .1 km to replace an old corrodedand leaking sewer. The only availableroute for the installation of the newpipeline was a green zone and a parkarea in the southwest of the city.Because of these environmental considerations,Essen Waterworks decidedto construct the pipeline using centrifugallycast GRP pipes installed withmicrotunnelling. In order to minimise thedisturbances, a route of three curveddrives with two jacking and two receptionpits was planned.The first drive had a length of 450 mincluding a curve in a length of 375 m witha radius of 600 m. The second drive hada length of 840 m including an S-curve490 m long, with a minimum radius of600 m. The last drive had a length of820 m including a curve of 640 m with aradius of 1,000 m. The selected pipe hasan outside diameter of 2,047 mm and awall thickness of 81 mm. The centrifugallycast GRP pipes are designed foran allowable jacking force of 9,000 KNfor the straight parts of the drives and for6,000 KN for the curves with a radius of600 m. The installation was carried out bya jacking machine with an open front. Thesoil was transported by trolleys. For theprevention of pipe damage, the angulardeflection of the joints was permanentlymeasured and controlled by the systemCO-Jack.MICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>2425

MICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Testing the ground in ItalyIn the north eastern region of Italy, near Venice, extensive environmental studies were carried outon a microtunnelling project to install a new gas pipeline, Flaibano - Gonars, which crosses twoprotected waterlands. The testing attempted to determine some general principles for the impact ofmicrotunnelling on the environment <strong>through</strong> a variety of tests on groundwater, soil, flora and fauna.THE 32 KM Flaibano – Gonars pipelinehas a 30 inch nominal diameter pipe. Itruns <strong>through</strong> the province of Udine in theRegion of Friuli Venezia Giulia, locatednortheast of Italy. The focus of this articleis the technical solutions adopted duringthe design phase as well as the environmentalmonitoring performed during theconstruction phase of the microtunnelling.Design and ground conditionsDuring the design phase, a geognosticsurvey was performed to determine whichdrilling method was best suited to thegeotechnical features of the land to becrossed. Besides the geotechnical characteristicsof the soil itself, this survey alsorevealed two water tables, separated bylimited impermeable layers.From a technical point of view, thetrenchless crossing was designed tosafeguard and comply with the faunaand groundwater protection of the twoareas; the site of community importance‘Paludi di Gonars’ and the regional biotape‘Paludi del Corno’. Microtunnellingwas deemed the most suitable techniqueto safeguard the hydrogeological balanceof the area.The area falls in the transition zonecalled ‘Linea delle Risorgive’, between the‘Upper’ and ‘Lower’ Friuli Plans.The Upper Plain consists of alluvialpermeable sediments – gravel and pebbleswith sandy or silty-sandy matrices.The rainwater penetrates the subsoil anddescends until it reaches the impermeablelayer, which blocks its path, creatingthe aquifers which flow slowly toward thesea.In the Lower Plain, alluvial sedimentswere found of fine sand and clayalternating with irregularly distributedgravelly-sandy impermeable sediments.The alternate permeable and impermeablelayers causes the local upwelling ofgroundwater, and creates the characteristic‘rogge’.The geological and geotechnical surveyprovided the following information:• To the south of the town of Gonars,within the gravelly alluvional complex,there is a surface district withsoils typical of a natural marsh(The Corno Wetlands);• In the SIC area the soils consist of:1. A 6 m thick surface layer made up byclayey silts and sandy silts, at timesorganic;2. An underlying layer made up of sandygravellydeposit containing stones(maximum diameter 8-10 cm), runningto at least the maximum depth of 34 mreached.The technical approach was based oninformation gathered from the geotechnicalsurvey, aiming to avoid any possiblerisk of environmental pollution. A totallysealed starting pit was created to preventany contact between the surfaceand deep aquifers. Plastic baffles werearranged at the points crossing <strong>through</strong>the clayey-silty layer, located above thegravelly-sandy aquifer. A variable hydraulicbalance was maintained during thevarious phases of excavation and thedrilling head operating pressure was keptin equilibrium according to the externalpressure detected along the route.During excavation, a bentonite film wascreated to insulate the dig. Particularattention was paid to the points of lithologicalchanges, thus preventing the variousaquifers from intermingling. The cavitybetween the pipeline and the microtunnelwas completely plugged to preventany possible passage of water on theinside and the entire yard was markedoff with sound-proofing panels in orderto prevent any disruption to the faunapresent in the area. Moreover, in order tolimit interference with the aquifers, drillingwas completed without an exit pit and thedrilling head was only recovered after themicrotunnel and the soil had been fullysealed with special plastic mixtures.Above: The cutting head.MICROTUNNEL FACTSLength: 815 mDepth: 16.5 mExternal diameter: 2.4 mVertical bending radius: 1.5 mEntry angle: 9 degreesExit angle: 9 degreesThe microtunnel testing groundThe microtunnel diameter was sized toallow, in the event of tunnel jacking blockage,a visual inspection and the use of amachine equipped with a ‘push-module’.The jacking shaft was sized in compliancewith Snam Rete Gas recommendation. Asolid contrast ground fill was performedafter the construction of the starting pitwas completed.The cutting head – designed accordingto the characteristic particle size distributioncurve – is a mixed head withspecial partialisation plates to ensure bettercontrol over excavation front stability.In order to prevent any risk of drillingbeing blocked, shifts were set to guaranteesteady work 24 hours a day.During the drilling phase groundwatermonitoring was conducted in two phases:Phase 1: Monthly piezometer level readings(June 2006 December 2007) onpiezometers PZ1, PZ2 and PZ3.In the PZ1 two levels of aquifers wereidentified; a superficial aquifer in thesandy-silty level and an underlying semiartisianaquifer. With reference to PZ2and PZ3 only a semi-artisian aquifer wasverified.Phase 2: Continuous monitoring(October 2007 – December 2007) of thewater quality of both the undisturbedgroundwater and the excavation area,using multiprobe units installed in wellsA and B (temperature, pH, electricalconductivity, dissolved oxygen, redoxpotential, piezonmetric level).The trend in the depth of the groundwater(Piezometer Pz1 A) and the piezometriclevel of the underlying alluvial aquifer(Piezometers Pz1 B, Pz2 and Pz3) arereported in the graph below left.The graph illustrates the seasonal fluctuationof the three principal aquifers.From a maximum recorded on June 2006there was a steady drop in the piezometriclevel until the minimum recorded inNovember 2006. After that the piezometriclevel of the main aquifer started increasingagain. Likewise the groundwater aquifer(recorded at piezometer Pz1 A) showeda general, seasonal trend similar to that ofthe underlying aquifer. However, a peaksituation – that is the minimum aquiferdepth – was recorded in the month ofFebruary 2007 (-1.3 m below groundlevel) and anomalous piezometric levelswere seen in March 2007 (-1.54 m bgl)and in April 2007 (-1.89 m bgl).To check for any significant variationsin the chemical-physical properties of theunderground waters, during October 2007two PVC monitoring wells ‘well A’ and ‘wellB’ were created at a distance of 5 m fromthe drilling axis, downstream of the underwaterrunoff component. With continuousmonitoring, the team was able to verify theinterference of the digging equipment andits progress with regard to the hydrogeologicaland chemical-physical conditionsat the beginning of works, during, and atthe final phase.The undisturbed groundwater in well Ahad a temperature of about 14.08 degreesCelsius. During the boring machine passage,on 7 November, the temperatureincreased from 14.08 to 14.15 degrees.From 9 November until the end ofmeasurements on 22 November, the temperaturegradually increased again to nearly14.35 degrees Celsius. This increasein recorded temperature is due to thephenomenon of heat radiating from thereinforced concrete pipes of the microtunnel,which are heated by electric motorsand equipment surrounding the microtunnelunder works.At a depth of 20 m, the groundwatermaintains an almost constant temperature;well B is approximately 14.16degrees. From 27 November, the temperatureincreased to 14.25 degrees,then fluctuating between 14.24 and 14.22degrees until 4 December. At well B, theincrease in temperature, due to the heatflow induced by the reinforced concretepiping heated by the drilling equipment,was lower than at well A: ∆T=0.09 degreesCelsius. The drilling works finished on8 December.Twelve days after drilling was completed,the temperature was still 0.02 degreeshigher than the original because the microtunnelwas still being affected by internalworks to remove the equipment.For well A the values of electrical conductivitywere maintained at constant levels– in the undisturbed groundwater – fluctuatingbetween 790 and 800 μS/cm. From27 to 28 October, values in the range of804 – 814 μS/cm were registered (naturalvariations). A slight increase in the conductibility(from 801-803 μS/cm) was seenafter the cutting head passage, howeverthe values stabilise on 8 November at793-795 μS/cm. There were however, nomarked or abnormal fluctuation values.For well B, the μS/cm values maintaineda constant – in the undisturbed groundwater– fluctuating between 670 and 678μS/cm; from 26 to 28 November fluctuatingvalues of 670 to 688 μS/cm wereregistered. The successive values remainin the range of 671 to 675 μS/cm until the 6December and they then become constantat 672 – 673 μS/cm. There was no markedor abnormal fluctuation values in this caseeither.There was no anomalous situationsfound in pH during the mechanised drillingand during the cutting head passagethere was no marked variation in dissolvedoxygen values.ConclusionsThe study showed that none of theparameters were permanently affectedby the drilling. The parameters monitoredtended to return to their initial condition inonly a few days.Ongoing monitoringThe installation of multiprobe units inadequately built monitoring wells set at 5 mfrom the drilling axis showed an absenceof any significant variations in the chemical-physicalparameters of the waters. Noanomalous situations were found due tocontamination and/or alteration induced bythe mechanical drilling.In regard to the outside environment at thesurface, the precautions adopted were ableto prevent any disruptions and the workswere performed without objections fromthe control authorities. Moreover, the preexistinghydrological system was perfectlyintact when the works were completed.Thus the drilling method adopted,together with the insights applied duringexecution, ensured full respect for the surroundingterritory.This is an edited version of a paper preparedby Snam Rete Gas, Enereco and ICOP at No-Dig2009 entitled A microtunnel crossing of a highlyenvironmental impact area (Italy). For more detailedinformation, references and acknowledgementsplease refer to the paper.MICROTUNNELLING & PIPE JACKINGJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>2627

