Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>For a fortnight, the Professor came and went withlover-like regularity. Then he stayed away for three wholedays, and made no sign, a proceeding which causedeverybody to look sober, and Jo to become pensive, atfirst, and then—alas for romance—very cross.‘Disgusted, I dare say, and gone home as suddenly as hecame. It’s nothing tome, of course, but I should think hewould have come and bid us goodbye like a gentleman,’she said to herself, with a despairing look at the gate, as sheput on her things for the customary walk one dullafternoon.‘You’d better take the little umbrella, dear. It looks likerain,’ said her mother, observing that she had on her newbonnet, but not alluding to the fact. ‘Yes, Marmee, doyou want anything in town? I’ve got to run in and getsome paper,’ returned Jo, pulling out the bow under herchin before the glass as an excuse for not looking at hermother.‘Yes, I want some twilled silesia, a paper of numbernine needles, and two yards of narrow lavender ribbon.Have you got your thick boots on, and something warmunder your cloak?’‘I believe so,’ answered Jo absently.821 of 861

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