Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>‘Like angels!’‘Yes, of course, but which rules?’‘I don’t mind telling you that she does now, at least Ilet her think so, it pleases her, you know. By-and-by weshall take turns, for marriage, they say, halves one’s rightsand doubles one’s duties.’‘You’ll go on as you begin, and Amy will rule you allthe days of your life.’‘Well, she does it so imperceptibly that I don’t think Ishall mind much. She is the sort of woman who knowshow to rule well. In fact, I rather like it, for she winds oneround her finger as softly and prettily as a skein of silk, andmakes you feel as if she was doing you a favor all thewhile.’‘That ever I should live to see you a henpeckedhusband and enjoying it!’ cried Jo, with uplifted hands.It was good to see Laurie square his shoulders, andsmile with masculine scorn at that insinuation, as hereplied, with his ‘high and mighty’ air, ‘Amy is too wellbredfor that, and I am not the sort of man to submit to it.My wife and I respect ourselves and one another toomuch ever to tyrannize or quarrel.’784 of 861

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