Grundodrill heats upGerman castleDistrict heating, a system for distributing heat generated ina centralised location for residential and commercial heatingrequirements, is becoming ever more popular. HDD was selectedto install the district heating pipes for a castle in Germany.The Duchess and Dukewere very happy withthe results as they barelynoticed any bore worktaking place.The start of the pilot bore can be steered andcontrolled with a remote control directly from theinstallation pit.The bore head had to work its wayup over an extremely short distance of5 m to a depth of approximately 3 m at agradient of 30 per cent, directly behindthe water pit and just ahead of the castlewall. After this stage of the boringwas completed, the bore head could beexposed and the upsizing bores of 200mm and 370 mm could begin.The 370 mm backreamer was alsoused for the installation of the pipe bundle.Due to the very limited space in frontof the castle wall and the cold temperatures,the connection of the three plasticpipes to the backreamer proved to bevery difficult. Despite these challengesthe pipe installation ran very smoothlyand only took three hours to reach theintermediate pit. The pipe cross-sectionwas exchanged in the pit and the160 mm district heating pipe andthe empty pipe were connected. TheGrundodrill 15 XP required only half anhour for the remaining 20 metres.The bore team had completed all thework within one week and was able toclear the jobsite. The Duchess and Dukewere very happy with the results as theybarely noticed any bore work takingplace.Pioneers in <strong>Trenchless</strong> since 1962PROJECTSStable building, bore path.HDD-Rigs with percussive hammer*robust and reliable - even for rock boresGrundodrill 15N* for bores in gravel, stone, debrisPROJECTSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>THE LAER CASTLE in Meschede inGermany, which was the ancestral seatof the Duke of Westphalia Fuerstenberg,is to be converted to district heating. Theoil heater will then be switched off, butnot completely dismantled. The districtheating will be supplied by a wood-firedheating station, providing heating powerof 600 kW. When used to full capacitythis heating station requires two tonnes ofwood chips daily. Horizontal directionaldrilling (HDD) has been selected in orderto protect the properties of the pipesdelivered in PE-endless rolls.The administration at the Duke’s statelyhome assigned the installation work to thecompany Bohrtechnik Spiekermann fromSchmallenberg. They selected the newGrundodrill 15 XP HDD rig for the job.The bore path runs over a length of 90m from a forecourt beneath a 12 m widestable building across the castle’s innercourtyard, right up to the Duke’s residencewing, where all past and presentheating systems are situated. Here, thefitters were already preparing two corebores, each with a diameter of 300 mmfor the forward and reverse mode of theheating pipes <strong>through</strong> the 1.6 m thickcastle wall.Inside the stable building, an intermediatepit was excavated. A specific featureof this bore was that this intermediate pitwas to be used in order to install two 140mm district heating pipes with a PE corepipe of 75 mm diameter in one directionover a length of 70 m, and in the oppositedirection over a length of 20 m, 160 mmdistrict heating pipes with a PE core pipe90 mm in diameter. An empty pipe ND 63for the control cable was also installed.The soil at a bore depth of 5.5 m wasmainly clay-stone. The soil in the target pitarea was extremely rocky, partially grownbut partially filled with massive quarrystones. The MDH bore head applied wasthe right choice and the pilot bore wascompleted in only one day.with digital display • pipes up to Ø 550 mm • bore lengths up to 400 mTRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG · P.O. Box 4020 · D 57356 LennestadtPhone: +49 2723 808291 · Email: · www.tracto-technik.com45 years ofexperienceJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>2829

Million pound HDDrig in MontanaBuilt in Germany, the Mears custom designed million poundpullbackHDD rig was put straight to work installing pipeline toreplace a product line to a major oil refinery in the city of Billings,Montana, located in the north of the United States sharing aborder with Canada.The project site in Billings, Montana.PROJECTSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>PRO PIPE SERVICES (PPS), EnergyContract Services and Mears Group, Inc.set a high standard in safety, design andplanning on the HDD project.Contracted by PPS, Mears installed a 10inch diameter steel pipeline. The 1,635 footline replaced the existing product line tomake way for a road expansion project atAirport Road. This product line connects toa major oil refinery located in Billings. Theproject was planned by Energy ContractServices’ Project Manager Derek Pfeifer.PPS representative Ron Marsh said“Safety came first and foremost in thedesign and was visible <strong>through</strong>out thecourse of this project. Energy ContractServices worked together with the owner tobring a unique blend of expertise and constructionsavvy to the table as this projectcame into fruition.“Without their due diligence and commitmentto the high expectations set bymanagement, this project would have notbeen such a smooth and enjoyable projectto be a part of. Upfront planning of aproject before the bid process is key to thesuccess of any project.”Setting safety standards for HDDThe project commenced on 9 January2009 when Mears set up its new millionpound rig in a constricted area alongAirport Road overlooking the industrialarea of Billings. Installation of the newproduct line required careful considerationof the proximity of the existing line.“By bringing Mears Group on as apart of the construction team, it wasevident that the direct and professionalapproach that PPS and Mears employeesdisplayed would result in success.Working together with the owner’s projectmanagement and field representatives,meeting those high expectations ofsafety and performance would not be aproblem,” said Mr Marsh.During pilot hole operations, Mearsdrilled along the designed alignmentwithin 2 feet of the existing line and thennavigated a tortuous 37 degree curvetoward the exit on the north side ofAirport Road.Transferring drill pipe can be extremelyhazardous without the right proceduresand equipment in place. UsingMears’ vibratory sheet pile driver.a Deckhand to manoeuvre drill pipe onand off the rig, Mears’ staff moved thedrill pipe with precision. The Deckhandallows the operator to place and removedrill pipe on and off the drilling rig with360 degrees rotation, rotational controlof the pipe and lateral movement. It alsoallows the drill pipe to be loaded at varyingangles depending on the rig setupand configuration.Project Manager for Mears RonHalderman said “Having the right peopleand right equipment are key componentsto any construction project, andthis crossing was no exception.”The new rig that Mears commissionedfor this project has many safety featuresthat are integral to its design, suchas handrails and ladders strategicallyplaced to safely assist the crew duringdrilling operations.The right rigThe Mears’ million pound rig was builtby Prime Drilling in Germany and customdesigned for Mears – it is the only one ofits kind in North America.The rig features a non-restricted mudcourse inlet and includes a unique slidingmandrel option. The drill frame has atubular construction rather than the moretypical I-beam configuration, making thedrill frame stronger and more structurallysound. The carriage is equipped with asophisticated bearing system with precisetolerances between the drill frameand carriage. Factoring safety into itsfleet, Mears specifically required a pipeloader to be incorporated in the design ofthis new rig.Pipe loaderThe pipe loader eliminates the need forany manual assistance on the drilling rigand the associated possibility for errorsduring drill pipe loading and unloadingoperations. It allows the drill operatorto maintain full control of the drill pipewhile it is being loaded in to the rig. Thisproduces safer work stations for the wiresplicers during pilot hole operation whilethey connect the steering wire <strong>through</strong> thedrill pipe. Equipped with a smart system,which is able to prevent any incorrectmovement of the carriage during pipeloading operations, the pipe loader eliminatessuch hazardous situations or fatalerrors. Keeping employees out of harmsway, the pipe loader keeps the operationof the rig running safely and smoothly.The power plant that accompaniesMears’ new rig spread contains featuresthat make the rig unique to the industry.Weighing in at 78,000 pounds – whichincludes all components: tractor, trailerDeckhand.and power plant – the overall sound levelof the entire setup is half that of a similarrig of this size. The unique sound suppressedsystem keeps sound levels to aminimum during drilling operations.Mears Group Asset Manager KarlQuackenbush said “Acquiring a largerrig with the strength, precision and safetyelements to keep complex and largeprojects on schedule was a key factorin the configuration of the design.When we acquired the rig, along with itspipe loader, we strategically selected theequipment components to optimise safetyand to be the best suited for projects thatare complicated and large.”Vibratory foundation driverIn setting up the rig in preparationfor drilling operations, Mears used itsnew vibratory foundation driver that drovesteel piles in front of the rig to providesolid anchorage during its drilling operations.On this crossing, this state-of-the-artThe million pound rig with pipe loader.system installed the sheet piling in only15 minutes. All the drilling operations,and in particular the pullback operations,benefited from this set up that gave outstandingstability and holding capacity.Mears said the vibratory system for installingand removing the drilling rig’s anchorsis not only more efficient than other moretypical methods, but is infinitely safer andmore controlled.The product pipeline string was fabricatedin 800 feet lengths due to the limitedspace, and then it was welded togetherhalfway <strong>through</strong> the pullback operation.“Pullback went extremely smooth. We hada perfectly clean bore that made it veryeasy,” said superintendent of the MearsGroup Gale Sarkozi.The project was completed on schedule,ending 31 January“It’s really good to see this level ofsafety commitment and professionalismexhibited by everyone who participated,”said Mr Pfeifer.PROJECTSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>3233

Pipe bursting –big in JapanPost-1945 Japan saw the construction of essential underground infrastructure across the country. Asa result, many Japanese cities now have sewer networks of lengths exceeding 7,000 km, which havebeen in place for over 50 years.Table 1 Movement of the underground at the time of the pipe replacementpoint Distance frompipeRadial expansion radius Sub-surfacemovementP-1 91 cm 150 mm 23 cm 21 mm 7 mmP-2 350 cm 150 mm 23 cm 0 mm 1 mmP-3 350 cm 150 mm 23 cm 0 mm 1 mmP-4 197 cm 150 mm 23 cm 2 mm 3 mmEstimationWHILE EXISTING SEWER systems inJapan have continued to function farbeyond their design service life, thepipelines have deteriorated and needcostly maintenance and repair. This hasbeen a concern for Japanese sewageengineers for over 15 years, and hasbeen a driving force for the developmentof alternative repairing techniques forunderground infrastructure, such as liningsystems or pipe bursting.Recently, indirect costs have alsobeen a focus when choosing betweenopen cut and <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology.Costs related to traffic disturbance,road or lane closing, timeframes forrepairs, business interruptions and environmentalintrusion have all becomeconsiderations in this decision.The system of EXP-technology.awareness within the industry thattrenchless pipe replacement methodsmay be developed as an alternative topipeline renovation technology.EXP technology was chosen as a costeffectiveway of replacing deterioratingwastewater pipeline. If this practicalstudy abates concerns held by utilityowners about collateral damage frompipe bursting, the authors expect thatthere will be growing support for the useof pipe bursting as a rehabilitation techniquein Japan.This is an edited version of a paper entitled ThePractical Study on the Pipe Bursting Technologyby Expandit in Japan by T. Sato, H. Shimada,T. Sasaoka, K. Matsui, M. Hirai, R. Yamaokapresented at No-Dig 2009. Please refer to thepaper for more detailed information, referencesand aknowledgements.p-1, p-4: sub-surfacep-2, p-3: railArrivingp-10.91p-2 p-33.5m15.66.5m1.97mFigure 2: Replacement of pipe under railroad and ground movement.p-4StartingPROJECTSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Expanding trenchless techniquesIn 2004, the Expandit TM burstinghead was introduced to Japan by theUnited Kingdom-based company PercoEngineering Services. The EXP technologyinvolves the insertion of the burstinghead into the existing pipe to cause it toshatter. The new pipe is pushed in behindthe bursting head, which is in turn pulled<strong>through</strong> the existing pipe, creating acavity.Pipe bursting under the railsThe EXP Technology solution hasrecently been used to replace a deterioratedsewage pipe under a railway.The EXP Technology is the only trulyhydraulic pipe bursting system in Japan.The burst heads correspond to the newpipe being installed. EXP-200V and EXP-250V are available for pipe replacementvia a type-1 manhole, which has 900 mmdiameter.The EXP-250V model can be usedfor polyvinyl chloride pipe replacement,and the system allows for the installationof replacement pipes of up to150 per cent of the diameter of theexisting one. The system works witha hydraulically operated cone-shapedburst head, enabling it to be openedand closed. All heads are designed sothat the user can work from an existingmanhole or from a special chamberdesigned to install new pipes.The project involved an existing foulsewer pipe, located under a rail line,which required upgrading. As the preferredmethod of construction was onethat would permit an increase in thepipe’s capacity, an EXP method of constructionwas adopted. The drainageunder the railway was replaced by theEXP system. Figure 2 shows a cross sectionof this stage of the project.The original clay pipe measured15.6 m in length, with an inner diameterof 460 mm, while the installed pipe innerdiameter is 600 mm. At this site, theinner diameter of existing concrete pipescould be increased by about 150 mm,so that pipes measuring 450 mm in innerdiameter would have been replaced withnew pipes measuring 600 mm in innerdiameter.As the project was conducted under arail line, the work had to be carried outwith great caution. In the table below,P-1 and P-4 are the subsurface points,while P-2 and P-3 are the rail elevationpoints. According to estimations priorto pipe bursting, the rail level would riseabout 1 mm. However, the rail elevationdid not rise at all. The displacementof P-1 from the top of the pipe was 21mm, and the displacement of P-4 was2 mm. The table opposite shows themeasured data. The pipe bursting worktook approximately 12 hours, and wascompleted safely, without damage to theoverhead railway.Conclusions1. Pipe bursting is a proven method ofreplacing and upsizing undergroundutilities safely and economically.2. The EXP system did not have anyproblem under a railroad. In fact, itproved to be ideally suited to suchconditions.3. As this method allows work from amanhole, there is minimal impact onresidential areas.4. The EXP system removes localiseddeviations such as dropped pipe orstepped joint, while also capable ofreplacing pipes.The infrastructure constructed forJapan’s period of high growth after 1945now needs restoring. This is a time ofrehabilitation for Japan. There is growingPROJECTSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>3435

