Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>with you, even if you had to get your living by rowing onthe lake.’2‘Am I an idiot and a brute? How could I think so,when you refused a richer man for me, and won’t let megive you half I want to now, when I have the right? Girlsdo it every day, poor things, and are taught to think it istheir only salvation, but you had better lessons, andthough I trembled for you at one time, I was notdisappointed, for the daughter was true to the mother’steaching. I told Mamma so yesterday, and she looked asglad and grateful as if I’d given her a check for a million,to be spent in charity. You are not listening to my moralremarks, Mrs. Laurence.’ And Laurie paused, for Amy’seyes had an absent look, though fixed upon his face.‘Yes, I am, and admiring the mple in your chin at thesame time. I don’t wish to make you vain, but I mustconfess that I’m prouder of my handsome husband than ofall his money. Don’t laugh, but your nose is such acomfort to me.’ And Amy softly caressed the well-cutfeature with artistic satisfaction.Laurie had received many compliments in his life, butnever one that suited him better, as he plainly showedthough he did laugh at his wife’s peculiar taste, while shesaid slowly, ‘May I ask you a question, dear?’803 of 861

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