Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>‘Good evening, Apollo!’ she answered, smiling back athim, for he too looked unusually debonair, and thethought of entering the ballroom on the arm of such apersonable man caused Amy to pity the four plain MissesDavis from the bottom of her heart.‘Here are your flowers. I arranged them myself,remembering that you didn’t like what Hannah calls a‘sot-bookay’, said Laurie, handing her a delicate nosegay,in a holder that she had long coveted as she daily passed itin Cardiglia’s window.‘How kind you are!’ she exclaimed gratefully. ‘If I’dknown you were coming I’d have had something readyfor you today, though not as pretty as this, I’m afraid.’‘Thank you. It isn’t what it should be, but you haveimproved it,’ he added, as she snapped the silver braceleton her wrist.‘Please don’t.’‘I thought you liked that sort of thing.’‘Not from you, it doesn’t sound natural, and I like yourold bluntness better.’‘I’m glad of it,’ he answered, with a look of relief, thenbuttoned her gloves for her, and asked if his tie wasstraight, just as he used to do when they went to partiestogether at home.672 of 861

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