Abu Ali SideShowing HDD Entry Pits 1 & 2Berri CausewayShowing location for HDD Exits Pits 1 & 2Arabian GulfAbu Ali Pier0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000MetersCAD Drawing showing plan and profile view of the Berri Causeway bore paths.PROJECTSJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>straight lines parallel to the long axis of theclosed wire loop, particularly easy to usefor navigation.For the extremely high resolutionrequired to complete an intersect underground,a separate Axial Magnet sublocated in the target borehole was used toperform the last few metres of the undergroundintersect instead of the closedwire loop.Pilot hole drillingFor both pilot holes, the pilot hole forthe 24 inch oil pipeline and the pilot holefor the 30 inch water line, a closed loopguidewire was placed on the sea bottomfrom Abu Ali to Berri Causeway. Diverswere used together with surface smallboats to place heavy weights (anchors)on the sea bottom at approximately 10m intervals along the surface track of theunderground bores. Their locations weresurveyed with GPS. Once all the anchorswere in place, the double guidewire wasattached to each weight, leaving a minorbit of slack in the line wire to account formovements caused by sea currents.The pilot hole for the 24 inch productpipe was completed first, followed by thepilot hole for the 30 inch product pipe.For each pilot hole, drilling operationsbeneath the guidewire on the sea bottomcommenced simultaneously from BerriCauseway and from Abu Ali. The guidanceof the drilling was performed withthe ParaTrack-II steering tool mountedbehind the drill bit of each pilot holesensing the magnetic field establishedby the double guidewire on the sea bottom.The bottom hole assembly for both boreholesconsisted of the drill bit, the mudmotor, the bent sub and the ParaTrack-IIsteering tool installed between two 9 mlengths of non-magnetic drill pipe. TwoParaTrack-II systems were required forthe project, since drilling from Abu Aliand Berri Causeway occurred at thesame time.When the two bores approached eachother, the Berri Causeway bottom holeassembly was changed to contain theParaTrack-II steering tool and the AxialMagnet sub. The Axial Magnet sub containsa collection of bar magnets, givingcentimetre accuracy in the position of theParaTrack-II Steering tool behind the bitof the Abu Ali bore relative to the positionof the Axial Magnet sub behind the BerriCauseway drill bit. The final few metres ofnavigation to the intersection point, whichwas located approximately 1,000 metresfrom the Abu Ali Exit point was performedwith the Axial Magnet source rather thanthe guidewire source.During the final approach to the intersection,the operator used one of the displaysin RivCross, the ParaTrack software, tovisualise and measure the approach vectorsto the target as shown right. The sixsmaller circles inside the 1 m circle representthe final six positions of the drill bit asit approached the target bore.Once intersection was reached, the AbuAli pilot hole string was pulled from thehole immediately followed by pushing theBerri Causeway pilot hole string <strong>through</strong>the already drilled hole to the exit pointat Abu Ali. This completed the first pilothole for the 24 inch line. Immediatelythereafter, the pilot hole was started for the30 inch line.No undue problems were encounteredduring the drilling of either pilot hole withthe exception of several occurrences ofthe guidewire on the sea bottom beingcut by shipping operations in the ArabianGulf.Completion of the pilot holes wasfollowed by reaming and hole openingoperations followed. At this stage, the roleof Prime Horizontal was finished.Intercept Vector Plot.For more information contact:This project gives testament to thearrival of HDD intersect drilling as a proventechnology, no longer in the experimentalstage. From the point of view of the magneticguidance of HDD projects, the BerriCauseway project was a great success,due in large measure to the excellent preprojectplanning by all parties involved inthe project.Chairman of DCL Abdullah Natheersaid “The Project was very challenging. Itwas the first in many ways, the length, thediameter of the product pipe, the diameterof the bore hole, the weight of the pipe,the environment.“Even though these were record breakingcrossings, and the challenges weregreat, the co-operation of everyoneinvolved, including a sizable number ofoverseas participants, contributed positivelyto make it possible.”Mr Natheer would also like to thankMr Saleh Al-Robaya, Managing Directorof Al-Robaya Est, who demonstratedexcellent support and understandingof the execution of all project phases,and his project partner, Mr SaeedKhoury, Managing Director of TATCO,Abu Dhabi.Prime Horizontal www.primehorizontal.comDigital Connections Co. Ltd., Guidance ServicesParaTrack DistributorDrilling Tool Sales and RentalPrime Horizontal CompaniesThe Netherlands: +31 (0)251 271 790In USA: 1-570-675-0901www.primehorizontal.com38

RESINSRESINSRELINING TOOLS & TECHNIQUESJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Relining tools and techniquesRelining tools and techniques are an essential part of pipe rehabilitation – in this <strong>Trenchless</strong><strong>International</strong> feature we look at Swagelining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, aninnovative tool for manhole assessment, a manhole rehabilitation project in Singapore and therecipient of the ISTT’s innovative technology award for pipe rehabilitationCured-in-place pipe:past, present andfutureby Kaleel RahaimEric Wood developed a process that changedthe world of infrastructure renovation; thatprocess has changed in the thirty odd years ofuse and will continue to evolve.Kaleel Rahaim is Business Manager Remediation Polymers, Interplastic Corporation,Thermoset Resins DivisionIN 1972, ERIC Wood had a leaky pipeunder his garage in England. He developeda method of in situ renovation thateliminated the need to dig up his garagefloor to repair the pipe. Today this is asuccessful method, used worldwide, toremediate deteriorated pipes with minimumdisruption to the environment andminimal social impact. In the future, thecured-in-place pipe (CIPP) process willcontinue to evolve to meet the needsof changing regulatory constraints, providebetter installation economics, anduse newly developed equipment and rawmaterials for broader applications.Evolving technologyToday the CIPP process in NorthAmerica involves the use of a thermosetresin, a bag generally composed of feltand an initiator system requiring heat orultraviolet (UV) light for activation. Over 95per cent of the CIPP liners installed in NorthAmerica today require heat to activate thesystem. A relatively new entry to the marketin North America is the system curedwith UV light. In Europe, the UV curedsystem has a much larger market share.The thermoset polymers used are mostlypolyester or vinyl ester resins. These resinsare generally styrene based systems. Thisholds true for CIPP polymers used aroundthe world. Epoxy resins are also used to amuch smaller extent in gravity applicationsand are 100 per cent solids.Currently the CIPP process finds applicationprimarily in gravity lines, includingsanitary sewers, storm water lines, andprocess lines. Current CIPP technologyalso finds application in low pressure linessuch as force mains and low pressureprocess lines. There is a growing trendto develop products and processes touse the CIPP process in higher pressurelines. These new processes and productsare even now becoming available to themarketplace.ResinsRecent developments in new thermosettingresins include resins capable ofhandling higher temperatures, more corrosiveenvironments, and higher pressureapplications. Some products continue tobe styrene based, others have no styreneand some even have no HAP (hazardousair pollutants) and no VOC (volatileorganic compounds). Some resins areconsiderably more expensive than theircontemporary counterparts, some moreeconomical.In North America, resin producers haveintroduced lower cost resin systems utilisingdifferent polymer bases and alsoalternative enhancing agents. The performanceof these systems appears tooffer the same benefits of the traditionalpolymer systems. Resin manufacturersare also beginning to offer resins systemsthat contain no styrene. The contractorand owner should exercise care in evaluatingsome of these alternative systems.Some replacements for styrene offer nobenefit in the way of resin odour reductionor potential contamination concerns.These systems may claim to be ‘styrenefree’ but lead the user down a false pathof hope. There are systems that are ‘styrenefree’ that do offer a true ‘low odour’system containing nothing of concernfrom a human health or environmentalpollution standpoint. Resin producers arealso beginning to offer resin system alternativesto epoxies for use in drinking waterapplications. As more of these systemsbecome available, contractors will beginto develop processes that will offer theowner more alternatives for water linerenovation.Bag materialsBag materials also continue to evolve.Traditionally bag construction was all polyesterfelt and served only as a carrier forthe thermoset resins. The resins were thesole contributor to the mechanical propertiesof the system. Today bags continueto be available with needled polyester felt,but hybrid bags are making a much largerappearance in the marketplace. Thesebags have various layers including thetraditional polyester felt, but also includea layer of reinforcing material in someconfiguration. These reinforcing materialsmay be fiberglass, aramid fibres, orcarbon fibres. There are also braidedproducts available. Some bag manufacturersare also offering bags made strictlyof a reinforcing media.Much of this technology is beingimported from Europe where this type ofsubstrate has been in use for some time.These new configurations allow muchbroader latitude for the contractor andengineer to design a CIPP liner with amuch wider range of application. Withthese new bag constructions, the bag nowbecomes a significant contributor to themechanical properties of the system. Withthis change in the mechanical propertyas a contributing factor for the liner, morechallenges emanate in design and testingfor CIPP liners.CuringThere are also new developments inprocessing the system. As the CIPP processmatures, new equipment has becomeavailable for making the process moreaccurate, faster and more dependable.Hot air cure systems allow a smallerfootprint on the project site. This processalso promises a faster and possibly moreeconomical project cost for CIPP projects.Hot air CIPP projects also emit less processwater to the environment or to thetreatment plant.Other developments include the useof UV light to initiate the polymerisationreaction for a liner. This process is amore mature process in Europe, but still arelatively new process in North America.Using this process promises more andbetter quality control for the process. Newdevelopments in the bulbs for the lighttrain, and bag and film developments areallowing thinner, stronger bags that maximiseflow capacities.A process proven for performanceThe evolution does not end here.The future of this process promisesnew developments to improve both theproduct properties and economics ofinstallation. One promising area for thefuture is tying the service connectionsinto the main line. This connection hastraditionally been a large source of infiltrationinto the main line. Even afterrelining and grouting the connection,inflow reduction was still lacking. Newprocesses are being announced monthlyfor providing a better ‘seal’ between thelateral and the main line.As new bag composites evolve, experience,along with the same computertechnology used to design compositesfor marine and bridge applications, maybe used to design better bags for theCIPP process.With the new bag systems and thenew thermoset resins available, and withnew processing equipment and technology,the contractor and owner will havemore options available for pipe renovationusing the CIPP process. A processproven for performance will become evenbetter.RELINING TOOLS & TECHNIQUESJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>4243

