Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>CHAPTER FORTY-FIVEI cannot feel that I have done my duty as humblehistorian of the March family, without devoting at leastone chapter to the two most precious and importantmembers of it. Daisy and Demi had now arrived at yearsof discretion, for in this fast age babies of three or fourassert their rights, and get them, too, which is more thanmany of their elders do. If there ever were a pair of twinsin danger of being utterly spoiled by adoration, it wasthese prattling Brookes. Of course they were the mostremarkable children ever born, as will be shown when Imention that they walked at eight months, talked fluentlyat twelve months, and at two years they took their placesat table, and behaved with a propriety which charmed allbeholders. At three, Daisy demanded a ‘needler’, andactually made a bag with four stitches in it. She likewiseset up housekeeping in the sideboard, and managed amicroscopic cooking stove with a skill that brought tearsof pride to Hannah’s eyes, while Demi learned his letterswith his grandfather, who invented a new mode ofteaching the alphabet by forming letters with his arms andlegs, thus uniting gymnastics for head and heels. The boy808 of 861

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