Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>Amy shook her head and opened her sketchbook withan air of resignation, but she had made up her mind tolecture ‘that boy’ and in a minute she began again.‘What are you doing just now?’‘Watching lizards.’‘No, no. I mean what do you intend and wish to do?’‘Smoke a cigarette, if you’ll allow me.’‘How provoking you are! I don’t approve of cigars andI will only allow it on condition that you let me put youinto my sketch. I need a figure.’‘With all the pleasure in life. How will you have me,full length or three-quarters, on my head or my heels? Ishould respectfully suggest a recumbent posture, then putyourself in also and call it ‘Dolce far niente’.’‘Stay as you are, and go to sleep if you like. I intend towork hard,’ said Amy in her most energetic tone.‘What delightful enthusiasm!’ And he leaned against atall urn with an ir of entire satisfaction.‘What would Jo say if she saw you now?’ asked Amyimpatiently, hoping to stir him up by the mention of herstill more energetic sister’s name.‘As usual, ‘Go away, Teddy. I’m busy!’’ He laughed ashe spoke, but the laugh was not natural, and a shade passedover his face, for the utterance of the familiar name709 of 861

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