Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>only came, but stayed, laughing at her nonsense, admiringAmy’s taste, and apparently enjoying themselves verymuch. Laurie and his friends gallantly threw themselvesinto the breach, bought up the bouquets, encampedbefore the table, and made that corner the liveliest spot inthe room. Amy was in her element now, and out ofgratitude, if nothing more, was as spritely and gracious aspossible, coming to the conclusion, about that time, thatvirtue was it’s own reward, after all.Jo behaved herself with exemplary propriety, and whenAmy was happily surrounded by her guard of honor, Jocirculated about the hall, picking up various bits of gossip,which enlightened her upon the subject of the Chesterchange of base. She reproached herself for her share of theill feeling and resolved to exonerate Amy as soon aspossible. She also discovered what Amy had done aboutthe things in the morning, and considered her a model ofmagnanimity. As she passed the art table, she glanced overit for her sister’s things, but saw no sign of them. ‘Tuckedaway out of sight, I dare say,’ thought Jo, who couldforgiver her own wrongs, but hotly resented any insultoffered her family.537 of 861

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