Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>Ah, Jo, instead of wishing that, thank God that ‘Fatherand Mother were particular’. and pity from your heartthose who have no such guardians to hedge them roundwith principles which may seem like prison walls toimpatient youth, but which will prove sure foundations tobuild character upon in womanhood.Jo wrote no more sensational stories, deciding that themoney did not pay for her share of the sensation, butgoing to the other extreme, as is the way with people ofher stamp, she took a course of Mrs. Sherwood, MissEdgeworth, and Hannah More, and then produced a talewhich might have been more properly called an essay or asermon, so intensely moral was it. She had her doubtsabout it from the beginning, for her lively fancy and girlishromance felt as ill at ease in the new style as she wouldhave done masquerading in the stiff and cumbrouscostume of the last century. She sent this didactic gem toseveral markets, but it found no purchaser, and she wasinclined to agree with Mr. Dashwood that morals didn’tsell.Then she tried a child’s story, which she could easilyhave disposed of if she had not been mercenary enough todemand filthy lucre for it. The only person who offeredenough to make it worth her while to try juvenile626 of 861

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