Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>‘Now we shall try a new way. You and I will readthese pleasant little MARCHEN together, and dig nomore in that dry book, that goes in the corner for makingus trouble.’He spoke so kindly, and opened Hans Andersons’s fairytales so invitingly before me, that I was more ashamedthan ever, and went at my lesson in a neck-or-nothingstyle that seemed to amuse him immensely. I forgot mybashfulness, and pegged away (no other word will expressit) with all my might, tumbling over long words,pronouncing according to inspiration of the minute, anddoing my very best. When I finished reading my firstpage, and stopped for breath, he clapped his hands andcried out in his hearty way, ‘Das ist gut!’ Now we go well!My turn. I do him in German, gif me your ear.’ And awayhe went, rumbling out the words with his strong voiceand a relish which was good to see as well as hear.Fortunately the story was the CONSTANT TINSOLDIER, which is droll, you know, so I could laugh,and I did, though I didn’t understand half he read, for Icouldn’t help it, he was so earnest, I so excited, and thewhole thing so comical. After that we got on better, andnow I read my lessons pretty well, for this way of studyingsuits me, and I can see that the grammar gets tucked into600 of 861

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