Swagelining in the CongoA steel pipeline designed to transport seawater to oil wells in the Republic of Congo, in order toincrease production, is being swagelined. The estimated 60 km length is thought to be the longestswagelining project ever undertaken.MANHOLESRELINING TOOLS & TECHNIQUESJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>THE REPUBLIC OF Congo (ROC) reliesheavily on the oil industry: the productionof about 261,000 barrels of oil per daygenerates approximately 40 per cent ofthe country’s wealth.M’Boundi is an ROC oil field some55 km inland from the coast that is lookingto use seawater to pump into its wellsto increase oil production, a practicerecognised <strong>through</strong>out the industry. Toachieve this goal, a new 600 mm diameterpipeline is being constructed to bringseawater from the coast to the oil field. Toensure that the steel pipeline has a significanteconomic lifespan, a plastic pipeliner will be installed to protect the innerpipe wall from the rigours of operating ina saltwater environment. The installationof the plastic liner is to be carried out onthe construction site using Swageliningtechniques.The client for this project is ENI ofMilan, Italy, with the main contractor beingSOCOFRAN, who will execute the maincivils/excavation works for the project.Contractor Beender has been engagedto complete the pipeline fabrication andinstallation works.M’Boundi projectPreparationsPreparations for construction on theM’Boundi Project, which is believed to thelongest ever swagelining project undertaken,have begun with the early phasesof the first pipes being laid out. Oncepipeline installation starts, lengths of pipe,as delivered, are laid out along the route.These are then welded into sections,SwageliningThe swagelining system is a closefit relining system developed in theUK by British Gas and now licensedby GL Industrial Services UK Ltd,formerly Advantica. The system usespolyethylene (PE) pipe with an outsidediameter slightly larger than the insidediameter of the pipe to be lined.This PE pipe is pulled <strong>through</strong> areduction die to temporarily reduceits diameter, thereby allowing it to bepulled into the original pipeline. Whenknown in the oil industry as stalks, aboveground.The individual stalks are then swagelined.The pipe being used for theswagelining process is approximately60 km of PE100 SDR 33, 610 mm diameterPE pipe manufactured and suppliedby GPS PE Pipe Systems.The final stage in the pipe preparationis to weld together the swagelined stalksinto a complete length using specialistconnectors. It is only at this stage that thetrench for the pipe is excavated alongsidethe pipeline. The pipe is then lowered intothe trench and buried.Welding and winchingThe welding process using the specialconnectors is a vital part of the constructionprocess to ensure that the steel pipeends weld successfully and the plasticliner pipe ends are also sealed to providea continuous protective internal liner tothe pipeline.Pipe Equipment Specialists has severalyears experience in large scale swageliningof this type and in order to ensurethat the process is carried out to thehighest possible standard the companyis providing constant support onsite withthe presence of a swagelining supervisor.In addition to the basic swageliningequipment, the required time frame of theproject meant that the work needed to becompleted quickly and it was decidedthat normal winching products wouldhave had difficulty meeting the requiredproduction schedule. Pipe EquipmentSpecialists investigated how this potentialproblem could be overcome.the pulling load is removed the linerpipe returns to its original diameter untilit becomes a tight fit against the insideof the host pipe. It is suitable for gas,water, sewer, slurry and other pipelines(such as the ROC seawater pipeline)from 75 mm to 1,200 mm diameter.The equipment for the M’Boundi projectis being provided by Pipe EquipmentSpecialists Ltd of the UK, a companylicensed by GL Industrial Services UKLtd as the sole worldwide operator tomanufacture and supply equipment forthe process.Pipes laid out for welding and swageliningonsite in the Republic of Congo.Ultimately, using basic technologyoften found in the pipe bursting sector,the company developed a ‘continuouspull’ rod winch with the capacity to winch35 tonnes at speeds of up to 10 metresper minute. Whereas normal rod winchesare reciprocal and require the hydraulicsto be reset at the end of each stroke, thenew winch has a pair of pulling jaws andhydraulic cylinders which operate so thatas one set is pulling the rod, the second setis resetting for the next pull stroke, allowingcontinuous pulling to be achieved.It is believed that the new winch technologywill enable the M’Boundi projectto be completed within the requiredtime frame.Innovation leads tosuccessful outcomeThe first shipment of equipment left theUK in March 2009, with its arrival onsite inApril. The first installation operation was inMay. The swagelining operations for thepipeline are scheduled to run for approximatelysix months.Managing Director of Pipe EquipmentSpecialists Steve Kent said “The equipmentorder is the largest that we haveever had to fulfil and production of thenecessary rigs and support equipment isrunning to schedule.“Whilst this is a major production andlogistical effort for us, we are very confidentthat we will be making our deliverieson time and on budget for this very importantoil field project in the Republic ofCongo. Our operatives will be available<strong>through</strong>out the project to offer their experienceand technical know-how and theywill be fully supported by our UK staff forthe duration of the works.”ManholerehabilitationCondition assessment of manholes is becomingincreasingly important for the maintenance of undergroundassets. New technologies are making the job easier.EVEN THOUGH MANHOLES can beaccessed simply by removing the cover,assessment of their condition has notreceived much attention up to now. Duringthe last few decades, the inspectionindustry and manufacturers of inspectionequipment have focused mainly on mainlinepipes and laterals. But as manholesform a connection between roads andthe sewage system, they are an importantaccess point for cleaning, CCTV inspection,leak testing and rehabilitation.This gap has now been addressed bythe PANORAMO SI. This camera, shownfor the first time at the IFAT 2008 inGermany, works on the IBAK PANORAMOprinciple and enables comprehensivecondition assessment of manholes.The PANORAMO principleThe IBAK-PANORAMO SI extends theadvantages of the well-known PANORAMOtechnology to manhole inspections. Theresult is a rapid and comprehensive opticalcondition assessment of manholes.The PANORAMO SI uses two highresolutiondigital cameras, each with a185 degree fish eye lens, to take hemisphericalphotos at 5 cm intervals. Thesephotos are transmitted digitally to theinspection van where they are put togetherto form full spherical 360 degree imagesfrom which a complete, genuine, 3D interiorview of the manhole is generated.Short xenon flashes guarantee pin sharpimages, despite a scanning speed of35 cm per second.This provides the user with a full scanof the entire manhole, as a 3D film andan unfolded view. This means that conditionassessment can be separated fromthe actual scanning process and can beFor information on the manhole inspection system, please visit www.ibak.deHave an on-the-spot viewThe comprehensive solution for manhole inspection:the IBAK PANORAMO SI camera gives you a full survey –3 dimensional, high resolution and impressively sharp.In the PANORAMO film you can go to any position in the manholeand view it from all directions, just as if you were really there.Sharper. Faster. More economical.IBAK Helmut Hunger GmbH & Co. KG | Wehdenweg 122 | 24148 Kiel | GermanyTel.: +49 (0) 431 7270-0 | Fax : +49 (0) 431 7270-270 | EMail: info@ibak.deperformed in the office later at any time.The user can manipulate the PANORAMOfile to freely view the manhole, stop atany position and do a 360 degree panand zoom. All objects such as projectinginlets, faulty manhole rings and wallsections can be viewed from all angles.Condition assessment does not have tobe performed at the same time as scanning,but can be done at any later time.Film filesPANORAMO and PANORAMO SIfilms can be passed on with the freePANORAMO Viewer. These films form thebasis for all further processing. The useronly has to go to the manhole again to performrehabilitation work. All previous stepssuch as analysis, evaluation, scheduling ofbuilding, and rehabilitation work are performedusing the PANORAMO film.RELINING TOOLS & TECHNIQUESJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>44090514_trenchless_185x60.indd 115.05.2009 11:03:20 Uhr45

RELINING TOOLS & TECHNIQUESJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Award for asset liner AqualinerAn innovative product that increases the life span of sewers has stamped its mark internationallyand scooped up a global prize after being trialled by Wessex Water in conjunction with the UK baseddeveloper Aqualiner and UK contractor Onsite.THE WATER COMPANY was the first inthe world to trial a new concept of ‘melt inplace’ thermoplastic linings for water andsewerage use, developed by Aqualiner,and assisted them with their research anddevelopment program over two years toreline a number of ageing sewers in theWessex Water region.The water company was so impressedwith early trials that it joined withAqualiner in submitting the productfor an international industry award inpartnership along with contractor OnSite.The ISTT has recognised its potentialby awarding the product first prize in therehabilitation innovation category at itsannual awards ceremony in Toronto.Aqualiner is the first thermoplastic meltin place liner in the world and is differentfrom other products as it quickens thelining process, is more durable and, dueto its strong yet thin composite, optimisessewer capacity.Senior engineer for Wessex Water’scritical sewers team Julian Britton said“Aqualiner has the potential of ensuringsewers built hundreds of years ago willcontinue to provide a service for yearsto come.“We have used Aqualiner on severaloccasions and have been extremelyimpressed with the benefits it will bringto our company and ultimately ourcustomers“It is five times stronger than traditionalliners and it is a sustainable product as itonly takes 12 kilowatt hours of power tocure the lining inside sewers, and after100 years service it could be potentiallyremoved and recycled.“Because there is no longer the needto carry out a series of excavations andthe time it takes to insert the liner isminimal, the impact on our customerswhen carrying out work to sewers usingAqualiner is significantly reduced.”Aqualiner works by being insertedinto a sewer and then heated up toapproximately 200 degrees Celcius.Once in place, the liner is melted andprovides a barrier between flows withinthe sewer and any weaknesses the sewermay have.It is made from polypropylene, aby-product of the petro-chemicalcracking process, which does not giveRepresentatives fromWessex Water, OnSiteand Aqualiner at No-DigToronto 2009 with theirISTT an odour when melted as it does notuse chemical based resins.Mr Britton said “Wessex Water is aforward thinking company always lookingat alternative ways of providing value formoney while at the same time minimisingwhat effect its operations have on theenvironment.“Aqualiner is an innovative productthat has impressed us all and we thinkit will be just a matter of time before it isused by water and sewerage companies<strong>through</strong>out the world.”Dec Downey, non-executive Chairmanat Aqualiner, added “This is just the boostwe need to encourage municipalities andcontractors to review the technology,to explore its full potential and takeadvantage of the trenchless capability ofreinforced thermoplastics.”The team of Aqualiner, OnSite and MrBritton was presented with the award atthe ISTT awards ceremony in Toronto on31 March 2009.It is the second time Wessex Waterhas won the prestigious award. In 2007,Wessex Water secured the award inRome for highlighting another innovativeproduct to the market, which has sinceproved very successful.Bryan Lord, from OnSite, said “Thisunique pipe lining product is one of themost exciting developments to enter theNo-Dig rehabilitation market for years.“Aqualiner’s versatility indicates it maybe installed in potable water pipes, highpressure water mains, sewer rising mains<strong>through</strong> to standard gravity fed sewers.“A truly diverse pipe lining product thatwill offer customers a new, quick, longterm solution to deteriorating pipelinesno matter what their usage and from acommercial point of view will open upnew markets and customers to OnSite.”Inspecting large sewersby David Crowder, Gerald Bauer, and Donald YoungCanada's City of Hamilton has a vast network of critical, typically deep and high flowing largediameter sewers that convey flow to sewage treatment plants. A recent pilot project tested a newmultiple sensor robot technology in a large diameter sewer.THE CITY OF Hamilton owns and operatesmore than 85 km of large diameter trunksanitary sewers that traverse the undergroundacross the far reaches of the city,conveying wastewater to the WoodwardAvenue WWTP, located near Lake Ontario.Hamilton’s large interceptors range insize from 900 mm to 3,200 mm in diameterand are located at various depths rangingfrom 10 m to 30 m. The majority of theinterceptors run under heavily populatedareas and/or cross under or run adjacentto highly sensitive, environmentally protectedriver valleys, such as the Red HillCreek.Accurate condition assessment of largediameter, high flowing interceptors remainone of the most significant challenges facingHamilton’s Asset Management Group,who have taken a leading role in managingthe city’s large diameter sewer system.In order to effectively manage these criticalsewers with zero tolerance of failure,detailed and accurate sewer inspectionsare essential. Currently, Hamilton, <strong>through</strong>its large diameter inspection program,enlists with local CCTV contractors whouse specialised camera equipment thatis specifically designed to work in largediameter sewers.However, due to the constant high velocityflows commonly encountered, CCTVcameras tend to move around too much,or the flow is too high for cameras to operateeffectively. In addition to the high flows,sometimes CCTV cameras get boggeddown or stuck due to debris.Hamilton’s Asset Management Grouphas identified the need for more accurateINSPECTION & CONDITION ASSESSMENTJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>4849

INSPECTION & CONDITION ASSESSMENTJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>The MSI Robot is capable of carrying several data sensorsand cameras, while travelling in high flows within a sewer.This technology allows for simultaneous synchronised datacollection in one pass in order to accurately determine theexisting condition within a sewer.MULTIPLE SENSORINSPECTIONThe MSI robot carries severaldata collection tools, including:• CCTV pan/tilt/zoom camera• V-360 camera• Sonar• 3D Laser• H2S Gas sensor• Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU)and reliable data from their large diametersewer inspections, which in turn willallow the company to make more informeddecisions regarding maintenance andrehabilitation planning. To approach thischallenge, the City of Hamilton retainedR.V. Anderson Associates Limited (RVA)to develop a pilot project to determine theeffectiveness of using a multiple sensorinspection (MSI) robot to carry out futureinspections for Hamilton’s large diametersewers.Developing a pilot projectThe Asset Management Group identifiedthe Fennell Avenue Sanitary Interceptorfor this pilot project. This 90-year oldsewer has never been formally inspected.The sewer was selcted for severalreasons, including:• Its diameter varies from 1,500 mm upto 2,853 x 2,700 mm and the shapechanges from circular to horseshoe.• The sewer is deep with access structureaccess often greater than 15 m ±.• The sewer has a constant highvelocity flow.The city was looking for a sewerinspection technology that is capable ofperforming detailed and accurate inspectionsin large diameter sewers with variousflow conditions, while also being ableto locate any serious defects (such ascracks) that may not be identified duringa traditional inspection. Traditionalinspection technology may not detect deficienciesdue to the insufficient lightingfound in large diameter sewers and/orthe fact that the flows inside these sewersare too high for the conventional largediameter sewer CCTV camera systems tofunction properly.In consultation with the team, it wasagreed to use a relatively new roboticinspection system to carry out a MSI in a1,000 m test section of the Fennell Avenuesanitary sewer.A sewer inspection company out ofPittsburg Pennsylvania, was broughtin under license by D.M. RobichaudAssociates Ltd to perform the multiplesensor inspection for this pilot project.Robotic researchStaff from RVA conducted a desktopreview and contacted referencesregarding the technology and capabilitiesof the robotics. Part of this review involvedassessing what type of multiple sensorinspections were completed, including thelength, diameter and flow depth.Of particular interest were:• Potential access issues for the robot;• Clarity of the CCTV images during theinspection;• How the robot worked around existingobstacles and debris;• How effective the overall MSI technologywas; and• How municipalities were utilising thistechnology for future inspections.Case StudyTwo separate test locations along theFennell Avenue Interceptor were selectedfor the pilot project in order to test thistechnology in various flow conditions anddiffering pipe diameters and shapes.These sections were chosen based oninformation gathered <strong>through</strong> the backgroundreview of the record drawings.The two selected test sections were:1. 400 m long – 1,500 mm diameter concretecircular pipe; and2. 600 m long – 2,700 x 2,850 mm to3,050 x 3,200 mm horseshoe shapedconcrete sewer.As part of the pilot project, the operationalflexibility of the robot was to beassessed. One key reason that the citywas very interested in the system wasfor its ‘one set up’ capability, since therobot can inspect lengths of up to 2 kmfrom one location. This feature is highlybeneficial for areas with remote or difficultaccess, thereby reducing the number ofsetups required, saving time and money,as well as minimising disruptions incongested areas.Test area 1A 1,500 mm diameter portion of theFennell Avenue sewer was chosen forthis inspection. This section has a circularreinforced concrete sanitary sewer with anaverage depth of ±6.2 m. The length at thetest section was 400 m.The inspection was carried out duringdaylight hours to allow for a short demonstrationto city staff on how the robotfunctioned. Staff and other invited guestswere given a brief demonstration andoverview of the MSI robot, then witnessedthe deployment operation. The roboticsteam used its own truck mounted derrickto lift the 300 kg robot <strong>through</strong> the recentlyupsized access structure down to the flowinginvert of 6.2 m.Once the robot was set into the invert,a member of the team was also loweredto the bottom of the access structure toinstall the sensor mast assembly. The MSIrobot used all sensors for this inspection.The technicians then ran <strong>through</strong>a detailed functionality checklist to confirmthat the robot and all sensors wereworking properly.Test section 2Test section 2 was a 2,700 mm x2,858 mm diameter, ‘horseshoe shape’concrete section of the Fennell Avenue sanitarysewer, located beneath a busy arterialroad in a congested residential area.Therefore, staff requested that theMSI inspection be completed at nightto minimise disturbance to traffic andsurrounding residences. A traffic managementplan was prepared by the contractorto temporarily divert traffic, as the inspectionaccess structure was situated near thecentre of the road.The depth of the access structure fromthe road was ±16 m. Upsizing and ladderrung/safety grate removal were carried outprior to the inspection.Once the robot began moving downthe sewer, it was apparent that there wasinadequate lighting to illuminate the horseshoeshaped sewer tunnel, which resultedin dark images from the V-360 panoramiccamera.Prior to this inspection, the crew installeda new version of the camera, which hadpreviously only been tested in smallerdiameter sewers. Additionally, some of theexternal lights had not been installed. Theteam made adjustments to the lighting byincreasing the power and further adjustmentsto the aperture on the panoramiccamera.Due to the low flow, the sonar sensordid not function effectively, as mostthe inspection was above the waterline.Initially, this was thought to be a concern.However, it was pointed out that the lowerflows allowed for a better 3D laser scanacross the entire pipe cross-section, downto a longitudinal construction joint, which –during a high flow – would not have beenvisible.Effective uses of dataSoon after the MSI inspection had beencompleted, the robotics crew carried outa comprehensive review and examinationof the raw data from all sensors.Reports were then completed and thelarge amounts of data were delivered tothe owner via a portable hard drive.One of the interesting challenges thatfaces the City of Hamilton, or any othermunicipality, is how to effectively integrateand manage this data into theirsewer management framework. It shouldbe noted that the amount of data is notnecessarily important; it is the combinationof different data from each sensor andaccuracy of the collected data that willassist the city to formulate more comprehensivedecisions in the future.For example, the combined data frommultiple sensors allow for accurate determinationof debris locations. This, in turn,would allow the city to direct sewer cleaningoperations to those specific locationsas opposed to cleaning the entire sewer,saving significant time and money.BenefitsIt was determined that the benefits outweighedthe limitations in using this MSIrobot to carry out condition assessmentinspections for large diameter sewers.• The robot is capable of inspectingdeep, remote, high flowing sewers thatcould have never been inspected inthe past without a by-pass, which isexpensive.• The sewer videos were very stable withclear images, which allow the reviewerto make better assessments of the deficiencieswithin the sewer.• The robot has the ability to perform continuous,long duration inspections up to2 km in length from one access structure.This feature is particularly usefulfor remote locations (such as deep valleys)where it is very difficult to bring intrucks and equipment, especially if theareas are environmentally protected.• The multiple sensor platform allows formore data to be captured during aninspection. This eliminates the need formultiple inspections (reducing futurecost and effort) and allows municipalitiesto make better decisions since theywill have more diverse and accuratedata from different technologies.LimitationsDue to the size of the robot, existingaccess structure frames and covers mayneed to be upsized. Ladder rungs andlandings may also need to be removedprior to carrying out an inspection. Thiscan be costly if access structures arelocated in roads with concrete bases.The cost is generally higher than a traditionallarge diameter sewer inspection.However, this cost is offset by eliminatingthe need for multiple inspections.Sensors are very sensitive and canbreak down during an inspection. If so,they may need to be sent in from theUSA, which can cause delays duringinspections. Currently, there are only twoMSI robots in existence, so availabilityis limited. Careful planning is thereforeessential.ConclusionThe pilot project demonstrated thatusing an MSI robot to simultaneously collectmultiple types of data from withina large diameter sewer is an effectiveinspection tool. This is due to its ability tonavigate <strong>through</strong> all types of sewer flowsin a stable manner, using multiple sensorsto gather data.The valuable sewer data that is gatheredcan assist asset managers in establishingaccurate baselines for future inspections,and identify potential problems to a municipality,thereby reducing risk of failure.This article is an edited version of a paper entitled“Determining the effectiveness of using a multiplesensor (MSI) robot for large diameter sewer inspections,”by David Crowder and Gerald Bauer; RVAnderson Associates and Donald Young; City ofHamilton, Ontario, presented at No-Dig Toronto 2009.Please refer to the paper for more detailed information,references and acknowledgments.INSPECTION & CONDITION ASSESSMENTJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>5051

REGIONAL FOCUS: UKRAINEJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Burstingrecords inUkraineIn line with the most optimisticforecasts of Ukrainian experts,the introduction of <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology into nationalpractices of construction andrepair of underground networksis gaining momentum.RECONSTRUCTION OF A 700 mm diametersteel sewer pipeline in Zaporozhieby the city utility company Gorvodokanalis one project contributing to the increasingpopularity of trenchless techniques inUkraine.At the beginning of 2009, the companywas faced with a challenge to replacea 1,225 metre pipeline. Difficult as itappeared, the task was aggravated byadditional complications. During its lifetimethe inner diameter of the pipe hadaccumulated a thick layer of hard sedimentsand, as a result, the pipe crosssection and its carrying capacity werereduced considerably. A further challengewas posed by the fact that some sectionsof the pipe happened to be encrusted withconcrete as a consequence of numerousemergency repairs. In addition, the pipelinewas buried quite deep in the ground,with some its sections at depths of up to4 m. It is hard to imagine what the scaleof material and labour costs would havebeen if the contractor had used the traditionalopen cut method: the excavationat such depth and length would haveundoubtedly created a lot of problems forthe one million citizens of the city.The job was performed by fitting andconstruction company MSK, who in thefield of trenchless construction and repairof underground networks. For the job,the contractor used a HammerHeadHydroBurst 125, one of the most powerfulstatic bursting machines manufacturedby the USA-based Earth Tool Company(ETC).The old 700 mm diameter steel pipewas replaced with a new 710 mm diameterPE pipe, increasing the output capacity ofthe sewer. The job was performed byusing a step-by-step approach, with thenew utility installed in segments of 75,200, 150, 300, 200 and 300 m. MSK finishedthe job in only three weeks.The accomplishment of the describedproject, quite important for the city ofZaporozhie and original for Ukraine ingeneral would not have deserved attentionThis job was thefirst renovation of alarge diameter steelpipe carried outwith a HammerHeadmachine – anational record.of the international trenchless communitybut for the following detail – the replacementof the 700 mm diameter steel pipewas performed using the HammerheadHydroBurst 125. The machine has adeclared parameter for the renovationof pipes of diameters between 150 and500 mm.The question is how it was possible toachieve this and whether the contractorwas taking any risk when using thismachine for the renovation of a steel pipeof a larger diameter than envisaged bythe machine characteristics. The answeris a definite ‘no’, as the contractor hadmodernised the cutting tools, while theETC equipment had once again provedthat the declared margin of safety is not amere declaration.This diameter is a record for theHammerHead HydroBurst 125. Thisjob was the first renovation of a largediameter steel pipe carried out witha HammerHead machine – a nationalrecord.Olga Martynyuk and formerISTT Chairman Ray Sterling.Evolution of UAMTTUkrainian Association Modern<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology (UAMTT) wasfounded in Odessa in April 2004. Severalcompanies recognised the benefits of<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology and sought tocombine their efforts to promote theNo-Dig technique.The focus of UAMTT includes:• Research and development in thefield of <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology• Promotion of <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology• Education in <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology<strong>Trenchless</strong> textThe UAMTT publishes a bulletinNo-Dig News, distributed to members.The publication of the first nationalmanual Machines for installationof trenchless communications hasbecome important for members. Itwas issued by Kharkov RegionalCo-ordination Council on issues ofgas supply, with the support of theUAMTT expert panel. The manualcontains a description of methods,equipment, material and other usefulinformation.<strong>International</strong> connectionsThe UAMTT said that the most importantevent for the UAMTT was joiningthe ISTT during the 26th <strong>International</strong>No-Dig in Moscow. The UkrainianAssociation recognises its responsibilityas a member of the ISTT andregards its membership in the internationalsociety as a new stimulusfor further development of <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology in the Ukraine.Using trenchless inthe Ukraineby Olga MartynyukThe membership base includes constructioncompanies from differentareas of the Ukraine with experiencein <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology, a Ukrainianmanufacturer of trenchless equipment;Odessa Construction and FinishingMachinery Plant, the DashukovskBentonites corporation and representativesof two universities. In 2009 theassociation was joined by the ResearchInstitute of Construction Production (Kiev),a part of the State Construction Ministry ofUkraine. Together the two organisationsplan to co-operate in perfecting the existingtechnical normative documentation forunderground construction.<strong>Trenchless</strong> talkThe annual conference organisedby the Association has become animportant event for trenchless technologistsin the Ukraine, picturedbelow. The UAMTT also holdsjoint seminars with city authoritiesand sponsors TV programs about<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology.Members take part in nationalconferences, advocating the use oftrenchless techniques. A successfulexample of this in 2008 was areport on modern technologies ofunderground construction and thedetermination of labour costs. Thisinteresting paper became a startingpoint for a detailed discussion of thelabour costs estimation in workingout budgets for projects. The UAMTTsaid this issue is of great importancefor Ukraine, as the existing normativebases do not take into considerationthe use of new technologies andmodern equipment used in trenchlessconstruction and reconstruction.Inform the international trenchless community of your Society’snews and events, email news@trenchlessinternational.comREGIONAL FOCUS: UKRAINEJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>5253

Rehabilitating theRivelin water supply systemCONFERENCESJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Sewage Works Exhibition 09In July Tokyo is hosting one of the region’s best-regarded exhibitions of the latest technology andproducts in the field of sewage works.SEWAGE WORKS EXHIBITION 09 is tobe held at Tokyo Big Sight from Tuesday28 July to Friday 31 July.The objective of the exhibition is tointroduce the newest technologies andproducts in a wide range of sewageworks fields such as surveying, designworks, civil engineering and construction,sewers and equipment, machineryand electricity, and operation and maintenance.The exhibited products and technologieshave been researched and developedby the members of the Japan SewageWorks Association (JSWA). The membersare comprised of both government andcorporate organisations involved in theplanning and implementation of sewageworks in Japan.The JSWA will host the event, which isalso endorsed by a range of governmentagencies. The supporters include Japan’sSIWW set to make a splashMinistry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportand Tourism, Ministry of the Environment,Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,Tokyo Metropolitan Government and theJapan Sewage Works Agency.Entrance is free and, with over 300exhibitors, this is an event not to bemissed. Visit the dynamic city of Tokyoand discover all the latest sewage productsand technologies.Singapore <strong>International</strong> Water Week 2009, aptly themed Sustainable Cities – Infrastructure andTechnologies for Water, is to be held at the Suntec Singapore <strong>International</strong> Convention andExhibition Centre from 22-26 June 2009.THE EVENT AIMS to help organisationsachieve long term benefits andto help overcome tough challenges inuncertain times by providing soundprofessional advice and clear businessdirection from various marketsegments.Close to 10,000 delegates and tradevisitors are expected at the event,bringing together policy makers, industryleaders, experts and practitioners.The event’s flagship programs comprise:• Water Leaders Summit;• Water Convention;• Water Expo;• Business Forums; and• Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize.With gross exhibition space of12,000 sq m and an array of countrypavilions, Water Expo 2009 promises tobe filled with water innovations, productsand services from all over the world.A new attraction in 2009 will bethe Buyer’s Pavilion. The pavilion isdesigned to enable buyers of watertechnology and infrastructure – includingregional water and public utilityagencies – to share their needs with theexhibitors, discuss business opportunitiesand build relationships.SIWW delegates and trade visitors tothe Water Expo will enjoy free access tothe Business Forums. This year NorthAmerica and North Africa will also berepresented at the forum.Register now on the SIWW website contact Monica Lim Managing Director Michael Tohsaid “There has been a great amountof interest in North America and NorthAfrica. With their inclusion, the Businessforums now cover a large portion of theworld’s key water markets, giving tradevisitors firsthand insights into the currentneeds and opportunities in thesemarkets.”More than 8,500 delegates and tradevisitors from 79 countries gathered atthe inaugural Water Week in June 2008,with foreign participants making up70 per cent of the total attendance.In addition, total deals exceeding$US270 million were sealed during theweek.Yorkshire Water together with the DWI (Drinking Water Inspectorate) will improve the quality ofdrinking water to customers supplied from the Rivelin water supply system in the southwest area ofSheffield, near Manchester, England.IN TOTAL, THE Rivelin system suppliesapproximately 319,000 customers andcomprises almost 80 km of large diameterpipe-work, ranging from 12 to 27 inchesin diameter. Ian Johnson, with 33 yearsexperience at Yorkshire Water, will headthe £11 million project.The problemA 20 km, 12 inch diameter unlinedcast iron section of the pipeline waslaid in the early 1900s and subsequentlyin situ lined with cement in the mid 1950s.Quality assurance processes and proceduresin the 1950s were nowhere near asrobust or stringent as today’s highly regulatedmethods. This led to extremely poorcement lining being applied to the pipe.Today, many if not all of our existingrelining techniques involve the materialbeing ‘sprayed’ onto the pipe wall by aspinning lining head. In the 1950s thetechnique involved pumping large volumesof cement into the pipe and pullinga cone shaped ‘bung’ <strong>through</strong> the pipewhich, in theory, would spread the cementonto the internal pipe wall surface anddisplace the remainder of the cement fromthe length of pipe being lined.The result of this 1950s process on theRivelin water supply system resulted in apipe with little or no lining on the top sectionsof the pipe, but rather ‘slumps’ ofcement at the bottom of the pipe. These‘slumps’ typically range from 100 mmto 250 mm in height and are extremelydense, well mixed cement.To overcome the problem, Mr Johnson’simmediate thoughts turned to developinga sliplining solution. This was soon discardedsince the pipe needs to retain asmuch carrying capacity as possible as itwill be required to supply large demandsto the west of Sheffield when future sectionsof pipeline are de-commissioned forrehabilitation.Existing technologiesand processesYorkshire Water's existing mains cleaningtechnologies are not able to removethe material and had to look for otheralternatives. The team recognised veryearly on that if they were unable to find analternative cleaning method they would befaced with the probability that the whole20 km section would have to be renewedusing a very costly and disruptive opencut technique.The team embarked upon a journey toidentify options and processes that wouldremove the cement from the pipe withoutadversely affecting the structure of thepipe, which could result in increasedleakage levels across the Rivelin watersupply system.Various drag scraping and jettingtechniques were trialled but proved unsuccessful.Eventually, Mr Johnson discussedthe issue with a team of hydro-demolitionexperts to see if they could help provide asolution to the problem. Hydro-demolitionis a process that involves extremelyhigh pressured water being applied todestroy and/or demolish materials suchas concrete structures. Following initialdiscussions, trials began and they workedtogether to obtain an optimum level ofcleaning that would remove the cementand leave the pipe intact to enable applicationof a polymeric (Pu) lining to thepipe.The solutionAfter several weeks of trials theteam established that pressure of12,500 psi would be effective at removingthe cement. Pressures in excess of17,000 psi started to cut the cast ironpipe and would have led to future structuraland leakage problems. Productionrates onsite are comparable with thosethat would be expected from similarsized pipe with typical iron tuberculationand manganese deposition using traditionalmains cleaning techniques. Todate, the team has completed almost 6km of relining work and is on program tocomplete the whole 20 km section by theend of December 2009.Customer service andcompletion datesMr Johnson said “It would be nice ifwe didn’t have to dig any holes at all.Unfortunately we do. By doing this itmeans we don’t have to dig as many.”Without the hydro-demolition process,the Yorkshire Water team would havehad to renew 20 km of 12 inch diametercast iron pipe across the southwest ofSheffield. This technique is extremely disruptiveto customers and traffic users andwould have resulted in failure to not meetthe agreed Regulatory DWI completiondate for this phase of work, which is set at31 December 2009.WATERJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>5455

Crossing the CapeFear Riverby Paul Headland, Jim Flechtner, & Dick ConollyThe Cape Fear River Crossing project has replaced a 30 inch rawwater transmission main beneath the Cape Fear River northwestof Wilmington, North Carolina.WATERJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>CONSTRUCTED IN THE mid-1940s, theexisting raw water transmission mainwas at risk of failure due to river bedscour, and in urgent need of replacement.To ensure adequate water supplyfor 60,000 domestic and commercialcustomers during the peak season, theexisting transmission main needed to bereplaced by 1 May 2009. In September2008, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority(CFPUA) secured the engineering servicesof Black & Veatch, declaring theproject an emergency to expedite theconstruction process.The replacement crossing site lieswithin the Tidewater physiographic subdivisionof the Coastal Plain Province inthe Cape Fear River Valley. Comparedto other rivers in North Carolina, theCape Fear is a relatively fast flowingriver originating from headwaters in theBlue Ridge, thus carrying greater dischargethan rivers that drain only theCoastal Plain. The three geological unitsencountered at the project site are theRiver Valley Alluvium (tidal marsh peat,organic silts, gravelly sand, and clay),Coastal Plain Deposits (clean sands),and the Pee Dee Formation (silty sands,sandy silts, and sandstone). The PeeDee is a productive aquifer supplyingmuch of the groundwater supply to theBrunswick and New Hanover counties.Artesian conditions are known to exist inthese strata.Design of the horizontal directionaldrilling (HDD) bore profile was completedusing Drill Path software and asecondary check performed in accordancewith the guidelines presented inASTM F 1962-05 ‘Use of maxi-horizontaldirectional drilling for placementof polyethylene pipe or conduit underobstacles, including river crossings’.Calculations were performed by thedesign team to evaluate the HDD verticalalignment including maximum pullbackforce, maximum pullback stress, allowableexternal pressure on pipe, andlimiting mud pressures.The installed carrier pipe was HDPE,with a DR11 (160 psi) pressure rating,inside diameter of 30.919 inches, outsidediameter of 38.30 inches, and a wallthickness of 3.482 inches. The HDDThe sequence of construction included:• Mobilisation;• Fusion of HDPE carrier pipe on the west side;• Carrier pipe pressure testing – pre-pullback;• Set up Mears 140 HDD drill rig and on the west side;• Construction of a working area in the tidal marsh on the east side;• Construction of a cofferdam on the east side for the exit pit;• Set up Mears 330 HDD drill rig on the east side;• A pilot hole with 9.875 inch rock-bit (nominal 12-inch diameter) fromthe west side;• Push/forward ream 48 inch diameter for 390 feet proceeding west toeast – progress halted and drill bit removed – significant bit damageobserved;• Push/forward ream 30 inch diameter for 817 feet proceeding West toEast – progress halted due to drill rod break – pipe string removed;• Redrill the pilot hole with 9.875 inch rock bit (nominal 12 inchdiameter) from the west side;• Push/forward ream 30 inch diameter for 2,415 feet (soil reaming bit)proceeding west to east;• Push/forward ream 55 inch diameter for 2,300 feet (soil reaming bit)proceeding west to east;• Install 100 feet of 12 inch diameter steel casing (for frac-out mitigationand fluid pressure release) at east side;• Push/forward ream 42 inch diameter hole (rock roller bit) for 2,415feet proceeding west to east;• Pull back the carrier pipe from west to east using 42 inch reamer headat the head of the pipe pullback assembly;• Carrier pipe leakage and pressure testing – post pullback;• Connections at east and west sides; and• Demobilisation.bore, as designed, had a entry angleof 11 degrees (pipe entry), exit angleof 8 degrees (pipe exit), radiusof curvature of 1850 feet, maximumdepth of cover of 91 feet, total horizontaldistance of 2,415 feet, and a minimumdepth beneath the Cape Fear River of54 feet.The project design started in mid-September 2008 with a geotechnicalinvestigation taking place between 23October and 6 November 2008. TheRequest for Proposal was issued on20 November 2008, a Pre-Bid Meeting on24 November 2008, and bids received on9 December 2008. The project wasawarded to Paul Howard ConstructionCompany, Inc. (Greensboro, NorthCarolina) with Mears Group, Inc.(Houston, Texas) as the HDD subcontractorwith a bid price of $US3,276,477.Mears Group Inc., the HDD contractor,mobilised on 5 February 2009 andthe carrier pipe pullback was completedon 15 April 2009. The entire projectfrom design <strong>through</strong> to HDD completiontook approximately seven months.The project was substantially completebefore the peak demand season.The scope of work included installationof 2,415 feet of HDPE pipeline andconnections to the existing raw watertransmission main using ductile ironpipe. The entry hole was located onthe west side of the river on land, withthe exit hole located on the east side ofthe river, in an environmentally sensitivetidal marsh consisting of soft yieldingsaturated sands that was peat inundatedtwice a day at high tide.Major equipment onsite during constructionincluded a Mears 140 HDDdrill rig with a pulling capacity of140,000 lbs, a Mears 330 HDD drillrig with pulling capacity 330,000 lbs;and a MCS 4310 mud mixing, cleaning,and pumping unit with a flow rate555 gpm, holding capacity 1,000 gallons.Prime Horizontal’s ParaTrack steeringsystem was used for guidance controlduring construction of the pilot hole. Otherequipment onsite included drill pipe,downhole tools, centrifugal pumps,hydraulic pumps, frac tanks, guidancetrailers, and tool vans.Due to Coastal Area ManagementAct (CAMA) permit requirements, nomud processing could be performedin the tidal area at the east end of thealignment. Drilling fluids were pumped<strong>through</strong> a drill pipe inside the carrier pipeback to the west side for recycling via theMCS during pullback. All equipment andmaterials required for construction on theeast side were delivered via barges.Teamwork ensures successThis project was different from manyother HDD projects. Strict environmentalcontrols and regulatory agencyoversight influenced all aspects of thedesign and construction processes.Innovative construction techniques wereapplied including the operation of tworigs working in tandem, state-of-the-artmud mixing and mud recovery operationsincluding a mud recovery systeminside the 38 inch HDPE carrier pipestring, and performance of all carrierpipe layout and fusion, HDD drillingoperations, and mud operations confinedto the west side of the alignment.Site access was also an issue, withconstruction on tidal and soft marsh landrequiring subgrade preparation to meetstringent environmental and engineeringrequirements that included the use ofgeotextile, geogrid, and multiple layersof wooden mats to facilitate mobilisationand operation of the HDD drill rig, craneand other specialised equipment for cofferdamand HDD construction on groundwith little or no engineering value.The timing of the project meant thatTHIS PROJECT WASDIFFERENT FROM MANYOTHER HDD PROJECTS.STRICT ENVIRONMENTALCONTROLS AND REGULATORYAGENCY OVERSIGHTINFLUENCED ALL ASPECTSOF THE DESIGN ANDCONSTRUCTION PROCESS.INNOVATIVE CONSTRUCTIONTECHNIQUES WERE APPLIED.from the preliminary engineering/feasibilitystudy to construction the job wascompleted within seven months.A key component in achieving successon the fast track project was theinformed knowledge of the owner. CFPUAhad a good understanding of the projectconstraints, challenges, and constructiontechniques, which resulted in rapid decisionmaking.The full-time involvement of designerBlack & Veatch as onsite observers duringconstruction, helped ensure all schedule,technical and regulatory requirementswere followed, and that information wasquickly communicated among the contractor,designer and owner.The tight schedule and environmentalconstraints mandated close co-operationat all times between the owner, thedesigner, the contractor, and the HDDsubcontractor. Ultimately the project wassuccessful and CFPUA customers canagain rely on a secure water supplysystem.Co-authored by Paul Headland andDick Conolly – Black & Veatch andJim Fiechtner – CFPUAWATERJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>5657

SPECIAL FEATUREJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Pipe and ConduitPart two – rehabilitation and repairThe trenchless industry has developed a range of rehabilitation and repair options for failed pipes.Innovative trenchless options will minimise disruption and provide long term solutions for variousmodes of failure.THROUGHOUT HISTORY, VARIOUSmethods and pipe materials have beenused to install underground utilities forthe transmission of essential services andutilities. Part two of the pipe and conduitfeature focuses on the specific modes offailure of different pipe material.Why pipe failsThe reasons for pipeline failure includeerroneous design, inappropriate pipematerial selection, manufacturing defects,poor installation, excessive loads, longterm degradation caused by interactionwith the environment, and third partydamage.Erroneous designCorrect design assumptions may bebased on the depth of cover and soil type,height of water table, traffic loads, andsurge and vacuum loads.Pipe selectionA failure can be caused by an incorrectchoice in pipe. Both pipe strength andpipe material are integral to the successof the project.Specification, manufacturing andinstallation issuesThe specification, manufacturing andinstallation of the components of theproject will contribute to the longevity ofthe system.Inadequate product specification, qualityassurance and testing regimes can alllead to inappropriate product selection forthe particularities of the job.Undetected manufacturing flaws will ofcourse affect the ability of the product toperform as promised or expected.Incorrect installation and handling of thepiping material will have a catastrophicaffect on the ability of the final pipe networkto behave as expected. Poor installationcan be characterised as excessive trenchwidth, inadequate backfill compaction,wrong type of backfill and incorrect pipebed-point loads. Poor joining techniquessuch as inadequate butt fusion of PE orPVC pipes and the wrong positioning offlexible joint components will also affectthe design life.Site effects and long termdegradationChanges in site effects and environmentwill affect the long term degradation ofthe pipe material. A change in site conditionsafter installation may lead to systemoverloads. Other changes that could leadto long term degradation include unexpectedsurge or vacuum effects, changeof the corrosion potential in the liquidbeing transported and the external andinternal corrosion of metallic pipes.Related site effects may be the failureof corrosion protection systems, the attackon cement based products by acid watersor soils and frost and related thermaleffects.Cast iron, ductile iron andsteel pipePit and spun comprise approximately48 per cent of European Union andUnited States distribution networks. Theproduction of pit cast iron started in the1850s and continued until the 1940swhen it was replaced by spun cast iron.Spun cast iron was produced until the1960s when it was replaced by ductileiron. <strong>Trenchless</strong> expert and Chairman ofthe ISTT Dec Downey said that “all threecategories are failing.”Cast iron, ductile iron and steel pipeare all subject to pitting, localised wallthinning and general wall thinning. Castiron pipe is relatively brittle and is moresusceptible to fracture. Ductile iron andsteel pipe are more ductile and commonlyfail by wall penetration and thesubsequent growth and coalescence ofthe corrosion pits.Internal corrosion of unprotected castand ductile iron and steel pipe• Contamination of water by corrosionproducts causing drinking watercompliance and aesthetic problems,such as red water.• Reduction of pipe bore by corrosionproduct deposits, known as tuberculation,causing flow and pressureproblems.• Pinholing, wall thinning and graphitisation(selective removal of ironleaving a weaker carbon flake structure)cause structural weakening,bursts and transverse fractures.External corrosion of protected ductileiron and steel pipe• Local damage to external corrosionprotection or failure of cathodic protectionsystem.• Local wall thinning leading to perforationand leakage – may enhancecorrosion rate and wash away thebedding, increasing the risk of transversestructural failure• General wall thinning leading totransverse and longitudinal structuralfailures or bursts• Enhance susceptibility to combinedeffects of corrosion and stress.Method of failure - cast ironThe modes of failure of cast iron pipeincludes a reduction in wall thicknesswith pitting, graphitisation, and inabilityto support the imposed loads. In smalldiameters circumferential, cracking iscommon while in larger diameters longitudinalsplitting is more common.Method of failure - ductile ironMany early pipes have no externalprotection. Modern pipe is now suppliedwith internal cement or epoxylining. Ductile iron is subject to externalcorrosion often associated with failureof external protection systems such aspipe wrapping. The material is up to 25per cent thinner than cast iron, thereforeit depends more on internal and externalprotection for longevity. The most commonmode of failure is the growth of pitsuntil the wall is penetrated, high pressureleaks then accelerate the corrosion.Method of failure – steel pipeSteel pipe is most commonly used intransmission mains with limited use indistribution networks. This material issubject to external and/or internal corrosiondepending on the type of protectionused. The modes of failure are similar tothose related to ductile iron.Cement based pipeMethod of failure – asbestosconcrete pipeAsbestos cement was widely used untilhealth precautions impacted manufactureand installation of asbestos pipe. Thispipe material displays generally goodperformance, with low burst rates, exceptin soft and aggressive soils. The mostcommon failure mode is progressive softeningand swelling until a sudden burst.Asbestos concrete pipe can also corrodeinside and out and may be subject to jointfailures.The softening of cement in ‘acidic’water releases asbestos particles, whichcan cause turbidity problems, customerconcern over potential consequences ofingesting fibres, wall thinning that maylead to local perforation, leakage and ultimatelytransverse or longitudinal structuralfailure. Finally, groundwater may attackthe external surface.Method of failure – unreinforcedconcrete pipeUnreinforced concrete pipes canexperience external carbonation and/orcorrosion from ‘acid’ soils, leading tostructural failure. Internal corrosion maybe caused by acid or soft water.Method of failure – reinforcedconcrete pipeSteel reinforced pipe can experiencecorrosion of steel due to the loss ofconcrete cover or from chloride/sulphateattack.Prestressed concrete pipe may fail dueto the corrosion of the steel cylinder, thecorrosion of the prestressing wire or theembrittlement of the wire from hydrogen.All these situations can lead to structuralfailure.Method of failure – plastic pipesThere are not yet any known, long termcorrosion mechanisms for plastic pipe.Most problems are caused by poor bedding,poor installation or poor jointing.There could be structural problems inolder uPVC pipes because the original pipeformulation proved susceptible to crackinitiation at local stress concentrations,followed by fast brittle fracture propagation<strong>through</strong> ‘glued’ joints. Changes informulation and jointing practice have nowmitigated this problem.ConclusionThe relative strengths and weaknessesof different pipe materials need to be takeninto account when installing or repairing apipeline. In order to ensure the networkhas a long life, installation technique isalso a very important factor to consider.ISTT Chairman Dec Downeyvisited Australia and NewZealand in September 2008 toconduct the successful seriesof ASTT <strong>Trenchless</strong> Roadshowsin conjunction with JasonConsultants and Great SouthernPress. This article has beencomplied from a component ofDr Downey’s presentation.SPECIAL FEATUREJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>5859

Double honoursfor Ray SterlingAbout ISTT/MembershipThe ISTT is the umbrella organisation for trenchless technologists in over 40countries of the world. In 22 countries groups of trenchless technologists havetheir own national groups which are affiliated while the remainder are registereddirectly with the ISTT.SPECIAL FEATUREJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>RAY STERLING HAS been awardedthe NASTT Chairman’s Award forOutstanding Lifetime Service and theISTT Gold Medal.The Gold Medal is awarded, whenappropriate, to individuals who aredeemed to have made an outstandingand exceptional individual contributionto <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology. The award isgiven rarely – previously only four timesso far in the ISTT's 23-year <strong>history</strong> – relatingspecifically to individual contributionsjudged to have met ‘outstanding’ and‘exceptional’ criteria.In presenting the medal, ISTT ChairmanDec Downey described Dr Sterling’smany accomplishments and attributesthat made him worthy of this specialrecognition.Dr Downey said “As Chair of ISTT Ray’sinnovative streak and great diplomacyresulted in a fundamental restructuring ofthe way ISTT conducted its business anda significant expansion in membershipparticipation in the Society’s decisionmaking.“During his tenure as Vice-Chair andChair of ISTT, Ray served as the unofficialambassador of ISTT visiting justabout every member society at leastonce. Since he stepped down as Chair,Ray has been ever generous with his timeand always on hand available to guidehis successors <strong>through</strong> the more trickymoments in [our] unfolding <strong>history</strong>.”At the <strong>International</strong> No-Dig Show 2009 in Toronto, ISTT andNASTT recognised a number of individuals and companies fortheir contributions and achievements for the societies and thetrenchless industry. Both organisations agreed on one exceptionaltrenchless individual worthy of the highest honours.ISTT Chairman Dec Downey presenting Ray Sterling with the ISTT Gold Medal.Dr Sterling has been a tireless champion of <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology. He has been a pillar of the industry.Dr Sterling told <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>that although most of his career has beenin underground construction, in the past14 years he has focused on trenchlesstechniques. He said he was extremelyhonoured to receive both prestigiousawards.Dr Sterling is a past Chairman of theISTT and NASTT. He has authored hundredsof books and papers and hasheld the position of CETF Professor ofCivil Engineering and Director of the<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology Centre (TTC) atLouisiana Tech University since 1995.The TTC is a centre of excellence in theCollege of Engineering Science, actingas a catalyst for education and researchactivities in the area of <strong>Trenchless</strong>Technology across the college. For thepast decade, Dr Sterling has served asa senior editor of the international journalTunnelling and Underground SpaceTechnology.Apart from <strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology, DrSterling’s areas of specialisation includeunderground construction, utilisation ofunderground space, geomechanics andbuilding science and energy efficiency.In presenting the NASTT Chairman’sAward for Outstanding Lifetime Service,NASTT Chairman Chris Brahler said“Ray has been a tireless champion of<strong>Trenchless</strong> Technology. He has been a pillarof the industry. Ray has been involvedin one way or another over the years inso many trenchless events and has reallybeen instrumental in shaping the trenchlessindustry as we know it today.”ISTT Membership/DirectoryPlease complete the following form.Please note: Entry in the ISTT Directory is free to CorporateMembersbut only if the Industry Sector is completed.Alternatively, you can fill in this form online at TYPECorporate MembershipCOMPANY DETAILSCompany/Organisation Name:Name of Affiliate:Please write ISTT if there is not an ISTT Affiliate in your country.CONTACT DETAILSTitle:First Name:Position:Department:Address:City:State/County:Zip/Postal Code:Country:Telephone:Email:Website:<strong>Trenchless</strong> technology covers the repair, maintenance, upgrade and newinstallation of underground utility services using equipment and techniqueswhich avoid or considerably reduce the need for excavation. The ISTT promotesresearch, training and the more extensive use of trenchless technology<strong>through</strong> publications, co-operation with other NGOs, an annual internationalconference and an interactive website.<strong>Trenchless</strong> technology is recognised as an Environmentally SustainableTechnology and is particularly suited to use in densely populated urbanareas by reducing disruption to peoples daily lives, social costs (traffic congestion,damage to road surfaces and buildings, air quality), noise and dust.<strong>Trenchless</strong> technologies also have a considerably reduced carbon footprintcompared to trenching in most situations.Ordinary MembershipLast Name:Fax:INDUSTRY SECTORPlease select the industry sector thatbest describes your company, multipleselections can be made. Please check allrelevant boxes.AgentConsultantContractorSite Survey / Inspection /Leakage DetectionOff Line Installation / ReplacementMoling / RammingBoring / Directional DrillingPipe jacking / MicrotunnellingOn Line Replacement -Pipe Bursting / Splitting / EatingRepairsInternal Sleeves / SealsResin InjectionRobotic RepairsRenovationCured in PlaceSliplining (incl. spiral wound)Close Fit LiningSpray LiningLarge diameter Systems(incl. segment lining, in situ liningand manholes)Equipment / Materials Supplier /ManufacturerEquipment RentalPublic Sector / UtilityWater / SewerageGasElectricityTelecomsOtherEducation / Research /Test LaboratoryTHE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGYJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>6061

THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGYJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>Contacts and Addresses of Affiliated SocietiesAATTOsterreichische Vereinigungfur grabenloses Bauen undInstandhalten von Leitungen (OGL)Schubertring 14A-1015 WienAUSTRIATel: +43 1 513 15 88/26Fax: +43 1 513 15 88/25Email: boccioli@oegl.atwww.oegl.atChairman: Robert SelingerMember Secretary: Ute BoccioliInt. Representative: Ute Boccioli( Olga, 422 cj. 97Barra Funda – CEP 0155-040Sao Paulo - SPBRAZILTel: +55 (11) 3822 2084Fax: +55 (11) 3825-2414Email: Paulo DequechMember Secretary: Fábio TesarottoInt. Representative: Sergio Palazzo(Fax: +55 19 3881 3933)ASTT18 Frinton PlaceGreenwoodWA 6024AUSTRALIATel: +61 (0)8 9420 2826Fax: +61 (0)8 9343 5420Email: Trevor GosattiMember Secretary: Jeff PaceInt. Representative: Jeff Pace( Lake VillageKazanlak6100BULGARIATel: +359 2 4901381Fax: +359 431 63776Email: info@batt-bg.orgwww.batt-bg.orgChairman: Mr. Stefan ZhelyazkovMember Secretary: Pavel GruevCHKSTT10/F Hing Lung Commercial Building68-74 Bonham Strand EastHONG KONGFax: +852 81487764Email: info@chkstt.orgwww.chkstt.orgChairman: Ian Vickridge( Chairman: Jon Boon( Representative: Derek Choi( Ray Fung( 3150, 3F., No.3, Beiping W. Rd.,Zhongzheng District,TaipeiTAIWANTel: :+886 2 2312 0709Fax: +886 2 2362 1268Email: Liao, Tsung-ShenGeneral Secretary: Su, Jin-Long( Anita Wu( Representative: Prof. D.H JlangCzSTTBezova 1658/1147 14 Praha 4CZECH REPUBLICTel: +420 244 062 722Fax: +420 244 062 722Email: czstt@czn.czwww.czstt.czChairman: Stanislav Drabek( Secretary: Dr Jiri Kubalek( Representative: Stanislav DrabekFiSTTPl 49300101 HelsinkiFINLANDTel: +358 5 7495091Fax: +358 5 7495010Email: jani.vakeva@kymenvesi.fiwww.fistt.netChairman: Mikko Isakow( Representative: Mikko IsakowMember Secretary: Jani Vakeva(Tel: +358 5 2344757)Secretary: Jani Vakeva( rue des BeaumontsF-94120 Fontenay Sous BoisFRANCETel: +33 1 53 99 90 20Fax: +33 1 53 99 90 29Email: Patrice Dupont (President)Executive Director: Dominique Guillerm( Representative: Jean-Marie Joussin( Secretary: Christian Legaz( Jérôme Aubry( 22D-14055 BerlinGERMANYTel: +49 30 3038 2143Fax: +49 30 3038 2079Email: beyer@gstt.dewww.gstt.deChairman: Prof. Dipl-Ing JensHoelterhoffMember Secretary: Dr Klaus BeyerSecretary: Dr Klaus BeyerInt. Representative: Dr Klaus BeyerIATTVia Ruggero Fiore, 4100136 RomeITALYTel: +39 06 39721997Fax:+39 06 91254325Email: iatt@iatt.itwww.iatt.itChairman: Paolo Trombetti( Secretary: Françoise RoccettiHudebine( Representative: Alessandro Olcese( Feliciano Esposto( Josefa Valcarcel, 8 – 3a PTLA.28027 MadridSPAINTel: +34 91 418 23 44Fax: +34 91 418 23 41Email: ibstt@ibstt.orgwww.ibstt.orgChairman: Alfredo AvelloMember Secretary: Elena Zuniga AlconInt. Representative: Alfredo AvelloJSTT3rd Nishimura BLDG.2-11-18 TomiokaKoto-kuTOKYO, 135-0047JAPANTel: +81 3 5639 9970Fax: +81 3 5639 9975Email: office@jstt.jpwww.jstt.jpChairman: Mr Taigo Matsui( Secretary: Yoshihiko Nojiri( Secretary: Kyoko Kondo( str. 1LT-08200 VilniusLithuaniaTel: +370 5 2622621Fax: +370 5 2617507Email: arturas.abromavicius@sweco.ltChairman: Arturas Abromavicius(President)Member Secretary: A r t u r a sAbromaviciusInt. Representative: A r t u r a sAbromaviciusAlgirdas Budreckas (Chairman of Council)NASTT1655 North Fort Myer Drive Ste 700ArlingtonVirginia 22209USATel: +1 703 351 5252 (US)+1 613 424 3036 (Canada)Fax: +1 613 424 3037(also Membership)Email: info@nastt.orgwww.nastt.orgChairman & <strong>International</strong>Representative: Chris Brahler( Chairman: George RegulaTreasurer: Kaleel RahaimSecretary: Keith Hanks( Director: Mike Willmets( Executive Director:Angela Ghosh( Member: Dr Samuel AriaratnamNSTTPostbus 4832700 AL ZoetermeerTHE NETHERLANDSTel: +31 (0)79 3252265Fax: +31 (0)79 3252294Email: info@nstt.nlwww.nstt.nlwww.nstt.nlChairman: Theo Everaers( Jelle de Boer( Representative:Gerard (Gert) Arends( Kielce 1 skr. Poczt. 1453POLANDTel: +48 41 3622145 (600328459)Email: akulicz@tu.kielce.plwww.pftt.plChairman: Andrzej KuliczkowskiVice Chairman: Benedykt LipczynskiMember Secretary: Anna Parka( Representative: Andrzej KuliczkowskiSecretary: Agata ZwierzchowskaRSTTMoscow area, Odintsovskii region,Marfino, 99, 143025,RUSSIAN FEDERATIONTel: +7 (495) 771 71 00Fax: +7 (495) 771 71 00Email:, robt@co.ruwww.robt.ruChairman: Stanislav KhramenkovMember Secretary: Elena GusenkovaInt. Representative: Andrey SinitsynSASTTPO Box 13048CLUBVIEW0014South AfricaTel: +27 (12) 567 4026Fax: +27 (12) 567 4026 (ask for Fax)Email: Johann WesselsHonorary Director: Joop van WamelenMember Secretary: Joop van WamelenSSTTBox 7072S-174 07 StockholmSwedenTel: +46 8 522 122 90Fax: + 46 8 522 122 02Email: lennart.berglund@stockholmvatten.sewww.sstt-skandinavien.comChairman: Magnar Sekse( Chairman: Gerda Hald( (SSTT): Lennart Berglund( Secretary (Danish):Tina Juul Madsen ( Secretary (Norweigan):Odd Lieng ( Secretary (Swedish): Kjell Frödin( R.Karmen Str.Odessa 65044UKRAINETel: (380 482) 356305Fax: (380 482) 356305Email: Victor ProkopchukESC Member: Olga Martynyuk( Holly WalkLeamington SpaWarwickshireCV32 4LYUKTel: +44 (0)1926 330 935Fax: +44 (0)1926 330 935Email: Steve Kent( 01642 769 789)Member Secretary: Val Chamberlain( 01926 330 935)THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGYJuly 2009 - <strong>Trenchless</strong> <strong>International</strong>6263

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